path: root/engine/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
4 dayschore(engine): replace usage of query optionsHampusM
2025-01-22refactor(engine): clarify & add docs to Perspective::to_matrixHampusM
2025-01-22feat(engine): add texture & texture properties buildersHampusM
2025-01-21feat(engine): use blinn-phong lighting instead of phong lightingHampusM
2025-01-21refactor(engine): add GlObjects component later in opengl rendererHampusM
2025-01-20perf(engine): make opengl renderer use Query::iter_with_euidsHampusM
2025-01-19feat(engine): add orthographic projection supportHampusM
2025-01-17feat(engine): replace mesh::cube::create vertex cb with face cbHampusM
2025-01-17fix(engine): correct Vec3 direction constantsHampusM
2025-01-15fix(engine): make Mesh indices produced by Obj::to_mesh usefulHampusM
2025-01-15fix(engine): draw all vertices when not using indexed drawingHampusM
2025-01-14feat(engine): add fns to get mut mesh vertices & indices slicesHampusM
2025-01-14feat(engine): add simple collisionHampusM
2025-01-05chore(engine): make query component tuple type elems referencesHampusM
2024-12-09chore(engine): use ecs lib phasesHampusM
2024-12-08feat(engine): add function returning builder to MaterialHampusM
2024-12-08chore(engine): remove performance monitoring extensionHampusM
2024-11-25refactor(engine): compare key states with == in fly cameraHampusM
2024-11-25feat(engine): add window function to set mouse button callbackHampusM
2024-11-24refactor(engine): remove reexports of glfw crate itemsHampusM
2024-11-24refactor(engine): remove 'debug' crate feature flagHampusM
2024-11-23fix(engine): use texture texture indices as texture unitsHampusM
2024-11-23refactor(engine): make shaders a renderer detailHampusM
2024-11-23refactor(engine): move & improve glsl preprocessingHampusM
2024-11-18refactor(engine): make opengl renderer extension struct non-exhaustiveHampusM
2024-11-11refactor(engine): fix clippy lintsHampusM
2024-11-11chore(engine): use new entity IDsHampusM
2024-10-27feat(engine): add Keys function to get previous key stateHampusM
2024-10-17perf(engine): pre-populate key mapHampusM
2024-10-13feat(engine): add extension logging frame timeHampusM
2024-09-07fix(engine): reexport Key & KeyState in input moduleHampusM
2024-08-24refactor(engine): use C string literals instead of cstr macroHampusM
2024-08-21refactor(engine): fix clippy lintsHampusM
2024-08-21fix(engine): use new name of ComponentToAddedEventHampusM
2024-08-21refactor(engine): make cube vertex indices const variablesHampusM
2024-08-21refactor(engine): use inline const in mesh::cube::createHampusM
2024-08-20feat(engine): make fly camera more flexibleHampusM
2024-08-20refactor(engine): replace Camera current field with Active componentHampusM
2024-08-17refactor(engine): remove position field from Camera componentHampusM
2024-08-16perf(engine): create OpenGL objects as needed instead of each frameHampusM
2024-08-14fix(engine): make Engine::spawn have bound TupleReduce on CompsHampusM
2024-08-13fix(engine): remove emitting startHampusM
2024-08-07refactor(engine): use start event from ecs crateHampusM
2024-08-04feat(engine): add component making a object not be drawnHampusM
2024-08-04revert(engine): remove support for drawing objects as a bundleHampusM
2024-08-02docs(engine): correct Engine function commentsHampusM
2024-08-02feat(engine): make Engine::spawn return the spawned entity's UIDHampusM
2024-06-22feat(engine): add support for drawing objects as a bundleHampusM
2024-06-22feat(engine): add ability to change polygon mode per objectHampusM
2024-06-20refactor(engine): replace Transform with Position & Scale structsHampusM