path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35d975f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+//! Macros utilizing the [OpenGL API and Extension Registry].
+//! [OpenGL API and Extension Registry]: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Registry
+#![deny(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic, missing_docs)]
+use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
+use opengl_registry::Registry;
+use proc_macro::TokenStream;
+use crate::repeat::for_each_opengl_command_impl;
+mod repeat;
+mod str;
+mod token_stream;
+const OPENGL_CMD_IDENT_REPLACE: &str = "_gl_command_";
+const OPENGL_CMD_RET_TYPE_REPLACE: &str = "_gl_command_ret_type_";
+const OPENGL_CMD_ARGS_REPLACE: &str = "_gl_command_args_";
+const OPENGL_CMD_ARG_NAMES_REPLACE: &str = "_gl_command_arg_names_";
+const OPENGL_CMD_ARG_TYPES_REPLACE: &str = "_gl_command_arg_types_";
+static OPENGL_REGISTRY: Lazy<Registry> = Lazy::new(|| Registry::retrieve().unwrap());
+/// Repeats the input for each command in the [OpenGL API and Extension Registry].
+/// # Replacements
+/// This macro will replace some specific identifiers. These identifiers are to be put
+/// between underscores.
+/// ### The following identifiers will be replaced
+/// **`gl_command`**<br>
+/// Will be replaced by the command name.
+/// **`gl_command_ret_type`**<br>
+/// Will be replaced by the command return type.
+/// **`gl_command_args`**<br>
+/// Will be replaced by the command arguments formatted as `name: type`.
+/// **`gl_command_arg_names`**<br>
+/// Will be replaced by the command argument names.
+/// **`gl_command_arg_types`**<br>
+/// Will be replaced by the command argument types.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use opengl_registry_macros::for_each_opengl_command;
+/// for_each_opengl_command! {
+/// fn _gl_command_()
+/// {
+/// println!("Hello from {}", stringify!(_gl_command_));
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Would expand to the following if the only OpenGL commands were `glCreateShader` and
+/// `glBindBuffer`.
+/// ```
+/// fn glCreateShader()
+/// {
+/// println!("Hello from {}", stringify!(glCreateShader));
+/// }
+/// fn glBindBuffer()
+/// {
+/// println!("Hello from {}", stringify!(glBindBuffer));
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// [OpenGL API and Extension Registry]: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Registry
+pub fn for_each_opengl_command(input_stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream
+ for_each_opengl_command_impl(&input_stream.into(), &OPENGL_REGISTRY).into()
diff --git a/src/repeat.rs b/src/repeat.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f55ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repeat.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use convert_case::{Case, Casing};
+use opengl_registry::Registry;
+use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Group, Ident, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
+use crate::str::c_ptr_to_rust_ptr;
+use crate::token_stream::TokenStreamExt;
+use crate::{
+pub fn for_each_opengl_command_impl(
+ input_stream: &TokenStream,
+ opengl_registry: &Registry,
+) -> TokenStream
+ let gl_func_ident_index_paths = input_stream
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new(OPENGL_CMD_IDENT_REPLACE, Span::call_site()));
+ let gl_func_ret_type_index_paths = input_stream
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new(OPENGL_CMD_RET_TYPE_REPLACE, Span::call_site()));
+ let out: TokenStream = opengl_registry
+ .commands()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|gl_command| {
+ let stream = input_stream.replace_tokens(
+ &gl_func_ident_index_paths,
+ &TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new(
+ gl_command.prototype().name(),
+ Span::call_site(),
+ )),
+ );
+ let return_type = gl_command.prototype().return_type();
+ let stream = stream.replace_tokens(
+ &gl_func_ret_type_index_paths,
+ &TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
+ Delimiter::None,
+ TokenStream::from_str(&fix_type(return_type)).unwrap(),
+ )),
+ );
+ let gl_func_args_paths = stream
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new(OPENGL_CMD_ARGS_REPLACE, Span::call_site()));
+ let stream = stream.replace_tokens(
+ &gl_func_args_paths,
+ &TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
+ Delimiter::None,
+ TokenStream::from_str(
+ &gl_command
+ .parameters()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| {
+ let param_name = clean_param_name(param.name());
+ let param_type = fix_type(param.get_type());
+ format!("{param_name}: {param_type}")
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(","),
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ )),
+ );
+ let gl_func_arg_names_paths = stream.find_all_ident(&Ident::new(
+ Span::call_site(),
+ ));
+ let stream = stream.replace_tokens(
+ &gl_func_arg_names_paths,
+ &TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
+ Delimiter::None,
+ TokenStream::from_str(
+ &gl_command
+ .parameters()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| clean_param_name(param.name()))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(","),
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ )),
+ );
+ let gl_func_arg_types_paths = stream.find_all_ident(&Ident::new(
+ Span::call_site(),
+ ));
+ stream.replace_tokens(
+ &gl_func_arg_types_paths,
+ &TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
+ Delimiter::None,
+ TokenStream::from_str(
+ &gl_command
+ .parameters()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| fix_type(param.get_type()))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(","),
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ )),
+ )
+ })
+ .collect();
+ out
+fn clean_param_name(param_name: &str) -> String
+ match param_name {
+ "ref" => "reference",
+ "type" => "ty",
+ "in" => "inside",
+ "box" => "a_box",
+ name => name,
+ }
+ .to_case(Case::Snake)
+fn fix_type(ty: &str) -> String
+ let ty = ty.replace("struct", "");
+ let ty = c_ptr_to_rust_ptr(&ty);
+ ty.replace("void", "std::ffi::c_void")
+mod tests
+ use opengl_registry::command::{Command, Parameter, Prototype};
+ use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
+ use quote::quote;
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn for_each_opengl_command_impl_works()
+ {
+ let registry = Registry::new(vec![
+ Command::new(Prototype::new("glBindBuffer", "void"), vec![]),
+ Command::new(
+ Prototype::new("glActiveTexture", "void"),
+ vec![
+ Parameter::new("abc", "GLuint"),
+ Parameter::new("xyz", "GLshort"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ Command::new(
+ Prototype::new("glDrawArrays", "GLint"),
+ vec![Parameter::new("foo", "GLubyte")],
+ ),
+ ]);
+ assert_eq!(
+ for_each_opengl_command_impl(
+ &quote! {
+ unsafe {
+ functions::_gl_command_ = FunctionPtr::new_initialized(
+ get_proc_addr(stringify!(_gl_command_))
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ &registry,
+ )
+ .to_string(),
+ quote! {
+ unsafe {
+ functions::glBindBuffer = FunctionPtr::new_initialized(
+ get_proc_addr(stringify!(glBindBuffer))
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ functions::glActiveTexture = FunctionPtr::new_initialized(
+ get_proc_addr(stringify!(glActiveTexture))
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ functions::glDrawArrays = FunctionPtr::new_initialized(
+ get_proc_addr(stringify!(glDrawArrays))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ .to_string()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ for_each_opengl_command_impl(
+ &quote! {
+ fn _gl_command_(_gl_command_args_) -> _gl_command_ret_type_ {}
+ },
+ &registry,
+ )
+ .to_string(),
+ quote! {
+ fn glBindBuffer() -> std::ffi::c_void {}
+ fn glActiveTexture(abc: GLuint, xyz: GLshort) -> std::ffi::c_void {}
+ fn glDrawArrays(foo: GLubyte) -> GLint {}
+ }
+ .to_string(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/str.rs b/src/str.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90f3600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/str.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
+use regex::{Captures, Regex};
+static C_PTR_RE: Lazy<Regex> =
+ Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(const )?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s?\*(.*)").unwrap());
+static REST_C_PTR_RE: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(const)?\s?\*").unwrap());
+pub fn c_ptr_to_rust_ptr(c_ptr: &str) -> String
+ .replace(c_ptr, |captures: &Captures| {
+ let const_or_mut = captures.get(1).map_or_else(|| "mut", |_| "const");
+ let type_name = captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str();
+ let rest = captures.get(3).unwrap();
+ let rest_ptr_matches = REST_C_PTR_RE.captures_iter(rest.as_str());
+ let rest_ptrs = rest_ptr_matches
+ .map(|capts| {
+ let const_or_mut = capts.get(1).map_or_else(|| "mut", |_| "const");
+ format!("*{const_or_mut} ")
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ format!("{}*{const_or_mut} {type_name}", rest_ptrs.join(" "))
+ })
+ .to_string()
+mod tests
+ use pretty_assertions::assert_str_eq;
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn c_ptr_to_rust_ptr_works()
+ {
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("void *"), "*mut void");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("const void*"), "*const void");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("GLint *"), "*mut GLint");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("const GLint*"), "*const GLint");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("const GLint *"), "*const GLint");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("const GLint **"), "*mut *const GLint");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("const GLint * *"), "*mut *const GLint");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("GLint **"), "*mut *mut GLint");
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("GLuint * const*"), "*const *mut GLuint");
+ assert_str_eq!(
+ c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("const GLuint * const*"),
+ "*const *const GLuint"
+ );
+ assert_str_eq!(c_ptr_to_rust_ptr("GLchar"), "GLchar");
+ }
diff --git a/src/token_stream.rs b/src/token_stream.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..043de89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/token_stream.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+use proc_macro2::{Group, Ident, TokenStream, TokenTree};
+pub use self::index_path::IndexPath;
+pub trait TokenStreamExt
+ fn find_all_ident(&self, target_ident: &Ident) -> Vec<IndexPath>;
+ fn replace_tokens(
+ &self,
+ index_paths_to_replace: &[IndexPath],
+ substitution: &TokenTree,
+ ) -> TokenStream;
+impl TokenStreamExt for TokenStream
+ fn find_all_ident(&self, target_ident: &Ident) -> Vec<IndexPath>
+ {
+ let mut found_indices = Vec::new();
+ recurse_find_all_ident(
+ self.clone(),
+ target_ident,
+ &mut found_indices,
+ &IndexPath::new(),
+ );
+ found_indices
+ }
+ fn replace_tokens(
+ &self,
+ index_paths_to_replace: &[IndexPath],
+ substitution: &TokenTree,
+ ) -> TokenStream
+ {
+ self.clone()
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, mut token_tree)| {
+ for index_path in index_paths_to_replace
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|path| path.indices()[0] == index)
+ {
+ token_tree = match token_tree {
+ TokenTree::Ident(_) => substitution.clone(),
+ TokenTree::Group(group) => TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
+ group.delimiter(),
+ recurse_replace_tokens(
+ group.stream(),
+ substitution,
+ &index_path.indices()[1..],
+ ),
+ )),
+ tt => tt,
+ }
+ }
+ token_tree
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+fn recurse_find_all_ident(
+ input_stream: TokenStream,
+ target_ident: &Ident,
+ found_indices: &mut Vec<IndexPath>,
+ current_index_path: &IndexPath,
+ for (index, token_tree) in input_stream.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ match token_tree {
+ TokenTree::Ident(ident) if &ident == target_ident => {
+ let mut index_path = current_index_path.clone();
+ index_path.push_index(index);
+ found_indices.push(index_path);
+ }
+ TokenTree::Group(group) => {
+ let mut index_path = current_index_path.clone();
+ index_path.push_index(index);
+ recurse_find_all_ident(
+ group.stream(),
+ target_ident,
+ found_indices,
+ &index_path,
+ );
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+fn recurse_replace_tokens(
+ token_stream: TokenStream,
+ substitution: &TokenTree,
+ indices: &[usize],
+) -> TokenStream
+ token_stream
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, token_tree)| match token_tree {
+ TokenTree::Ident(_) if index == indices[0] => substitution.clone(),
+ TokenTree::Group(group) if index == indices[0] => {
+ TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
+ group.delimiter(),
+ recurse_replace_tokens(group.stream(), substitution, &indices[1..]),
+ ))
+ }
+ tt => tt,
+ })
+ .collect()
+mod index_path
+ #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ pub struct IndexPath
+ {
+ indices: Vec<usize>,
+ }
+ impl IndexPath
+ {
+ pub fn new() -> Self
+ {
+ Self {
+ indices: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn push_index(&mut self, index: usize)
+ {
+ self.indices.push(index);
+ }
+ pub fn indices(&self) -> &[usize]
+ {
+ &self.indices
+ }
+ }
+ impl<IntoIter> From<IntoIter> for IndexPath
+ where
+ IntoIter: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
+ {
+ fn from(value: IntoIter) -> Self
+ {
+ Self {
+ indices: value.into_iter().collect(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mod tests
+ use proc_macro2::Span;
+ use quote::quote;
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn find_all_ident_works()
+ {
+ assert_eq!(
+ quote! {
+ let abc = xyz;
+ }
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new("xyz", Span::call_site())),
+ vec![IndexPath::from([3])]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ quote! {
+ let abc = (xyz, "123");
+ }
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new("xyz", Span::call_site())),
+ vec![IndexPath::from([3, 0])]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ quote! {
+ return ("123", (yo, 180, xyz));
+ }
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new("xyz", Span::call_site())),
+ vec![IndexPath::from([1, 2, 4])]
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn find_all_ident_works_with_multiple()
+ {
+ assert_eq!(
+ quote! {
+ unsafe {
+ functions::xyz = FunctionPtr::new_initialized(
+ get_proc_addr(stringify!(xyz))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ .find_all_ident(&Ident::new("xyz", Span::call_site()),),
+ vec![IndexPath::from([1, 3]), IndexPath::from([1, 9, 1, 2, 0])]
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn recurse_replace_tokens_works()
+ {
+ assert_eq!(
+ recurse_replace_tokens(
+ quote! {
+ let abc = xyz;
+ },
+ &TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("foo", Span::call_site())),
+ &[3]
+ )
+ .to_string(),
+ quote! {
+ let abc = foo;
+ }
+ .to_string()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ recurse_replace_tokens(
+ quote! {
+ let abc = (xyz, "123");
+ },
+ &TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("foo", Span::call_site())),
+ &[3, 0]
+ )
+ .to_string(),
+ quote! {
+ let abc = (foo, "123");
+ }
+ .to_string()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ recurse_replace_tokens(
+ quote! {
+ let abc = (hello, "123").iter_map(|_| xyz);
+ },
+ &TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("foo", Span::call_site())),
+ &[6, 3]
+ )
+ .to_string(),
+ quote! {
+ let abc = (hello, "123").iter_map(|_| foo);
+ }
+ .to_string()
+ );
+ }