path: root/lua/plugins.lua
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-02move things away from style.luaHampusM
2024-10-30use treesitter & use plugin rainbow-delimetersHampusM
2024-10-30use latest neovim-ayu plugin commitHampusM
2024-10-29use lazy.nvim instead of packerHampusM
2024-10-29disable array index & set type inlay hints in luaHampusM
2024-10-29update coc.nvimHampusM
2024-06-09use bufferline.nvimHampusM
2024-06-09remove nerdtreeHampusM
2024-06-09use telescope-cocHampusM
2024-06-09use specific commit of telescope-file-browserHampusM
2024-06-09use telescope-git-conflicts pluginHampusM
2024-06-08use telescope file browserHampusM
2024-06-08use Telescope instead of fzf.vimHampusM
2024-06-01use lualine pluginHampusM
2024-06-01use other Ayu theme forkHampusM
2024-05-31remove usage of rust.vim pluginHampusM
2024-05-31use plugin nvim-treesitterHampusM
2024-05-30use specific plugin versionsHampusM
2024-05-30use ayu-vim 256ec8fHampusM
2024-05-30use coc.nvim version that works without Neovim 0.10.0HampusM
2024-03-16fix indentation linesHampusM
2024-03-16use the rust.vim plugin instead of vim-rustfmtHampusM
2024-01-16use plugin for GLSL syntax highlightingHampusM
2024-01-16use upstream coc.nvimHampusM
2024-01-16remove use of hexokinaseHampusM
2022-09-18fix: add run yarn install for coc.nvimHampusM
2022-09-18add configHampusM