path: root/src/js/app.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/js/app.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 635 deletions
diff --git a/src/js/app.js b/src/js/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a853ae5..0000000
--- a/src/js/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-import { format } from "date-fns";
-import hljs from 'highlight.js';
-function request(method, source, data = null)
- return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open(method, source, true);
- xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
- xhr.send(data);
- xhr.onload = function()
- {
- if(this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300){
- resolve(xhr.response);
- }
- resolve({ status: this.status, statusText: xhr.statusText });
- };
- xhr.onerror = () =>
- {
- resolve({ status: this.status, statusText: xhr.statusText });
- }
- });
-* Create an HTML element
-* @param {String} tag
-* A HTML tag
-* @param {String} id
-* An id
-* @param {Array} class_list
-* An array of classes
-* @param {Object} attributes
-* An object with attributes.
-* @return {HTMLElement}
-* The resulting element
-function createElement(tag, id, class_list, attributes)
- const element = document.createElement(tag);
- if(id) {
- element.setAttribute("id", id);
- }
- if(class_list) {
- class_list.forEach(_class => {
- element.classList.add(_class);
- });
- }
- if(attributes) {
- for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {
- element.setAttribute(key, value);
- }
- }
- return element;
-async function buildHeader(container, endpoint, title_text, about_text, repo_page = false)
- const info = JSON.parse(await request("GET", `http://localhost:1337/api/v1/${endpoint}`))["data"];
- const row_div = createElement("div", null, ["row", "mx-0"]);
- const col_div = createElement("div", "header", ["col", "d-flex", "mt-3"], null);
- const title_div = createElement("div", null, ["d-inline"]);
- let title;
- switch(repo_page) {
- case true:
- title = createElement("span", "title", ["fs-1"]);
- col_div.classList.add("ms-2");
- title_div.classList.add("ms-3");
- const back_div = createElement("div", null, ["d-inline"]);
- const back_link = createElement("a", null, null, { "href": "/" });
- const back = createBackButtonSVG();
- back_link.appendChild(back);
- back_div.appendChild(back_link);
- col_div.appendChild(back_div);
- break;
- case false:
- title = createElement("a", "title", ["fs-1"], { "href": "/" });
- col_div.classList.add("ms-4");
- break;
- }
- title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(info[title_text]));
- const about = createElement("p", "about", ["mb-3", "fs-4"]);
- about.appendChild(document.createTextNode(info[about_text]));
- title_div.appendChild(title);
- title_div.appendChild(about);
- col_div.appendChild(title_div);
- row_div.appendChild(col_div);
- container.appendChild(row_div);
-function buildProjectsHeader(container)
- const row_div = createElement("div", null, ["row", "mx-0", "mt-5"]);
- // Title column
- const title_col_div = createElement("div", "projects-header", ["col", "ms-4"]);
- const projects_title = createElement("p", null, ["fs-1"]);
- projects_title.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Projects"));
- title_col_div.appendChild(projects_title);
- // Search column
- const search_col_div = createElement("div", "projects-search", ["col", "d-flex", "justify-content-end"]);
- const form = createElement("form");
- const search = createElement("input", null, null, { "type": "search", "name": "q" });
- const submit = createElement("input", null, null, { "type": "submit", "value": "Search" });
- form.appendChild(search);
- form.appendChild(submit);
- search_col_div.appendChild(form);
- row_div.appendChild(title_col_div);
- row_div.appendChild(search_col_div);
- container.appendChild(row_div);
-async function buildProjects(container)
- const row_div = createElement("div", null, ["row", "mx-0"], null);
- const col_div = createElement("div", null, ["col", "ms-4"], null);
- const list = createElement("ul", "repos");
- const repos = JSON.parse(await request("GET", "http://localhost:1337/api/v1/repos"))["data"];
- const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
- const search = params.get("q");
- for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(repos)) {
- const li = createElement("li");
- const repo_div = createElement("div");
- const repo_title = createElement("p", null, ["fs-3"]);
- const link = createElement("a", null, null, { "href": key });
- link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(key));
- repo_title.appendChild(link);
- const repo_last_updated = createElement("span", null, ["repo-last-updated", "fs-5"]);
- repo_last_updated.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`Last updated about ${value["last_updated"]} ago`));
- const repo_desc = createElement("span", null, ["fs-5"]);
- repo_desc.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value["description"]));
- repo_div.appendChild(repo_title)
- repo_div.appendChild(repo_last_updated)
- repo_div.appendChild(repo_desc)
- li.appendChild(repo_div);
- if(search !== null) {
- if(key.indexOf(search) != -1) {
- list.appendChild(li);
- }
- }
- else {
- list.appendChild(li);
- }
- }
- col_div.appendChild(list);
- row_div.appendChild(col_div);
- container.appendChild(row_div);
-function buildRepoNavbar(container, repo, page)
- const row_div = createElement("div", "navbar", ["row", "mx-0"]);
- const col_div = createElement("div", "repo-navbar", ["col", "ms-4", "ps-4"]);
- const nav = createElement("nav", null, ["navbar", "navbar-expand", "navbar-dark"]);
- const nav_container = createElement("div", null, ["container-fluid", "px-0"]);
- const nav_collapse = createElement("div", null, ["collapse", "navbar-collapse"]);
- const nav_nav = createElement("ul", null, ["navbar-nav"]);
- const nav_items = ["log", "refs", "tree"];
- nav_items.forEach(item =>
- {
- const item_li = createElement("li", null, ["nav-item"]);
- const item_link = createElement("a", null, ["nav-link", "fs-4"], { "href": `/${repo}/${item}` });
- if(item === page) {
- item_link.classList.add("active");
- item_link.setAttribute("aria-current", "page");
- }
- item_link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(item));
- item_li.appendChild(item_link);
- nav_nav.appendChild(item_li);
- });
- nav_collapse.appendChild(nav_nav);
- nav_container.appendChild(nav_collapse);
- nav.appendChild(nav_container);
- col_div.appendChild(nav);
- row_div.appendChild(col_div);
- container.appendChild(row_div);
-async function buildLog(container, repo)
- const row_div = createElement("div", null, ["row", "mx-0"], null);
- const col_div = createElement("div", null, ["col", "ms-4", "ps-4", "ps-sm-5", "mt-3"], null);
- const table = createElement("table", "log", ["table", "table-dark", "fs-5"]);
- const log = JSON.parse(await request("GET", `http://localhost:1337/api/v1/repos/${repo}/log`))["data"];
- const thead = createElement("thead");
- const header_tr = createElement("tr");
- ["Subject", "Author", "Date", "Files", "Del/Add"].forEach(header =>
- {
- const header_th = createElement("th", null, ["text-secondary"]);
- header_th.appendChild(document.createTextNode(header));
- header_tr.appendChild(header_th);
- });
- thead.appendChild(header_tr);
- table.appendChild(thead);
- const tbody = createElement("tbody");
- log.forEach(commit =>
- {
- const tr = createElement("tr");
- const message = createElement("td");
- const message_link = createElement("a", null, null, { "href": `log/${commit["commit"]}` });
- message_link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(commit["message"]));
- message.appendChild(message_link);
- const author = createElement("td");
- author.appendChild(document.createTextNode(commit["author_name"]));
- const date = createElement("td");
- date.appendChild(document.createTextNode(format(new Date(commit["date"]), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")));
- const files_changed = createElement("td");
- files_changed.appendChild(document.createTextNode(commit["files_changed"]));
- const del_add = createElement("td");
- const deletions = createElement("span", null, ["text-danger"])
- deletions.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`-${commit["deletions"]}`));
- const insertions = createElement("span", null, ["text-success"])
- insertions.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`+${commit["insertions"]}`));
- del_add.appendChild(deletions);
- del_add.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" / "))
- del_add.appendChild(insertions);
- tr.appendChild(message);
- tr.appendChild(author);
- tr.appendChild(date);
- tr.appendChild(files_changed);
- tr.appendChild(del_add)
- tbody.appendChild(tr);
- });
- table.appendChild(tbody);
- col_div.appendChild(table);
- row_div.appendChild(col_div);
- container.appendChild(row_div);
-const languages = [
- { "name": "arduino", "extensions": [".ino"]},
- { "name": "actionscript", "extensions": [".as"]},
- { "name": "bash", "extensions": [".sh", ".zsh"]},
- { "name": "csharp", "extensions": [".cs"]},
- { "name": "c", "extensions": [".c", ".h"]},
- { "name": "cpp", "extensions": [".cpp", ".hpp"]},
- { "name": "cmake", "extensions": ["cmake.in"]},
- { "name": "css", "extensions": [".css"]},
- { "name": "d", "extensions": [".d"]},
- { "name": "dos", "extensions": [".bat", ".cmd"]},
- { "name": "dockerfile", "extensions": ["dockerfile", "Dockerfile"]},
- { "name": "go", "extensions": [".go"]},
- { "name": "gradle", "extensions": [".gradle"]},
- { "name": "xml", "extensions": [".xml", ".html", ".xhtml", ".rss", ".atom", ".xjb", ".xsd", ".xsl", ".plist", ".svg"]},
- { "name": "haskell", "extensions": [".hs"]},
- { "name": "ini", "extensions": [".ini", ".toml"]},
- { "name": "json", "extensions": [".json"]},
- { "name": "java", "extensions": [".java", ".jsp"]},
- { "name": "javascript", "extensions": [".js", ".jsx"]},
- { "name": "kotlin", "extensions": [".kt"]},
- { "name": "lua", "extensions": [".lua"]},
- { "name": "makefile", "extensions": ["makefile", "Makefile"]},
- { "name": "markdown", "extensions": [".md"]},
- { "name": "objectivec", "extensions": [".m", ".mm", ".M"]},
- { "name": "php", "extensions": [".php"]},
- { "name": "perl", "extensions": [".pl", ".pm"]},
- { "name": "plaintext", "extensions": [".txt"]},
- { "name": "pgsql", "extensions": [".pgsql"]},
- { "name": "powershell", "extensions": [".ps", ".ps1"]},
- { "name": "python", "extensions": [".py"]},
- { "name": "ruby", "extensions": [".rb"]},
- { "name": "rust", "extensions": [".rs"]},
- { "name": "scss", "extensions": [".scss"]},
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- { "name": "vbscript", "extensions": [".vbs"]},
- { "name": "vim", "extensions": [".vim"]},
- { "name": "yml", "extensions": [".yml"]}
-async function buildCommit(container, repo, hash)
- const row_div = createElement("div", null, ["row", "mx-0"], null);
- const col_div = createElement("div", null, ["col", "ms-2", "ps-4", "ps-sm-5", "fs-5"], null);
- const breadcrumb = createElement("nav", null, null, { "aria-label": "breadcrumb" });
- const breadcrumb_ol = createElement("ol", null, ["breadcrumb"]);
- const breadcrumb_item_log = createElement("li", null, ["breadcrumb-item"], { "aria-current": "page" });
- const breadcrumb_item_log_link = createElement("a", null, null, { "href": ".." });
- breadcrumb_item_log_link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Log"));
- breadcrumb_item_log.appendChild(breadcrumb_item_log_link);
- const breadcrumb_item_commit = createElement("li", null, ["breadcrumb-item", "active"], { "aria-current": "page" });
- breadcrumb_item_commit.appendChild(document.createTextNode(hash));
- breadcrumb_ol.appendChild(breadcrumb_item_log);
- breadcrumb_ol.appendChild(breadcrumb_item_commit);
- breadcrumb.appendChild(breadcrumb_ol);
- col_div.appendChild(breadcrumb);
- const commit = JSON.parse(await request("GET", `http://localhost:1337/api/v1/repos/${repo}/log/${hash}`));
- const commit_info = createElement("table", "commit-info", ["table", "table-dark"]);
- const tbody = createElement("tbody");
- ["author", "date", "message"].forEach((subject) =>
- {
- const info = createElement("tr");
- const title = createElement("td", null, ["commit-info-title"]);
- title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(subject.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + subject.slice(1)));
- const content = createElement("td", null);
- if(subject === "date") {
- content.appendChild(document.createTextNode(format(new Date(commit["data"]["date"]), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")));
- }
- else {
- content.appendChild(document.createTextNode(commit["data"][subject]));
- }
- info.appendChild(title);
- info.appendChild(content);
- tbody.appendChild(info);
- });
- commit_info.appendChild(tbody);
- col_div.appendChild(commit_info);
- commit["data"]["patches"].forEach((patch) =>
- {
- const file_div = createElement("div", null, ["commit-file"]);
- // Header
- const file_header = createElement("div", null, ["commit-file-header"]);
- const file_name = createElement("span", null, ["fw-bold"]);
- const file_deleted = createElement("span");
- if(patch["to"] === "/dev/null") {
- file_name.appendChild(document.createTextNode(patch["from"]));
- file_deleted.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Deleted"));
- }
- else {
- file_name.appendChild(document.createTextNode(patch["to"]));
- file_deleted.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
- }
- file_header.appendChild(file_name);
- file_header.appendChild(file_deleted);
- const file_add_del = createElement("div", null, ["commit-file-add-del"]);
- const file_add = createElement("span");
- const file_del = createElement("span");
- file_add.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`+${patch["additions"]}`));
- file_add_del.appendChild(file_add);
- file_del.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`-${patch["deletions"]}`));
- file_add_del.appendChild(file_del);
- file_header.appendChild(file_add_del);
- file_div.appendChild(file_header);
- console.log(patch);
- // The diff
- if(patch["too_large"] === false) {
- let full_patch = "";
- patch["hunks"].forEach((hunk) =>
- {
- full_patch = `${full_patch}${hunk["hunk"]}\n`;
- });
- const patch_table = createElement("table", null, null, { "cellspacing": "0px" });
- const patch_tbody = createElement("tbody");
- const language = languages.find((lang) => lang["extensions"].some((extension) => patch["to"].endsWith(extension)));
- const highlighted = language ? hljs.highlight(language["name"], full_patch) : hljs.highlightAuto(full_patch);
- const highlighted_patch = highlighted["value"].split('\n');
- let index = 0;
- patch["hunks"].forEach((hunk) =>
- {
- const hunk_length = hunk["hunk"].split('\n').length;
- const end = index + hunk_length;
- const unhighlighted_hunk = hunk["hunk"].split('\n');
- hunk["hunk"] = highlighted_patch.slice(index, end);
- index = end;
- let new_offset = 0;
- let deleted_offset = 0;
- const multiline_tags = [];
- hunk["hunk"].forEach((line, line_index) =>
- {
- //console.log(line_index + " " + line);
- const line_tr = createElement("tr");
- const old_line_num = createElement("td");
- const line_num = createElement("td");
- const line_change = createElement("td");
- const line_content = createElement("td");
- const line_code = createElement("code");
- if(/^@@\ -[0-9,]+\ \+[0-9,]+\ @@/.test(unhighlighted_hunk[line_index])) {
- line_tr.classList.add("commit-file-pos-change");
- for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- const triple_dot = createElement("td");
- triple_dot.appendChild(document.createTextNode("..."));
- line_tr.appendChild(triple_dot);
- }
- line_code.innerHTML = unhighlighted_hunk[line_index];
- line_content.appendChild(line_code)
- line_tr.appendChild(line_content)
- new_offset++;
- deleted_offset++;
- }
- else if(/^\\\ No\ newline\ at\ end\ of\ file$/.test(unhighlighted_hunk[line_index])) {
- line_tr.classList.add("commit-file-no-newline");
- for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- const empty = createElement("td");
- empty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
- line_tr.appendChild(empty);
- }
- line_code.innerHTML = unhighlighted_hunk[line_index];
- line_content.appendChild(line_code)
- line_tr.appendChild(line_content)
- new_offset++;
- deleted_offset++;
- }
- else {
- if(hunk["new"].includes(line_index)) {
- deleted_offset++;
- line_num.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Number(hunk["new_start"]) + line_index - new_offset));
- line_num.classList.add("line-highlight-new");
- line_change.appendChild(document.createTextNode("+"));
- line_change.classList.add("line-new");
- }
- else if(hunk["deleted"].includes(line_index)) {
- new_offset++;
- old_line_num.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Number(hunk["old_start"]) + line_index - deleted_offset));
- line_num.classList.add("line-highlight-deleted");
- line_change.appendChild(document.createTextNode("-"));
- line_change.classList.add("line-deleted");
- }
- else {
- old_line_num.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Number(hunk["old_start"]) + line_index - deleted_offset));
- old_line_num.classList.add("line-unchanged");
- line_num.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Number(hunk["new_start"]) + line_index - new_offset));
- line_num.classList.add("line-unchanged");
- line_change.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- }
- line_tr.appendChild(old_line_num);
- line_tr.appendChild(line_num);
- line_tr.appendChild(line_change);
- let comment_open = line.match(/<span\ class=\"hljs-comment\">/g);
- const comment_open_cnt = (comment_open !== null) ? comment_open.length : 0;
- comment_open = (comment_open !== null) ? comment_open[0] : "";
- let comment_close = line.match(/<\/span>/g);
- const comment_close_cnt = (comment_close !== null) ? comment_close.length : 0;
- comment_close = (comment_close !== null) ? comment_close[0] : "";
- if(comment_open_cnt > comment_close_cnt) {
- line_code.innerHTML = line + "</span>";
- console.log("Öppning " + line);
- multiline_tags.push(comment_open);
- }
- else if(comment_open_cnt < comment_close_cnt && multiline_tags.length !== 0) {
- line_code.innerHTML = multiline_tags[multiline_tags.length - 1] + line;
- console.log("Stängning " + line + " " + multiline_tags[multiline_tags.length - 1]);
- multiline_tags.pop();
- }
- else if(multiline_tags.length !== 0) {
- line_code.innerHTML = multiline_tags[multiline_tags.length - 1] + line + "</span>";
- console.log("Mitt i " + line);
- }
- else {
- line_code.innerHTML = line;
- }
- line_content.appendChild(line_code);
- line_tr.appendChild(line_content)
- }
- patch_tbody.appendChild(line_tr);
- });
- })
- patch_table.appendChild(patch_tbody);
- file_div.appendChild(patch_table);
- }
- else {
- const patch_too_large_div = createElement("div", null, ["ps-3", "pt-3", "patch-too-large"]);
- const patch_too_large = createElement("span");
- patch_too_large.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Patch is too large to display."));
- patch_too_large_div.appendChild(patch_too_large);
- file_div.appendChild(patch_too_large_div);
- }
- col_div.appendChild(file_div);
- });
- row_div.appendChild(col_div);
- container.appendChild(row_div);
-function createBackButtonSVG()
- const xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
- let svg = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "svg");
- svg.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "back");
- svg.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "24px");
- svg.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "24px");
- svg.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24");
- svg.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#FFFFFF");
- const path_one = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "path");
- path_one.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M0 0h24v24H0z");
- path_one.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "none");
- const path_two = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "path");
- path_two.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M20 11H7.83l5.59-5.59L12 4l-8 8 8 8 1.41-1.41L7.83 13H20v-2z");
- svg.appendChild(path_one);
- svg.appendChild(path_two);
- return svg;
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async function ()
- let path = window.location.pathname;
- const container = document.getElementById("container");
- if(path === "/") {
- await buildHeader(container, "info", "title", "about");
- buildProjectsHeader(container);
- buildProjects(container);
- return
- }
- const path_valid_and_split = /^\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+)\/([a-z]+)(?:\/([0-9a-f]+))?$/;
- if(path_valid_and_split.test(path)) {
- path = path_valid_and_split.exec(path);
- const repo = path[1];
- const page = path[2];
- const sub_page = path[3];
- console.log("Tjena!");
- if(page === "log") {
- await buildHeader(container, `repos/${repo}`, "name", "description", true);
- buildRepoNavbar(container, repo, page);
- if(sub_page) {
- buildCommit(container, repo, sub_page);
- return;
- }
- buildLog(container, repo);
- }
- }
-}); \ No newline at end of file