path: root/packages/server/src/api
diff options
authorHampusM <hampus@hampusmat.com>2021-06-24 22:50:38 +0200
committerHampusM <hampus@hampusmat.com>2021-06-24 22:50:38 +0200
commita13786d6cc185822f5940582efde2349ef729145 (patch)
tree7d4f49b50fc30ced65c5661b22b027456b79948e /packages/server/src/api
parent01e5d215dbc152e34ecd005111171457f87c235d (diff)
Refactored the backend yet again
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/server/src/api')
7 files changed, 183 insertions, 684 deletions
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/git.ts b/packages/server/src/api/git.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ef906..0000000
--- a/packages/server/src/api/git.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-import {
- Branch, Commit,
- Hunk, Hunks,
- LatestCommit, LogCommit,
- Patch, PatchHeaderData,
- Repository, RequestInfo,
- ShortBranch, Tag,
- Tree, TreeEntry
-} from "./git_types";
-import { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from "fastify";
-import { Pack, pack } from "tar-stream";
-import { join, parse } from "path";
-import { readFile, readdir } from "fs";
-import { IncomingMessage } from "http";
-import { Route } from "../fastify_types";
-import { URL } from "whatwg-url";
-import { createGzip } from "zlib";
-import nodegit from "nodegit";
-import { pipeline } from "stream";
-import { spawn } from "child_process";
-import { verifyGitRequest } from "./util";
-function getFullRepositoryName(repo_name: string) {
- return repo_name.endsWith(".git") ? repo_name : `${repo_name}.git`;
-function getHunkContent(hunk: string[]) {
- interface Lines {
- new_lines: number[],
- deleted_lines: number[]
- }
- const lines = hunk.reduce((result: Lines, line, index) => {
- if(line.charAt(0) === "+") {
- hunk[index] = line.slice(1);
- result.new_lines.push(index);
- }
- else if(line.charAt(0) === "-") {
- hunk[index] = line.slice(1);
- result.deleted_lines.push(index);
- }
- return result;
- }, { new_lines: [], deleted_lines: [] });
- return { ...lines, hunk: hunk.join("\n") };
-function getPatchHeaderData(patch_headers: string[], all_patches: string[]) {
- return patch_headers.reduce((patch_header_data, line, index) => {
- // The start of a patch header
- if((/^diff --git/u).test(line)) {
- patch_header_data.indexes.push(all_patches.indexOf(line));
- if(patch_header_data.last !== null) {
- patch_header_data.lengths.push(patch_headers.slice(patch_header_data.last, index).length);
- }
- patch_header_data.last = index;
- }
- // Include the last patch header when the end is reached
- if(index === patch_headers.length - 1 && patch_header_data.last !== null) {
- patch_header_data.lengths.push(patch_headers.slice(patch_header_data.last, index).length);
- }
- return patch_header_data;
- }, <PatchHeaderData>{ indexes: [], lengths: [], last: null });
-function getHunks(hunks: nodegit.ConvenientHunk[], patch_content: string[]) {
- return hunks.reduce((hunks_data: Hunks, hunk, hunk_index) => {
- const hunk_header = hunk.header();
- const hunk_header_index = patch_content.indexOf(hunk_header.replace(/\n/gu, ""));
- if(hunks_data.prev !== null) {
- const prev_hunk = hunks[hunk_index - 1];
- hunks_data.hunks.push({
- new_start: prev_hunk.newStart(),
- new_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.newLines(),
- old_start: prev_hunk.oldStart(),
- old_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.oldLines(),
- ...getHunkContent(patch_content.slice(hunks_data.prev, hunk_header_index))
- });
- }
- hunks_data.prev = hunk_header_index;
- return hunks_data;
- }, { prev: null, hunks: [] });
-function getPatch(patch: nodegit.ConvenientPatch, too_large: boolean, hunks?: Hunk[]): Patch {
- return {
- from: patch.oldFile().path(),
- to: patch.newFile().path(),
- additions: patch.lineStats()["total_additions"],
- deletions: patch.lineStats()["total_deletions"],
- too_large: too_large,
- hunks: hunks || null
- };
-interface Request extends FastifyRequest {
- params: Route["Params"],
-function getRequestInfo(req: Request): RequestInfo {
- const repo = req.params.repo + ".git";
- const url_path = req.url.replace(req.params.repo, repo);
- const parsed_url = new URL(`${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}${url_path}`);
- const url_path_parts = parsed_url.pathname.split("/");
- const is_discovery = (/\/info\/refs$/u).test(parsed_url.pathname);
- const service = is_discovery ? parsed_url.searchParams.get("service") : url_path_parts[url_path_parts.length - 1];
- const content_type = `application/x-${service}-${is_discovery ? "advertisement" : "result"}`;
- return {
- repo,
- url_path,
- parsed_url,
- is_discovery,
- url_path_parts,
- service,
- content_type
- };
-async function getTreeEntryLastCommit(repo: nodegit.Repository, tree_entry: nodegit.TreeEntry) {
- const walker = nodegit.Revwalk.create(repo);
- walker.pushHead();
- const raw_commits = await walker.getCommitsUntil(() => true);
- return raw_commits.reduce((acc, commit) => {
- return acc.then(result => {
- if(result.id === null) {
- return commit.getDiff().then(diffs => diffs[0].patches().then(patches => {
- let matching_path_patch = null;
- if(tree_entry.isBlob()) {
- matching_path_patch = patches.find(patch => patch.newFile().path() === tree_entry.path());
- }
- else {
- matching_path_patch = patches.find(patch => parse(patch.newFile().path()).dir.startsWith(tree_entry.path()));
- }
- if(matching_path_patch) {
- result.id = commit.sha();
- result.message = commit.message().replace(/\n/gu, "");
- result.date = commit.time();
- }
- return result;
- }));
- }
- return result;
- });
- }, Promise.resolve(<LatestCommit>{ id: null, message: null, date: null }));
-function readDirectory(directory: string) {
- return new Promise<string[]>(resolve => {
- readdir(directory, (err, dir_content) => {
- if(err) {
- resolve([]);
- }
- resolve(dir_content);
- });
- });
-async function addArchiveEntries(entries: nodegit.TreeEntry[], repo_name: string, archive: Pack) {
- for(const tree_entry of entries) {
- if(tree_entry.isBlob()) {
- const blob = await tree_entry.getBlob();
- archive.entry({ name: `${repo_name}/${tree_entry.path()}` }, blob.content().toString());
- }
- else if(tree_entry.isTree()) {
- const tree = await tree_entry.getTree();
- addArchiveEntries(tree.entries(), repo_name, archive);
- }
- }
-function getTreeEntries(repo: nodegit.Repository, entries: nodegit.TreeEntry[]) {
- return entries.reduce((acc, entry) => {
- return acc.then(result => {
- return getTreeEntryLastCommit(repo, entry).then(last_commit => {
- result.push({
- name: parse(entry.path()).base,
- id: entry.sha(),
- type: entry.isBlob() ? "blob" : "tree",
- latest_commit: {
- id: last_commit.id,
- message: last_commit.message,
- date: last_commit.date
- }
- });
- return result;
- });
- });
- }, Promise.resolve(<TreeEntry[]>[]));
-export class GitAPI {
- base_dir: string;
- constructor(base_dir: string) {
- this.base_dir = base_dir;
- }
- openRepository(repo_name: string): Promise<nodegit.Repository> {
- return nodegit.Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${getFullRepositoryName(repo_name)}`);
- }
- async getLog(repo_name: string): Promise<LogCommit[]> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const walker: nodegit.Revwalk = nodegit.Revwalk.create(repo);
- walker.pushHead();
- const raw_commits = await walker.getCommitsUntil(() => true);
- return Promise.all(raw_commits.map(async commit => <LogCommit>{
- id: commit.sha(),
- author: {
- name: commit.author().name(),
- email: commit.author().email()
- },
- date: commit.time(),
- message: commit.message(),
- insertions: <number>(await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).insertions(),
- deletions: <number>(await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).deletions(),
- files_changed: <number>(await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).filesChanged()
- }));
- }
- async getRepositoryLastCommit(repo_name: string): Promise<number> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit();
- return master_commit.time();
- }
- getRepositoryFile(repo_name: string, file: string): Promise<string | null> {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- const full_repo_name = getFullRepositoryName(repo_name);
- readFile(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}/${file}`, (err, content) => {
- if(err) {
- resolve(null);
- return;
- }
- resolve(content.toString().replace(/\n/gu, ""));
- });
- });
- }
- async getRepositories(): Promise<Repository[] | null> {
- const dir_content = await readDirectory(this.base_dir);
- if(dir_content.length === 0) {
- return null;
- }
- return dir_content.filter(repo => repo.endsWith(".git")).reduce((acc, repo) => {
- return acc.then(repos => {
- return this.getRepositoryFile(repo, "description").then(description => {
- return this.getRepositoryFile(repo, "owner").then(owner => {
- return this.getRepositoryLastCommit(repo).then(last_commit_date => {
- repos.push({
- name: repo.slice(0, -4),
- description: description,
- owner: owner,
- last_updated: last_commit_date
- });
- return repos;
- });
- });
- });
- });
- }, Promise.resolve(<Repository[]>[]));
- }
- async getCommit(repo_name: string, commit_oid: string): Promise<Commit> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const commit = await repo.getCommit(commit_oid);
- const diff = (await commit.getDiff())[0];
- const all_patches = (await diff.toBuf(1)).toString().split("\n");
- const patch_header_data = getPatchHeaderData((await diff.toBuf(2)).toString().split("\n"), all_patches);
- const parsed_patches = (await diff.patches()).reduce((acc, patch, patch_index) => {
- return acc.then(arr => patch.hunks().then(hunks => {
- const patch_start = patch_header_data.indexes[patch_index] + patch_header_data.lengths[patch_index];
- const patch_end = (typeof patch_header_data.indexes[patch_index + 1] === "undefined") ? all_patches.length - 1 : patch_header_data.indexes[patch_index + 1];
- const patch_content = all_patches.slice(patch_start, patch_end);
- const line_lengths = patch_content.map(line => line.length).reduce((result, length) => result + length);
- if(patch_content.length > 5000 || line_lengths > 5000) {
- console.log("Too large!");
- arr.push(getPatch(patch, true));
- return arr;
- }
- const hunks_data = getHunks(hunks, patch_content);
- const prev_hunk = hunks[hunks.length - 1];
- hunks_data.hunks.push({
- new_start: prev_hunk.newStart(),
- new_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.newLines(),
- old_start: prev_hunk.oldStart(),
- old_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.oldLines(),
- ...getHunkContent(patch_content.slice(<number>hunks_data.prev, patch_end))
- });
- arr.push(getPatch(patch, false, hunks_data.hunks));
- return arr;
- }));
- }, Promise.resolve(<Patch[]>[]));
- return {
- id: commit.sha(),
- author: {
- name: commit.author().name(),
- email: commit.author().email()
- },
- message: commit.message(),
- date: commit.time(),
- patches: await parsed_patches
- };
- }
- connectToGitHTTPBackend(req: Request, reply: FastifyReply): void {
- const request_info = getRequestInfo(req);
- const valid_request = verifyGitRequest(request_info);
- if(valid_request.success === false && valid_request.code) {
- reply.header("Content-Type", request_info.content_type);
- reply.code(valid_request.code).send(valid_request.message);
- return;
- }
- reply.raw.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": request_info.content_type });
- const spawn_args = [ "--stateless-rpc", join(this.base_dir, request_info.repo) ];
- if(request_info.is_discovery) {
- spawn_args.push("--advertise-refs");
- }
- const git_pack = spawn(<string>request_info.service, spawn_args);
- if(request_info.is_discovery) {
- const s = "# service=" + request_info.service + "\n";
- const n = (4 + s.length).toString(16);
- reply.raw.write(Buffer.from((Array(4 - n.length + 1).join("0") + n + s) + "0000"));
- }
- else {
- const request_body: IncomingMessage = req.raw;
- request_body.on("data", data => git_pack.stdin.write(data));
- request_body.on("close", () => git_pack.stdin.end());
- }
- git_pack.on("error", err => console.log(err));
- git_pack.stderr.on("data", (stderr: Buffer) => console.log(stderr.toString()));
- git_pack.stdout.on("data", data => reply.raw.write(data));
- git_pack.on("close", () => reply.raw.end());
- }
- async getTree(repo_name: string, tree_path: string | null): Promise<Tree | null> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit();
- const tree = await master_commit.getTree();
- if(tree_path) {
- const path_entry = await tree.getEntry(tree_path)
- .catch(() => null);
- if(!path_entry) {
- return null;
- }
- if(path_entry.isBlob()) {
- return { type: "blob", content: (await path_entry.getBlob()).content().toString() };
- }
- const path_entry_tree = await path_entry.getTree();
- return { type: "tree", content: await getTreeEntries(repo, path_entry_tree.entries()) };
- }
- return { type: "tree", content: await getTreeEntries(repo, tree.entries()) };
- }
- async doesObjectExist(repo_name: string, id: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- return nodegit.Object.lookup(repo, nodegit.Oid.fromString(id), nodegit.Object.TYPE.ANY)
- .then(() => true)
- .catch(() => false);
- }
- async doesReadmeExist(repo_name: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit();
- const tree = await master_commit.getTree();
- return tree.getEntry("README.md").catch(() => null)
- .then(() => true)
- .catch(() => false);
- }
- async getBranches(repo_name: string): Promise<ShortBranch[]> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const references = await repo.getReferences();
- return references.filter(ref => ref.isBranch()).map(ref => {
- return {
- id: ref.target().tostrS(),
- name: ref.shorthand()
- };
- });
- }
- async getBranch(repo_name: string, branch_id: string): Promise<Branch | null> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const references = await repo.getReferences();
- const branches = references.filter(ref => ref.isBranch());
- const branch = branches.find(_branch => _branch.target().tostrS() === branch_id);
- if(!branch) {
- return null;
- }
- const latest_commit = await repo.getBranchCommit(branch);
- return {
- id: branch.target().tostrS(),
- name: branch.shorthand(),
- latest_commit: {
- id: latest_commit.sha(),
- message: latest_commit.message(),
- date: latest_commit.time()
- }
- };
- }
- async getTags(repo_name: string): Promise<Tag[]> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const references = await repo.getReferences();
- return Promise.all(references.filter(ref => ref.isTag()).map(async ref => {
- const tagger = (await nodegit.Tag.lookup(repo, ref.target())).tagger();
- return {
- name: ref.shorthand(),
- author: {
- name: tagger.name(),
- email: tagger.email()
- },
- date: tagger.when().time()
- };
- }));
- }
- async downloadTagArchive(repo_name: string, tag_name: string, reply: FastifyReply): Promise<void> {
- const repo = await this.openRepository(repo_name);
- const reference = await repo.getReference(tag_name)
- .catch(() => {
- reply.code(404).send("Tag not found!");
- return null;
- });
- if(!reference) {
- return;
- }
- const commit = await nodegit.Commit.lookup(repo, (await reference.peel(nodegit.Object.TYPE.COMMIT)).id());
- const tree = await commit.getTree();
- const archive = pack();
- const gzip = createGzip();
- reply.raw.writeHead(200, {
- "Content-Encoding": "gzip",
- "Content-Type": "application/gzip",
- "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename="${repo_name}-${tag_name}.tar.gz"`
- });
- pipeline(archive, gzip, reply.raw, () => reply.raw.end());
- gzip.on("close", () => reply.raw.end());
- gzip.on("error", () => reply.raw.end());
- archive.on("error", () => reply.raw.end());
- addArchiveEntries(tree.entries(), repo_name, archive)
- .then(() => archive.finalize())
- .catch(() => {
- archive.finalize();
- reply.raw.end();
- });
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/git_types.d.ts b/packages/server/src/api/git_types.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aff698..0000000
--- a/packages/server/src/api/git_types.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- Types
-// General
-export type Author = {
- name: string,
- email: string
-export type LatestCommit = {
- id: string | null,
- message: string | null,
- date: number | null
-// Repository
-export type Repository = {
- name: string,
- description: string | null,
- owner: string | null,
- last_updated: number
-// Diff
-export type Hunk = {
- new_start: number,
- new_lines_cnt: number,
- old_start: number,
- old_lines_cnt: number,
- new_lines: number[],
- deleted_lines: number[],
- hunk: string
-export type Patch = {
- from: string,
- to: string,
- additions: number,
- deletions: number,
- too_large: boolean,
- hunks: Hunk[] | null
-export type Hunks = {
- prev: null | number,
- hunks: Hunk[]
-export type PatchHeaderData = {
- indexes: number[],
- lengths: number[],
- last: number | null
-// Request
-export type RequestInfo = {
- repo: string,
- url_path: string,
- parsed_url: URL,
- url_path_parts: string[],
- is_discovery: boolean,
- service: string | null,
- content_type: string
-// Tree
-export type TreeEntry = {
- name: string,
- id: string,
- type: "blob" | "tree",
- latest_commit: LatestCommit
-export type Tree = {
- type: "blob" | "tree",
- content: string | TreeEntry[]
-// Log
-export type LogCommit = {
- id: string,
- author: Author,
- date: number,
- message: string,
- insertions: number,
- deletions: number,
- files_changed: number
-export type Commit = {
- id: string,
- author: Author,
- message: string,
- date: number,
- patches: Patch[]
-// Tag
-export type Tag = {
- name: string,
- date: number,
- author: Author
- Interfaces
-// Branch
-export interface ShortBranch {
- id: string,
- name: string
-export interface Branch extends ShortBranch {
- latest_commit: LatestCommit
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/util.ts b/packages/server/src/api/util.ts
index b05ebb7..e1eaa2c 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/util.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/util.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-import { GitAPI } from "./git";
-import { RequestInfo } from "./git_types";
+import { Commit } from "../git/commit";
+import { Repository } from "../git/repository";
+import { RequestInfo } from "../git/http";
import { readdir } from "fs";
type VerificationResultType = "SUCCESS" | "NOT_FOUND" | "INVALID" | "ACCESS_DENIED";
@@ -51,12 +52,12 @@ export function verifyRepoName(base_dir: string, repo_name: string): Promise<Ver
-export async function verifySHA(git: GitAPI, repo_name: string, sha: string): Promise<VerificationResult> {
+export async function verifySHA(repository: Repository, sha: string): Promise<VerificationResult> {
if(!(/^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/u).test(sha)) {
return new VerificationResult("INVALID", "sha");
- const object_exists = await git.doesObjectExist(repo_name, sha);
+ const object_exists = await Commit.lookupExists(repository, sha);
if(!object_exists) {
return new VerificationResult("NOT_FOUND", "object");
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/v1/index.ts b/packages/server/src/api/v1/index.ts
index 00652a8..a6ab918 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/v1/index.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/v1/index.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
import { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions } from "fastify";
-import { GitAPI } from "../git";
+import { Repository } from "../../git/repository";
import { Route } from "../../fastify_types";
import repo from "./repo";
import { verifyRepoName } from "../util";
-export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
- const git = new GitAPI(opts.config.settings.base_dir);
+function setHandlers(fastify: FastifyInstance): void {
fastify.setErrorHandler((err, req, reply) => {
reply.code(500).send({ error: "Internal server error!" });
@@ -14,21 +12,29 @@ export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, do
fastify.setNotFoundHandler((req, reply) => {
reply.code(404).send({ error: "Endpoint not found!" });
- fastify.route({
- method: "GET",
- url: "/info",
- handler: (req, reply) => {
- reply.send({ data: { title: opts.config.settings.title, about: opts.config.settings.about } });
- }
- });
+function reposEndpoints(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
method: "GET",
url: "/repos",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
- const repos = await git.getRepositories();
+ const repos = await Repository.openAll(opts.config.settings.base_dir);
+ if(!repos) {
+ reply.send({ data: [] });
+ return;
+ }
- reply.send({ data: repos });
+ reply.send({
+ data: await Promise.all(repos.map(async repository => {
+ return {
+ name: repository.name.short,
+ description: repository.description,
+ last_updated: (await repository.latestCommit()).date
+ };
+ }))
+ });
@@ -39,15 +45,36 @@ export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, do
const repo_verification = await verifyRepoName(opts.config.settings.base_dir, req.params.repo);
if(repo_verification.success === false && repo_verification.code) {
reply.code(repo_verification.code).send({ error: repo_verification.message });
+ return;
- const desc = await git.getRepositoryFile(req.params.repo, "description");
+ const repository = await Repository.open(opts.config.settings.base_dir, req.params.repo);
- reply.send({ data: { name: req.params.repo, description: desc, has_readme: await git.doesReadmeExist(req.params.repo) } });
+ reply.send({
+ data: {
+ name: repository.name.short,
+ description: repository.description,
+ has_readme: await (await repository.tree()).findExists("README.md")
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ done();
+export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
+ setHandlers(fastify);
+ fastify.route({
+ method: "GET",
+ url: "/info",
+ handler: (req, reply) => {
+ reply.send({ data: { title: opts.config.settings.title, about: opts.config.settings.about } });
- fastify.register(repo, { prefix: "/repos/:repo", config: { git: git, settings: opts.config.settings } });
+ fastify.register(reposEndpoints, { config: { settings: opts.config.settings } });
+ fastify.register(repo, { prefix: "/repos/:repo", config: { settings: opts.config.settings } });
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/branches.ts b/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/branches.ts
index fd8056a..fe962aa 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/branches.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/branches.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
import { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions } from "fastify";
-import { GitAPI } from "../../git";
+import { Branch } from "../../../git/branch";
import { Route } from "../../../fastify_types";
-import { verifySHA } from "../../util";
export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
- const git: GitAPI = opts.config.git;
method: "GET",
url: "/branches",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
- const branches = await git.getBranches(req.params.repo);
- reply.send({ data: branches });
+ const branches = await (await req.repository).branches();
+ reply.send({
+ data: branches.map(branch => {
+ return {
+ id: branch.id,
+ name: branch.name
+ };
+ })
+ });
@@ -20,19 +24,20 @@ export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, do
method: "GET",
url: "/branches/:branch",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
- const branch_verification = await verifySHA(git, req.params.repo, req.params.branch);
- if(branch_verification.success === false && branch_verification.code) {
- reply.code(branch_verification.code).send({ error: branch_verification.message });
- }
- const branch = await git.getBranch(req.params.repo, req.params.branch);
+ const branch = await Branch.lookup(await req.repository, req.params.branch);
if(!branch) {
reply.code(404).send({ error: "Branch not found!" });
- reply.send({ data: branch });
+ reply.send({
+ data: {
+ id: branch.id,
+ name: branch.name,
+ latest_commit: await branch.latestCommit()
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/index.ts b/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/index.ts
index 86e5d10..c13e173 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/index.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/index.ts
@@ -1,37 +1,86 @@
-import { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions, FastifyRequest } from "fastify";
-import { GitAPI } from "../../git";
-import { Route } from "../../../fastify_types";
+import { CoolFastifyRequest, Route } from "../../../fastify_types";
+import { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions } from "fastify";
+import { Blob } from "../../../git/blob";
+import { Repository } from "../../../git/repository";
+import { Tag } from "../../../git/tag";
+import { TreeEntry } from "../../../git/tree_entry";
import branches from "./branches";
import log from "./log";
import { verifyRepoName } from "../../util";
-export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
- const git: GitAPI = opts.config.git;
+declare module "fastify" {
+ interface FastifyRequest {
+ repository: Promise<Repository>,
+ }
+function addHooks(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions): void {
+ fastify.addHook("preHandler", (req: CoolFastifyRequest, reply, hookDone) => {
+ req.repository = Repository.open(opts.config.settings.base_dir, req.params.repo);
+ hookDone();
+ });
- fastify.addHook("onRequest", async(req: FastifyRequest<Route>, reply) => {
+ fastify.addHook("onRequest", async(req: CoolFastifyRequest, reply) => {
const repo_verification = await verifyRepoName(opts.config.settings.base_dir, req.params.repo);
if(repo_verification.success === false && repo_verification.code) {
reply.code(repo_verification.code).send({ error: repo_verification.message });
+async function treeEntryMap(entry: TreeEntry) {
+ const latest_commit = await entry.latestCommit();
+ return {
+ path: entry.path,
+ latest_commit: {
+ id: latest_commit.id,
+ message: latest_commit.message,
+ date: latest_commit.date
+ }
+ };
- fastify.register(log, { config: { git: git } });
- fastify.register(branches, { config: { git: git } });
+async function tagMap(tag: Tag) {
+ const author = await tag.author();
+ return {
+ name: tag.name,
+ author: { name: author.name, email: author.email },
+ date: await tag.date()
+ };
+export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
+ addHooks(fastify, opts);
+ fastify.register(log);
+ fastify.register(branches);
method: "GET",
url: "/tree",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
+ const tree = await (await req.repository).tree();
const tree_path = (Object.keys(req.query).length !== 0 && req.query.path) ? req.query.path : null;
+ if(tree_path) {
+ const tree_found = await tree.find(tree_path);
+ if(!tree_found) {
+ reply.code(404).send({ error: "Tree path not found!" });
+ return;
+ }
- const tree = await git.getTree(req.params.repo, tree_path);
+ reply.send({
+ data: tree_found instanceof Blob
+ ? { type: "blob", content: await tree_found.content() }
+ : { type: "tree", content: await Promise.all(tree_found.entries().map(treeEntryMap)) }
+ });
- if(!tree) {
- reply.code(404).send({ error: "Path not found" });
- reply.send({ data: tree });
+ reply.send({ data: await Promise.all(tree.entries().map(treeEntryMap)) });
@@ -39,8 +88,10 @@ export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, do
method: "GET",
url: "/tags",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
- const refs = await git.getTags(req.params.repo);
- reply.send({ data: refs });
+ const tags = await (await req.repository).tags();
+ reply.send({
+ data: await Promise.all(tags.map(tagMap))
+ });
diff --git a/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/log.ts b/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/log.ts
index f692b00..d21cfa8 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/log.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/api/v1/repo/log.ts
@@ -1,23 +1,46 @@
import { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions } from "fastify";
-import { GitAPI } from "../../git";
+import { Commit } from "../../../git/commit";
+import { Patch } from "../../../git/patch";
import { Route } from "../../../fastify_types";
import { verifySHA } from "../../util";
-export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
- const git: GitAPI = opts.config.git;
+async function commitMap(commit: Commit) {
+ const stats = await commit.stats();
+ return {
+ id: commit.id,
+ author: {
+ name: commit.author.name,
+ email: commit.author.email
+ },
+ message: commit.message,
+ date: commit.date,
+ insertions: stats.insertions,
+ deletions: stats.deletions,
+ files_changed: stats.files_changed
+ };
+async function patchMap(patch: Patch) {
+ return {
+ additions: patch.additions,
+ deletions: patch.deletions,
+ from: patch.from,
+ to: patch.to,
+ too_large: patch.too_large,
+ hunks: await patch.getHunks()
+ };
+export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void): void {
method: "GET",
url: "/log",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
- const log = await git.getLog(req.params.repo);
+ const commits = (await (await req.repository).commits());
- if(log.length === 0) {
- reply.code(500).send({ error: "Internal server error!" });
- return;
- }
- reply.send({ data: log });
+ reply.send({
+ data: await Promise.all(commits.map(commitMap))
+ });
@@ -25,14 +48,29 @@ export default function(fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions, do
method: "GET",
url: "/log/:commit",
handler: async(req, reply) => {
- const commit_verification = await verifySHA(git, req.params.repo, req.params.commit);
+ const commit_verification = await verifySHA(await req.repository, req.params.commit);
if(commit_verification.success === false && commit_verification.code) {
reply.code(commit_verification.code).send({ error: commit_verification.message });
- const commit = await git.getCommit(req.params.repo, req.params.commit);
+ const commit = await Commit.lookup(await req.repository, req.params.commit);
+ const stats = await commit.stats();
- reply.send({ data: commit });
+ reply.send({
+ data: {
+ message: commit.message,
+ author: {
+ name: commit.author.name,
+ email: commit.author.email
+ },
+ date: commit.date,
+ insertions: stats.insertions,
+ deletions: stats.deletions,
+ files_changed: stats.files_changed,
+ diff: await Promise.all((await (await commit.diff()).getPatches()).map(patchMap))
+ }
+ });