path: root/ecs/src/component/storage
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ecs/src/component/storage')
2 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ecs/src/component/storage/ b/ecs/src/component/storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee3d7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecs/src/component/storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+use std::borrow::Borrow;
+use std::hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher};
+use std::slice::Iter as SliceIter;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::component::Metadata as ComponentMetadata;
+use crate::uid::{Kind as UidKind, Uid};
+use crate::util::HashMapExt;
+use crate::EntityComponent;
+pub struct Archetype
+ id: Id,
+ entities: Vec<ArchetypeEntity>,
+ entity_index_lookup: HashMap<Uid, usize>,
+ component_index_lookup: HashMap<Uid, usize>,
+impl Archetype
+ pub fn new(id: Id, component_ids: impl IntoIterator<Item: Borrow<Uid>>) -> Self
+ {
+ Self {
+ id,
+ entities: Vec::new(),
+ entity_index_lookup: HashMap::new(),
+ component_index_lookup: component_ids
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, id)| (*id.borrow(), index))
+ .collect(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn id(&self) -> Id
+ {
+ }
+ pub fn is_superset(&self, other: &Self) -> bool
+ {
+ self.component_index_lookup
+ .keys_is_superset(&other.component_index_lookup)
+ }
+ pub fn get_entity_by_id(&self, entity_uid: Uid) -> Option<&ArchetypeEntity>
+ {
+ let index = *self.entity_index_lookup.get(&entity_uid)?;
+ Some(self.entities.get(index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ panic!(
+ "In invalid state! Index of entity with ID {entity_uid:?} is out of bounds"
+ );
+ }))
+ }
+ pub fn push_entity(&mut self, entity: ArchetypeEntity)
+ {
+ self.entity_index_lookup
+ .insert(entity.uid, self.entities.len());
+ self.entities.push(entity);
+ }
+ pub fn remove_entity(&mut self, entity_uid: Uid) -> Option<ArchetypeEntity>
+ {
+ //debug_assert_eq!(entity_uid.kind(), UidKind::Entity);
+ let entity_index = self.entity_index_lookup.remove(&entity_uid)?;
+ if self.entities.len() == 1 {
+ return Some(self.entities.remove(entity_index));
+ }
+ let last_entity_uid = self
+ .entities
+ .last()
+ .expect(concat!(
+ "Invalid state. No entities in archetype but entry was ",
+ "removed successfully from entity index lookup"
+ ))
+ .uid;
+ // By using swap_remove, no memory reallocation occurs and only one index in the
+ // entity lookup needs to be updated
+ let removed_entity = self.entities.swap_remove(entity_index);
+ self.entity_index_lookup
+ .insert(last_entity_uid, entity_index);
+ Some(removed_entity)
+ }
+ pub fn entities(&self) -> EntityIter<'_>
+ {
+ EntityIter { iter: self.entities.iter() }
+ }
+ pub fn entity_cnt(&self) -> usize
+ {
+ self.entities.len()
+ }
+ pub fn component_cnt(&self) -> usize
+ {
+ self.component_index_lookup.len()
+ }
+ pub fn get_index_for_component(&self, component_id: Uid) -> Option<usize>
+ {
+ self.component_index_lookup.get(&component_id).copied()
+ }
+ pub fn component_ids_unsorted(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Uid> + '_
+ {
+ self.component_index_lookup.keys().copied()
+ }
+ pub fn has_component_with_id(&self, component_id: Uid) -> bool
+ {
+ debug_assert_eq!(component_id.kind(), UidKind::Component);
+ self.component_index_lookup.contains_key(&component_id)
+ }
+pub struct EntityIter<'archetype>
+ iter: SliceIter<'archetype, ArchetypeEntity>,
+impl<'archetype> Iterator for EntityIter<'archetype>
+ type Item = &'archetype ArchetypeEntity;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
+ {
+ }
+pub struct ArchetypeEntity
+ pub uid: Uid,
+ pub components: Vec<EntityComponent>,
+/// Archetype ID.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+pub struct Id
+ hash: u64,
+impl Id
+ pub fn new(component_ids: &impl AsRef<[Uid]>) -> Self
+ {
+ if component_ids.as_ref().len() == 0 {
+ return Self { hash: 0 };
+ }
+ debug_assert!(
+ component_ids.as_ref().is_sorted(),
+ "Cannot create archetype ID from unsorted component IDs"
+ );
+ let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
+ for component_id in component_ids.as_ref() {
+ component_id.hash(&mut hasher);
+ }
+ Self { hash: hasher.finish() }
+ }
+ pub fn from_components_metadata(
+ components_metadata: &impl AsRef<[ComponentMetadata]>,
+ ) -> Self
+ {
+ if components_metadata.as_ref().len() == 0 {
+ return Self { hash: 0 };
+ }
+ debug_assert!(
+ components_metadata
+ .as_ref()
+ .is_sorted_by_key(|comp_metadata|,
+ "Cannot create archetype ID from a unsorted component metadata list"
+ );
+ let component_ids =
+ components_metadata
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|component_metadata| {
+ if component_metadata.is_optional {
+ return None;
+ }
+ Some(
+ });
+ let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
+ for component_id in component_ids {
+ component_id.hash(&mut hasher);
+ }
+ Self { hash: hasher.finish() }
+ }
diff --git a/ecs/src/component/storage/ b/ecs/src/component/storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe97933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecs/src/component/storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+use hashbrown::hash_map::Values as HashMapValueIter;
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use crate::component::storage::archetype::{Archetype, Id as ArchetypeId};
+use crate::uid::{Kind as UidKind, Uid};
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Graph
+ nodes: Vec<ArchetypeNode>,
+ archetype_index_lookup: HashMap<ArchetypeId, usize>,
+impl Graph
+ pub fn create_node(&mut self, id: ArchetypeId, component_ids: &impl AsRef<[Uid]>)
+ {
+ debug_assert!(!self.contains_archetype(id));
+ let _ = self.get_or_create_node(id, component_ids);
+ }
+ pub fn get_or_create_node(
+ &mut self,
+ id: ArchetypeId,
+ component_ids: &impl AsRef<[Uid]>,
+ ) -> &mut ArchetypeNode
+ {
+ let index = *self.archetype_index_lookup.entry(id).or_insert_with(|| {
+ self.nodes.push(ArchetypeNode {
+ archetype: Archetype::new(id, component_ids.as_ref()),
+ edges: HashMap::new(),
+ });
+ self.nodes.len() - 1
+ });
+ self.create_missing_edges(id);
+ self.nodes
+ .get_mut(index)
+ .expect("Archetype index from lookup is out of bounds")
+ }
+ pub fn contains_archetype(&self, id: ArchetypeId) -> bool
+ {
+ self.archetype_index_lookup.contains_key(&id)
+ }
+ pub fn get_node_by_id(&self, id: ArchetypeId) -> Option<&ArchetypeNode>
+ {
+ let index = self.archetype_index_lookup.get(&id)?;
+ Some(self.nodes.get(*index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ panic!("In invalid state! Index of archetype with ID {id:?} is out of bounds")
+ }))
+ }
+ pub fn get_node_by_id_mut(&mut self, id: ArchetypeId) -> Option<&mut ArchetypeNode>
+ {
+ let index = self.archetype_index_lookup.get(&id)?;
+ Some(self.nodes.get_mut(*index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ panic!("In invalid state! Index of archetype with ID {id:?} is out of bounds")
+ }))
+ }
+ pub fn recurse_archetype_add_edges(
+ &self,
+ archetype_id: ArchetypeId,
+ ) -> Option<ArchetypeAddEdgeRecursiveIter>
+ {
+ Some(ArchetypeAddEdgeRecursiveIter {
+ graph: self,
+ stack: vec![self.get_node_by_id(archetype_id)?.edges.values()],
+ })
+ }
+ fn create_missing_edges(&mut self, archetype_id: ArchetypeId)
+ {
+ let archetype_node = self
+ .get_node_by_id(archetype_id)
+ .expect("Archetype should exist");
+ let mut comp_ids = archetype_node
+ .archetype()
+ .component_ids_unsorted()
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ comp_ids.sort();
+ for component_id_index in 0..archetype_node.archetype().component_cnt() {
+ let mut comp_ids_without_comp = comp_ids.clone();
+ let removed_comp_id = comp_ids_without_comp.remove(component_id_index);
+ let archetype_without_comp_id = ArchetypeId::new(&comp_ids_without_comp);
+ let Some(archetype_node_without_comp) =
+ self.get_node_by_id_mut(archetype_without_comp_id)
+ else {
+ continue;
+ };
+ archetype_node_without_comp
+ .get_or_insert_edges(removed_comp_id, ArchetypeEdges::default)
+ .add = Some(archetype_id);
+ let archetype_node = self
+ .get_node_by_id_mut(archetype_id)
+ .expect("Archetype should exist");
+ archetype_node
+ .get_or_insert_edges(removed_comp_id, ArchetypeEdges::default)
+ .remove = Some(archetype_without_comp_id);
+ }
+ let archetype_node_index = *self
+ .archetype_index_lookup
+ .get(&archetype_id)
+ .expect("Archetype should exist");
+ let (nodes_before, nodes_rest) = self.nodes.split_at_mut(archetype_node_index);
+ let ([archetype_node], nodes_after) = nodes_rest.split_at_mut(1) else {
+ unreachable!();
+ };
+ let expected_component_cnt = archetype_node.archetype().component_cnt() + 1;
+ for other_archetype_node in nodes_before.iter_mut().chain(nodes_after.iter_mut())
+ {
+ if other_archetype_node.archetype().component_cnt() != expected_component_cnt
+ || !other_archetype_node
+ .archetype()
+ .is_superset(&archetype_node.archetype())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let extra_comp_id = other_archetype_node
+ .archetype()
+ .component_ids_unsorted()
+ .find(|comp_id| {
+ !archetype_node.archetype().has_component_with_id(*comp_id)
+ })
+ .expect("Archetype should contain one extra component ID");
+ other_archetype_node
+ .get_or_insert_edges(extra_comp_id, ArchetypeEdges::default)
+ .remove = Some(archetype_id);
+ archetype_node
+ .get_or_insert_edges(extra_comp_id, ArchetypeEdges::default)
+ .add = Some(other_archetype_node.archetype().id());
+ }
+ }
+pub struct ArchetypeNode
+ archetype: Archetype,
+ edges: HashMap<Uid, ArchetypeEdges>,
+impl ArchetypeNode
+ pub fn archetype(&self) -> &Archetype
+ {
+ &self.archetype
+ }
+ pub fn archetype_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Archetype
+ {
+ &mut self.archetype
+ }
+ pub fn get_or_insert_edges(
+ &mut self,
+ component_id: Uid,
+ insert_fn: impl FnOnce() -> ArchetypeEdges,
+ ) -> &mut ArchetypeEdges
+ {
+ debug_assert_eq!(component_id.kind(), UidKind::Component);
+ self.edges.entry(component_id).or_insert_with(insert_fn)
+ }
+ pub fn get_edges_mut(&mut self, component_id: Uid) -> Option<&mut ArchetypeEdges>
+ {
+ debug_assert_eq!(component_id.kind(), UidKind::Component);
+ self.edges.get_mut(&component_id)
+ }
+ pub fn make_add_edge(&self, component_id: Uid) -> (ArchetypeId, Vec<Uid>)
+ {
+ let mut edge_comp_ids = self
+ .archetype()
+ .component_ids_unsorted()
+ .chain([component_id])
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ edge_comp_ids.sort();
+ let add_edge_id = ArchetypeId::new(&edge_comp_ids);
+ (add_edge_id, edge_comp_ids)
+ }
+ pub fn make_remove_edge(&self, component_id: Uid) -> (ArchetypeId, Vec<Uid>)
+ {
+ let mut edge_comp_ids = self
+ .archetype()
+ .component_ids_unsorted()
+ .filter(|id| *id != component_id)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ edge_comp_ids.sort();
+ let remove_edge_id = ArchetypeId::new(&edge_comp_ids);
+ (remove_edge_id, edge_comp_ids)
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct ArchetypeEdges
+ pub add: Option<ArchetypeId>,
+ pub remove: Option<ArchetypeId>,
+pub struct ArchetypeAddEdgeRecursiveIter<'graph>
+ graph: &'graph Graph,
+ stack: Vec<HashMapValueIter<'graph, Uid, ArchetypeEdges>>,
+impl<'graph> Iterator for ArchetypeAddEdgeRecursiveIter<'graph>
+ type Item = Option<ArchetypeId>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
+ {
+ let iter = self.stack.last_mut()?;
+ let Some(edges) = else {
+ self.stack.pop();
+ return Some(None);
+ };
+ let Some(add_edge) = edges.add else {
+ return Some(None);
+ };
+ let add_edge_archetype = self
+ .graph
+ .get_node_by_id(add_edge)
+ .expect("Add edge archetype not found");
+ self.stack.push(add_edge_archetype.edges.values());
+ Some(Some(add_edge))
+ }