path: root/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User/R11_Hello_User.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User/R11_Hello_User.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 90fbfff..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User/R11_Hello_User.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* Hello User
- Hello User! This sketch is the first thing you see
- when starting this robot. It gives you a warm welcome,
- showing you some of the really amazing abilities of
- the robot, and make itself really personal to you.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-// include the utility function for ths sketch
-// see the details below
-#include <utility/RobotTextManager.h>
-char buffer[20];//for storing user name
-void setup(){
- //necessary initialization sequence
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSpeaker(32000);
- Robot.beginSD();
- // show the logos from the SD card
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // play the music file
- Robot.playFile("menu.sqm");
- // clear the screen
- Robot.clearScreen();
- // From now on, display different slides of
- // text/pictures in sequence. The so-called
- // scripts are strings of text stored in the
- // robot's memory
- // these functions are explained below
- //Script 6
- textManager.writeScript(5, 4, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 10, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 7
- textManager.writeScript(6, 4, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 10, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 8
- // this function enables sound and images at once
- textManager.showPicture("init2.bmp", 0, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(7, 2, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 7, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 9
- textManager.showPicture("init3.bmp", 0, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(8, 2, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 7, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 11
- textManager.writeScript(10, 4, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 10, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Input screen
- textManager.writeScript(0, 1, 1);
- textManager.input(3, 1, USERNAME);
- textManager.writeScript(1, 5, 1);
- textManager.input(7, 1, ROBOTNAME);
- delay(1000);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //last screen
- textManager.showPicture("init4.bmp", 0, 0);
- textManager.writeText(1, 2, "Hello");
- Robot.userNameRead(buffer);
- textManager.writeText(3, 2, buffer);
- textManager.writeScript(4,10,0);
- Robot.waitContinue(BUTTON_LEFT);
- Robot.waitContinue(BUTTON_RIGHT);
- textManager.showPicture("kt1.bmp", 0, 0);
-void loop(){
- // do nothing here
-textManager mostly contains helper functions for
-R06_Wheel_Calibration and R01_Hello_User.
-The ones used in this example:
- textManager.setMargin(margin_left, margin_top):
- Configure the left and top margin for text
- display. The margins will be used for
- textManager.writeText().
- Parameters:
- margin_left, margin_top: the margin values
- from the top and left side of the screen.
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.writeScript(script_number,line,column):
- Display a script of Hello User example.
- Parameters:
- script_number: an int value representing the
- script to be displayed.
- line, column: in which line,column is the script
- displayed. Same as writeText().
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.input(line,column,codename):
- Print an input indicator(">") in the line and column,
- dispaly and receive input from a virtual keyboard,
- and save the value into EEPROM represented by codename
- Parameters:
- line,column: int values represents where the input
- starts. Same as wirteText().
- COUNTRYNAME. You can call Robot.userNameRead(),
- robotNameRead(),cityNameRead() or countryNameRead()
- to access the values later.
- Returns:
- none;
- textManager.writeText(line,column,text):
- Display text on the specific line and column.
- It's different from Robot.text() as the later
- uses pixels for positioning the text.
- Parameters:
- line:in which line is the text displayed. Each line
- is 10px high.
- column:in which column is the text displayed. Each
- column is 8px wide.
- text:a char array(string) of the text to be displayed.
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.showPicture(filename, x, y):
- It has the same functionality as Robot.drawPicture(),
- while fixing the conflict between drawPicture() and
- sound playing. Using Robot.drawPicture(), it'll have
- glitches when playing sound at the same time. Using
- showPicture(), it'll stop sound when displaying
- picture, so preventing the problem.
- Parameters:
- filename:string, name of the bmp file in sd
- x,y: int values, position of the picture
- Returns:
- none