path: root/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser
diff options
authorCristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>2013-05-29 18:30:36 +0200
committerCristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>2013-05-29 18:30:36 +0200
commitd90fcca5839d13d57ed527d4009b78d22dafbde7 (patch)
tree768b98af21e5075846184dd3de41ae0c22e75e20 /libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser
parent7207108255a772474b322151cb0fd113e8030afe (diff)
parentef4e8c65373f531ce6d37ff226a21fc9b358ff29 (diff)
Merged 1.0.5
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser/R09_Picture_Browser.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser/R09_Picture_Browser.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a43348c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser/R09_Picture_Browser.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* Picture Browser
+ You can make your own gallery/picture show with the
+ Robot. Put some pictures on the SD card, start the
+ sketch, they will diplay on the screen.
+ Use the left/right buttons to navigate through the
+ previous and next images.
+ Press up or down to enter a mode where you change
+ the pictures by rotating the robot.
+ You can add your own pictures onto the SD card, and
+ view them in the Robot's gallery!
+ Pictures must be uncompressed BMP, 24-bit color depth,
+ 160 pixels wide, and 128 pixels tall.
+ They should be named as "picN.bmp". Replace 'N' with a
+ number between 0 and 9.
+ The current code only supports 10 pictures. How would you
+ improve it to handle more?
+ Circuit:
+ * Arduino Robot
+ created 1 May 2013
+ by X. Yang
+ modified 12 May 2013
+ by D. Cuartielles
+ This example is in the public domain
+ */
+#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
+const int NUM_PICS = 4; //Total number of pictures in Gallery
+// name the modes
+const int CONTROL_MODE_KEY = 0;
+const int CONTROL_MODE_COMPASS = 1;
+char buffer[] = "pic1.bmp"; // current file name
+int i = 1; // Current gallery sequence counter
+int mode = 0; // Current mode
+// text to display on screen
+char modeNames[][9] = { "keyboard", "tilt " };
+void setup() {
+ // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker
+ Robot.beginSD();
+ Robot.beginTFT();
+ Robot.begin();
+ // draw "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" on the screen
+ Robot.displayLogos();
+ // draw init3.bmp from the SD card on the screen
+ Robot.drawBMP("init3.bmp", 0, 0);
+ // display instructions
+ Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
+ Robot.text("The gallery\n\n has 2 modes, in\n keyboard mode, L/R\n key for switching\n pictures, U/D key\n for changing modes", 5, 5);
+ delay(6000);
+ Robot.clearScreen();
+ Robot.drawBMP("pb.bmp", 0, 0);
+ Robot.text("In tilt mode,\n quickly tilt the\n robot to switch\n pictures", 5, 5);
+ delay(4000);
+void loop() {
+ buffer[3] = '0'+i;// change filename of the img to be displayed
+ Robot.drawBMP(buffer, 0, 0); // draw the file on the screen
+ // change control modes
+ switch(mode) {
+ compassControl(3);
+ break;
+ keyboardControl();
+ break;
+ }
+ delay(200);
+void keyboardControl() {
+ //Use buttons to control the gallery
+ while(true) {
+ int keyPressed = Robot.keyboardRead(); // read the button values
+ switch(keyPressed) {
+ case BUTTON_LEFT: // display previous picture
+ if(--i < 1) i = NUM_PICS;
+ return;
+ case BUTTON_MIDDLE: // do nothing
+ case BUTTON_RIGHT: // display next picture
+ if(++i > NUM_PICS) i = 1;
+ return;
+ case BUTTON_UP: // change mode
+ changeMode(-1);
+ return;
+ case BUTTON_DOWN: // change mode
+ changeMode(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// if controlling by the compass
+void compassControl(int change) {
+ // Rotate the robot to change the pictures
+ while(true) {
+ // read the value of the compass
+ int oldV = Robot.compassRead();
+ //get the change of angle
+ int diff = Robot.compassRead()-oldV;
+ if(diff > 180) diff -= 360;
+ else if(diff < -180) diff += 360;
+ if(abs(diff) > change) {
+ if(++i > NUM_PICS) i = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ // chage modes, if buttons are pressed
+ int keyPressed = Robot.keyboardRead();
+ switch(keyPressed) {
+ case BUTTON_UP:
+ changeMode(-1);
+ return;
+ changeMode(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ delay(10);
+ }
+// Change the control mode and display it on the LCD
+void changeMode(int changeDir) {
+ // alternate modes
+ mode += changeDir;
+ if(mode < 0) {
+ mode = 1;
+ } else if(mode > 1)
+ mode=0;
+ // display the mode on screen
+ Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
+ Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
+ Robot.rect(0, 0, 128, 12);
+ Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
+ Robot.text("Control:", 2, 2);
+ Robot.text(modeNames[mode], 52, 2);
+ delay(1000);