BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterrename arduino core dir to xinputHampusM3 years
v1.0.4commit b5627a734f...Dave Madison3 years
v1.0.3commit 17f93a51c8...Dave Madison3 years
v1.0.2commit 89a7c7327d...Dave Madison5 years
v1.0.1commit 924299c159...Dave Madison5 years
v1.0.0commit 441d3d8c70...David Madison6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-07-23Version 1.0.2v1.0.2Dave Madison
2020-07-23Merge pull request #9 from dmadison/upstream-updatesDave Madison
2020-07-23Merge tag '1.8.3' into upstream-updatesDavid Madison
2020-06-11Wire: apply last suggested comment from @matthijskooijmanMartino Facchin
2020-06-11Publish 1.8.3Martino Facchin
2020-06-11Wire: improve comments on timeoutMatthijs Kooijman
2020-06-11Wire: add sensible defaults to setWireTimeoutMartino Facchin
2020-06-11Introduce non compulsory Wire timeoutGreyson Christoforo
2020-06-11Merge pull request #340 from eudoxos/header-newMartino Facchin
2020-06-11Merge pull request #335 from cmaglie/add-precomp-lib-supportMartino Facchin