BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterfix: correct safety docs of expectation returning methodsHampusM23 months
v0.3.0commit 7e1bbbc738...HampusM24 months
v0.2.0commit 9233c481d6...HampusM2 years
v0.1.0commit 2ca8017dee...HampusM2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-04-15fix: correct safety docs of expectation returning methodsHEADmasterHampusM
2023-04-02build: bump version to 0.3.0v0.3.0HampusM
2023-04-02docs: fix the mock macro exampleHampusM
2023-04-01fix: make expectation returning method unsafeHampusM
2023-04-01feat: allow for usage of associated types of genericsHampusM
2023-03-26fix: replace Self in genericsHampusM
2023-03-26feat: add automock attributeHampusM
2023-03-25build: add description & license fields to macros Cargo.tomlv0.2.0HampusM
2023-03-25build: bump version to 0.2.0HampusM
2023-03-25feat: add argument matchingHampusM