AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-11-10add window checks in telescope keymap functionsHEADmasterHampusM
2024-11-10add keymap to open telescope in current buffer's dirHampusM
2024-11-10remove git utility moduleHampusM
2024-11-10use lua functions for telescope keymapsHampusM
2024-11-02move things away from style.luaHampusM
2024-10-31disable mouse supportHampusM
2024-10-30use treesitter & use plugin rainbow-delimetersHampusM
2024-10-30use latest neovim-ayu plugin commitHampusM
2024-10-30disable semicolon inlay hint in luaHampusM
2024-10-29use lazy.nvim instead of packerHampusM
2024-10-29disable array index & set type inlay hints in luaHampusM
2024-10-29enable nvim lua development support in lua coc extensionHampusM
2024-10-29restructure lua coc extension configsHampusM
2024-10-29add map to restart coc.nvimHampusM
2024-10-29decrease number of rust-analyzer inlay hintsHampusM
2024-10-29decrease coc float max width & make coc float focusableHampusM
2024-10-29run rustfmt with Rust nightlyHampusM
2024-10-29increase colorcolumn to 92HampusM
2024-10-29update coc.nvimHampusM
2024-06-10set buffer_visible bufferline highlight backgroundHampusM
2024-06-10disable concealsHampusM
since conceals are broken for vimdoc for some reason
2024-06-09use bufferline.nvimHampusM
2024-06-09remove nerdtreeHampusM
2024-06-09use telescope-cocHampusM
2024-06-09use specific commit of telescope-file-browserHampusM
2024-06-09use telescope-git-conflicts pluginHampusM
2024-06-09add binding for telescope git branchesHampusM
2024-06-09change telescope git commits binding to ,gcHampusM
2024-06-09make telescope file browser disrespect gitignoreHampusM
2024-06-08use telescope file browserHampusM
2024-06-08use Telescope instead of fzf.vimHampusM
2024-06-02make terminal windows unlistedHampusM
2024-06-02revert "prevent terminal appearing in buffer search"HampusM
This reverts commit 0d380e8916a7ddf89193a76bd711ae1661ae9b44.
2024-06-02prevent terminal from being resizedHampusM
2024-06-02prevent terminal appearing in buffer searchHampusM
2024-06-01make color column a angry red colorHampusM
2024-06-01have a single statuslineHampusM
2024-06-01make window separators visible & prettyHampusM
2024-06-01make terminal window have panel background colorHampusM
2024-06-01make current line number have own colorHampusM
2024-06-01make line numbers more readableHampusM
2024-06-01force Lualine to use dark Ayu themeHampusM
2024-06-01make NERDTree have own background colorHampusM
2024-06-01use lualine pluginHampusM
2024-06-01make coc.nvim floating windows prettierHampusM
2024-06-01use other Ayu theme forkHampusM
2024-05-31remove usage of rust.vim pluginHampusM
2024-05-31use plugin nvim-treesitterHampusM
2024-05-31make default terminal window ID a invalid window IDHampusM
2024-05-31make logic in close_current_buffer clearerHampusM