BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteradd window checks in telescope keymap functionsHampusM5 months
octooctoHampusM14 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-11-10add window checks in telescope keymap functionsHEADmasterHampusM
2024-11-10add keymap to open telescope in current buffer's dirHampusM
2024-11-10remove git utility moduleHampusM
2024-11-10use lua functions for telescope keymapsHampusM
2024-11-02move things away from style.luaHampusM
2024-10-31disable mouse supportHampusM
2024-10-30use treesitter & use plugin rainbow-delimetersHampusM
2024-10-30use latest neovim-ayu plugin commitHampusM
2024-10-30disable semicolon inlay hint in luaHampusM
2024-10-29use lazy.nvim instead of packerHampusM