path: root/boards.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-09-02Merge branch 'new-extension' of github.com:arduino/Arduino into new-extensionDavid Mellis
2011-09-02Updating to avrdude 5.11 (Windows). stk500 -> arduino in boards.txt.David Mellis
2011-08-31Adding Arduino Ethernet and Arduino Mega ADK (joint w/ Mega 2560) to boards m...David A. Mellis
2011-08-23Distinguishing those boards with eight analog inputs (Fio, BT, Nano, Mini).David A. Mellis
2011-08-23Renaming pins/ directory to the more generic variants/David A. Mellis
2011-03-09Fixing typo in boards.txt.David A. Mellis
2011-03-04Factoring pin definitions out of the core.David A. Mellis
2010-09-24Adding Arduino Mega 2560 board entry.David A. Mellis
2010-09-22Adding optiboot and Arduino Uno boards menu entry.David A. Mellis
2010-08-07Adding Arduino BT w/ ATmega328 to the boards menu.David A. Mellis
2010-05-16Adding 5V, 16 MHz versions of the Arduino Pro and Pro Mini (ATmega328 and ATm...David A. Mellis
2010-05-08Removing some Processing stuff that we don't need.David A. Mellis
2010-03-28Added Fio to boards.txt, now that it's part of the lineup.Tom Igoe
2009-07-21Renaming the 328 and 168 boards.David A. Mellis
2009-07-14Adding Nano w/ ATmega328.David A. Mellis
2009-06-01First integration of the Arduino code in Processing 5503: PreProcessor and Co...David A. Mellis