path: root/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad73c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "VirtualKeyboard.h"
+int VirtualKeyboard::getColLin(int val){
+ uint8_t col,lin;
+ lin=val/10;
+ col=val%10; // saving 36 bytes :(
+ /*if(0<=val && 9>=val){
+ col=val;
+ lin=0;
+ }else if(10<=val && 19>=val){
+ col=val-10;
+ lin=1;
+ }else if(20<=val && 29>=val){
+ col=val-20;
+ lin=2;
+ }else if(30<=val && 39>=val){
+ col=val-30;
+ lin=3;
+ }*/
+ return (col<<8)+lin; //Put col and lin in one int
+void VirtualKeyboard::run(){
+/** visually select a letter on the keyboard
+* The selection boarder is 1px higher than the character,
+* 1px on the bottom, 2px to the left and 2px to the right.
+ if(!onOff)return;
+ //Serial.println(onOff);
+ static int oldColLin=0;
+ uint8_t val=map(Robot.knobRead(),0,1023,0,38);
+ if(val==38)val=37; //The last value is jumpy when using batteries
+ int colLin=getColLin(val);
+ if(oldColLin!=colLin){
+ uint8_t x=(oldColLin>>8 & 0xFF)*11+10;//col*11+1+9
+ uint8_t y=(oldColLin & 0xFF)*11+1+top;//lin*11+1+top
+ uint8_t w=9;
+ if(oldColLin==1795) //last item "Enter", col=7 lin=3
+ w=33; //(5+1)*6-1+2+2 charWidth=5, charMargin=1, count("Enter")=6, lastItem_MarginRight=0, marginLeft==marginRight=2
+ Robot.drawRect(x,y,w,9,hideColor);
+ x=(colLin>>8 & 0xFF)*11+10;
+ y=(colLin & 0xFF)*11+1+top;
+ w=9;
+ if(colLin==1795) //last item "Enter", col=7 lin=3
+ w=33; //(5+1)*6-1+2+2 charWidth=5, charMargin=1, count("Enter")=6, lastItem_MarginRight=0, marginLeft==marginRight=2
+ Robot.drawRect(x,y,w,9,showColor);
+ oldColLin=colLin;
+ }
+char VirtualKeyboard::getSelection(){
+ if(!onOff)return -1;
+ uint8_t val=map(Robot.knobRead(),0,1023,0,38);
+ if(0<=val && 9>=val)
+ val='0'+val;
+ else if(10<=val && 35>=val)
+ val='A'+val-10;
+ else if(val==36)
+ val=' ';
+ else if(val>=37)
+ val='\0';
+ return val;
+void VirtualKeyboard::hide(){
+ onOff=false;
+ Robot.fillRect(0,top,128,44,hideColor);//11*4
+void VirtualKeyboard::display(uint8_t top, uint16_t showColor, uint16_t hideColor){
+/** Display the keyboard at y position of top
+* formular:
+* When text size is 1, one character is 5*7
+* margin-left==margin-right==3,
+* margin-top==margin-bottom==2,
+* keyWidth=5+3+3==11,
+* keyHeight=7+2+2==11,
+* keyboard-margin-left=keyboard-margin-right==9
+* so character-x=11*col+9+3=11*col+12
+* character-y=11*lin+2+top
+ this->top=top;
+ this->onOff=true;
+ this->showColor=showColor;
+ this->hideColor=hideColor;
+ for(uint8_t i=0;i<36;i++){
+ Robot.setCursor(i%10*11+12,2+top+i/10*11);
+ if(i<10)
+ Robot.print(char('0'+i));
+ else
+ Robot.print(char(55+i));//'A'-10=55
+ }//for saving 58 bytes :(
+ /*for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
+ Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,2+top);//11*0+2+top
+ Robot.print(char('0'+i));//line_1: 0-9
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
+ Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,13+top);//11*1+2+top
+ Robot.print(char('A'+i));//line_2: A-J
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
+ Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,24+top);//11*2+2+top
+ Robot.print(char('K'+i));//line_3: K-T
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
+ Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,35+top);//11*3+2+top
+ Robot.print(char('U'+i));//line_4: U-Z
+ }*/
+ //space and enter at the end of the last line.
+ Robot.setCursor(78,35+top);//6*11+12=78
+ Robot.print('_');//_
+ Robot.setCursor(89,35+top);//7*11+12=89
+ Robot.print("Enter");//enter
+VirtualKeyboard Vkey=VirtualKeyboard(); \ No newline at end of file