path: root/libraries/GSM/GSM3SoftSerial.cpp
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diff --git a/libraries/GSM/GSM3SoftSerial.cpp b/libraries/GSM/GSM3SoftSerial.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 176e8cb..0000000
--- a/libraries/GSM/GSM3SoftSerial.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of the GSM3 communications library for Arduino
--- Multi-transport communications platform
--- Fully asynchronous
--- Includes code for the Arduino-Telefonica GSM/GPRS Shield V1
--- Voice calls
--- SMS
--- TCP/IP connections
--- HTTP basic clients
-This library has been developed by Telef�nica Digital - PDI -
-- Physical Internet Lab, as part as its collaboration with
-Arduino and the Open Hardware Community.
-September-December 2012
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-The latest version of this library can always be found at
-#include "GSM3SoftSerial.h"
-#include <avr/interrupt.h>
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#include "pins_arduino.h"
-#include <HardwareSerial.h>
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
-#define __TXPIN__ 3
-#define __RXPIN__ 2
-#define __RXINT__ 3
-#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)
-#define __TXPIN__ 3
-#define __RXPIN__ 10
-#define __RXINT__ 4
-#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
-#define __TXPIN__ 3
-#define __RXPIN__ 8
-#define __RXINT__ 3
-#define __XON__ 0x11
-#define __XOFF__ 0x13
-// Lookup table
-#define __PARAGRAPHGUARD__ 50
-typedef struct _DELAY_TABLE
- long baud;
- unsigned short rx_delay_centering;
- unsigned short rx_delay_intrabit;
- unsigned short rx_delay_stopbit;
- unsigned short tx_delay;
-#if F_CPU == 16000000
-static const DELAY_TABLE PROGMEM table[] =
- // baud rxcenter rxintra rxstop tx
- { 115200, 1, 17, 17, 12, },
- { 57600, 10, 37, 37, 33, },
- { 38400, 25, 57, 57, 54, },
- { 31250, 31, 70, 70, 68, },
- { 28800, 34, 77, 77, 74, },
- { 19200, 54, 117, 117, 114, },
- { 14400, 74, 156, 156, 153, },
- { 9600, 114, 236, 236, 233, },
- { 4800, 233, 474, 474, 471, },
- { 2400, 471, 950, 950, 947, },
- { 1200, 947, 1902, 1902, 1899, },
- { 300, 3804, 7617, 7617, 7614, },
-#elif F_CPU == 8000000
-static const DELAY_TABLE table[] PROGMEM =
- // baud rxcenter rxintra rxstop tx
- { 115200, 1, 5, 5, 3, },
- { 57600, 1, 15, 15, 13, },
- { 38400, 2, 25, 26, 23, },
- { 31250, 7, 32, 33, 29, },
- { 28800, 11, 35, 35, 32, },
- { 19200, 20, 55, 55, 52, },
- { 14400, 30, 75, 75, 72, },
- { 9600, 50, 114, 114, 112, },
- { 4800, 110, 233, 233, 230, },
- { 2400, 229, 472, 472, 469, },
- { 1200, 467, 948, 948, 945, },
- { 300, 1895, 3805, 3805, 3802, },
-#elif F_CPU == 20000000
-// 20MHz support courtesy of the good people at macegr.com.
-// Thanks, Garrett!
-static const DELAY_TABLE PROGMEM table[] =
- // baud rxcenter rxintra rxstop tx
- { 115200, 3, 21, 21, 18, },
- { 57600, 20, 43, 43, 41, },
- { 38400, 37, 73, 73, 70, },
- { 31250, 45, 89, 89, 88, },
- { 28800, 46, 98, 98, 95, },
- { 19200, 71, 148, 148, 145, },
- { 14400, 96, 197, 197, 194, },
- { 9600, 146, 297, 297, 294, },
- { 4800, 296, 595, 595, 592, },
- { 2400, 592, 1189, 1189, 1186, },
- { 1200, 1187, 2379, 2379, 2376, },
- { 300, 4759, 9523, 9523, 9520, },
-#error This version of GSM3SoftSerial supports only 20, 16 and 8MHz processors
-GSM3SoftSerial* GSM3SoftSerial::_activeObject=0;
- _rx_delay_centering(0),
- _rx_delay_intrabit(0),
- _rx_delay_stopbit(0),
- _tx_delay(0),
- cb(this)
- setTX();
- setRX();
- //comStatus=0;
- //waitingAnswer=false;
-int GSM3SoftSerial::begin(long speed)
- _rx_delay_centering = _rx_delay_intrabit = _rx_delay_stopbit = _tx_delay = 0;
- for (unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(table)/sizeof(table[0]); ++i)
- {
- long baud = pgm_read_dword(&table[i].baud);
- if (baud == speed)
- {
- _rx_delay_centering = pgm_read_word(&table[i].rx_delay_centering);
- _rx_delay_intrabit = pgm_read_word(&table[i].rx_delay_intrabit);
- _rx_delay_stopbit = pgm_read_word(&table[i].rx_delay_stopbit);
- _tx_delay = pgm_read_word(&table[i].tx_delay);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (_rx_delay_stopbit)
- {
- if (digitalPinToPCICR(__RXPIN__))
- {
- *digitalPinToPCICR(__RXPIN__) |= _BV(digitalPinToPCICRbit(__RXPIN__));
- *digitalPinToPCMSK(__RXPIN__) |= _BV(digitalPinToPCMSKbit(__RXPIN__));
- }
- tunedDelay(_tx_delay); // if we were low this establishes the end
- }
- _activeObject=this;
-void GSM3SoftSerial::close()
- {
- _activeObject=0;
- }
-size_t GSM3SoftSerial::write(uint8_t c)
- if (_tx_delay == 0)
- return 0;
- // Characters to be escaped under XON/XOFF control with Quectel
- if(c==0x11)
- {
- this->finalWrite(0x77);
- return this->finalWrite(0xEE);
- }
- if(c==0x13)
- {
- this->finalWrite(0x77);
- return this->finalWrite(0xEC);
- }
- if(c==0x77)
- {
- this->finalWrite(0x77);
- return this->finalWrite(0x88);
- }
- return this->finalWrite(c);
-size_t GSM3SoftSerial::finalWrite(uint8_t c)
- uint8_t oldSREG = SREG;
- cli(); // turn off interrupts for a clean txmit
- // Write the start bit
- tx_pin_write(LOW);
- tunedDelay(_tx_delay + XMIT_START_ADJUSTMENT);
- // Write each of the 8 bits
- for (byte mask = 0x01; mask; mask <<= 1)
- {
- if (c & mask) // choose bit
- tx_pin_write(HIGH); // send 1
- else
- tx_pin_write(LOW); // send 0
- tunedDelay(_tx_delay);
- }
- tx_pin_write(HIGH); // restore pin to natural state
- SREG = oldSREG; // turn interrupts back on
- tunedDelay(_tx_delay);
- return 1;
-/*inline*/ void GSM3SoftSerial::tunedDelay(uint16_t delay) {
- uint8_t tmp=0;
- asm volatile("sbiw %0, 0x01 \n\t"
- "ldi %1, 0xFF \n\t"
- "cpi %A0, 0xFF \n\t"
- "cpc %B0, %1 \n\t"
- "brne .-10 \n\t"
- : "+r" (delay), "+a" (tmp)
- : "0" (delay)
- );
-void GSM3SoftSerial::tx_pin_write(uint8_t pin_state)
- // Direct port manipulation is faster than digitalWrite/Read
- if (pin_state == LOW)
- *_transmitPortRegister &= ~_transmitBitMask;
- else
- *_transmitPortRegister |= _transmitBitMask;
-void GSM3SoftSerial::setTX()
- pinMode(__TXPIN__, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(__TXPIN__, HIGH);
- // For digital port direct manipulation
- _transmitBitMask = digitalPinToBitMask(__TXPIN__);
- uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(__TXPIN__);
- _transmitPortRegister = portOutputRegister(port);
-void GSM3SoftSerial::setRX()
- pinMode(__RXPIN__, INPUT);
- digitalWrite(__RXPIN__, HIGH); // pullup for normal logic!
- // For digital port direct manipulation
- _receiveBitMask = digitalPinToBitMask(__RXPIN__);
- uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(__RXPIN__);
- _receivePortRegister = portInputRegister(port);
-#ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
-//#define __RXINT__ 1
- attachInterrupt(__RXINT__, GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt, FALLING);
- // This line comes from the High Middle Ages...
- // attachInterrupt(__RXINT__, GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt, FALLING);
-void GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt()
- if(_activeObject)
- _activeObject->recv();
-uint8_t GSM3SoftSerial::rx_pin_read()
- // Digital port manipulation
- return *_receivePortRegister & _receiveBitMask;
-void GSM3SoftSerial::recv()
-#if GCC_VERSION < 40302
-// Work-around for avr-gcc 4.3.0 OSX version bug
-// Preserve the registers that the compiler misses
-// (courtesy of Arduino forum user *etracer*)
- asm volatile(
- "push r18 \n\t"
- "push r19 \n\t"
- "push r20 \n\t"
- "push r21 \n\t"
- "push r22 \n\t"
- "push r23 \n\t"
- "push r26 \n\t"
- "push r27 \n\t"
- ::);
- bool firstByte=true;
- byte thisHead;
- uint8_t d = 0;
- bool morebytes=false;
- //bool fullbuffer=(cb.availableBytes()<3);
- bool fullbuffer;
- bool capturado_fullbuffer = 0;
- int i;
- byte oldTail;
- // If RX line is high, then we don't see any start bit
- // so interrupt is probably not for us
- if (!rx_pin_read())
- {
- do
- {
- oldTail=cb.getTail();
- // Wait approximately 1/2 of a bit width to "center" the sample
- tunedDelay(_rx_delay_centering);
- fullbuffer=(cb.availableBytes()<6);
- if(fullbuffer&&(!capturado_fullbuffer))
- tx_pin_write(LOW);
- // Read each of the 8 bits
- for (uint8_t i=0x1; i; i <<= 1)
- {
- tunedDelay(_rx_delay_intrabit);
- uint8_t noti = ~i;
- if (rx_pin_read())
- d |= i;
- else // else clause added to ensure function timing is ~balanced
- d &= noti;
- if(fullbuffer&&(!capturado_fullbuffer))
- {
- if((uint8_t)__XOFF__ & i)
- tx_pin_write(HIGH);
- else
- tx_pin_write(LOW);
- }
- }
- if(fullbuffer&&(!capturado_fullbuffer))
- {
- tunedDelay(_rx_delay_intrabit);
- tx_pin_write(HIGH);
- }
- // So, we know the buffer is full, and we have sent a XOFF
- if (fullbuffer)
- {
- capturado_fullbuffer =1;
- }
- // skip the stop bit
- if (!fullbuffer) tunedDelay(_rx_delay_stopbit);
- if(keepThisChar(&d))
- {
- cb.write(d);
- if(firstByte)
- {
- firstByte=false;
- thisHead=cb.getTail();
- }
- }
- // This part is new. It is used to detect the end of a "paragraph"
- // Caveat: the old fashion would let processor a bit of time between bytes,
- // that here is lost
- // This active waiting avoids drifting
- morebytes=false;
- // TO-DO. This PARAGRAPHGUARD is empyric. We should test it for every speed
- for(i=0;i<__PARAGRAPHGUARD__;i++)
- {
- tunedDelay(1);
- if(!rx_pin_read())
- {
- morebytes=true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }while(morebytes);
- // If we find a line feed, we are at the end of a paragraph
- // check!
- if (fullbuffer)
- {
- // And... go handle it!
- if(mgr)
- mgr->manageMsg(thisHead, cb.getTail());
- }
- else if(d==10)
- {
- // And... go handle it!
- if(mgr)
- mgr->manageMsg(thisHead, cb.getTail());
- }
- else if (d==32)
- {
- // And... go handle it!
- if(mgr)
- mgr->manageMsg(thisHead, cb.getTail());
- }
- }
-#if GCC_VERSION < 40302
-// Work-around for avr-gcc 4.3.0 OSX version bug
-// Restore the registers that the compiler misses
- asm volatile(
- "pop r27 \n\t"
- "pop r26 \n\t"
- "pop r23 \n\t"
- "pop r22 \n\t"
- "pop r21 \n\t"
- "pop r20 \n\t"
- "pop r19 \n\t"
- "pop r18 \n\t"
- ::);
-bool GSM3SoftSerial::keepThisChar(uint8_t* c)
- // Horrible things for Quectel XON/XOFF
- // 255 is the answer to a XOFF
- // It comes just once
- if((*c==255)&&(_flags & _GSMSOFTSERIALFLAGS_SENTXOFF_))
- {
- return false;
- }
- // 0x77, w, is the escape character
- if(*c==0x77)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // and these are the escaped codes
- {
- if(*c==0xEE)
- *c=0x11;
- else if(*c==0xEC)
- *c=0x13;
- else if(*c==0x88)
- *c=0x77;
- return true;
- }
- return true;
-void GSM3SoftSerial::spaceAvailable()
- // If there is spaceAvailable in the buffer, lets send a XON
- finalWrite((byte)__XON__);
-// This is here to avoid problems with Arduino compiler
-void GSM3SoftSerialMgr::manageMsg(byte from, byte to){};
-//#define PCINT1_vect _VECTOR(2)
-//#undef PCINT1_vect
-#if defined(PCINT0_vect)
- GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt();
-#if defined(PCINT1_vect)
- GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt();
-#if defined(PCINT2_vect)
- GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt();
-#if defined(PCINT3_vect)
- GSM3SoftSerial::handle_interrupt();