path: root/libraries/GSM/GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.h
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1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/GSM/GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.h b/libraries/GSM/GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.h
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index 0000000..f9efce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/GSM/GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.h
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+This file is part of the GSM3 communications library for Arduino
+-- Multi-transport communications platform
+-- Fully asynchronous
+-- Includes code for the Arduino-Telefonica GSM/GPRS Shield V1
+-- Voice calls
+-- SMS
+-- TCP/IP connections
+-- HTTP basic clients
+This library has been developed by Telef�nica Digital - PDI -
+- Physical Internet Lab, as part as its collaboration with
+Arduino and the Open Hardware Community.
+September-December 2012
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+The latest version of this library can always be found at
+#include <GSM3SoftSerial.h>
+#include <GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider.h>
+#include <GSM3MobileAccessProvider.h>
+#include <Print.h>
+#define UMPROVIDERS 3
+class GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore : public GSM3SoftSerialMgr, public Print
+ private:
+ // Phone number, used when calling, sending SMS and reading calling numbers
+ // Also PIN in modem configuration
+ // Also APN
+ // Also remote server
+ char* phoneNumber;
+ // Working port. Port used in the ongoing command, while opening a server
+ // Also for IP address length
+ int port;
+ // 0 = ongoing
+ // 1 = OK
+ // 2 = Error. Incorrect state
+ // 3 = Unexpected modem message
+ // 4 = OK but not available data.
+ uint8_t commandError;
+ // Counts the steps by the command
+ uint8_t commandCounter;
+ // Presently ongoing command
+ GSM3_commandType_e ongoingCommand;
+ // Enable/disable debug
+ bool _debug;
+ byte _dataInBufferFrom;
+ byte _dataInBufferTo;
+ // This is the modem (known) status
+ GSM3_NetworkStatus_t _status;
+ GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider* UMProvider[UMPROVIDERS];
+ GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider* activeProvider;
+ // Private function for anage message
+ void manageMsgNow(byte from, byte to);
+ unsigned long milliseconds;
+ public:
+ /** Constructor */
+ GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore();
+ GSM3SoftSerial gss; // Direct access to modem
+ /** Get phone number
+ @return phone number
+ */
+ char *getPhoneNumber(){return phoneNumber;};
+ /** Establish a new phone number
+ @param n Phone number
+ */
+ void setPhoneNumber(char *n){phoneNumber=n;};
+ /** Get port used
+ @return port
+ */
+ int getPort(){return port;};
+ /** Establish a new port for use
+ @param p Port
+ */
+ void setPort(int p){port=p;};
+ /** Get command error
+ @return command error
+ */
+ uint8_t getCommandError(){return commandError;};
+ /** Establish a command error
+ @param n Command error
+ */
+ void setCommandError(uint8_t n){commandError=n;};
+ /** Get command counter
+ @return command counter
+ */
+ uint8_t getCommandCounter(){return commandCounter;};
+ /** Set command counter
+ @param c Initial value
+ */
+ void setCommandCounter(uint8_t c){commandCounter=c;};
+ /** Get ongoing command
+ @return command
+ */
+ GSM3_commandType_e getOngoingCommand(){return ongoingCommand;};
+ /** Set ongoing command
+ @param c New ongoing command
+ */
+ void setOngoingCommand(GSM3_commandType_e c){ongoingCommand=c;};
+ /** Open command
+ @param activeProvider Active provider
+ @param c Command for open
+ */
+ void openCommand(GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider* activeProvider, GSM3_commandType_e c);
+ /** Close command
+ @param code Close code
+ */
+ void closeCommand(int code);
+ // These functions allow writing to the SoftwareSerial
+ // If debug is set, dump to the console
+ /** Write a character in serial
+ @param c Character
+ @return size
+ */
+ size_t write(uint8_t c);
+ /** Write PGM
+ @param str Buffer for write
+ @param CR Carriadge return adding automatically
+ @return size
+ */
+ virtual size_t writePGM(PROGMEM prog_char str[], bool CR=true);
+ /** Establish debug mode
+ @param db Boolean that indicates debug on or off
+ */
+ void setDebug(bool db){_debug=db;};
+ /** Generic response parser
+ @param rsp Returns true if expected response exists
+ @param string Substring expected in response
+ @param string2 Second substring expected in response
+ @return true if parsed correctly
+ */
+ bool genericParse_rsp(bool& rsp, char* string=0, char* string2=0);
+ /** Generates a generic AT command request from PROGMEM prog_char buffer
+ @param str Buffer with AT command
+ @param addCR Carriadge return adding automatically
+ */
+ void genericCommand_rq(PROGMEM prog_char str[], bool addCR=true);
+ /** Generates a generic AT command request from a simple char buffer
+ @param str Buffer with AT command
+ @param addCR Carriadge return adding automatically
+ */
+ void genericCommand_rqc(const char* str, bool addCR=true);
+ /** Generates a generic AT command request from characters buffer
+ @param str Buffer with AT command
+ @param addCR Carriadge return adding automatically
+ */
+ void genericCommand_rq(const char* str, bool addCR=true);
+ /** Returns the circular buffer
+ @return circular buffer
+ */
+ inline GSM3CircularBuffer& theBuffer(){return gss.cb;};
+ /** Establish a new network status
+ @param status Network status
+ */
+ inline void setStatus(GSM3_NetworkStatus_t status) { _status = status; };
+ /** Returns actual network status
+ @return network status
+ */
+ inline GSM3_NetworkStatus_t getStatus() { return _status; };
+ /** Register provider as willing to receive unsolicited messages
+ @param provider Pointer to provider able to receive unsolicited messages
+ */
+ void registerUMProvider(GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider* provider);
+ /** unegister provider as willing to receive unsolicited messages
+ @param provider Pointer to provider able to receive unsolicited messages
+ */
+ void unRegisterUMProvider(GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider* provider);
+ /** Register a provider as "dialoguing" talking in facto with the modem
+ @param provider Pointer to provider receiving responses
+ */
+ void registerActiveProvider(GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider* provider){activeProvider=provider;};
+ /** Needed to manage the SoftSerial. Receives the call when received data
+ If _debugging, no code is called
+ @param from Starting byte to read
+ @param to Last byte to read
+ */
+ void manageMsg(byte from, byte to);
+ /** If _debugging, this call is assumed to be made out of interrupts
+ Prints incoming info and calls manageMsgNow
+ */
+ void manageReceivedData();
+ /** Chronometer. Measure milliseconds from last call
+ @return milliseconds from las time function was called
+ */
+ unsigned long takeMilliseconds();
+ /** Delay for interrupts
+ @param milliseconds Delay time in milliseconds
+ */
+ void delayInsideInterrupt(unsigned long milliseconds);
+extern GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore;
+#endif \ No newline at end of file