diff options
authorFede85 <f.vanzati@gmail.com>2013-07-03 22:00:02 +0200
committerFede85 <f.vanzati@gmail.com>2013-07-03 22:00:02 +0200
commitfd8c367304fe62a107332db19880c88f9ac0d082 (patch)
parentcb3003082e7e140850071eba914c0b4347bc3bf1 (diff)
SPI library to the new format and moved Robot_Motor and Robot_Control libraries
91 files changed, 0 insertions, 12603 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Adafruit_GFX.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Adafruit_GFX.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index acfed1d..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Adafruit_GFX.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
- This is the core graphics library for all our displays, providing
- basic graphics primitives (points, lines, circles, etc.). It needs
- to be paired with a hardware-specific library for each display
- device we carry (handling the lower-level functions).
- Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open
- source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware
- by purchasing products from Adafruit!
- Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
- BSD license, check license.txt for more information.
- All text above must be included in any redistribution.
- ******************************************************************/
-#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
-#include "glcdfont.c"
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-void Adafruit_GFX::constructor(int16_t w, int16_t h) {
- _width = WIDTH = w;
- _height = HEIGHT = h;
- rotation = 0;
- cursor_y = cursor_x = 0;
- textsize = 1;
- textcolor = textbgcolor = 0xFFFF;
- wrap = true;
- strokeColor = 0;
- useStroke = true;
- fillColor = 0;
- useFill = false;
-// draw a circle outline
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
- uint16_t color) {
- int16_t f = 1 - r;
- int16_t ddF_x = 1;
- int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
- int16_t x = 0;
- int16_t y = r;
- drawPixel(x0, y0+r, color);
- drawPixel(x0, y0-r, color);
- drawPixel(x0+r, y0, color);
- drawPixel(x0-r, y0, color);
- while (x<y) {
- if (f >= 0) {
- y--;
- ddF_y += 2;
- f += ddF_y;
- }
- x++;
- ddF_x += 2;
- f += ddF_x;
- drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
- drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color);
- drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color);
- drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color);
- drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, color);
- drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
- drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, color);
- drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, color);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawCircleHelper( int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
- int16_t r, uint8_t cornername, uint16_t color) {
- int16_t f = 1 - r;
- int16_t ddF_x = 1;
- int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
- int16_t x = 0;
- int16_t y = r;
- while (x<y) {
- if (f >= 0) {
- y--;
- ddF_y += 2;
- f += ddF_y;
- }
- x++;
- ddF_x += 2;
- f += ddF_x;
- if (cornername & 0x4) {
- drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
- drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, color);
- }
- if (cornername & 0x2) {
- drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color);
- drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, color);
- }
- if (cornername & 0x8) {
- drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
- drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color);
- }
- if (cornername & 0x1) {
- drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, color);
- drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color);
- }
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::fillCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
- uint16_t color) {
- drawFastVLine(x0, y0-r, 2*r+1, color);
- fillCircleHelper(x0, y0, r, 3, 0, color);
-// used to do circles and roundrects!
-void Adafruit_GFX::fillCircleHelper(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
- uint8_t cornername, int16_t delta, uint16_t color) {
- int16_t f = 1 - r;
- int16_t ddF_x = 1;
- int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
- int16_t x = 0;
- int16_t y = r;
- while (x<y) {
- if (f >= 0) {
- y--;
- ddF_y += 2;
- f += ddF_y;
- }
- x++;
- ddF_x += 2;
- f += ddF_x;
- if (cornername & 0x1) {
- drawFastVLine(x0+x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
- drawFastVLine(x0+y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
- }
- if (cornername & 0x2) {
- drawFastVLine(x0-x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
- drawFastVLine(x0-y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
- }
- }
-// bresenham's algorithm - thx wikpedia
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
- int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
- uint16_t color) {
- int16_t steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
- if (steep) {
- swap(x0, y0);
- swap(x1, y1);
- }
- if (x0 > x1) {
- swap(x0, x1);
- swap(y0, y1);
- }
- int16_t dx, dy;
- dx = x1 - x0;
- dy = abs(y1 - y0);
- int16_t err = dx / 2;
- int16_t ystep;
- if (y0 < y1) {
- ystep = 1;
- } else {
- ystep = -1;
- }
- for (; x0<=x1; x0++) {
- if (steep) {
- drawPixel(y0, x0, color);
- } else {
- drawPixel(x0, y0, color);
- }
- err -= dy;
- if (err < 0) {
- y0 += ystep;
- err += dx;
- }
- }
-// draw a rectangle
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawRect(int16_t x, int16_t y,
- int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color) {
- drawFastHLine(x, y, w, color);
- drawFastHLine(x, y+h-1, w, color);
- drawFastVLine(x, y, h, color);
- drawFastVLine(x+w-1, y, h, color);
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y,
- int16_t h, uint16_t color) {
- // stupidest version - update in subclasses if desired!
- drawLine(x, y, x, y+h-1, color);
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y,
- int16_t w, uint16_t color) {
- // stupidest version - update in subclasses if desired!
- drawLine(x, y, x+w-1, y, color);
-void Adafruit_GFX::fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color) {
- // stupidest version - update in subclasses if desired!
- for (int16_t i=x; i<x+w; i++) {
- drawFastVLine(i, y, h, color);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::fillScreen(uint16_t color) {
- fillRect(0, 0, _width, _height, color);
-// draw a rounded rectangle!
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawRoundRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w,
- int16_t h, int16_t r, uint16_t color) {
- // smarter version
- drawFastHLine(x+r , y , w-2*r, color); // Top
- drawFastHLine(x+r , y+h-1, w-2*r, color); // Bottom
- drawFastVLine( x , y+r , h-2*r, color); // Left
- drawFastVLine( x+w-1, y+r , h-2*r, color); // Right
- // draw four corners
- drawCircleHelper(x+r , y+r , r, 1, color);
- drawCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+r , r, 2, color);
- drawCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+h-r-1, r, 4, color);
- drawCircleHelper(x+r , y+h-r-1, r, 8, color);
-// fill a rounded rectangle!
-void Adafruit_GFX::fillRoundRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w,
- int16_t h, int16_t r, uint16_t color) {
- // smarter version
- fillRect(x+r, y, w-2*r, h, color);
- // draw four corners
- fillCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+r, r, 1, h-2*r-1, color);
- fillCircleHelper(x+r , y+r, r, 2, h-2*r-1, color);
-// draw a triangle!
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawTriangle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
- int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
- int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
- drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
- drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
- drawLine(x2, y2, x0, y0, color);
-// fill a triangle!
-void Adafruit_GFX::fillTriangle ( int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
- int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
- int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
- int16_t a, b, y, last;
- // Sort coordinates by Y order (y2 >= y1 >= y0)
- if (y0 > y1) {
- swap(y0, y1); swap(x0, x1);
- }
- if (y1 > y2) {
- swap(y2, y1); swap(x2, x1);
- }
- if (y0 > y1) {
- swap(y0, y1); swap(x0, x1);
- }
- if(y0 == y2) { // Handle awkward all-on-same-line case as its own thing
- a = b = x0;
- if(x1 < a) a = x1;
- else if(x1 > b) b = x1;
- if(x2 < a) a = x2;
- else if(x2 > b) b = x2;
- drawFastHLine(a, y0, b-a+1, color);
- return;
- }
- int16_t
- dx01 = x1 - x0,
- dy01 = y1 - y0,
- dx02 = x2 - x0,
- dy02 = y2 - y0,
- dx12 = x2 - x1,
- dy12 = y2 - y1,
- sa = 0,
- sb = 0;
- // For upper part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
- // 0-1 and 0-2. If y1=y2 (flat-bottomed triangle), the scanline y1
- // is included here (and second loop will be skipped, avoiding a /0
- // error there), otherwise scanline y1 is skipped here and handled
- // in the second loop...which also avoids a /0 error here if y0=y1
- // (flat-topped triangle).
- if(y1 == y2) last = y1; // Include y1 scanline
- else last = y1-1; // Skip it
- for(y=y0; y<=last; y++) {
- a = x0 + sa / dy01;
- b = x0 + sb / dy02;
- sa += dx01;
- sb += dx02;
- /* longhand:
- a = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
- b = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y2 - y0);
- */
- if(a > b) swap(a,b);
- drawFastHLine(a, y, b-a+1, color);
- }
- // For lower part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
- // 0-2 and 1-2. This loop is skipped if y1=y2.
- sa = dx12 * (y - y1);
- sb = dx02 * (y - y0);
- for(; y<=y2; y++) {
- a = x1 + sa / dy12;
- b = x0 + sb / dy02;
- sa += dx12;
- sb += dx02;
- /* longhand:
- a = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1);
- b = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y2 - y0);
- */
- if(a > b) swap(a,b);
- drawFastHLine(a, y, b-a+1, color);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawBitmap(int16_t x, int16_t y,
- const uint8_t *bitmap, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color) {
- int16_t i, j, byteWidth = (w + 7) / 8;
- for(j=0; j<h; j++) {
- for(i=0; i<w; i++ ) {
- if(pgm_read_byte(bitmap + j * byteWidth + i / 8) & (128 >> (i & 7))) {
- drawPixel(x+i, y+j, color);
- }
- }
- }
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-size_t Adafruit_GFX::write(uint8_t c) {
-void Adafruit_GFX::write(uint8_t c) {
- if (c == '\n') {
- cursor_y += textsize*8;
- cursor_x = 0;
- } else if (c == '\r') {
- // skip em
- } else {
- drawChar(cursor_x, cursor_y, c, textcolor, textbgcolor, textsize);
- cursor_x += textsize*6;
- if (wrap && (cursor_x > (_width - textsize*6))) {
- cursor_y += textsize*8;
- cursor_x = 0;
- }
- }
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
- return 1;
-// draw a character
-void Adafruit_GFX::drawChar(int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c,
- uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t size) {
- if((x >= _width) || // Clip right
- (y >= _height) || // Clip bottom
- ((x + 5 * size - 1) < 0) || // Clip left
- ((y + 8 * size - 1) < 0)) // Clip top
- return;
- for (int8_t i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
- uint8_t line;
- if (i == 5)
- line = 0x0;
- else
- line = pgm_read_byte(font+(c*5)+i);
- for (int8_t j = 0; j<8; j++) {
- if (line & 0x1) {
- if (size == 1) // default size
- drawPixel(x+i, y+j, color);
- else { // big size
- fillRect(x+(i*size), y+(j*size), size, size, color);
- }
- } else if (bg != color) {
- if (size == 1) // default size
- drawPixel(x+i, y+j, bg);
- else { // big size
- fillRect(x+i*size, y+j*size, size, size, bg);
- }
- }
- line >>= 1;
- }
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y) {
- cursor_x = x;
- cursor_y = y;
-void Adafruit_GFX::setTextSize(uint8_t s) {
- textsize = (s > 0) ? s : 1;
-void Adafruit_GFX::setTextColor(uint16_t c) {
- textcolor = c;
- textbgcolor = c;
- // for 'transparent' background, we'll set the bg
- // to the same as fg instead of using a flag
- void Adafruit_GFX::setTextColor(uint16_t c, uint16_t b) {
- textcolor = c;
- textbgcolor = b;
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::setTextWrap(boolean w) {
- wrap = w;
-uint8_t Adafruit_GFX::getRotation(void) {
- rotation %= 4;
- return rotation;
-void Adafruit_GFX::setRotation(uint8_t x) {
- x %= 4; // cant be higher than 3
- rotation = x;
- switch (x) {
- case 0:
- case 2:
- _width = WIDTH;
- _height = HEIGHT;
- break;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- _width = HEIGHT;
- _height = WIDTH;
- break;
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::invertDisplay(boolean i) {
- // do nothing, can be subclassed
-// return the size of the display which depends on the rotation!
-int16_t Adafruit_GFX::width(void) {
- return _width;
-int16_t Adafruit_GFX::height(void) {
- return _height;
-uint16_t Adafruit_GFX::newColor(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
- return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);
-void Adafruit_GFX::background(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {
- background(newColor(red, green, blue));
-void Adafruit_GFX::background(color c) {
- fillScreen(c);
-void Adafruit_GFX::stroke(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {
- stroke(newColor(red, green, blue));
-void Adafruit_GFX::stroke(color c) {
- useStroke = true;
- strokeColor = c;
- setTextColor(c);
-void Adafruit_GFX::noStroke() {
- useStroke = false;
-void Adafruit_GFX::noFill() {
- useFill = false;
-void Adafruit_GFX::fill(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {
- fill(newColor(red, green, blue));
-void Adafruit_GFX::fill(color c) {
- useFill = true;
- fillColor = c;
-void Adafruit_GFX::text(int value, uint8_t x, uint8_t y){
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- setTextWrap(false);
- setTextColor(strokeColor);
- setCursor(x, y);
- print(value);
-void Adafruit_GFX::text(long value, uint8_t x, uint8_t y){
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- setTextWrap(false);
- setTextColor(strokeColor);
- setCursor(x, y);
- print(value);
-void Adafruit_GFX::text(char value, uint8_t x, uint8_t y){
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- setTextWrap(false);
- setTextColor(strokeColor);
- setCursor(x, y);
- print(value);
-void Adafruit_GFX::text(const char * text, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- setTextWrap(false);
- setTextColor(strokeColor);
- setCursor(x, y);
- print(text);
-void Adafruit_GFX::textWrap(const char * text, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- setTextWrap(true);
- setTextColor(strokeColor);
- setCursor(x, y);
- print(text);
-void Adafruit_GFX::textSize(uint8_t size) {
- setTextSize(size);
-void Adafruit_GFX::point(int16_t x, int16_t y) {
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- drawPixel(x, y, strokeColor);
-void Adafruit_GFX::line(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2) {
- if (!useStroke)
- return;
- if (x1 == x2) {
- drawFastVLine(x1, y1, y2 - y1, strokeColor);
- }
- else if (y1 == y2) {
- drawFastHLine(x1, y1, x2 - x1, strokeColor);
- }
- else {
- drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, strokeColor);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) {
- if (useFill) {
- fillRect(x, y, width, height, fillColor);
- }
- if (useStroke) {
- drawRect(x, y, width, height, strokeColor);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height, int16_t radius) {
- if (radius == 0) {
- rect(x, y, width, height);
- }
- if (useFill) {
- fillRoundRect(x, y, width, height, radius, fillColor);
- }
- if (useStroke) {
- drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, radius, strokeColor);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::circle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t r) {
- if (r == 0)
- return;
- if (useFill) {
- fillCircle(x, y, r, fillColor);
- }
- if (useStroke) {
- drawCircle(x, y, r, strokeColor);
- }
-void Adafruit_GFX::triangle(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, int16_t x3, int16_t y3) {
- if (useFill) {
- fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fillColor);
- }
- if (useStroke) {
- drawTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, strokeColor);
- }
-#define BUFFPIXEL 20
-void Adafruit_GFX::image(PImage & img, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
- int w, h, row, col;
- uint8_t r, g, b;
- uint32_t pos = 0;
- uint8_t sdbuffer[3*BUFFPIXEL]; // pixel buffer (R+G+B per pixel)
- uint8_t buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer); // Current position in sdbuffer
- // Crop area to be loaded
- w = img._bmpWidth;
- h = img._bmpHeight;
- if((x+w-1) >= width()) w = width() - x;
- if((y+h-1) >= height()) h = height() - y;
- // Set TFT address window to clipped image bounds
- //setAddrWindow(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
- for (row=0; row<h; row++) { // For each scanline...
- // Seek to start of scan line. It might seem labor-
- // intensive to be doing this on every line, but this
- // method covers a lot of gritty details like cropping
- // and scanline padding. Also, the seek only takes
- // place if the file position actually needs to change
- // (avoids a lot of cluster math in SD library).
- if(img._flip) // Bitmap is stored bottom-to-top order (normal BMP)
- pos = img._bmpImageoffset + (img._bmpHeight - 1 - row) * img._rowSize;
- else // Bitmap is stored top-to-bottom
- pos = img._bmpImageoffset + row * img._rowSize;
- if(img._bmpFile.position() != pos) { // Need seek?
- img._bmpFile.seek(pos);
- buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer); // Force buffer reload
- }
- for (col=0; col<w; col++) { // For each pixel...
- // Time to read more pixel data?
- if (buffidx >= sizeof(sdbuffer)) { // Indeed
- img._bmpFile.read(sdbuffer, sizeof(sdbuffer));
- buffidx = 0; // Set index to beginning
- }
- // Convert pixel from BMP to TFT format, push to display
- b = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
- g = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
- r = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
- //pushColor(tft.Color565(r,g,b));
- drawPixel(x + col, y + row, newColor(r, g, b));
- } // end pixel
- } // end scanline
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Adafruit_GFX.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Adafruit_GFX.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6b8d8..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Adafruit_GFX.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- This is the core graphics library for all our displays, providing
- basic graphics primitives (points, lines, circles, etc.). It needs
- to be paired with a hardware-specific library for each display
- device we carry (handling the lower-level functions).
- Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open
- source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware
- by purchasing products from Adafruit!
- Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
- BSD license, check license.txt for more information.
- All text above must be included in any redistribution.
- ******************************************************************/
-#ifndef _ADAFRUIT_GFX_H
-#define _ADAFRUIT_GFX_H
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
- #include "Arduino.h"
- #include "Print.h"
- #include "WProgram.h"
-//#include "PImage.h"
-#define swap(a, b) { int16_t t = a; a = b; b = t; }
-/* TODO
-enum RectMode {
-typedef uint16_t color;
-class Adafruit_GFX : public Print {
- public:
- //Adafruit_GFX();
- // i have no idea why we have to formally call the constructor. kinda sux
- void constructor(int16_t w, int16_t h);
- // this must be defined by the subclass
- virtual void drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);
- virtual void invertDisplay(boolean i);
- // these are 'generic' drawing functions, so we can share them!
- virtual void drawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
- uint16_t color);
- virtual void drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
- virtual void drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color);
- virtual void drawRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color);
- virtual void fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color);
- virtual void fillScreen(uint16_t color);
- void drawCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color);
- void drawCircleHelper(int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
- int16_t r, uint8_t cornername, uint16_t color);
- void fillCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color);
- void fillCircleHelper(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
- uint8_t cornername, int16_t delta, uint16_t color);
- void drawTriangle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
- int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color);
- void fillTriangle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
- int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color);
- void drawRoundRect(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- int16_t radius, uint16_t color);
- void fillRoundRect(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- int16_t radius, uint16_t color);
- void drawBitmap(int16_t x, int16_t y,
- const uint8_t *bitmap, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color);
- void drawChar(int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c,
- uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t size);
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
- virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
- virtual void write(uint8_t);
- void setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y);
- void setTextColor(uint16_t c);
- void setTextColor(uint16_t c, uint16_t bg);
- void setTextSize(uint8_t s);
- void setTextWrap(boolean w);
- int16_t height(void);
- int16_t width(void);
- void setRotation(uint8_t r);
- uint8_t getRotation(void);
- /*
- * Processing-like graphics primitives
- */
- /// transforms a color in 16-bit form given the RGB components.
- /// The default implementation makes a 5-bit red, a 6-bit
- /// green and a 5-bit blue (MSB to LSB). Devices that use
- /// different scheme should override this.
- virtual uint16_t newColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
- // http://processing.org/reference/background_.html
- void background(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
- void background(color c);
- // http://processing.org/reference/fill_.html
- void fill(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
- void fill(color c);
- // http://processing.org/reference/noFill_.html
- void noFill();
- // http://processing.org/reference/stroke_.html
- void stroke(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
- void stroke(color c);
- // http://processing.org/reference/noStroke_.html
- void noStroke();
- void text(const char * text, int16_t x, int16_t y);
- void text(int value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY);
- void text(long value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY);
- void text(char value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY);
- void textWrap(const char * text, int16_t x, int16_t y);
- void textSize(uint8_t size);
- // similar to ellipse() in Processing, but with
- // a single radius.
- // http://processing.org/reference/ellipse_.html
- void circle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t r);
- void point(int16_t x, int16_t y);
- void line(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2);
- void quad(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, int16_t x3, int16_t y3, int16_t x4, int16_t y4);
- void rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height);
- void rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height, int16_t radius);
- void triangle(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, int16_t x3, int16_t y3);
- /* TODO
- void rectMode(RectMode mode);
- void pushStyle();
- void popStyle();
- */
-// PImage loadImage(const char * fileName) { return PImage::loadImage(fileName); }
-// void image(PImage & img, uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
- protected:
- int16_t WIDTH, HEIGHT; // this is the 'raw' display w/h - never changes
- int16_t _width, _height; // dependent on rotation
- int16_t cursor_x, cursor_y;
- uint16_t textcolor, textbgcolor;
- uint8_t textsize;
- uint8_t rotation;
- boolean wrap; // If set, 'wrap' text at right edge of display
- /*
- * Processing-style graphics state
- */
- color strokeColor;
- bool useStroke;
- color fillColor;
- bool useFill;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/ArduinoRobot.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/ArduinoRobot.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3adac73..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/ArduinoRobot.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h"
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-#include "Wire.h"
-#include "EasyTransfer2.h"
-void RobotControl::begin(){
- Wire.begin();
- //Compass
- //nothing here
- //TK sensors
- uint8_t MuxPins[]={MUXA,MUXB,MUXC,MUXD};
- Multiplexer::begin(MuxPins,MUX_IN,4);
- //piezo
- pinMode(BUZZ,OUTPUT);
- //communication
- Serial1.begin(9600);
- messageOut.begin(&Serial1);
- messageIn.begin(&Serial1);
- //TFT initialization
- //Arduino_LCD::initR(INITR_GREENTAB);
-void RobotControl::setMode(uint8_t mode){
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_SWITCH_MODE);
- messageOut.writeByte(mode);
- messageOut.sendData();
-RobotControl Robot=RobotControl(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/ArduinoRobot.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/ArduinoRobot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index becdca8..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/ArduinoRobot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ArduinoRobot_h
-#define ArduinoRobot_h
-#include "Arduino_LCD.h" // Hardware-specific library
-//#include "FormattedText.h"
-#include "SquawkSD.h"
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-#include "EasyTransfer2.h"
-#include "EEPROM_I2C.h"
-#include "Compass.h"
-#include "Fat16.h"
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-#define BUTTON_NONE -1
-#define BUTTON_LEFT 0
-#define BUTTON_DOWN 1
-#define BUTTON_UP 2
-#define BUTTON_RIGHT 3
-#define BUTTON_MIDDLE 4
-//beep length
-#define BEEP_SIMPLE 0
-#define BEEP_DOUBLE 1
-#define BEEP_LONG 2
-// image locations on the EEPROM
- #define HOME_BMP 0
-#define BATTERY_BMP 2048
-#define COMPASS_BMP 4096
-#define CONTROL_BMP 6144
-#define GEARS_BMP 8192
-#define LIGHT_BMP 10240
-#define OSCILLO_BMP 12288
-#define VOLT_BMP 14336
-#define INICIO_BMP 16384 // this is a full screen splash
-//Command code
-#define COMMAND_RUN 10
-#define COMMAND_READ_IR 60
-#define COMMAND_READ_IR_RE 61
-//component codename
-#define CN_LEFT_MOTOR 0
-#define CN_RIGHT_MOTOR 1
-#define CN_IR 2
-//motor board modes
-#define MODE_SIMPLE 0
-#define MODE_IR_CONTROL 3
-//port types, for R/W
-#define TYPE_TOP_TK 0
-#define TYPE_TOP_TKD 1
-#define TYPE_BOTTOM_TK 2
-//top TKs
-#define TK0 100
-#define TK1 101
-#define TK2 102
-#define TK3 103
-#define TK4 104
-#define TK5 105
-#define TK6 106
-#define TK7 107
-//bottom TKs, just for communication purpose
-#define B_TK1 201
-#define B_TK2 202
-#define B_TK3 203
-#define B_TK4 204
-//bottom IRs, for communication purpose
-#define B_IR0 210
-#define B_IR1 211
-#define B_IR2 212
-#define B_IR3 213
-#define B_IR4 214
-#ifndef LED1
-#define LED1 17
-//320 - 337 username,
-//338 - 355 robotname,
-//356 - 373 cityname,
- //374- 391 countryname,
-//508-511 robot info
-#define BLACK ILI9163C_BLACK
-#define BLUE ILI9163C_BLUE
-#define RED ILI9163C_RED
-#define GREEN ILI9163C_GREEN
-#define CYAN ILI9163C_CYAN
-#define WHITE ILI9163C_WHITE
-//A data structure for storing the current state of motor board
- int _B_TK1;
- int _B_TK2;
- int _B_TK3;
- int _B_TK4;
- /*int _B_IR0;
- int _B_IR1;
- int _B_IR2;
- int _B_IR3;
- int _B_IR4;*/
-A message structure will be:
-switch mode:
- byte COMMAND_SWITCH_MODE, byte mode
- byte COMMAND_RUN, int speedL, int speedR
- byte COMMAND_ANALOG_WRITE, byte codename, byte value;
- byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_WRITE, byte codename, byte value;
- byte COMMAND_ANALOG_READ, byte codename;
-analogRead return:
- byte COMMAND_ANALOG_READ_RE, byte codename, int value;
-digitalRead return:
- byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ_RE, byte codename, byte value;
-read IR:
- byte COMMAND_READ_IR, int valueA, int valueB, int valueC, int valueD;
-#define NUM_EEPROM_BMP 10
-struct EEPROM_BMP{
- char name[8];
- uint8_t width;
- uint8_t height;
- uint16_t address;
-//if you call #undef USE_SQUAWK_SYNTH_SD at the beginning of your sketch,
-//it's going to remove anything regarding sound playing
-class RobotControl:public Multiplexer,
-public EEPROM_I2C,
-public Compass,
-public SquawkSynthSD,
-//public FormattedText
-public Arduino_LCD
- public:
- RobotControl();
- void begin();
- void setMode(uint8_t mode);
- //Read & Write, TK0 - TK7, TKD0 - TKD1, bottom TK0 - TK4
- bool digitalRead(uint8_t port);
- int analogRead(uint8_t port);
- void digitalWrite(uint8_t port, bool value);
- void analogWrite(uint8_t port, uint8_t value);//It's not available, as there's no pin can be used for analog write
- //IR sensors from the bottom board
- //define an array as "int arr[4];", and supply the arry name here
- uint16_t IRarray[5];
- void updateIR();
- //on board Potentiometor
- int knobRead();
- //Potentiometor of the motor board
- int trimRead();
- //on board piezo
- void beginSpeaker(uint16_t frequency=44100);
- void playMelody(char* script);
- void playFile(char* filename);
- void stopPlayFile();
- void beep(int beep_length=BEEP_SIMPLE);
- void tempoWrite(int tempo);
- void tuneWrite(float tune);
- //compass
- uint16_t compassRead();
- void drawCompass(uint16_t value);
- void drawBase();
- void drawDire(int16_t dire);
- //keyboard
- void keyboardCalibrate(int *vals);
- int8_t keyboardRead();//return the key that is being pressed?Has been pressed(with _processKeyboard)?
- //movement
- void moveForward(int speed);
- void moveBackward(int speed);
- void turnLeft(int speed);
- void turnRight(int speed);
- void motorsStop();
- void motorsWritePct(int speedLeftPct, int speedRightPct);
- void motorsWrite(int speedLeft,int speedRight);
- void pointTo(int degrees);//turn to an absolute angle from the compass
- void turn(int degress);//turn certain degrees from the current heading
- //Line Following
- void lineFollowConfig(uint8_t KP, uint8_t KD, uint8_t robotSpeed, uint8_t intergrationTime);//default 11 5 50 10
- //use the same commands as Arduino_LCD
- void beginTFT(uint16_t foreGround=BLACK, uint16_t background=WHITE);
- /*void text(int value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW);
- void text(long value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW);
- void text(char* value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW);
- void text(char value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW);*/
- void debugPrint(long value, uint8_t x=0, uint8_t y=0);
- void clearScreen();
- void drawBMP(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y);//detect if draw with EEPROM or SD, and draw it
- void _drawBMP(uint32_t iconOffset, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height);//draw from EEPROM
- void _drawBMP(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y);//draw from SD
- void beginBMPFromEEPROM();
- void endBMPFromEEPROM();
- uint16_t foreGround;//foreground color
- uint16_t backGround;//background color
- //SD card
- void beginSD();
- //Information
- void userNameRead(char* container);
- void robotNameRead(char* container);
- void cityNameRead(char* container);
- void countryNameRead(char* container);
- void userNameWrite(char* text);
- void robotNameWrite(char* text);
- void cityNameWrite(char* text);
- void countryNameWrite(char* text);
- //Others
- bool isActionDone();
- void pauseMode(uint8_t onOff);
- void displayLogos();
- void waitContinue(uint8_t key=BUTTON_MIDDLE);
- private:
- //Read & Write
- uint8_t _getTypeCode(uint8_t port);//different ports need different actions
- uint8_t _portToTopMux(uint8_t port);//get the number for multiplexer within top TKs
- uint8_t _topDPortToAPort(uint8_t port);//get the corrensponding analogIn pin for top TKDs
- bool _digitalReadTopMux(uint8_t port);//TK0 - TK7
- int _analogReadTopMux(uint8_t port);
- bool _digitalReadTopPin(uint8_t port);
- int _analogReadTopPin(uint8_t port);
- void _digitalWriteTopPin(uint8_t port, bool value);
- MOTOR_BOARD_DATA motorBoardData;
- int* parseMBDPort(uint8_t port);
- int get_motorBoardData(uint8_t port);
- void set_motorBoardData(uint8_t port, int value);
- bool _requestDigitalRead(uint8_t port);
- int _requestAnalogRead(uint8_t port);
- void _requestDigitalWrite(uint8_t port, uint8_t value);
- //LCD
- void _enableLCD();
- void _setWrite(uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY);
- void _setErase(uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY);
- //SD
- SdCard card;
- Fat16 file;
- Fat16 melody;
- void _enableSD();
- //keyboard
- void _processKeyboard(); //need to run in loop, detect if the key is actually pressed
- int averageAnalogInput(int pinNum);
- //Ultrasonic ranger
- //uint8_t pinTrigger_UR;
- //uint8_t pinEcho_UR;
- //Melody
- void playNote(byte period, word length, char modifier);
- //Communication
- EasyTransfer2 messageOut;
- EasyTransfer2 messageIn;
- bool _isEEPROM_BMP_Allocated;
- EEPROM_BMP * _eeprom_bmp;
- void _drawBMP_EEPROM(uint16_t address, uint8_t width, uint8_t height);
- void _drawBMP_SD(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
-inline void RobotControl::userNameRead(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_USERNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-inline void RobotControl::robotNameRead(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-inline void RobotControl::cityNameRead(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_CITYNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-inline void RobotControl::countryNameRead(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-inline void RobotControl::userNameWrite(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_USERNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-inline void RobotControl::robotNameWrite(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-inline void RobotControl::cityNameWrite(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_CITYNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-inline void RobotControl::countryNameWrite(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-extern RobotControl Robot;
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Arduino_LCD.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Arduino_LCD.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index db28cd0..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Arduino_LCD.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
- This is a library for the Adafruit 1.8" SPI display.
- This library works with the Adafruit 1.8" TFT Breakout w/SD card
- ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/358
- as well as Adafruit raw 1.8" TFT display
- ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/618
- Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
- These displays use SPI to communicate, 4 or 5 pins are required to
- interface (RST is optional)
- Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
- please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
- products from Adafruit!
- Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
- MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
- ****************************************************/
-#include "Arduino_LCD.h"
-//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-//#include "pins_arduino.h"
-#include "wiring_private.h"
-#include <SPI.h>
-// Constructor when using software SPI. All output pins are configurable.
-Arduino_LCD::Arduino_LCD(uint8_t cs, uint8_t rs, uint8_t sid,
- uint8_t sclk, uint8_t rst) {
- _cs = cs;
- _rs = rs;
- _sid = sid;
- _sclk = sclk;
- _rst = rst;
- hwSPI = false;
-// Constructor when using hardware SPI. Faster, but must use SPI pins
-// specific to each board type (e.g. 11,13 for Uno, 51,52 for Mega, etc.)
-Arduino_LCD::Arduino_LCD(uint8_t cs, uint8_t rs, uint8_t rst) {
- _cs = cs;
- _rs = rs;
- _rst = rst;
- hwSPI = true;
- _sid = _sclk = 0;
-inline void Arduino_LCD::spiwrite(uint8_t c) {
- //Serial.println(c, HEX);
-/* if (hwSPI) {
- SPDR = c;
- while(!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)));
- } else {
- // Fast SPI bitbang swiped from LPD8806 library
- for(uint8_t bit = 0x80; bit; bit >>= 1) {
- if(c & bit) *dataport |= datapinmask;
- else *dataport &= ~datapinmask;
- *clkport |= clkpinmask;
- *clkport &= ~clkpinmask;
- }
- }
-void Arduino_LCD::writecommand(uint8_t c) {
-// *rsport &= ~rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, LOW);
-digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- //Serial.print("C ");
- spiwrite(c);
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-void Arduino_LCD::writedata(uint8_t c) {
-// *rsport &= ~rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
-digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- //Serial.print("D ");
- spiwrite(c);
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-// Rather than a bazillion writecommand() and writedata() calls, screen
-// initialization commands and arguments are organized in these tables
-// stored in PROGMEM. The table may look bulky, but that's mostly the
-// formatting -- storage-wise this is hundreds of bytes more compact
-// than the equivalent code. Companion function follows.
-#define DELAY 0x80
-//PROGMEM static prog_uchar
- Bcmd[] = { // Initialization commands for 7735B screens
- 18, // 18 commands in list:
- ILI9163C_SWRESET, DELAY, // 1: Software reset, no args, w/delay
- 50, // 50 ms delay
- ILI9163C_SLPOUT , DELAY, // 2: Out of sleep mode, no args, w/delay
- 255, // 255 = 500 ms delay
- ILI9163C_COLMOD , 1+DELAY, // 3: Set color mode, 1 arg + delay: // I THINK THERE WAS SOMETHING HERE BECAUSE THE COMMAND IS CALLED 3A on Adafruits
- 0x05, // 16-bit color
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_FRMCTR1, 3+DELAY, // 4: Frame rate control, 3 args + delay:
- 0x00, // fastest refresh
- 0x06, // 6 lines front porch
- 0x03, // 3 lines back porch
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_MADCTL , 1 , // 5: Memory access ctrl (directions), 1 arg:
- 0x08, // Row addr/col addr, bottom to top refresh
- ILI9163C_DISSET5, 2 , // 6: Display settings #5, 2 args, no delay:
- 0x15, // 1 clk cycle nonoverlap, 2 cycle gate
- // rise, 3 cycle osc equalize
- 0x02, // Fix on VTL
- ILI9163C_INVCTR , 1 , // 7: Display inversion control, 1 arg:
- 0x0, // Line inversion
- ILI9163C_PWCTR1 , 2+DELAY, // 8: Power control, 2 args + delay:
- 0x02, // GVDD = 4.7V
- 0x70, // 1.0uA
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_PWCTR2 , 1 , // 9: Power control, 1 arg, no delay:
- 0x05, // VGH = 14.7V, VGL = -7.35V
- ILI9163C_PWCTR3 , 2 , // 10: Power control, 2 args, no delay:
- 0x01, // Opamp current small
- 0x02, // Boost frequency
- ILI9163C_VMCTR1 , 2+DELAY, // 11: Power control, 2 args + delay:
- 0x3C, // VCOMH = 4V
- 0x38, // VCOML = -1.1V
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_PWCTR6 , 2 , // 12: Power control, 2 args, no delay:
- 0x11, 0x15,
- ILI9163C_GMCTRP1,16 , // 13: Magical unicorn dust, 16 args, no delay:
- 0x09, 0x16, 0x09, 0x20, // (seriously though, not sure what
- 0x21, 0x1B, 0x13, 0x19, // these config values represent)
- 0x17, 0x15, 0x1E, 0x2B,
- 0x04, 0x05, 0x02, 0x0E,
- ILI9163C_GMCTRN1,16+DELAY, // 14: Sparkles and rainbows, 16 args + delay:
- 0x0B, 0x14, 0x08, 0x1E, // (ditto)
- 0x22, 0x1D, 0x18, 0x1E,
- 0x1B, 0x1A, 0x24, 0x2B,
- 0x06, 0x06, 0x02, 0x0F,
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_CASET , 4 , // 15: Column addr set, 4 args, no delay:
- 0x00, 0x02, // XSTART = 2
- 0x00, 0x81, // XEND = 129
- ILI9163C_RASET , 4 , // 16: Row addr set, 4 args, no delay:
- 0x00, 0x02, // XSTART = 1
- 0x00, 0x81, // XEND = 160
- ILI9163C_NORON , DELAY, // 17: Normal display on, no args, w/delay
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_DISPON , DELAY, // 18: Main screen turn on, no args, w/delay
- 255 }, // 255 = 500 ms delay
- Bcmd[] = { // Initialization commands for 7735B screens
- 19, // 19 commands in list:
- ILI9163C_SWRESET, DELAY, // 1: Software reset, no args, w/delay
- 50, // 50 ms delay
- 0x11 , DELAY, // 2: Out of sleep mode, no args, w/delay
- 100, // 255 = 500 ms delay
- 0x26 , 1, // 3: Set default gamma
- 0x04, // 16-bit color
- 0xb1, 2, // 4: Frame Rate
- 0x0b,
- 0x14,
- 0xc0, 2, // 5: VRH1[4:0] & VC[2:0]
- 0x08,
- 0x00,
- 0xc1, 1, // 6: BT[2:0]
- 0x05,
- 0xc5, 2, // 7: VMH[6:0] & VML[6:0]
- 0x41,
- 0x30,
- 0xc7, 1, // 8: LCD Driving control
- 0xc1,
- 0xEC, 1, // 9: Set pumping color freq
- 0x1b,
- 0x3a , 1 + DELAY, // 10: Set color format
- 0x55, // 16-bit color
- 100,
- 0x2a, 4, // 11: Set Column Address
- 0x00,
- 0x00,
- 0x00,
- 0x7f,
- 0x2b, 4, // 12: Set Page Address
- 0x00,
- 0x00,
- 0x00,
- 0x9f,
- 0x36, 1, // 12+1: Set Scanning Direction
- 0xc8,
- 0xb7, 1, // 14: Set Source Output Direciton
- 0x00,
- 0xf2, 1, // 15: Enable Gamma bit
- 0x01,
- 0xe0, 15 + DELAY, // 16: magic
- 0x28, 0x24, 0x22, 0x31,
- 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x53, 0xa5,
- 0x42, 0x16, 0x18, 0x12,
- 0x1a, 0x14, 0x03,
- 50,
- 0xe1, 15 + DELAY, // 17: more magic
- 0x17, 0x1b, 0x1d, 0x0e,
- 0x14, 0x11, 0x2c, 0xa5,
- 0x3d, 0x09, 0x27, 0x2d,
- 0x25, 0x2b, 0x3c,
- 50,
- ILI9163C_NORON , DELAY, // 18: Normal display on, no args, w/delay
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_DISPON , DELAY, // 19: Main screen turn on, no args w/delay
- 100 }, // 100 ms delay
-Rcmd1[] = { // Init for 7735R, part 1 (red or green tab)
- 15, // 15 commands in list:
- ILI9163C_SWRESET, DELAY, // 1: Software reset, 0 args, w/delay
- 150, // 150 ms delay
- ILI9163C_SLPOUT , DELAY, // 2: Out of sleep mode, 0 args, w/delay
- 255, // 500 ms delay
- ILI9163C_FRMCTR1, 3 , // 3: Frame rate ctrl - normal mode, 3 args:
- 0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D, // Rate = fosc/(1x2+40) * (LINE+2C+2D)
- ILI9163C_FRMCTR2, 3 , // 4: Frame rate control - idle mode, 3 args:
- 0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D, // Rate = fosc/(1x2+40) * (LINE+2C+2D)
- ILI9163C_FRMCTR3, 6 , // 5: Frame rate ctrl - partial mode, 6 args:
- 0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D, // Dot inversion mode
- 0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D, // Line inversion mode
- ILI9163C_INVCTR , 1 , // 6: Display inversion ctrl, 1 arg, no delay:
- 0x07, // No inversion
- ILI9163C_PWCTR1 , 3 , // 7: Power control, 3 args, no delay:
- 0xA2,
- 0x02, // -4.6V
- 0x84, // AUTO mode
- ILI9163C_PWCTR2 , 1 , // 8: Power control, 1 arg, no delay:
- 0xC5, // VGH25 = 2.4C VGSEL = -10 VGH = 3 * AVDD
- ILI9163C_PWCTR3 , 2 , // 9: Power control, 2 args, no delay:
- 0x0A, // Opamp current small
- 0x00, // Boost frequency
- ILI9163C_PWCTR4 , 2 , // 10: Power control, 2 args, no delay:
- 0x8A, // BCLK/2, Opamp current small & Medium low
- 0x2A,
- ILI9163C_PWCTR5 , 2 , // 11: Power control, 2 args, no delay:
- 0x8A, 0xEE,
- ILI9163C_VMCTR1 , 1 , // 12: Power control, 1 arg, no delay:
- 0x0E,
- ILI9163C_INVOFF , 0 , // 13: Don't invert display, no args, no delay
- ILI9163C_MADCTL , 1 , // 14: Memory access control (directions), 1 arg:
- 0xC8, // row addr/col addr, bottom to top refresh
- ILI9163C_COLMOD , 1 , // 15: set color mode, 1 arg, no delay:
- 0x05 }, // 16-bit color
- Rcmd2green[] = { // Init for 7735R, part 2 (green tab only)
- 2, // 2 commands in list:
- ILI9163C_CASET , 4 , // 1: Column addr set, 4 args, no delay:
- 0x00, 0x02, // XSTART = 0
- 0x00, 0x7F+0x02, // XEND = 127
- ILI9163C_RASET , 4 , // 2: Row addr set, 4 args, no delay:
- 0x00, 0x01, // XSTART = 0
- 0x00, 0x9F+0x01 }, // XEND = 159
- Rcmd2red[] = { // Init for 7735R, part 2 (red tab only)
- 2, // 2 commands in list:
- ILI9163C_CASET , 4 , // 1: Column addr set, 4 args, no delay:
- 0x00, 0x00, // XSTART = 0
- 0x00, 0x7F, // XEND = 127
- ILI9163C_RASET , 4 , // 2: Row addr set, 4 args, no delay:
- 0x00, 0x00, // XSTART = 0
- 0x00, 0x9F }, // XEND = 159
- Rcmd3[] = { // Init for 7735R, part 3 (red or green tab)
- 4, // 4 commands in list:
- ILI9163C_GMCTRP1, 16 , // 1: Magical unicorn dust, 16 args, no delay:
- 0x02, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x12,
- 0x37, 0x32, 0x29, 0x2d,
- 0x29, 0x25, 0x2B, 0x39,
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x10,
- ILI9163C_GMCTRN1, 16 , // 2: Sparkles and rainbows, 16 args, no delay:
- 0x03, 0x1d, 0x07, 0x06,
- 0x2E, 0x2C, 0x29, 0x2D,
- 0x2E, 0x2E, 0x37, 0x3F,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x10,
- ILI9163C_NORON , DELAY, // 3: Normal display on, no args, w/delay
- 10, // 10 ms delay
- ILI9163C_DISPON , DELAY, // 4: Main screen turn on, no args w/delay
- 100 }; // 100 ms delay
-// Companion code to the above tables. Reads and issues
-// a series of LCD commands stored in PROGMEM byte array.
-//void Arduino_LCD::commandList(prog_uchar *addr) {
-void Arduino_LCD::commandList(uint8_t *addr) {
- uint8_t numCommands, numArgs;
- uint16_t ms;
- numCommands = *addr++; // Number of commands to follow
- while(numCommands--) { // For each command...
- writecommand(*addr++); // Read, issue command
- numArgs = *addr++; // Number of args to follow
- ms = numArgs & DELAY; // If hibit set, delay follows args
- numArgs &= ~DELAY; // Mask out delay bit
- while(numArgs--) { // For each argument...
- writedata(*addr++); // Read, issue argument
- }
- if(ms) {
- ms = *addr++; // Read post-command delay time (ms)
- if(ms == 255) ms = 500; // If 255, delay for 500 ms
- delay(ms);
- }
- }
-// Initialization code common to both 'B' and 'R' type displays
-//void Arduino_LCD::commonInit(prog_uchar *cmdList) {
-void Arduino_LCD::commonInit(uint8_t *cmdList) {
- constructor(ILI9163C_TFTWIDTH, ILI9163C_TFTHEIGHT);
- colstart = rowstart = 0; // May be overridden in init func
- pinMode(_rs, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(_cs, OUTPUT);
- csport = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(_cs));
- cspinmask = digitalPinToBitMask(_cs);
- rsport = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(_rs));
- rspinmask = digitalPinToBitMask(_rs);
-// if(hwSPI) { // Using hardware SPI
- SPI.begin();
- SPI.setClockDivider(21); // 4 MHz (half speed)
-// SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4); // 4 MHz (half speed)
-// SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);
-// there is no setBitOrder on the SPI library for the Due
- SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);
- } else {
- pinMode(_sclk, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(_sid , OUTPUT);
- clkport = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(_sclk));
- clkpinmask = digitalPinToBitMask(_sclk);
- dataport = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(_sid));
- datapinmask = digitalPinToBitMask(_sid);
- *clkport &= ~clkpinmask;
- *dataport &= ~datapinmask;
- }
- // toggle RST low to reset; CS low so it'll listen to us
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
- digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- if (_rst) {
- pinMode(_rst, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(_rst, HIGH);
- delay(500);
- digitalWrite(_rst, LOW);
- delay(500);
- digitalWrite(_rst, HIGH);
- delay(500);
- }
- if(cmdList) commandList(cmdList);
-// Initialization for ST7735B screens
-void Arduino_LCD::initB(void) {
- commonInit(Bcmd);
- commandList(Rcmd3);
-// Initialization for ST7735R screens (green or red tabs)
-void Arduino_LCD::initR(uint8_t options) {
- commonInit(Rcmd1);
- if(options == INITR_GREENTAB) {
- commandList(Rcmd2green);
- colstart = 2;
- rowstart = 1;
- } else {
- // colstart, rowstart left at default '0' values
- commandList(Rcmd2red);
- }
- commandList(Rcmd3);
-void Arduino_LCD::setAddrWindow(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1,
- uint8_t y1) {
- writecommand(ILI9163C_CASET); // Column addr set
- writedata(0x00);
- writedata(x0+colstart); // XSTART
- writedata(0x00);
- writedata(x1+colstart); // XEND
- writecommand(ILI9163C_RASET); // Row addr set
- writedata(0x00);
- writedata(y0+rowstart); // YSTART
- writedata(0x00);
- writedata(y1+rowstart); // YEND
- writecommand(ILI9163C_RAMWR); // write to RAM
-void Arduino_LCD::fillScreen(uint16_t color) {
- uint8_t x, y, hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
- setAddrWindow(0, 0, _width-1, _height-1);
-// *rsport |= rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- for(y=_height; y>0; y--) {
- for(x=_width; x>0; x--) {
- spiwrite(hi);
- spiwrite(lo);
- }
- }
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
- digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-void Arduino_LCD::pushColor(uint16_t color) {
-// *rsport |= rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- spiwrite(color >> 8);
- spiwrite(color);
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
- digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-void Arduino_LCD::drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color) {
- if((x < 0) ||(x >= _width) || (y < 0) || (y >= _height)) return;
- setAddrWindow(x,y,x+1,y+1);
-// *rsport |= rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- spiwrite(color >> 8);
- spiwrite(color);
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
- digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-void Arduino_LCD::drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color) {
- // Rudimentary clipping
- if((x >= _width) || (y >= _height)) return;
- if((y+h-1) >= _height) h = _height-y;
- setAddrWindow(x, y, x, y+h-1);
- uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
-// *rsport |= rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- while (h--) {
- spiwrite(hi);
- spiwrite(lo);
- }
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
- digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-void Arduino_LCD::drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w,
- uint16_t color) {
- // Rudimentary clipping
- if((x >= _width) || (y >= _height)) return;
- if((x+w-1) >= _width) w = _width-x;
- setAddrWindow(x, y, x+w-1, y);
- uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
-// *rsport |= rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- while (w--) {
- spiwrite(hi);
- spiwrite(lo);
- }
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
- digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-// fill a rectangle
-void Arduino_LCD::fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
- uint16_t color) {
- // rudimentary clipping (drawChar w/big text requires this)
- if((x >= _width) || (y >= _height)) return;
- if((x + w - 1) >= _width) w = _width - x;
- if((y + h - 1) >= _height) h = _height - y;
- setAddrWindow(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
- uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
-// *rsport |= rspinmask;
-// *csport &= ~cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_rs, HIGH);
-digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
- for(y=h; y>0; y--) {
- for(x=w; x>0; x--) {
- spiwrite(hi);
- spiwrite(lo);
- }
- }
-// *csport |= cspinmask;
-digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
-// Pass 8-bit (each) R,G,B, get back 16-bit packed color
-uint16_t Arduino_LCD::Color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
- return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);
-#define MADCTL_MY 0x80
-#define MADCTL_MX 0x40
-#define MADCTL_MV 0x20
-#define MADCTL_ML 0x10
-#define MADCTL_RGB 0x08
-#define MADCTL_MH 0x04
-void Arduino_LCD::setRotation(uint8_t m) {
- writecommand(ILI9163C_MADCTL);
- rotation = m % 4; // can't be higher than 3
- switch (rotation) {
- case 0:
- _width = ILI9163C_TFTWIDTH;
- _height = ILI9163C_TFTHEIGHT;
- break;
- case 1:
- _width = ILI9163C_TFTHEIGHT;
- _height = ILI9163C_TFTWIDTH;
- break;
- case 2:
- writedata(MADCTL_RGB);
- _width = ILI9163C_TFTWIDTH;
- _height = ILI9163C_TFTHEIGHT;
- break;
- case 3:
- _width = ILI9163C_TFTHEIGHT;
- _height = ILI9163C_TFTWIDTH;
- break;
- }
-void Arduino_LCD::invertDisplay(boolean i) {
- writecommand(i ? ILI9163C_INVON : ILI9163C_INVOFF);
- 18, // there are 17 commands
- ILI9163C_SWRESET, DELAY, // 1: Software reset, no args, w/delay
- 50, // 50 ms delay
- 0x11, //Exit Sleep
- DELAY,50,
- 0x26, //Set Default Gamma
- 0x104,
- //0xF2, //E0h & E1h Enable/Disable
- //0x100,
- 0xB1,
- 0x10C,
- 0x114,
- 0xC0, //Set VRH1[4:0] & VC[2:0] for VCI1 & GVDD
- 0x10C,
- 0x105,
- 0xC1, //Set BT[2:0] for AVDD & VCL & VGH & VGL
- 0x102,
- 0xC5, //Set VMH[6:0] & VML[6:0] for VOMH & VCOML
- 0x129,
- 0x143,
- 0xC7,
- 0x140,
- 0x3a, //Set Color Format
- 0x105,
- 0x2A, //Set Column Address
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x17F,
- 0x2B, //Set Page Address
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x19F,
- 0x36, //Set Scanning Direction, RGB
- 0x1C0,
- 0xB7, //Set Source Output Direction
- 0x100,
- 0xf2, //Enable Gamma bit
- 0x101,
- 0xE0,
- 0x136,//p1
- 0x129,//p2
- 0x112,//p3
- 0x122,//p4
- 0x11C,//p5
- 0x115,//p6
- 0x142,//p7
- 0x1B7,//p8
- 0x12F,//p9
- 0x113,//p10
- 0x112,//p11
- 0x10A,//p12
- 0x111,//p13
- 0x10B,//p14
- 0x106,//p15
- 0xE1,
- 0x109,//p1
- 0x116,//p2
- 0x12D,//p3
- 0x10D,//p4
- 0x113,//p5
- 0x115,//p6
- 0x140,//p7
- 0x148,//p8
- 0x153,//p9
- 0x10C,//p10
- 0x11D,//p11
- 0x125,//p12
- 0x12E,//p13
- 0x134,//p14
- 0x139,//p15
- 0x33, // scroll setup
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x1C1,
- 0x100,
- 0x100,
- 0x29, // Display On
- 0x2C}, // write gram
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Arduino_LCD.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Arduino_LCD.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a518133..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Arduino_LCD.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- This is a library for the Adafruit 1.8" SPI display.
- This library works with the Adafruit 1.8" TFT Breakout w/SD card
- ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/358
- as well as Adafruit raw 1.8" TFT display
- ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/618
- Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
- These displays use SPI to communicate, 4 or 5 pins are required to
- interface (RST is optional)
- Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
- please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
- products from Adafruit!
- Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
- MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
- ****************************************************/
-#ifndef _ARDUINO_LCDH_
-#define _ARDUINO_LCDH_
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
- #include "Arduino.h"
- #include "Print.h"
- #include "WProgram.h"
-#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
-//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-// some flags for initR() :(
-#define INITR_GREENTAB 0x0
-#define INITR_REDTAB 0x1
-#define ILI9163C_TFTWIDTH 128
-#define ILI9163C_TFTHEIGHT 160
-#define ILI9163C_NOP 0x00
-#define ILI9163C_SWRESET 0x01
-#define ILI9163C_RDDID 0x04
-#define ILI9163C_RDDST 0x09
-#define ILI9163C_SLPIN 0x10
-#define ILI9163C_SLPOUT 0x11
-#define ILI9163C_PTLON 0x12
-#define ILI9163C_NORON 0x13
-#define ILI9163C_INVOFF 0x20
-#define ILI9163C_INVON 0x21
-#define ILI9163C_DISPOFF 0x28
-#define ILI9163C_DISPON 0x29
-#define ILI9163C_CASET 0x2A
-#define ILI9163C_RASET 0x2B
-#define ILI9163C_RAMWR 0x2C
-#define ILI9163C_RAMRD 0x2E
-#define ILI9163C_PTLAR 0x30
-#define ILI9163C_COLMOD 0x3A // this is interface pixel format, this might be the issue
-#define ILI9163C_MADCTL 0x36
-#define ILI9163C_FRMCTR1 0xB1
-#define ILI9163C_FRMCTR2 0xB2
-#define ILI9163C_FRMCTR3 0xB3
-#define ILI9163C_INVCTR 0xB4
-#define ILI9163C_DISSET5 0xB6
-#define ILI9163C_PWCTR1 0xC0
-#define ILI9163C_PWCTR2 0xC1
-#define ILI9163C_PWCTR3 0xC2
-#define ILI9163C_PWCTR4 0xC3
-#define ILI9163C_PWCTR5 0xC4
-#define ILI9163C_VMCTR1 0xC5
-#define ILI9163C_RDID1 0xDA
-#define ILI9163C_RDID2 0xDB
-#define ILI9163C_RDID3 0xDC
-#define ILI9163C_RDID4 0xDD
-#define ILI9163C_PWCTR6 0xFC
-#define ILI9163C_GMCTRP1 0xE0
-#define ILI9163C_GMCTRN1 0xE1
-// Color definitions
-#define ILI9163C_BLACK 0x0000
-#define ILI9163C_BLUE 0x001F
-#define ILI9163C_RED 0xF800
-#define ILI9163C_GREEN 0x07E0
-#define ILI9163C_CYAN 0x07FF
-#define ILI9163C_MAGENTA 0xF81F
-#define ILI9163C_YELLOW 0xFFE0
-#define ILI9163C_WHITE 0xFFFF
-class Arduino_LCD : public Adafruit_GFX {
- public:
- Arduino_LCD(uint8_t CS, uint8_t RS, uint8_t SID, uint8_t SCLK, uint8_t RST);
- Arduino_LCD(uint8_t CS, uint8_t RS, uint8_t RST);
- void initB(void), // for ST7735B displays
- initR(uint8_t options = INITR_GREENTAB), // for ST7735R
- setAddrWindow(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1),
- pushColor(uint16_t color),
- fillScreen(uint16_t color),
- drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color),
- drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color),
- drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color),
- fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color),
- setRotation(uint8_t r),
- invertDisplay(boolean i);
- uint16_t Color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
- /* These are not for current use, 8-bit protocol only!
- uint8_t readdata(void),
- readcommand8(uint8_t);
- uint16_t readcommand16(uint8_t);
- uint32_t readcommand32(uint8_t);
- void dummyclock(void);
- */
- private:
- void spiwrite(uint8_t),
- writecommand(uint8_t c),
- writedata(uint8_t d),
-// commandList(prog_uchar *addr),
-// commonInit(prog_uchar *cmdList);
- commandList(uint8_t *addr),
- commonInit(uint8_t *cmdList);
-//uint8_t spiread(void);
- boolean hwSPI;
- volatile uint8_t *dataport, *clkport, *csport, *rsport;
- uint8_t _cs, _rs, _rst, _sid, _sclk,
- datapinmask, clkpinmask, cspinmask, rspinmask,
- colstart, rowstart; // some displays need this changed
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Compass.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Compass.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1ef31..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Compass.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "Compass.h"
-#include <Wire.h>
-void Compass::begin(){
- Wire.begin();
-float Compass::getReading(){
- _beginTransmission();
- _endTransmission();
- //time delays required by HMC6352 upon receipt of the command
- //Get Data. Compensate and Calculate New Heading : 6ms
- delay(6);
- Wire.requestFrom(HMC6352SlaveAddress, 2); //get the two data bytes, MSB and LSB
- //"The heading output data will be the value in tenths of degrees
- //from zero to 3599 and provided in binary format over the two bytes."
- byte MSB = Wire.read();
- byte LSB = Wire.read();
- float headingSum = (MSB << 8) + LSB; //(MSB / LSB sum)
- float headingInt = headingSum / 10;
- return headingInt;
-void Compass::_beginTransmission(){
- Wire.beginTransmission(HMC6352SlaveAddress);
- Wire.write(HMC6352ReadAddress);
-void Compass::_endTransmission(){
- Wire.endTransmission();
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Compass.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Compass.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aa085a9..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Compass.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Compass_h
-#define Compass_h
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-//0x21==0x42>>1, from bildr's code
-#define HMC6352SlaveAddress 0x21
-#define HMC6352ReadAddress 0x41
-class Compass{
- public:
- void begin();
- float getReading();
- private:
- void _beginTransmission();
- void _endTransmission();
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/EEPROM_I2C.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/EEPROM_I2C.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dd12695..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/EEPROM_I2C.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include "EEPROM_I2C.h"
-#include <Wire.h>
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-void EEPROM_I2C::begin(){
- Wire.begin();
-void EEPROM_I2C::writeByte(unsigned int eeaddress, byte data){
- int rdata = data;
- this->_beginTransmission(eeaddress);
- Wire.write(rdata);
- this->_endTransmission();
-byte EEPROM_I2C::readByte(unsigned int eeaddress){
- int rdata;
- this->_beginTransmission(eeaddress);
- this->_endTransmission();
- Wire.requestFrom(DEVICEADDRESS,1);
- if (Wire.available()) rdata = Wire.read();
- return rdata;
-void EEPROM_I2C::writePage(unsigned int eeaddress, byte* data, byte length ){
- this->_beginTransmission(eeaddress);
- byte c;
- for ( c = 0; c < length; c++)
- Wire.write(data[c]);
- this->_endTransmission();
- delay(10); // need some delay
-void EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(unsigned int eeaddress, byte *buffer, int length ){
- this->_beginTransmission(eeaddress);
- this->_endTransmission();
- Wire.requestFrom(DEVICEADDRESS,length);
- for ( int c = 0; c < length; c++ )
- if (Wire.available()) buffer[c] = Wire.read();
-void EEPROM_I2C::_beginTransmission(unsigned int eeaddress){
- Wire.beginTransmission(DEVICEADDRESS);
- Wire.write((eeaddress >> 8)); // Address High Byte
- Wire.write((eeaddress & 0xFF)); // Address Low Byte
-void EEPROM_I2C::_endTransmission(){
- Wire.endTransmission();
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/EEPROM_I2C.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/EEPROM_I2C.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd0f6a..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/EEPROM_I2C.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef EEPROM_I2C_h
-#define EEPROM_I2C_h
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-#define EE24LC512MAXBYTES 64000
-#define DEVICEADDRESS 0x50
-class EEPROM_I2C{
- public:
- void begin();
- void writeByte(unsigned int eeaddresspage, byte data);
- byte readByte(unsigned int eeaddresspage);
- void writePage(unsigned int eeaddresspage, byte* data, byte length );
- void readBuffer(unsigned int eeaddress, byte *buffer, int length );
- //uint16_t readPixel(uint16_t theMemoryAddress);
- //void readImage(uint16_t theMemoryAddress, int width, int height);
- protected:
- void _beginTransmission(unsigned int eeaddress);
- void _endTransmission();
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/EasyTransfer2.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/EasyTransfer2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 24427cc..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/EasyTransfer2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#include "EasyTransfer2.h"
-//Captures address and size of struct
-void EasyTransfer2::begin(HardwareSerial *theSerial){
- _serial = theSerial;
- //dynamic creation of rx parsing buffer in RAM
- //rx_buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(size);
- resetData();
-void EasyTransfer2::writeByte(uint8_t dat){
- if(position<20)
- data[position++]=dat;
- size++;
-void EasyTransfer2::writeInt(int dat){
- if(position<19){
- data[position++]=dat>>8;
- data[position++]=dat;
- size+=2;
- }
-uint8_t EasyTransfer2::readByte(){
- if(position>=size)return 0;
- return data[position++];
-int EasyTransfer2::readInt(){
- if(position+1>=size)return 0;
- int dat_1=data[position++]<<8;
- int dat_2=data[position++];
- int dat= dat_1 | dat_2;
- return dat;
-void EasyTransfer2::resetData(){
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
- data[i]=0;
- }
- size=0;
- position=0;
-//Sends out struct in binary, with header, length info and checksum
-void EasyTransfer2::sendData(){
- uint8_t CS = size;
- _serial->write(0x06);
- _serial->write(0x85);
- _serial->write(size);
- for(int i = 0; i<size; i++){
- CS^=*(data+i);
- _serial->write(*(data+i));
- //Serial.print(*(data+i));
- //Serial.print(",");
- }
- //Serial.println("");
- _serial->write(CS);
- resetData();
-boolean EasyTransfer2::receiveData(){
- //start off by looking for the header bytes. If they were already found in a previous call, skip it.
- if(rx_len == 0){
- //this size check may be redundant due to the size check below, but for now I'll leave it the way it is.
- if(_serial->available() >= 3){
- //this will block until a 0x06 is found or buffer size becomes less then 3.
- while(_serial->read() != 0x06) {
- //This will trash any preamble junk in the serial buffer
- //but we need to make sure there is enough in the buffer to process while we trash the rest
- //if the buffer becomes too empty, we will escape and try again on the next call
- if(_serial->available() < 3)
- return false;
- }
- //Serial.println("head");
- if (_serial->read() == 0x85){
- rx_len = _serial->read();
- //Serial.print("rx_len:");
- //Serial.println(rx_len);
- resetData();
- //make sure the binary structs on both Arduinos are the same size.
- /*if(rx_len != size){
- rx_len = 0;
- return false;
- }*/
- }
- }
- //Serial.println("nothing");
- }
- //we get here if we already found the header bytes, the struct size matched what we know, and now we are byte aligned.
- if(rx_len != 0){
- while(_serial->available() && rx_array_inx <= rx_len){
- data[rx_array_inx++] = _serial->read();
- }
- if(rx_len == (rx_array_inx-1)){
- //seem to have got whole message
- //last uint8_t is CS
- calc_CS = rx_len;
- //Serial.print("len:");
- //Serial.println(rx_len);
- for (int i = 0; i<rx_len; i++){
- calc_CS^=data[i];
- //Serial.print("m");
- //Serial.print(data[i]);
- //Serial.print(",");
- }
- //Serial.println();
- //Serial.print(data[rx_array_inx-1]);
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.println(calc_CS);
- if(calc_CS == data[rx_array_inx-1]){//CS good
- //resetData();
- //memcpy(data,d,rx_len);
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
- //Serial.print(data[i]);
- //Serial.print(",");
- }
- //Serial.println("");
- size=rx_len;
- rx_len = 0;
- rx_array_inx = 0;
- return true;
- }
- else{
- //Serial.println("CS");
- resetData();
- //failed checksum, need to clear this out anyway
- rx_len = 0;
- rx_array_inx = 0;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- //Serial.print(rx_len);
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.print(rx_array_inx);
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.println("Short");
- return false;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/EasyTransfer2.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/EasyTransfer2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3369a51..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/EasyTransfer2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-* EasyTransfer Arduino Library
-* details and example sketch:
-* http://www.billporter.info/easytransfer-arduino-library/
-* Brought to you by:
-* Bill Porter
-* www.billporter.info
-* See Readme for other info and version history
-*This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-*This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
-*To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or
-*send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
-#ifndef EasyTransfer2_h
-#define EasyTransfer2_h
-//make it a little prettier on the front end.
-#define details(name) (byte*)&name,sizeof(name)
-//Not neccessary, but just in case.
-#if ARDUINO > 22
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-#include "HardwareSerial.h"
-//#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <avr/io.h>
-class EasyTransfer2 {
-void begin(HardwareSerial *theSerial);
-//void begin(uint8_t *, uint8_t, NewSoftSerial *theSerial);
-void sendData();
-boolean receiveData();
-void writeByte(uint8_t dat);
-void writeInt(int dat);
-uint8_t readByte();
-int readInt();
-HardwareSerial *_serial;
-void resetData();
-uint8_t data[20]; //data storage, for both read and send
-uint8_t position;
-uint8_t size; //size of data in bytes. Both for read and send
-//uint8_t * address; //address of struct
-//uint8_t size; //size of struct
-//uint8_t * rx_buffer; //address for temporary storage and parsing buffer
-//uint8_t rx_buffer[20];
-uint8_t rx_array_inx; //index for RX parsing buffer
-uint8_t rx_len; //RX packet length according to the packet
-uint8_t calc_CS; //calculated Chacksum
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa8f585..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#if ARDUINO < 100
-#include <WProgram.h>
-#else // ARDUINO
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#endif // ARDUINO
-#include <Fat16.h>
-// volume info
-uint8_t Fat16::volumeInitialized_ = 0; // true if FAT16 volume is valid
-uint8_t Fat16::fatCount_; // number of file allocation tables
-uint8_t Fat16::blocksPerCluster_; // must be power of 2
-uint16_t Fat16::rootDirEntryCount_; // should be 512 for FAT16
-fat_t Fat16::blocksPerFat_; // number of blocks in one FAT
-fat_t Fat16::clusterCount_; // total clusters in volume
-uint32_t Fat16::fatStartBlock_; // start of first FAT
-uint32_t Fat16::rootDirStartBlock_; // start of root dir
-uint32_t Fat16::dataStartBlock_; // start of data clusters
-// raw block cache
-SdCard *Fat16::rawDev_ = 0; // class for block read and write
-uint32_t Fat16::cacheBlockNumber_ = 0XFFFFFFFF; // init to invalid block number
-cache16_t Fat16::cacheBuffer_; // 512 byte cache for SdCard
-uint8_t Fat16::cacheDirty_ = 0; // cacheFlush() will write block if true
-uint32_t Fat16::cacheMirrorBlock_ = 0; // mirror block for second FAT
-// callback function for date/time
-void (*Fat16::dateTime_)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) = NULL;
-void (*Fat16::oldDateTime_)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time) = NULL; // NOLINT
-// format 8.3 name for directory entry
-static uint8_t make83Name(const char* str, uint8_t* name) {
- uint8_t c;
- uint8_t n = 7; // max index for part before dot
- uint8_t i = 0;
- // blank fill name and extension
- while (i < 11) name[i++] = ' ';
- i = 0;
- while ((c = *str++) != '\0') {
- if (c == '.') {
- if (n == 10) return false; // only one dot allowed
- n = 10; // max index for full 8.3 name
- i = 8; // place for extension
- } else {
- // illegal FAT characters
- PGM_P p = PSTR("|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\");
- uint8_t b;
- while ((b = pgm_read_byte(p++))) if (b == c) return false;
- // check length and only allow ASCII printable characters
- if (i > n || c < 0X21 || c > 0X7E) return false;
- // only upper case allowed in 8.3 names - convert lower to upper
- name[i++] = c < 'a' || c > 'z' ? c : c + ('A' - 'a');
- }
- }
- // must have a file name, extension is optional
- return name[0] != ' ';
-// Fat16 member functions
-uint8_t Fat16::addCluster(void) {
- // start search after last cluster of file or at cluster two in FAT
- fat_t freeCluster = curCluster_ ? curCluster_ : 1;
- for (fat_t i = 0; ; i++) {
- // return no free clusters
- if (i >= clusterCount_) return false;
- // Fat has clusterCount + 2 entries
- if (freeCluster > clusterCount_) freeCluster = 1;
- freeCluster++;
- fat_t value;
- if (!fatGet(freeCluster, &value)) return false;
- if (value == 0) break;
- }
- // mark cluster allocated
- if (!fatPut(freeCluster, FAT16EOC)) return false;
- if (curCluster_ != 0) {
- // link cluster to chain
- if (!fatPut(curCluster_, freeCluster)) return false;
- } else {
- // first cluster of file so update directory entry
- flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
- firstCluster_ = freeCluster;
- }
- curCluster_ = freeCluster;
- return true;
-dir_t* Fat16::cacheDirEntry(uint16_t index, uint8_t action) {
- if (index >= rootDirEntryCount_) return NULL;
- if (!cacheRawBlock(rootDirStartBlock_ + (index >> 4), action)) return NULL;
- return &cacheBuffer_.dir[index & 0XF];
-uint8_t Fat16::cacheFlush(void) {
- if (cacheDirty_) {
- if (!rawDev_->writeBlock(cacheBlockNumber_, cacheBuffer_.data)) {
- return false;
- }
- // mirror FAT tables
- if (cacheMirrorBlock_) {
- if (!rawDev_->writeBlock(cacheMirrorBlock_, cacheBuffer_.data)) {
- return false;
- }
- cacheMirrorBlock_ = 0;
- }
- cacheDirty_ = 0;
- }
- return true;
-uint8_t Fat16::cacheRawBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t action) {
- if (cacheBlockNumber_ != blockNumber) {
- if (!cacheFlush()) return false;
- if (!rawDev_->readBlock(blockNumber, cacheBuffer_.data)) return false;
- cacheBlockNumber_ = blockNumber;
- }
- cacheDirty_ |= action;
- return true;
- * Close a file and force cached data and directory information
- * to be written to the storage device.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include no file is open or an I/O error.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::close(void) {
- if (!sync()) return false;
- flags_ = 0;
- return true;
- * Return a files directory entry
- *
- * \param[out] dir Location for return of the files directory entry.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::dirEntry(dir_t* dir) {
- if (!sync()) return false;
- dir_t* p = cacheDirEntry(dirEntryIndex_, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
- if (!p) return false;
- memcpy(dir, p, sizeof(dir_t));
- return true;
-uint8_t Fat16::fatGet(fat_t cluster, fat_t* value) {
- if (cluster > (clusterCount_ + 1)) return false;
- uint32_t lba = fatStartBlock_ + (cluster >> 8);
- if (lba != cacheBlockNumber_) {
- if (!cacheRawBlock(lba)) return false;
- }
- *value = cacheBuffer_.fat[cluster & 0XFF];
- return true;
-uint8_t Fat16::fatPut(fat_t cluster, fat_t value) {
- if (cluster < 2) return false;
- if (cluster > (clusterCount_ + 1)) return false;
- uint32_t lba = fatStartBlock_ + (cluster >> 8);
- if (lba != cacheBlockNumber_) {
- if (!cacheRawBlock(lba)) return false;
- }
- cacheBuffer_.fat[cluster & 0XFF] = value;
- cacheSetDirty();
- // mirror second FAT
- if (fatCount_ > 1) cacheMirrorBlock_ = lba + blocksPerFat_;
- return true;
-// free a cluster chain
-uint8_t Fat16::freeChain(fat_t cluster) {
- while (1) {
- fat_t next;
- if (!fatGet(cluster, &next)) return false;
- if (!fatPut(cluster, 0)) return false;
- if (isEOC(next)) return true;
- cluster = next;
- }
- * Initialize a FAT16 volume.
- *
- * \param[in] dev The SdCard where the volume is located.
- *
- * \param[in] part The partition to be used. Legal values for \a part are
- * 1-4 to use the corresponding partition on a device formatted with
- * a MBR, Master Boot Record, or zero if the device is formatted as
- * a super floppy with the FAT boot sector in block zero.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. reasons for
- * failure include not finding a valid FAT16 file system in the
- * specified partition, a call to init() after a volume has
- * been successful initialized or an I/O error.
- *
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::init(SdCard* dev, uint8_t part) {
- // error if invalid partition
- if (part > 4) return false;
- rawDev_ = dev;
- uint32_t volumeStartBlock = 0;
- // if part == 0 assume super floppy with FAT16 boot sector in block zero
- // if part > 0 assume mbr volume with partition table
- if (part) {
- if (!cacheRawBlock(volumeStartBlock)) return false;
- volumeStartBlock = cacheBuffer_.mbr.part[part - 1].firstSector;
- }
- if (!cacheRawBlock(volumeStartBlock)) return false;
- // check boot block signature
- if (cacheBuffer_.data[510] != BOOTSIG0 ||
- cacheBuffer_.data[511] != BOOTSIG1) return false;
- bpb_t* bpb = &cacheBuffer_.fbs.bpb;
- fatCount_ = bpb->fatCount;
- blocksPerCluster_ = bpb->sectorsPerCluster;
- blocksPerFat_ = bpb->sectorsPerFat16;
- rootDirEntryCount_ = bpb->rootDirEntryCount;
- fatStartBlock_ = volumeStartBlock + bpb->reservedSectorCount;
- rootDirStartBlock_ = fatStartBlock_ + bpb->fatCount*bpb->sectorsPerFat16;
- dataStartBlock_ = rootDirStartBlock_
- + ((32*bpb->rootDirEntryCount + 511)/512);
- uint32_t totalBlocks = bpb->totalSectors16 ?
- bpb->totalSectors16 : bpb->totalSectors32;
- clusterCount_ = (totalBlocks - (dataStartBlock_ - volumeStartBlock))
- /bpb->sectorsPerCluster;
- // verify valid FAT16 volume
- if (bpb->bytesPerSector != 512 // only allow 512 byte blocks
- || bpb->sectorsPerFat16 == 0 // zero for FAT32
- || clusterCount_ < 4085 // FAT12 if true
- || totalBlocks > 0X800000 // Max size for FAT16 volume
- || bpb->reservedSectorCount == 0 // invalid volume
- || bpb->fatCount == 0 // invalid volume
- || bpb->sectorsPerFat16 < (clusterCount_ >> 8) // invalid volume
- || bpb->sectorsPerCluster == 0 // invalid volume
- // power of 2 test
- || bpb->sectorsPerCluster & (bpb->sectorsPerCluster - 1)) {
- // not a usable FAT16 bpb
- return false;
- }
- volumeInitialized_ = 1;
- return true;
-/** List directory contents to Serial.
- *
- * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
- *
- * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
- *
- * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
- */
-void Fat16::ls(uint8_t flags) {
- dir_t d;
- for (uint16_t index = 0; readDir(&d, &index, DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID); index++) {
- // print file name with possible blank fill
- printDirName(d, flags & (LS_DATE | LS_SIZE) ? 14 : 0);
- // print modify date/time if requested
- if (flags & LS_DATE) {
- printFatDate(d.lastWriteDate);
- Serial.write(' ');
- printFatTime(d.lastWriteTime);
- }
- // print size if requested
- if (DIR_IS_FILE(&d) && (flags & LS_SIZE)) {
- Serial.write(' ');
- Serial.print(d.fileSize);
- }
- Serial.println();
- }
- * Open a file by file name.
- *
- * \note The file must be in the root directory and must have a DOS
- * 8.3 name.
- *
- * \param[in] fileName A valid 8.3 DOS name for a file in the root directory.
- *
- * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
- * OR of flags from the following list
- *
- * O_READ - Open for reading.
- *
- * O_RDONLY - Same as O_READ.
- *
- * O_WRITE - Open for writing.
- *
- * O_WRONLY - Same as O_WRITE.
- *
- * O_RDWR - Open for reading and writing.
- *
- * O_APPEND - If set, the file offset shall be set to the end of the
- * file prior to each write.
- *
- * O_CREAT - If the file exists, this flag has no effect except as noted
- * under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the file shall be created
- *
- * O_EXCL - If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists.
- *
- * O_SYNC - Call sync() after each write. This flag should not be used with
- * write(uint8_t), write_P(PGM_P), writeln_P(PGM_P), or the Arduino Print class.
- * These functions do character a time writes so sync() will be called
- * after each byte.
- *
- * O_TRUNC - If the file exists and is a regular file, and the file is
- * successfully opened and is not read only, its length shall be truncated to 0.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include the FAT volume has not been initialized,
- * a file is already open, \a fileName is invalid, the file does not exist,
- * is a directory, or can't be opened in the access mode specified by oflag.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::open(const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag) {
- uint8_t dname[11]; // name formated for dir entry
- int16_t empty = -1; // index of empty slot
- dir_t* p; // pointer to cached dir entry
- if (!volumeInitialized_ || isOpen()) return false;
- // error if invalid name
- if (!make83Name(fileName, dname)) return false;
- for (uint16_t index = 0; index < rootDirEntryCount_; index++) {
- if (!(p = cacheDirEntry(index))) return false;
- if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE || p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED) {
- // remember first empty slot
- if (empty < 0) empty = index;
- // done if no entries follow
- if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break;
- } else if (!memcmp(dname, p->name, 11)) {
- // don't open existing file if O_CREAT and O_EXCL
- if ((oflag & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) return false;
- // open existing file
- return open(index, oflag);
- }
- }
- // error if directory is full
- if (empty < 0) return false;
- // only create file if O_CREAT and O_WRITE
- if ((oflag & (O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) != (O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) return false;
- if (!(p = cacheDirEntry(empty, CACHE_FOR_WRITE))) return false;
- // initialize as empty file
- memset(p, 0, sizeof(dir_t));
- memcpy(p->name, dname, 11);
- // set timestamps
- if (dateTime_) {
- // call user function
- dateTime_(&p->creationDate, &p->creationTime);
- } else {
- // use default date/time
- p->creationDate = FAT_DEFAULT_DATE;
- p->creationTime = FAT_DEFAULT_TIME;
- }
- p->lastAccessDate = p->creationDate;
- p->lastWriteDate = p->creationDate;
- p->lastWriteTime = p->creationTime;
- // insure created directory entry will be written to storage device
- if (!cacheFlush()) return false;
- // open entry
- return open(empty, oflag);
- * Open a file by file index.
- *
- * \param[in] index The root directory index of the file to be opened. See \link
- * Fat16::readDir() readDir()\endlink.
- *
- * \param[in] oflag See \link Fat16::open(const char*, uint8_t)\endlink.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include the FAT volume has not been initialized,
- * a file is already open, \a index is invalid or is not the index of a
- * file or the file cannot be opened in the access mode specified by oflag.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::open(uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag) {
- if (!volumeInitialized_ || isOpen()) return false;
- if ((oflag & O_TRUNC) && !(oflag & O_WRITE)) return false;
- dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(index);
- // if bad file index or I/O error
- if (!d) return false;
- // error if unused entry
- if (d->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE || d->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED) {
- return false;
- }
- // error if long name, volume label or subdirectory
- if ((d->attributes & (DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID | DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY)) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- // don't allow write or truncate if read-only
- if (d->attributes & DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY) {
- if (oflag & (O_WRITE | O_TRUNC)) return false;
- }
- curCluster_ = 0;
- curPosition_ = 0;
- dirEntryIndex_ = index;
- fileSize_ = d->fileSize;
- firstCluster_ = d->firstClusterLow;
- flags_ = oflag & (O_ACCMODE | O_SYNC | O_APPEND);
- if (oflag & O_TRUNC ) return truncate(0);
- return true;
-/** %Print the name field of a directory entry in 8.3 format to Serial.
- *
- * \param[in] dir The directory structure containing the name.
- * \param[in] width Blank fill name if length is less than \a width.
- */
-void Fat16::printDirName(const dir_t& dir, uint8_t width) {
- uint8_t w = 0;
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- if (dir.name[i] == ' ') continue;
- if (i == 8) {
- Serial.write('.');
- w++;
- }
- Serial.write(dir.name[i]);
- w++;
- }
- if (DIR_IS_SUBDIR(&dir)) {
- Serial.write('/');
- w++;
- }
- while (w < width) {
- Serial.write(' ');
- w++;
- }
-/** %Print a directory date field to Serial.
- *
- * Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
- *
- * \param[in] fatDate The date field from a directory entry.
- */
-void Fat16::printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate) {
- Serial.print(FAT_YEAR(fatDate));
- Serial.write('-');
- printTwoDigits(FAT_MONTH(fatDate));
- Serial.write('-');
- printTwoDigits(FAT_DAY(fatDate));
-/** %Print a directory time field to Serial.
- *
- * Format is hh:mm:ss.
- *
- * \param[in] fatTime The time field from a directory entry.
- */
-void Fat16::printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime) {
- printTwoDigits(FAT_HOUR(fatTime));
- Serial.write(':');
- printTwoDigits(FAT_MINUTE(fatTime));
- Serial.write(':');
- printTwoDigits(FAT_SECOND(fatTime));
-/** %Print a value as two digits to Serial.
- *
- * \param[in] v Value to be printed, 0 <= \a v <= 99
- */
-void Fat16::printTwoDigits(uint8_t v) {
- char str[3];
- str[0] = '0' + v/10;
- str[1] = '0' + v % 10;
- str[2] = 0;
- Serial.print(str);
- * Read the next byte from a file.
- *
- * \return For success read returns the next byte in the file as an int.
- * If an error occurs or end of file is reached -1 is returned.
- */
-int16_t Fat16::read(void) {
- uint8_t b;
- return read(&b, 1) == 1 ? b : -1;
- * Read data from a file at starting at the current file position.
- *
- * \param[out] buf Pointer to the location that will receive the data.
- *
- * \param[in] nbyte Maximum number of bytes to read.
- *
- * \return For success read returns the number of bytes read.
- * A value less than \a nbyte, including zero, may be returned
- * if end of file is reached.
- * If an error occurs, read returns -1. Possible errors include
- * read called before a file has been opened, the file has not been opened in
- * read mode, a corrupt file system, or an I/O error.
- */
-int16_t Fat16::read(void* buf, uint16_t nbyte) {
- // convert void pointer to uin8_t pointer
- uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
- // error if not open for read
- if (!(flags_ & O_READ)) return -1;
- // don't read beyond end of file
- if ((curPosition_ + nbyte) > fileSize_) nbyte = fileSize_ - curPosition_;
- // bytes left to read in loop
- uint16_t nToRead = nbyte;
- while (nToRead > 0) {
- uint8_t blkOfCluster = blockOfCluster(curPosition_);
- uint16_t blockOffset = cacheDataOffset(curPosition_);
- if (blkOfCluster == 0 && blockOffset == 0) {
- // start next cluster
- if (curCluster_ == 0) {
- curCluster_ = firstCluster_;
- } else {
- if (!fatGet(curCluster_, &curCluster_)) return -1;
- }
- // return error if bad cluster chain
- if (curCluster_ < 2 || isEOC(curCluster_)) return -1;
- }
- // cache data block
- if (!cacheRawBlock(dataBlockLba(curCluster_, blkOfCluster))) return -1;
- // location of data in cache
- uint8_t* src = cacheBuffer_.data + blockOffset;
- // max number of byte available in block
- uint16_t n = 512 - blockOffset;
- // lesser of available and amount to read
- if (n > nToRead) n = nToRead;
- // copy data to caller
- memcpy(dst, src, n);
- curPosition_ += n;
- dst += n;
- nToRead -= n;
- }
- return nbyte;
- * Read the next short, 8.3, directory entry.
- *
- * Unused entries and entries for long names are skipped.
- *
- * \param[out] dir Location that will receive the entry.
- *
- * \param[in,out] index The search starts at \a index and \a index is
- * updated with the root directory index of the found directory entry.
- * If the entry is a file, it may be opened by calling
- * \link Fat16::open(uint16_t, uint8_t) \endlink.
- *
- * \param[in] skip Skip entries that have these attributes. If \a skip
- * is not specified, the default is to skip the volume label and directories.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and the value zero,
- * false, is returned if an error occurs or the end of the root directory is
- * reached. On success, \a entry is set to the index of the found directory
- * entry.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::readDir(dir_t* dir, uint16_t* index, uint8_t skip) {
- dir_t* p;
- for (uint16_t i = *index; ; i++) {
- if (i >= rootDirEntryCount_) return false;
- if (!(p = cacheDirEntry(i))) return false;
- // done if beyond last used entry
- if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) return false;
- // skip deleted entry
- if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED) continue;
- // skip long names
- if ((p->attributes & DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK) == DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME) continue;
- // skip if attribute match
- if (p->attributes & skip) continue;
- // return found index
- *index = i;
- break;
- }
- memcpy(dir, p, sizeof(dir_t));
- return true;
- * Remove a file. The directory entry and all data for the file are deleted.
- *
- * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a
- * file that has a long name. For example if a file has the long name
- * "New Text Document.txt" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWTEX~1.TXT".
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include the file is not open for write
- * or an I/O error occurred.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::remove(void) {
- // error if file is not open for write
- if (!(flags_ & O_WRITE)) return false;
- if (firstCluster_) {
- if (!freeChain(firstCluster_)) return false;
- }
- dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(dirEntryIndex_, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
- if (!d) return false;
- d->name[0] = DIR_NAME_DELETED;
- flags_ = 0;
- return cacheFlush();
- * Remove a file.
- *
- * The directory entry and all data for the file are deleted.
- *
- * \param[in] fileName The name of the file to be removed.
- *
- * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a
- * file that has a long name. For example if a file has the long name
- * "New Text Document.txt" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWTEX~1.TXT".
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include the file is read only, \a fileName is not found
- * or an I/O error occurred.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::remove(const char* fileName) {
- Fat16 file;
- if (!file.open(fileName, O_WRITE)) return false;
- return file.remove();
- * Sets the file's read/write position.
- *
- * \param[in] pos The new position in bytes from the beginning of the file.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::seekSet(uint32_t pos) {
- // error if file not open or seek past end of file
- if (!isOpen() || pos > fileSize_) return false;
- if (pos == 0) {
- // set position to start of file
- curCluster_ = 0;
- curPosition_ = 0;
- return true;
- }
- fat_t n = ((pos - 1) >> 9)/blocksPerCluster_;
- if (pos < curPosition_ || curPosition_ == 0) {
- // must follow chain from first cluster
- curCluster_ = firstCluster_;
- } else {
- // advance from curPosition
- n -= ((curPosition_ - 1) >> 9)/blocksPerCluster_;
- }
- while (n--) {
- if (!fatGet(curCluster_, &curCluster_)) return false;
- }
- curPosition_ = pos;
- return true;
- * The sync() call causes all modified data and directory fields
- * to be written to the storage device.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include a call to sync() before a file has been
- * opened or an I/O error.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::sync(void) {
- if (flags_ & F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY) {
- // cache directory entry
- dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(dirEntryIndex_, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
- if (!d) return false;
- // update file size and first cluster
- d->fileSize = fileSize_;
- d->firstClusterLow = firstCluster_;
- // set modify time if user supplied a callback date/time function
- if (dateTime_) {
- dateTime_(&d->lastWriteDate, &d->lastWriteTime);
- d->lastAccessDate = d->lastWriteDate;
- }
- flags_ &= ~F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
- }
- return cacheFlush();
- * The timestamp() call sets a file's timestamps in its directory entry.
- *
- * \param[in] flags Values for \a flags are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
- * OR of flags from the following list
- *
- * T_ACCESS - Set the file's last access date.
- *
- * T_CREATE - Set the file's creation date and time.
- *
- * T_WRITE - Set the file's last write/modification date and time.
- *
- * \param[in] year Valid range 1980 - 2107 inclusive.
- *
- * \param[in] month Valid range 1 - 12 inclusive.
- *
- * \param[in] day Valid range 1 - 31 inclusive.
- *
- * \param[in] hour Valid range 0 - 23 inclusive.
- *
- * \param[in] minute Valid range 0 - 59 inclusive.
- *
- * \param[in] second Valid range 0 - 59 inclusive
- *
- * \note It is possible to set an invalid date since there is no check for
- * the number of days in a month.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::timestamp(uint8_t flags, uint16_t year, uint8_t month,
- uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) {
- if (!isOpen()
- || year < 1980
- || year > 2107
- || month < 1
- || month > 12
- || day < 1
- || day > 31
- || hour > 23
- || minute > 59
- || second > 59) {
- return false;
- }
- dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(dirEntryIndex_, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
- if (!d) return false;
- uint16_t dirDate = FAT_DATE(year, month, day);
- uint16_t dirTime = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second);
- if (flags & T_ACCESS) {
- d->lastAccessDate = dirDate;
- }
- if (flags & T_CREATE) {
- d->creationDate = dirDate;
- d->creationTime = dirTime;
- // seems to be units of 1/100 second not 1/10 as Microsoft standard states
- d->creationTimeTenths = second & 1 ? 100 : 0;
- }
- if (flags & T_WRITE) {
- d->lastWriteDate = dirDate;
- d->lastWriteTime = dirTime;
- }
- cacheSetDirty();
- return sync();
- * Truncate a file to a specified length. The current file position
- * will be maintained if it is less than or equal to \a length otherwise
- * it will be set to end of file.
- *
- * \param[in] length The desired length for the file.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- * Reasons for failure include file is read only, file is a directory,
- * \a length is greater than the current file size or an I/O error occurs.
- */
-uint8_t Fat16::truncate(uint32_t length) {
- // error if file is not open for write
- if (!(flags_ & O_WRITE)) return false;
- if (length > fileSize_) return false;
- // fileSize and length are zero - nothing to do
- if (fileSize_ == 0) return true;
- uint32_t newPos = curPosition_ > length ? length : curPosition_;
- if (length == 0) {
- // free all clusters
- if (!freeChain(firstCluster_)) return false;
- curCluster_ = firstCluster_ = 0;
- } else {
- fat_t toFree;
- if (!seekSet(length)) return false;
- if (!fatGet(curCluster_, &toFree)) return false;
- if (!isEOC(toFree)) {
- // free extra clusters
- if (!fatPut(curCluster_, FAT16EOC)) return false;
- if (!freeChain(toFree)) return false;
- }
- }
- fileSize_ = length;
- flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
- if (!sync()) return false;
- return seekSet(newPos);
- * Write data at the current position of an open file.
- *
- * \note Data is moved to the cache but may not be written to the
- * storage device until sync() is called.
- *
- * \param[in] buf Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
- *
- * \param[in] nbyte Number of bytes to write.
- *
- * \return For success write() returns the number of bytes written, always
- * \a nbyte. If an error occurs, write() returns -1. Possible errors include
- * write() is called before a file has been opened, the file has not been opened
- * for write, device is full, a corrupt file system or an I/O error.
- *
- */
-int16_t Fat16::write(const void* buf, uint16_t nbyte) {
- uint16_t nToWrite = nbyte;
- const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf);
- // error if file is not open for write
- if (!(flags_ & O_WRITE)) goto writeErrorReturn;
- // go to end of file if O_APPEND
- if ((flags_ & O_APPEND) && curPosition_ != fileSize_) {
- if (!seekEnd()) goto writeErrorReturn;
- }
- while (nToWrite > 0) {
- uint8_t blkOfCluster = blockOfCluster(curPosition_);
- uint16_t blockOffset = cacheDataOffset(curPosition_);
- if (blkOfCluster == 0 && blockOffset == 0) {
- // start of new cluster
- if (curCluster_ == 0) {
- if (firstCluster_ == 0) {
- // allocate first cluster of file
- if (!addCluster()) goto writeErrorReturn;
- } else {
- curCluster_ = firstCluster_;
- }
- } else {
- fat_t next;
- if (!fatGet(curCluster_, &next)) goto writeErrorReturn;
- if (isEOC(next)) {
- // add cluster if at end of chain
- if (!addCluster()) goto writeErrorReturn;
- } else {
- curCluster_ = next;
- }
- }
- }
- uint32_t lba = dataBlockLba(curCluster_, blkOfCluster);
- if (blockOffset == 0 && curPosition_ >= fileSize_) {
- // start of new block don't need to read into cache
- if (!cacheFlush()) goto writeErrorReturn;
- cacheBlockNumber_ = lba;
- cacheSetDirty();
- } else {
- // rewrite part of block
- if (!cacheRawBlock(lba, CACHE_FOR_WRITE)) return -1;
- }
- uint8_t* dst = cacheBuffer_.data + blockOffset;
- // max space in block
- uint16_t n = 512 - blockOffset;
- // lesser of space and amount to write
- if (n > nToWrite) n = nToWrite;
- // copy data to cache
- memcpy(dst, src, n);
- curPosition_ += n;
- nToWrite -= n;
- src += n;
- }
- if (curPosition_ > fileSize_) {
- // update fileSize and insure sync will update dir entry
- fileSize_ = curPosition_;
- flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
- } else if (dateTime_ && nbyte) {
- // insure sync will update modified date and time
- flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
- }
- if (flags_ & O_SYNC) {
- if (!sync()) goto writeErrorReturn;
- }
- return nbyte;
- writeErrorReturn:
- writeError = true;
- return -1;
- * Write a byte to a file. Required by the Arduino Print class.
- *
- * Use Fat16::writeError to check for errors.
- */
-#if ARDUINO < 100
-void Fat16::write(uint8_t b) {
- write(&b, 1);
-#else // ARDUINO < 100
-size_t Fat16::write(uint8_t b) {
- return write(&b, 1) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
-#endif // ARDUINO < 100
- * Write a string to a file. Used by the Arduino Print class.
- *
- * Use Fat16::writeError to check for errors.
- */
-#if ARDUINO < 100
-void Fat16::write(const char* str) {
- write(str, strlen(str));
-#else // ARDUINO < 100
-int16_t Fat16::write(const char* str) {
- return write(str, strlen(str));
-#endif // ARDUINO < 100
- * Write a PROGMEM string to a file.
- *
- * Use Fat16::writeError to check for errors.
- */
-void Fat16::write_P(PGM_P str) {
- for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) write(c);
- * Write a PROGMEM string followed by CR/LF to a file.
- *
- * Use Fat16::writeError to check for errors.
- */
-void Fat16::writeln_P(PGM_P str) {
- write_P(str);
- println();
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 935b9b0..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#ifndef Fat16_h
-#define Fat16_h
- * \file
- * Fat16 class
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#include <Print.h>
-#include <SdCard.h>
-#include <FatStructs.h>
-#include <Fat16Config.h>
-/** Fat16 version YYYYMMDD */
-#define FAT16_VERSION 20111205
-// flags for ls()
-/** ls() flag to print modify date */
-uint8_t const LS_DATE = 1;
-/** ls() flag to print file size */
-uint8_t const LS_SIZE = 2;
-// use the gnu style oflags
-/** open for reading */
-uint8_t const O_READ = 0X01;
-/** same as O_READ */
-uint8_t const O_RDONLY = O_READ;
-/** open for write */
-uint8_t const O_WRITE = 0X02;
-/** same as O_WRITE */
-uint8_t const O_WRONLY = O_WRITE;
-/** open for reading and writing */
-uint8_t const O_RDWR = O_READ | O_WRITE;
-/** mask for access modes */
-uint8_t const O_ACCMODE = O_READ | O_WRITE;
-/** The file offset shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write. */
-uint8_t const O_APPEND = 0X04;
-/** synchronous writes - call sync() after each write */
-uint8_t const O_SYNC = 0X08;
-/** create the file if nonexistent */
-uint8_t const O_CREAT = 0X10;
-/** If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists */
-uint8_t const O_EXCL = 0X20;
-/** truncate the file to zero length */
-uint8_t const O_TRUNC = 0X40;
-// flags for timestamp
-/** set the file's last access date */
-uint8_t const T_ACCESS = 1;
-/** set the file's creation date and time */
-uint8_t const T_CREATE = 2;
-/** Set the file's write date and time */
-uint8_t const T_WRITE = 4;
-/** date field for FAT directory entry */
-static inline uint16_t FAT_DATE(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day) {
- return (year - 1980) << 9 | month << 5 | day;
-/** year part of FAT directory date field */
-static inline uint16_t FAT_YEAR(uint16_t fatDate) {
- return 1980 + (fatDate >> 9);
-/** month part of FAT directory date field */
-static inline uint8_t FAT_MONTH(uint16_t fatDate) {
- return (fatDate >> 5) & 0XF;
-/** day part of FAT directory date field */
-static inline uint8_t FAT_DAY(uint16_t fatDate) {
- return fatDate & 0X1F;
-/** time field for FAT directory entry */
-static inline uint16_t FAT_TIME(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) {
- return hour << 11 | minute << 5 | second >> 1;
-/** hour part of FAT directory time field */
-static inline uint8_t FAT_HOUR(uint16_t fatTime) {
- return fatTime >> 11;
-/** minute part of FAT directory time field */
-static inline uint8_t FAT_MINUTE(uint16_t fatTime) {
- return(fatTime >> 5) & 0X3F;
-/** second part of FAT directory time field */
-static inline uint8_t FAT_SECOND(uint16_t fatTime) {
- return 2*(fatTime & 0X1F);
-/** Default date for file timestamps is 1 Jan 2000 */
-uint16_t const FAT_DEFAULT_DATE = ((2000 - 1980) << 9) | (1 << 5) | 1;
-/** Default time for file timestamp is 1 am */
-uint16_t const FAT_DEFAULT_TIME = (1 << 11);
- * \typedef fat_t
- *
- * \brief Type for FAT16 entry
- */
-typedef uint16_t fat_t;
- * \union cache16_t
- *
- * \brief Cache buffer data type
- *
- */
-union cache16_t {
- /** Used to access cached file data blocks. */
- uint8_t data[512];
- /** Used to access cached FAT entries. */
- fat_t fat[256];
- /** Used to access cached directory entries. */
- dir_t dir[16];
- /** Used to access a cached Master Boot Record. */
- mbr_t mbr;
- /** Used to access to a cached FAT16 boot sector. */
- fbs_t fbs;
-/** \class Fat16
- * \brief Fat16 implements a minimal Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * Fat16 does not support subdirectories or long file names.
- */
-class Fat16 : public Print {
- public:
- /*
- * Public functions
- */
- /** create with file closed */
- Fat16(void) : flags_(0) {}
- /** \return The current cluster number. */
- fat_t curCluster(void) const {return curCluster_;}
- uint8_t close(void);
- /** \return The count of clusters in the FAT16 volume. */
- static fat_t clusterCount(void) {return clusterCount_;}
- /** \return The number of 512 byte blocks in a cluster */
- static uint8_t clusterSize(void) {return blocksPerCluster_;}
- /** \return The current file position. */
- uint32_t curPosition(void) const {return curPosition_;}
- /**
- * Set the date/time callback function
- *
- * \param[in] dateTime The user's callback function. The callback
- * function is of the form:
- *
- * \code
- * void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) {
- * uint16_t year;
- * uint8_t month, day, hour, minute, second;
- *
- * // User gets date and time from GPS or real-time clock here
- *
- * // return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields
- * *date = FAT_DATE(year, month, day);
- *
- * // return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields
- * *time = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second);
- * }
- * \endcode
- *
- * Sets the function that is called when a file is created or when
- * a file's directory entry is modified by sync(). All timestamps,
- * access, creation, and modify, are set when a file is created.
- * sync() maintains the last access date and last modify date/time.
- *
- * See the timestamp() function.
- */
- static void dateTimeCallback(
- void (*dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time)) {
- dateTime_ = dateTime;
- }
- /**
- * Cancel the date/time callback function.
- */
- static void dateTimeCallbackCancel(void) {dateTime_ = NULL;}
- uint8_t dirEntry(dir_t* dir);
- /** \return The file's size in bytes. */
- uint32_t fileSize(void) const {return fileSize_;}
- static uint8_t init(SdCard* dev, uint8_t part);
- /**
- * Initialize a FAT16 volume.
- *
- * First try partition 1 then try super floppy format.
- *
- * \param[in] dev The SdCard where the volume is located.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. reasons for
- * failure include not finding a valid FAT16 file system, a call
- * to init() after a volume has been successful initialized or
- * an I/O error.
- *
- */
- static uint8_t init(SdCard* dev) {
- return init(dev, 1) ? true : init(dev, 0);
- }
- /**
- * Checks the file's open/closed status for this instance of Fat16.
- * \return The value true if a file is open otherwise false;
- */
- uint8_t isOpen(void) const {return (flags_ & O_ACCMODE) != 0;}
- static void ls(uint8_t flags = 0);
- uint8_t open(const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag);
- uint8_t open(uint16_t entry, uint8_t oflag);
- static void printDirName(const dir_t& dir, uint8_t width);
- static void printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate);
- static void printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime);
- static void printTwoDigits(uint8_t v);
- int16_t read(void);
- int16_t read(void* buf, uint16_t nbyte);
- static uint8_t readDir(dir_t* dir, uint16_t* index,
- uint8_t skip = (DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID | DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY));
- uint8_t remove(void);
- static uint8_t remove(const char* fileName);
- /** Sets the file's current position to zero. */
- void rewind(void) {curPosition_ = curCluster_ = 0;}
- /** \return The number of entries in the root directory. */
- static uint16_t rootDirEntryCount(void) {return rootDirEntryCount_;}
- /** Seek to current position plus \a pos bytes. See Fat16::seekSet(). */
- uint8_t seekCur(uint32_t pos) {return seekSet(curPosition_ + pos);}
- /** Seek to end of file. See Fat16::seekSet(). */
- uint8_t seekEnd(void) {return seekSet(fileSize_);}
- uint8_t seekSet(uint32_t pos);
- uint8_t sync(void);
- uint8_t timestamp(uint8_t flag, uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day,
- uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second);
- uint8_t truncate(uint32_t size);
- /** Fat16::writeError is set to true if an error occurs during a write().
- * Set Fat16::writeError to false before calling print() and/or write() and check
- * for true after calls to write() and/or print().
- */
- bool writeError;
- int16_t write(const void *buf, uint16_t nbyte);
-#if ARDUINO < 100
- void write(uint8_t b);
- void write(const char* str);
-#else // ARDUINO < 100
- size_t write(uint8_t b);
- int16_t write(const char* str);
-#endif // ARDUINO < 100
- void write_P(PGM_P str);
- void writeln_P(PGM_P str);
- /** For debug only. Do not use in applications. */
- static cache16_t* dbgBufAdd(void) {return &cacheBuffer_;}
- /** For debug only. Do not use in applications. */
- static void dbgSetDev(SdCard* dev) {rawDev_ = dev;}
- /** For debug only. Do not use in applications. */
- static uint8_t* dbgCacheBlock(uint32_t blockNumber) {
- return cacheRawBlock(blockNumber) ? cacheBuffer_.data : 0; }
- /** For debug only. Do not use in applications. */
- static dir_t* dbgCacheDir(uint16_t index) {
- return cacheDirEntry(index);}
-#endif // FAT16_DEBUG_SUPPORT
-// Deprecated functions - suppress cpplint messages with NOLINT comment
- public:
- /**
- * Deprecated - Use:
- * static void Fat16::dateTimeCallback(
- * void (*dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time));
- */
- static void dateTimeCallback(
- void (*dateTime)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time)) { // NOLINT
- oldDateTime_ = dateTime;
- dateTime_ = dateTime ? oldToNew : 0;
- }
- /** Deprecated - Use: uint8_t Fat16::dirEntry(dir_t* dir); */
- uint8_t dirEntry(dir_t& dir) { // NOLINT
- return dirEntry(&dir);
- }
- /** Deprecated - Use: static uint8_t Fat16::init(SdCard *dev); */
- static uint8_t init(SdCard& dev) {return init(&dev);} // NOLINT
- /** Deprecated - Use: static uint8_t Fat16::init(SdCard *dev, uint8_t part) */
- static uint8_t init(SdCard& dev, uint8_t part) { // NOLINT
- return init(&dev, part);
- }
- /**
- * Deprecated - Use:
- * uint8_t Fat16::readDir(dir_t* dir, uint16_t* index, uint8_t skip);
- */
- static uint8_t readDir(dir_t& dir, uint16_t& index, // NOLINT
- uint8_t skip = (DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID | DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY)) {
- return readDir(&dir, &index, skip);
- }
- private:
- static void (*oldDateTime_)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time); // NOLINT
- static void oldToNew(uint16_t *date, uint16_t *time) {
- uint16_t d;
- uint16_t t;
- oldDateTime_(d, t);
- *date = d;
- *time = t;
- }
- private:
- // Volume info
- static uint8_t volumeInitialized_; // true if volume has been initialized
- static uint8_t fatCount_; // number of FATs
- static uint8_t blocksPerCluster_; // must be power of 2
- static uint16_t rootDirEntryCount_; // should be 512 for FAT16
- static fat_t blocksPerFat_; // number of blocks in one FAT
- static fat_t clusterCount_; // total clusters in volume
- static uint32_t fatStartBlock_; // start of first FAT
- static uint32_t rootDirStartBlock_; // start of root dir
- static uint32_t dataStartBlock_; // start of data clusters
- // block cache
- static uint8_t const CACHE_FOR_READ = 0; // cache a block for read
- static uint8_t const CACHE_FOR_WRITE = 1; // cache a block and set dirty
- static SdCard *rawDev_; // Device
- static cache16_t cacheBuffer_; // 512 byte cache for raw blocks
- static uint32_t cacheBlockNumber_; // Logical number of block in the cache
- static uint8_t cacheDirty_; // cacheFlush() will write block if true
- static uint32_t cacheMirrorBlock_; // mirror block for second FAT
- // callback function for date/time
- static void (*dateTime_)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time);
- // define fields in flags_
- static uint8_t const F_OFLAG = O_ACCMODE | O_APPEND | O_SYNC;
- static uint8_t const F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY = 0X80; // require sync directory entry
- uint8_t flags_; // see above for bit definitions
- int16_t dirEntryIndex_; // index of directory entry for open file
- fat_t firstCluster_; // first cluster of file
- uint32_t fileSize_; // fileSize
- fat_t curCluster_; // current cluster
- uint32_t curPosition_; // current byte offset
- // private functions for cache
- static uint8_t blockOfCluster(uint32_t position) {
- // depends on blocks per cluster being power of two
- return (position >> 9) & (blocksPerCluster_ - 1);
- }
- static uint16_t cacheDataOffset(uint32_t position) {return position & 0X1FF;}
- static dir_t* cacheDirEntry(uint16_t index, uint8_t action = 0);
- static uint8_t cacheRawBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t action = 0);
- static uint8_t cacheFlush(void);
- static void cacheSetDirty(void) {cacheDirty_ |= CACHE_FOR_WRITE;}
- static uint32_t dataBlockLba(fat_t cluster, uint8_t blockOfCluster) {
- return dataStartBlock_ + (uint32_t)(cluster - 2) * blocksPerCluster_
- + blockOfCluster;
- }
- static uint8_t fatGet(fat_t cluster, fat_t* value);
- static uint8_t fatPut(fat_t cluster, fat_t value);
- // end of chain test
- static uint8_t isEOC(fat_t cluster) {return cluster >= 0XFFF8;}
- // allocate a cluster to a file
- uint8_t addCluster(void);
- // free a cluster chain
- uint8_t freeChain(fat_t cluster);
-#endif // Fat16_h
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16Config.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16Config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d598b56..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16Config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- /**
- * \file
- * Configuration file
- */
-#ifndef Fat16Config_h
-#define Fat16Config_h
- * Allow use of deprecated functions if non-zero
- */
- * SdCard::writeBlock will protect block zero if set non-zero
- */
- * Set non-zero to allow access to Fat16 internals by cardInfo debug sketch
- */
-#define FAT16_DEBUG_SUPPORT 1
-#endif // Fat16Config_h
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16mainpage.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16mainpage.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c4f773..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16mainpage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-\mainpage Arduino Fat16 Library
-<CENTER>Copyright &copy; 2008 by William Greiman
-\section Intro Introduction
-The Arduino Fat16 Library is a minimal implementation of the FAT16 file system
-on standard SD flash memory cards. Fat16 supports read, write, file
-creation, deletion, and truncation.
-The Fat16 class only supports access to files in the root directory and only
-supports short 8.3 names. Directory time and date fields for creation
-and modification can be maintained by providing a date/time callback
-function \link Fat16::dateTimeCallback() dateTimeCallback()\endlink
-or calling \link Fat16::timestamp() timestamp()\endlink.
-Fat16 was designed to use the Arduino Print class which
-allows files to be written with \link Print::print() print() \endlink and
-\link Print::println() println()\endlink.
-\section comment Bugs and Comments
-If you wish to report bugs or have comments, send email to fat16lib@sbcglobal.net.
-\section SDcard SD Cards
-Arduinos access SD cards using the cards SPI protocol. PCs, Macs, and
-most consumer devices use the 4-bit parallel SD protocol. A card that
-functions well on A PC or Mac may not work well on the Arduino.
-Most cards have good SPI read performance but cards vary widely in SPI
-write performance. Write performance is limited by how efficiently the
-card manages internal erase/remapping operations. The Arduino cannot
-optimize writes to reduce erase operations because of its limit RAM.
-SanDisk cards generally have good write performance. They seem to have
-more internal RAM buffering than other cards and therefore can limit
-the number of flash erase operations that the Arduino forces due to its
-limited RAM.
-Some Dane-Elec cards have a write speed that is only 20% as fast as
-a good SanDisk card.
-\section Hardware Hardware Configuration
-Fat16 was developed using an <A HREF = "http://www.adafruit.com/"> Adafruit Industries</A>
-<A HREF = "http://ladyada.net/make/gpsshield/modules.html"> GPS Shield</A>.
-The hardware interface to the SD card should not use a resistor based level
-shifter. SdCard::init() sets the SPI bus frequency to 8 MHz which results in
-signal rise times that are too slow for the edge detectors in many newer SD card
-controllers when resistor voltage dividers are used.
-The 5 to 3.3 V level shifter for 5 V arduinos should be IC based like the
-74HC4050N based circuit shown in the file SdLevel.png. The Adafruit Wave Shield
-uses a 74AHC125N. Gravitech sells SD and MicroSD Card Adapters based on the
-If you are using a resistor based level shifter and are having problems try
-setting the SPI bus frequency to 4 MHz. This can be done by using
-card.init(true) to initialize the SD card.
-\section Fat16Class Fat16 Usage
-The class Fat16 is a minimal implementation of FAT16 on standard SD cards.
-High Capacity SD cards, SDHC, are not supported. It should work on all
-standard cards from 8MB to 2GB formatted with a FAT16 file system.
- The Arduino Print class uses character
-at a time writes so it was necessary to use a \link Fat16::sync() sync() \endlink
-function to control when data is written to the SD card.
-An application which writes to a file using \link Print::print() print()\endlink,
-\link Print::println() println() \endlink
-or \link Fat16::write write() \endlink must call \link Fat16::sync() sync() \endlink
-at the appropriate time to force data and directory information to be written
-to the SD Card. Data and directory information are also written to the SD card
-when \link Fat16::close() close() \endlink is called.
-Applications must use care calling \link Fat16::sync() sync() \endlink
-since 2048 bytes of I/O is required to update file and
-directory information. This includes writing the current data block, reading
-the block that contains the directory entry for update, writing the directory
-block back and reading back the current data block.
-Fat16 only supports access to files in the root directory and only supports
-short 8.3 names.
-It is possible to open a file with two or more instances of Fat16. A file may
-be corrupted if data is written to the file by more than one instance of Fat16.
-Short names are limited to 8 characters followed by an optional period (.)
-and extension of up to 3 characters. The characters may be any combination
-of letters and digits. The following special characters are also allowed:
-$ % ' - _ @ ~ ` ! ( ) { } ^ # &
-Short names are always converted to upper case and their original case
-value is lost.
-Fat16 uses a slightly restricted form of short names.
-Only printable ASCII characters are supported. No characters with code point
-values greater than 127 are allowed. Space is not allowed even though space
-was allowed in the API of early versions of DOS.
-Fat16 has been optimized for The Arduino ATmega168. Minimizing RAM use is the
-highest priority goal followed by flash use and finally performance.
-Most SD cards only support 512 byte block write operations so a 512 byte
-cache buffer is used by Fat16. This is the main use of RAM. A small
-amount of RAM is used to store key volume and file information.
-Flash memory usage can be controlled by selecting options in Fat16Config.h.
-\section HowTo How to format SD Cards as FAT16 Volumes
-Microsoft operating systems support removable media formatted with a
-Master Boot Record, MBR, or formatted as a super floppy with a FAT Boot Sector
-in block zero.
-Microsoft operating systems expect MBR formatted removable media
-to have only one partition. The first partition should be used.
-Microsoft operating systems do not support partitioning SD flash cards.
-If you erase an SD card with a program like KillDisk, Most versions of
-Windows will format the card as a super floppy.
-The best way to restore an SD card's MBR is to use SDFormatter
-which can be downloaded from:
-SDFormatter does not have an option for FAT type so it may format
-small cards as FAT12.
-After the MBR is restored by SDFormatter you may need to reformat small
-cards that have been formatted FAT12 to force the volume type to be FAT16.
-The FAT type, FAT12, FAT16, or FAT32, is determined by the count
-of clusters on the volume and nothing else.
-Microsoft published the following code for determining FAT type:
-if (CountOfClusters < 4085) {
- // Volume is FAT12
-else if (CountOfClusters < 65525) {
- // Volume is FAT16
-else {
- // Volume is FAT32
-If you format a FAT volume with an OS utility , choose a cluster size that
-will result in:
-4084 < CountOfClusters && CountOfClusters < 65525
-The volume will then be FAT16.
-If you are formatting an SD card on OS X or Linux, be sure to use the first
-partition. Format this partition with a cluster count in above range.
-\section References References
-The Arduino site:
-For more information about FAT file systems see:
-For information about using SD cards as SPI devices see:
-The ATmega328 datasheet:
- */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16util.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fea068..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Fat16util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Fat16util_h
-#define Fat16util_h
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- * \file
- * Useful utility functions.
- */
-#if ARDUINO < 100
-#include <WProgram.h>
-#else // ARDUINO
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#endif // ARDUINO
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-/** Store and print a string in flash memory.*/
-#define PgmPrint(x) SerialPrint_P(PSTR(x))
-/** Store and print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.*/
-#define PgmPrintln(x) SerialPrintln_P(PSTR(x))
-/** Defined so doxygen works for function definitions. */
-#define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
-/** Return the number of bytes currently free in RAM. */
-static int FreeRam(void) {
- extern int __bss_end;
- extern int* __brkval;
- int free_memory;
- if (reinterpret_cast<int>(__brkval) == 0) {
- // if no heap use from end of bss section
- free_memory = reinterpret_cast<int>(&free_memory)
- - reinterpret_cast<int>(&__bss_end);
- } else {
- // use from top of stack to heap
- free_memory = reinterpret_cast<int>(&free_memory)
- - reinterpret_cast<int>(__brkval);
- }
- return free_memory;
- * %Print a string in flash memory to the serial port.
- *
- * \param[in] str Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
- */
-static NOINLINE void SerialPrint_P(PGM_P str) {
- for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) Serial.write(c);
- * %Print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.
- *
- * \param[in] str Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
- */
-static NOINLINE void SerialPrintln_P(PGM_P str) {
- SerialPrint_P(str);
- Serial.println();
-#endif // #define Fat16util_h
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/FatStructs.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/FatStructs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 431bf30..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/FatStructs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino Fat16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2009 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino Fat16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#ifndef FatStructs_h
-#define FatStructs_h
- * \file
- * FAT file structures
- */
- * mostly from Microsoft document fatgen103.doc
- * http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/firmware/fatgen.mspx
- */
-/** Value for byte 510 of boot block or MBR */
-uint8_t const BOOTSIG0 = 0X55;
-/** Value for byte 511 of boot block or MBR */
-uint8_t const BOOTSIG1 = 0XAA;
- * \struct partitionTable
- * \brief MBR partition table entry
- *
- * A partition table entry for a MBR formatted storage device.
- * The MBR partition table has four entries.
- */
-struct partitionTable {
- /**
- * Boot Indicator . Indicates whether the volume is the active
- * partition. Legal values include: 0X00. Do not use for booting.
- * 0X80 Active partition.
- */
- uint8_t boot;
- /**
- * Head part of Cylinder-head-sector address of the first block in
- * the partition. Legal values are 0-255. Only used in old PC BIOS.
- */
- uint8_t beginHead;
- /**
- * Sector part of Cylinder-head-sector address of the first block in
- * the partition. Legal values are 1-63. Only used in old PC BIOS.
- */
- unsigned beginSector : 6;
- /** High bits cylinder for first block in partition. */
- unsigned beginCylinderHigh : 2;
- /**
- * Combine beginCylinderLow with beginCylinderHigh. Legal values
- * are 0-1023. Only used in old PC BIOS.
- */
- uint8_t beginCylinderLow;
- /**
- * Partition type. See defines that begin with PART_TYPE_ for
- * some Microsoft partition types.
- */
- uint8_t type;
- /**
- * head part of cylinder-head-sector address of the last sector in the
- * partition. Legal values are 0-255. Only used in old PC BIOS.
- */
- uint8_t endHead;
- /**
- * Sector part of cylinder-head-sector address of the last sector in
- * the partition. Legal values are 1-63. Only used in old PC BIOS.
- */
- unsigned endSector : 6;
- /** High bits of end cylinder */
- unsigned endCylinderHigh : 2;
- /**
- * Combine endCylinderLow with endCylinderHigh. Legal values
- * are 0-1023. Only used in old PC BIOS.
- */
- uint8_t endCylinderLow;
- /** Logical block address of the first block in the partition. */
- uint32_t firstSector;
- /** Length of the partition, in blocks. */
- uint32_t totalSectors;
-/** Type name for partitionTable */
-typedef struct partitionTable part_t;
- * \struct masterBootRecord
- *
- * \brief Master Boot Record
- *
- * The first block of a storage device that is formatted with a MBR.
- */
-struct masterBootRecord {
- /** Code Area for master boot program. */
- uint8_t codeArea[440];
- /** Optional WindowsNT disk signature. May contain more boot code. */
- uint32_t diskSignature;
- /** Usually zero but may be more boot code. */
- uint16_t usuallyZero;
- /** Partition tables. */
- part_t part[4];
- /** First MBR signature byte. Must be 0X55 */
- uint8_t mbrSig0;
- /** Second MBR signature byte. Must be 0XAA */
- uint8_t mbrSig1;
-/** Type name for masterBootRecord */
-typedef struct masterBootRecord mbr_t;
- * \struct biosParmBlock
- *
- * \brief BIOS parameter block
- *
- * The BIOS parameter block describes the physical layout of a FAT volume.
- */
-struct biosParmBlock {
- /**
- * Count of bytes per sector. This value may take on only the
- * following values: 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096
- */
- uint16_t bytesPerSector;
- /**
- * Number of sectors per allocation unit. This value must be a
- * power of 2 that is greater than 0. The legal values are
- * 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128.
- */
- uint8_t sectorsPerCluster;
- /**
- * Number of sectors before the first FAT.
- * This value must not be zero.
- */
- uint16_t reservedSectorCount;
- /** The count of FAT data structures on the volume. This field should
- * always contain the value 2 for any FAT volume of any type.
- */
- uint8_t fatCount;
- /**
- * For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains the count of
- * 32-byte directory entries in the root directory. For FAT32 volumes,
- * this field must be set to 0. For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this
- * value should always specify a count that when multiplied by 32
- * results in a multiple of bytesPerSector. FAT16 volumes should
- * use the value 512.
- */
- uint16_t rootDirEntryCount;
- /**
- * This field is the old 16-bit total count of sectors on the volume.
- * This count includes the count of all sectors in all four regions
- * of the volume. This field can be 0; if it is 0, then totalSectors32
- * must be non-zero. For FAT32 volumes, this field must be 0. For
- * FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains the sector count, and
- * totalSectors32 is 0 if the total sector count fits
- * (is less than 0x10000).
- */
- uint16_t totalSectors16;
- /**
- * This dates back to the old MS-DOS 1.x media determination and is
- * no longer usually used for anything. 0xF8 is the standard value
- * for fixed (non-removable) media. For removable media, 0xF0 is
- * frequently used. Legal values are 0xF0 or 0xF8-0xFF.
- */
- uint8_t mediaType;
- /**
- * Count of sectors occupied by one FAT on FAT12/FAT16 volumes.
- * On FAT32 volumes this field must be 0, and sectorsPerFat32
- * contains the FAT size count.
- */
- uint16_t sectorsPerFat16;
- /** Sectors per track for interrupt 0x13. Not used otherwise. */
- uint16_t sectorsPerTrtack;
- /** Number of heads for interrupt 0x13. Not used otherwise. */
- uint16_t headCount;
- /**
- * Count of hidden sectors preceding the partition that contains this
- * FAT volume. This field is generally only relevant for media
- * visible on interrupt 0x13.
- */
- uint32_t hidddenSectors;
- /**
- * This field is the new 32-bit total count of sectors on the volume.
- * This count includes the count of all sectors in all four regions
- * of the volume. This field can be 0; if it is 0, then
- * totalSectors16 must be non-zero.
- */
- uint32_t totalSectors32;
- /**
- * Count of sectors occupied by one FAT on FAT32 volumes.
- */
- uint32_t sectorsPerFat32;
- /**
- * This field is only defined for FAT32 media and does not exist on
- * FAT12 and FAT16 media.
- * Bits 0-3 -- Zero-based number of active FAT.
- * Only valid if mirroring is disabled.
- * Bits 4-6 -- Reserved.
- * Bit 7 -- 0 means the FAT is mirrored at runtime into all FATs.
- * -- 1 means only one FAT is active; it is the one referenced in bits 0-3.
- * Bits 8-15 -- Reserved.
- */
- uint16_t fat32Flags;
- /**
- * FAT32 version. High byte is major revision number.
- * Low byte is minor revision number. Only 0.0 define.
- */
- uint16_t fat32Version;
- /**
- * Cluster number of the first cluster of the root directory for FAT32.
- * This usually 2 but not required to be 2.
- */
- uint32_t fat32RootCluster;
- /**
- * Sector number of FSINFO structure in the reserved area of the
- * FAT32 volume. Usually 1.
- */
- uint16_t fat32FSInfo;
- /**
- * If non-zero, indicates the sector number in the reserved area
- * of the volume of a copy of the boot record. Usually 6.
- * No value other than 6 is recommended.
- */
- uint16_t fat32BackBootBlock;
- /**
- * Reserved for future expansion. Code that formats FAT32 volumes
- * should always set all of the bytes of this field to 0.
- */
- uint8_t fat32Reserved[12];
-/** Type name for biosParmBlock */
-typedef struct biosParmBlock bpb_t;
- * \struct fat32BootSector
- *
- * \brief Boot sector for a FAT16 or FAT32 volume.
- *
- */
-struct fat32BootSector {
- /** X86 jmp to boot program */
- uint8_t jmpToBootCode[3];
- /** informational only - don't depend on it */
- char oemName[8];
- /** BIOS Parameter Block */
- bpb_t bpb;
- /** for int0x13 use value 0X80 for hard drive */
- uint8_t driveNumber;
- /** used by Windows NT - should be zero for FAT */
- uint8_t reserved1;
- /** 0X29 if next three fields are valid */
- uint8_t bootSignature;
- /** usually generated by combining date and time */
- uint32_t volumeSerialNumber;
- /** should match volume label in root dir */
- char volumeLabel[11];
- /** informational only - don't depend on it */
- char fileSystemType[8];
- /** X86 boot code */
- uint8_t bootCode[420];
- /** must be 0X55 */
- uint8_t bootSectorSig0;
- /** must be 0XAA */
- uint8_t bootSectorSig1;
-// End Of Chain values for FAT entries
-/** FAT16 end of chain value used by Microsoft. */
-uint16_t const FAT16EOC = 0XFFFF;
-/** Minimum value for FAT16 EOC. Use to test for EOC. */
-uint16_t const FAT16EOC_MIN = 0XFFF8;
-/** FAT32 end of chain value used by Microsoft. */
-uint32_t const FAT32EOC = 0X0FFFFFFF;
-/** Minimum value for FAT32 EOC. Use to test for EOC. */
-uint32_t const FAT32EOC_MIN = 0X0FFFFFF8;
-/** Mask a for FAT32 entry. Entries are 28 bits. */
-uint32_t const FAT32MASK = 0X0FFFFFFF;
-/** Type name for fat32BootSector */
-typedef struct fat32BootSector fbs_t;
- * \struct directoryEntry
- * \brief FAT short directory entry
- *
- * Short means short 8.3 name, not the entry size.
- *
- * Date Format. A FAT directory entry date stamp is a 16-bit field that is
- * basically a date relative to the MS-DOS epoch of 01/01/1980. Here is the
- * format (bit 0 is the LSB of the 16-bit word, bit 15 is the MSB of the
- * 16-bit word):
- *
- * Bits 9-15: Count of years from 1980, valid value range 0-127
- * inclusive (1980-2107).
- *
- * Bits 5-8: Month of year, 1 = January, valid value range 1-12 inclusive.
- *
- * Bits 0-4: Day of month, valid value range 1-31 inclusive.
- *
- * Time Format. A FAT directory entry time stamp is a 16-bit field that has
- * a granularity of 2 seconds. Here is the format (bit 0 is the LSB of the
- * 16-bit word, bit 15 is the MSB of the 16-bit word).
- *
- * Bits 11-15: Hours, valid value range 0-23 inclusive.
- *
- * Bits 5-10: Minutes, valid value range 0-59 inclusive.
- *
- * Bits 0-4: 2-second count, valid value range 0-29 inclusive (0 - 58 seconds).
- *
- * The valid time range is from Midnight 00:00:00 to 23:59:58.
- */
-struct directoryEntry {
- /**
- * Short 8.3 name.
- * The first eight bytes contain the file name with blank fill.
- * The last three bytes contain the file extension with blank fill.
- */
- uint8_t name[11];
- /** Entry attributes.
- *
- * The upper two bits of the attribute byte are reserved and should
- * always be set to 0 when a file is created and never modified or
- * looked at after that. See defines that begin with DIR_ATT_.
- */
- uint8_t attributes;
- /**
- * Reserved for use by Windows NT. Set value to 0 when a file is
- * created and never modify or look at it after that.
- */
- uint8_t reservedNT;
- /**
- * The granularity of the seconds part of creationTime is 2 seconds
- * so this field is a count of tenths of a second and its valid
- * value range is 0-199 inclusive. (WHG note - seems to be hundredths)
- */
- uint8_t creationTimeTenths;
- /** Time file was created. */
- uint16_t creationTime;
- /** Date file was created. */
- uint16_t creationDate;
- /**
- * Last access date. Note that there is no last access time, only
- * a date. This is the date of last read or write. In the case of
- * a write, this should be set to the same date as lastWriteDate.
- */
- uint16_t lastAccessDate;
- /**
- * High word of this entry's first cluster number (always 0 for a
- * FAT12 or FAT16 volume).
- */
- uint16_t firstClusterHigh;
- /** Time of last write. File creation is considered a write. */
- uint16_t lastWriteTime;
- /** Date of last write. File creation is considered a write. */
- uint16_t lastWriteDate;
- /** Low word of this entry's first cluster number. */
- uint16_t firstClusterLow;
- /** 32-bit unsigned holding this file's size in bytes. */
- uint32_t fileSize;
-// Definitions for directory entries
-/** Type name for directoryEntry */
-typedef struct directoryEntry dir_t;
-/** escape for name[0] = 0XE5 */
-uint8_t const DIR_NAME_0XE5 = 0X05;
-/** name[0] value for entry that is free after being "deleted" */
-uint8_t const DIR_NAME_DELETED = 0XE5;
-/** name[0] value for entry that is free and no allocated entries follow */
-uint8_t const DIR_NAME_FREE = 0X00;
-/** file is read-only */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY = 0X01;
-/** File should hidden in directory listings */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_HIDDEN = 0X02;
-/** Entry is for a system file */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_SYSTEM = 0X04;
-/** Directory entry contains the volume label */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID = 0X08;
-/** Entry is for a directory */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY = 0X10;
-/** Old DOS archive bit for backup support */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_ARCHIVE = 0X20;
-/** Test value for long name entry. Test is
- (d->attributes & DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK) == DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME. */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME = 0X0F;
-/** Test mask for long name entry */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK = 0X3F;
-/** defined attribute bits */
-uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DEFINED_BITS = 0X3F;
-/** Directory entry is part of a long name */
-static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_LONG_NAME(const dir_t* dir) {
- return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK) == DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME;
-/** Mask for file/subdirectory tests */
-/** Directory entry is for a file */
-static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE(const dir_t* dir) {
- return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_FILE_TYPE_MASK) == 0;
-/** Directory entry is for a subdirectory */
-static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_SUBDIR(const dir_t* dir) {
- return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_FILE_TYPE_MASK) == DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY;
-/** Directory entry is for a file or subdirectory */
-static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(const dir_t* dir) {
- return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID) == 0;
-#endif // FatStructs_h
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Melody.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Melody.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0341c55..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Melody.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h"
-#include "SquawkSD.h"
-#include "Fat16.h"
-void RobotControl::beginSpeaker(uint16_t frequency){
- SquawkSynth::begin(frequency);
- SquawkSynth::play();
- osc[2].vol = 0x7F;
-void RobotControl::playNote(byte period, word length, char modifier) {
- // Modifier . makes note length 2/3
- if(modifier == '.') length = (length * 2) / 3;
- // Set up the play frequency, 352800 is [sample_rate]=44100 * [tuning]=8.0
- osc[2].freq = 352800 / period;
- // Delay, silence, delay
- delay(length);
- osc[2].freq = 0;
- delay(length);
-void RobotControl::playMelody(char* script){
- // Find length of play string
- word length = strlen(script);
- // Set the default note time
- word time = 500;
- // Loop through each character in the play string
- for(int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
- // Fetch the character AFTER the current one - it may contain a modifier
- char modifier = script[n + 1];
- // Fetch the current character and branch accordingly
- switch(script[n]) {
- // Notes
- case 'c': playNote(214, time, modifier); break; // Play a C
- case 'C': playNote(202, time, modifier); break; // Play a C#
- case 'd': playNote(190, time, modifier); break; // Play a D
- case 'D': playNote(180, time, modifier); break; // Play a D#
- case 'e': playNote(170, time, modifier); break; // Play an F
- case 'f': playNote(160, time, modifier); break; // Play an F
- case 'F': playNote(151, time, modifier); break; // Play an F#
- case 'g': playNote(143, time, modifier); break; // Play a G
- case 'G': playNote(135, time, modifier); break; // Play a G#
- case 'a': playNote(127, time, modifier); break; // Play an A
- case 'A': playNote(120, time, modifier); break; // Play an A#
- case 'b': playNote(113, time, modifier); break; // Play a B
- // Delay
- case '-': playNote(0, time, modifier); break; // Play a quiet note
- // Note lengths
- case '1': time = 1000; break; // Full note
- case '2': time = 500; break; // Half note
- case '4': time = 250; break; // Quarter note
- case '8': time = 50; break; // Eigth note
- // Modifier '.' makes note length 2/3
- }
- }
-void RobotControl::beep(int beep_length){
- char scr1[]="8F";
- char scr2[]="8Fe";
- char scr3[]="1F";
- switch (beep_length)
- {
- default:
- playMelody(scr1);
- break;
- playMelody(scr2);
- break;
- case BEEP_LONG:
- playMelody(scr3);
- }
-void RobotControl::tempoWrite(int tempo){
- SquawkSynthSD::tempo(tempo);
-void RobotControl::tuneWrite(float tune){
- SquawkSynthSD::tune(tune);
-void RobotControl::playFile(char* filename){
- melody.open(filename,O_READ);
- SquawkSynthSD::play(melody);
-void RobotControl::stopPlayFile(){
- melody.close();
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Motors.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Motors.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d5e8b0..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Motors.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h" #include "EasyTransfer2.h" void RobotControl::motorsStop(){ messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_MOTORS_STOP); messageOut.sendData(); } void RobotControl::motorsWrite(int speedLeft,int speedRight){ messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_RUN); messageOut.writeInt(speedLeft); messageOut.writeInt(speedRight); messageOut.sendData(); } void RobotControl::motorsWritePct(int speedLeftPct, int speedRightPct){ int16_t speedLeft=255*speedLeftPct; int16_t speedRight=255*speedRightPct; motorsWrite(speedLeft,speedRight); } void RobotControl::pointTo(int angle){ int target=angle; uint8_t speed=80; target=target%360; if(target<0){ target+=360; } int direction=angle; while(1){ if(direction>0){ motorsWrite(speed,-speed);//right delay(10); }else{ motorsWrite(-speed,speed);//left delay(10); } int currentAngle=compassRead(); int diff=target-currentAngle; if(diff<-180) diff += 360; else if(diff> 180) diff -= 360; direction=-diff; if(abs(diff)<5){ motorsWrite(0,0); return; } } } void RobotControl::turn(int angle){ int originalAngle=compassRead(); int target=originalAngle+angle; pointTo(target); /*uint8_t speed=80; target=target%360; if(target<0){ target+=360; } int direction=angle; while(1){ if(direction>0){ motorsWrite(speed,speed);//right delay(10); }else{ motorsWrite(-speed,-speed);//left delay(10); } int currentAngle=compassRead(); int diff=target-currentAngle; if(diff<-180) diff += 360; else if(diff> 180) diff -= 360; direction=-diff; if(abs(diff)<5){ motorsWrite(0,0); return; } }*/ } void RobotControl::moveForward(int speed){ motorsWrite(speed,speed); } void RobotControl::moveBackward(int speed){ motorsWrite(speed,speed); } void RobotControl::turnLeft(int speed){ motorsWrite(speed,255); } void RobotControl::turnRight(int speed){ motorsWrite(255,speed); } /* int RobotControl::getIRrecvResult(){ messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_GET_IRRECV); messageOut.sendData(); //delay(10); while(!messageIn.receiveData()); if(messageIn.readByte()==COMMAND_GET_IRRECV_RE){ return messageIn.readInt(); } return -1; } */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Multiplexer.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Multiplexer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7d30e..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Multiplexer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-void Multiplexer::begin(uint8_t* selectors, uint8_t Z, uint8_t length){
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<length;i++){
- this->selectors[i]=selectors[i];
- pinMode(selectors[i],OUTPUT);
- }
- this->length=length;
- this->pin_Z=Z;
- pinMode(pin_Z,INPUT);
-void Multiplexer::selectPin(uint8_t num){
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<length;i++){
- //Serial.print(bitRead(num,i));
- digitalWrite(selectors[i],bitRead(num,i));
- }
- //Serial.println("");
-int Multiplexer::getAnalogValue(){
- return analogRead(pin_Z);
-bool Multiplexer::getDigitalValue(){
- return digitalRead(pin_Z);
-int Multiplexer::getAnalogValueAt(uint8_t num){
- selectPin(num);
- return getAnalogValue();
-bool Multiplexer::getDigitalValueAt(uint8_t num){
- selectPin(num);
- return getDigitalValue();
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Multiplexer.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Multiplexer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c4c5c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Multiplexer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Multiplexer_h
-#define Multiplexer_h
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-class Multiplexer{
- public:
- void begin(uint8_t* selectors, uint8_t Z, uint8_t length);
- void selectPin(uint8_t num);
- int getAnalogValue();
- int getAnalogValueAt(uint8_t num);
- bool getDigitalValue();
- bool getDigitalValueAt(uint8_t num);
- private:
- uint8_t selectors[4];
- uint8_t pin_Z;
- uint8_t length;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/RobotSdCard.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/RobotSdCard.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index df833d2..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/RobotSdCard.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void RobotControl::beginSD(){
- card.init();
- file.init(&card);
- melody.init(&card);
-void RobotControl::_enableSD(){
- DDRB = DDRB & 0xDF; //pinMode(CS_LCD,INPUT);
- DDRB = DDRB | 0x10; //pinMode(CS_SD,OUTPUT);
-void RobotControl::sdTest(){
- file.open("Infor.txt",O_READ);
- uint8_t buf[7];
- char n;
- while ((n = file.read(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) Serial.write(buf[i]);
- }
-}*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SPI.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/SPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e48073..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 by Cristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>
- * SPI Master library for arduino.
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2
- * or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#include "pins_arduino.h"
-#include "SPI.h"
-SPIClass SPI;
-void SPIClass::begin() {
- // Set SS to high so a connected chip will be "deselected" by default
- digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
- // When the SS pin is set as OUTPUT, it can be used as
- // a general purpose output port (it doesn't influence
- // SPI operations).
- pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
- // Warning: if the SS pin ever becomes a LOW INPUT then SPI
- // automatically switches to Slave, so the data direction of
- // the SS pin MUST be kept as OUTPUT.
- SPCR |= _BV(MSTR);
- SPCR |= _BV(SPE);
- // Set direction register for SCK and MOSI pin.
- // MISO pin automatically overrides to INPUT.
- // By doing this AFTER enabling SPI, we avoid accidentally
- // clocking in a single bit since the lines go directly
- // from "input" to SPI control.
- // http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=888
- pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
-void SPIClass::end() {
- SPCR &= ~_BV(SPE);
-void SPIClass::setBitOrder(uint8_t bitOrder)
- if(bitOrder == LSBFIRST) {
- SPCR |= _BV(DORD);
- } else {
- SPCR &= ~(_BV(DORD));
- }
-void SPIClass::setDataMode(uint8_t mode)
- SPCR = (SPCR & ~SPI_MODE_MASK) | mode;
-void SPIClass::setClockDivider(uint8_t rate)
- SPSR = (SPSR & ~SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK) | ((rate >> 2) & SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SPI.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/SPI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f647d5c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SPI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 by Cristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>
- * SPI Master library for arduino.
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2
- * or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#ifndef _SPI_H_INCLUDED
-#define _SPI_H_INCLUDED
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV4 0x00
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 0x01
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 0x02
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV128 0x03
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 0x04
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV8 0x05
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV32 0x06
-//#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 0x07
-#define SPI_MODE0 0x00
-#define SPI_MODE1 0x04
-#define SPI_MODE2 0x08
-#define SPI_MODE3 0x0C
-#define SPI_MODE_MASK 0x0C // CPOL = bit 3, CPHA = bit 2 on SPCR
-#define SPI_CLOCK_MASK 0x03 // SPR1 = bit 1, SPR0 = bit 0 on SPCR
-#define SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK 0x01 // SPI2X = bit 0 on SPSR
-class SPIClass {
- inline static byte transfer(byte _data);
- // SPI Configuration methods
- inline static void attachInterrupt();
- inline static void detachInterrupt(); // Default
- static void begin(); // Default
- static void end();
- static void setBitOrder(uint8_t);
- static void setDataMode(uint8_t);
- static void setClockDivider(uint8_t);
-extern SPIClass SPI;
-byte SPIClass::transfer(byte _data) {
- SPDR = _data;
- while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)))
- ;
- return SPDR;
-void SPIClass::attachInterrupt() {
- SPCR |= _BV(SPIE);
-void SPIClass::detachInterrupt() {
- SPCR &= ~_BV(SPIE);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SdCard.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/SdCard.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fbbd8bc..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SdCard.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#if ARDUINO < 100
-#include <WProgram.h>
-#else // ARDUINO
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#endif // ARDUINO
-#include <Fat16Config.h>
-#include <SdCard.h>
-// r1 status values
-uint8_t const R1_READY_STATE = 0;
-uint8_t const R1_IDLE_STATE = 1;
-// start data token for read or write
-uint8_t const DATA_START_BLOCK = 0XFE;
-// data response tokens for write block
-uint8_t const DATA_RES_MASK = 0X1F;
-uint8_t const DATA_RES_ACCEPTED = 0X05;
-uint8_t const DATA_RES_CRC_ERROR = 0X0B;
-uint8_t const DATA_RES_WRITE_ERROR = 0X0D;
-// stop compiler from inlining where speed optimization is not required
-#define STATIC_NOINLINE static __attribute__((noinline))
-// SPI static functions
-// clock byte in
-STATIC_NOINLINE uint8_t spiRec(void) {
- SPDR = 0xff;
- while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
- return SPDR;
-// clock byte out
-STATIC_NOINLINE void spiSend(uint8_t b) {
- SPDR = b;
- while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
-// wait for card to go not busy
-// return false if timeout
-static uint8_t waitForToken(uint8_t token, uint16_t timeoutMillis) {
- uint16_t t0 = millis();
- while (spiRec() != token) {
- if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > timeoutMillis) return false;
- }
- return true;
-uint8_t SdCard::cardCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) {
- uint8_t r1;
- // select card
- chipSelectLow();
- // wait if busy
- // send command
- spiSend(cmd | 0x40);
- // send argument
- for (int8_t s = 24; s >= 0; s -= 8) spiSend(arg >> s);
- // send CRC - must send valid CRC for CMD0
- spiSend(cmd == CMD0 ? 0x95 : 0XFF);
- // wait for not busy
- for (uint8_t retry = 0; (0X80 & (r1 = spiRec())) && retry != 0XFF; retry++);
- return r1;
-uint8_t SdCard::cardAcmd(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) {
- cardCommand(CMD55, 0);
- return cardCommand(cmd, arg);
-// SdCard member functions
- * Determine the size of a standard SD flash memory card
- * \return The number of 512 byte data blocks in the card
- */
-uint32_t SdCard::cardSize(void) {
- uint16_t c_size;
- csd_t csd;
- if (!readReg(CMD9, &csd)) return 0;
- uint8_t read_bl_len = csd.read_bl_len;
- c_size = (csd.c_size_high << 10) | (csd.c_size_mid << 2) | csd.c_size_low;
- uint8_t c_size_mult = (csd.c_size_mult_high << 1) | csd.c_size_mult_low;
- return (uint32_t)(c_size+1) << (c_size_mult + read_bl_len - 7);
-void SdCard::chipSelectHigh(void) {
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, HIGH);
- // make sure MISO goes high impedance
- spiSend(0XFF);
-void SdCard::chipSelectLow(void) {
- // Enable SPI, Master, clock rate F_CPU/4
- SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR);
- // Doubled Clock Frequency to F_CPU/2 unless speed_ is nonzero
- if (!speed_) SPSR |= (1 << SPI2X);
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, LOW);
-void SdCard::error(uint8_t code, uint8_t data) {
- errorData = data;
- error(code);
-void SdCard::error(uint8_t code) {
- errorCode = code;
- chipSelectHigh();
- * Initialize a SD flash memory card.
- *
- * \param[in] speed Set SPI Frequency to F_CPU/2 if speed = 0 or F_CPU/4
- * if speed = 1.
- * \param[in] chipSelectPin SD chip select pin number.
- *
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- *
- */
-uint8_t SdCard::init(uint8_t speed, uint8_t chipSelectPin) {
- if (speed > 1) {
- return false;
- }
- speed_ = speed;
- chipSelectPin_ = chipSelectPin;
- errorCode = 0;
- uint8_t r;
- // 16-bit init start time allows over a minute
- uint16_t t0 = (uint16_t)millis();
- pinMode(chipSelectPin_, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, HIGH);
- pinMode(SPI_SS_PIN, OUTPUT);
- // Enable SPI, Master, clock rate F_CPU/128
- SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR) | (1 << SPR1) | (1 << SPR0);
- // must supply min of 74 clock cycles with CS high.
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) spiSend(0XFF);
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin_, LOW);
- // command to go idle in SPI mode
- while ((r = cardCommand(CMD0, 0)) != R1_IDLE_STATE) {
- if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > SD_INIT_TIMEOUT) {
- error(SD_ERROR_CMD0, r);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // start initialization and wait for completed initialization
- while ((r = cardAcmd(ACMD41, 0)) != R1_READY_STATE) {
- if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > SD_INIT_TIMEOUT) {
- error(SD_ERROR_ACMD41, r);
- return false;
- }
- }
- chipSelectHigh();
- return true;
- * Reads a 512 byte block from a storage device.
- *
- * \param[in] blockNumber Logical block to be read.
- * \param[out] dst Pointer to the location that will receive the data.
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- */
-uint8_t SdCard::readBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t* dst) {
- if (cardCommand(CMD17, blockNumber << 9)) {
- error(SD_ERROR_CMD17);
- return false;
- }
- return readTransfer(dst, 512);
-uint8_t SdCard::readReg(uint8_t cmd, void* buf) {
- uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
- if (cardCommand(cmd, 0)) {
- chipSelectHigh();
- return false;
- }
- return readTransfer(dst, 16);
-uint8_t SdCard::readTransfer(uint8_t* dst, uint16_t count) {
- // wait for start of data
- }
- // start first spi transfer
- SPDR = 0XFF;
- for (uint16_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
- dst[i] = SPDR;
- SPDR = 0XFF;
- }
- // wait for first CRC byte
- while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
- spiRec(); // second CRC byte
- chipSelectHigh();
- return true;
- * Writes a 512 byte block to a storage device.
- *
- * \param[in] blockNumber Logical block to be written.
- * \param[in] src Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
- * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
- * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
- */
-uint8_t SdCard::writeBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, const uint8_t* src) {
- uint32_t address = blockNumber << 9;
- // don't allow write to first block
- if (address == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (cardCommand(CMD24, address)) {
- error(SD_ERROR_CMD24);
- return false;
- }
- // optimize write loop
- for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
- while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
- SPDR = src[i];
- }
- while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))); // wait for last data byte
- spiSend(0xFF); // dummy crc
- spiSend(0xFF); // dummy crc
- // get write response
- uint8_t r1 = spiRec();
- return false;
- }
- // wait for card to complete write programming
- if (!waitForToken(0XFF, SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) {
- }
- chipSelectHigh();
- return true;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SdCard.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/SdCard.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c03e6ab..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SdCard.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#ifndef SdCard_h
-#define SdCard_h
- /**
- * \file
- * SdCard class
- */
-#include <SdInfo.h>
-// Warning only SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN, the SD card select pin, may be redefined.
-// define hardware SPI pins
-#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)\
-// 168 and 328 Arduinos
-/** Slave Select pin */
-uint8_t const SPI_SS_PIN = 10;
-/** Master Out Slave In pin */
-uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = 11;
-/** Master In Slave Out pin */
-uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = 12;
-/** Serial Clock */
-uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = 13;
-#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)\
-|| defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
-// pins for Arduino Mega
-uint8_t const SPI_SS_PIN = 53;
-uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = 51;
-uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = 50;
-uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = 52;
-#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__)\
-|| defined(__AVR_ATmega644__)\
-|| defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
-// pins for Sanguino
-uint8_t const SPI_SS_PIN = 4;
-uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = 5;
-uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = 6;
-uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = 7;
-#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
-// pins for Teensy 2.0
-uint8_t const SPI_SS_PIN = 8;
-uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = 16;
-uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = 14;
-uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = 15;
-#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB646__)\
-|| defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__)
-// pins for Teensy++ 1.0 & 2.0
-uint8_t const SPI_SS_PIN = 20;
-uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = 22;
-uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = 23;
-uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = 21;
-#else // SPI pins
-#error unknown CPU
-#endif // SPI pins
- * SD Chip Select pin
- *
- * Warning if this pin is redefined the hardware SS pin will be enabled
- * as an output by init(). An avr processor will not function as an SPI
- * master unless SS is set to output mode.
- *
- * For example to set SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN to 8 for the SparkFun microSD shield:
- * uint8_t const SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN = 8;
- *
- * The default chip select pin for the SD card is SS.
- */
-uint8_t const SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN = SPI_SS_PIN;
-/** command timeout ms */
-uint16_t const SD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 300;
-/** init timeout ms */
-uint16_t const SD_INIT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
-/** read timeout ms */
-uint16_t const SD_READ_TIMEOUT = 300;
-/** write timeout ms */
-uint16_t const SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 600;
-// error codes
-/** Card did not go into SPI mode */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_CMD0 = 1;
-/** Card did not go ready */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_ACMD41 = 2;
-/** Write command not accepted */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_CMD24 = 3;
-/** Read command not accepted */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_CMD17 = 4;
-/** timeout waiting for read data */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_READ_TIMEOUT = 5;
-/** write error occurred */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_WRITE_RESPONSE = 6;
-/** timeout waiting for write status */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 7;
-/** attempt to write block zero */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_BLOCK_ZERO_WRITE = 8;
-/** card returned an error to a CMD13 status check after a write */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_WRITE_PROGRAMMING = 9;
-/** invalid SPI speed in init() call */
-uint8_t const SD_ERROR_SPI_SPEED = 10;
-// SD command codes
-uint8_t const ACMD41 = 0X29;
-/** GO_IDLE_STATE - init card in spi mode if CS low */
-uint8_t const CMD0 = 0X00;
-/** SEND_CSD - Card Specific Data */
-uint8_t const CMD9 = 0X09;
-/** SEND_CID - Card IDentification */
-uint8_t const CMD10 = 0X0A;
-/** SEND_STATUS - read the card status register */
-uint8_t const CMD13 = 0X0D;
-/** READ_BLOCK */
-uint8_t const CMD17 = 0X11;
-uint8_t const CMD24 = 0X18;
-/** APP_CMD - escape for application specific command */
-uint8_t const CMD55 = 0X37;
- * \class SdCard
- * \brief Hardware access class for SD flash cards
- *
- * Supports raw access to a standard SD flash memory card.
- *
- */
-class SdCard {
- public:
- /** Code for a SD error. See SdCard.h for definitions. */
- uint8_t errorCode;
- /** Data that may be helpful in determining the cause of an error */
- uint8_t errorData;
- uint32_t cardSize(void);
- /**
- * Initialize an SD flash memory card with default clock rate and chip
- * select pin. See SdCard::init(uint8_t sckRateID, uint8_t chipSelectPin).
- */
- uint8_t init(void) {
- return init(0, SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN);
- }
- /**
- * Initialize an SD flash memory card with the selected SPI clock rate
- * and the default SD chip select pin.
- * See SdCard::init(uint8_t slow, uint8_t chipSelectPin).
- */
- uint8_t init(uint8_t speed) {
- return init(speed, SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN);
- }
- uint8_t init(uint8_t speed, uint8_t chipselectPin);
- uint8_t readBlock(uint32_t block, uint8_t* dst);
- /** Read the CID register which contains info about the card.
- * This includes Manufacturer ID, OEM ID, product name, version,
- * serial number, and manufacturing date. */
- uint8_t readCID(cid_t* cid) {
- return readReg(CMD10, cid);
- }
- uint8_t writeBlock(uint32_t block, const uint8_t* src);
- private:
- uint8_t cardAcmd(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg);
- uint8_t cardCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg);
- uint8_t chipSelectPin_;
- uint8_t speed_;
- void chipSelectHigh(void);
- void chipSelectLow(void);
- void error(uint8_t code, uint8_t data);
- void error(uint8_t code);
- uint8_t readReg(uint8_t cmd, void* buf);
- uint8_t readTransfer(uint8_t* dst, uint16_t count);
-#endif // SdCard_h
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SdInfo.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/SdInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c82e0b..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SdInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-/* Arduino FAT16 Library
- * Copyright (C) 2008 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino FAT16 Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino Fat16 Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#ifndef SdInfo_h
-#define SdInfo_h
-#include <stdint.h>
-// Based on the document:
-// SD Specifications
-// Part 1
-// Physical Layer
-// Simplified Specification
-// Version 2.00
-// September 25, 2006
-// www.sdcard.org/developers/tech/sdcard/pls/Simplified_Physical_Layer_Spec.pdf
-// Card IDentification (CID) register
-typedef struct CID {
- // byte 0
- uint8_t mid; // Manufacturer ID
- // byte 1-2
- char oid[2]; // OEM/Application ID
- // byte 3-7
- char pnm[5]; // Product name
- // byte 8
- unsigned prv_m : 4; // Product revision n.m
- unsigned prv_n : 4;
- // byte 9-12
- uint32_t psn; // Product serial number
- // byte 13
- unsigned mdt_year_high : 4; // Manufacturing date
- unsigned reserved : 4;
- // byte 14
- unsigned mdt_month : 4;
- unsigned mdt_year_low :4;
- // byte 15
- unsigned always1 : 1;
- unsigned crc : 7;
-// Card-Specific Data register
-typedef struct CSD {
- // byte 0
- unsigned reserved1 : 6;
- unsigned csd_ver : 2;
- // byte 1
- uint8_t taac;
- // byte 2
- uint8_t nsac;
- // byte 3
- uint8_t tran_speed;
- // byte 4
- uint8_t ccc_high;
- // byte 5
- unsigned read_bl_len : 4;
- unsigned ccc_low : 4;
- // byte 6
- unsigned c_size_high : 2;
- unsigned reserved2 : 2;
- unsigned dsr_imp : 1;
- unsigned read_blk_misalign :1;
- unsigned write_blk_misalign : 1;
- unsigned read_bl_partial : 1;
- // byte 7
- uint8_t c_size_mid;
- // byte 8
- unsigned vdd_r_curr_max : 3;
- unsigned vdd_r_curr_min : 3;
- unsigned c_size_low :2;
- // byte 9
- unsigned c_size_mult_high : 2;
- unsigned vdd_w_cur_max : 3;
- unsigned vdd_w_curr_min : 3;
- // byte 10
- unsigned sector_size_high : 6;
- unsigned erase_blk_en : 1;
- unsigned c_size_mult_low : 1;
- // byte 11
- unsigned wp_grp_size : 7;
- unsigned sector_size_low : 1;
- // byte 12
- unsigned write_bl_len_high : 2;
- unsigned r2w_factor : 3;
- unsigned reserved3 : 2;
- unsigned wp_grp_enable : 1;
- // byte 13
- unsigned reserved4 : 5;
- unsigned write_partial : 1;
- unsigned write_bl_len_low : 2;
- // byte 14
- unsigned reserved5: 2;
- unsigned file_format : 2;
- unsigned tmp_write_protect : 1;
- unsigned perm_write_protect : 1;
- unsigned copy : 1;
- unsigned file_format_grp : 1;
- // byte 15
- unsigned always1 : 1;
- unsigned crc : 7;
-#endif // SdInfo_h
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Sensors.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Sensors.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b651c28..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Sensors.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h"
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-#include "Wire.h"
-bool RobotControl::digitalRead(uint8_t port){
- uint8_t type=_getTypeCode(port);
- switch(type){
- case TYPE_TOP_TK:
- return _digitalReadTopMux(port);
- break;
- case TYPE_TOP_TKD:
- return _digitalReadTopPin(port);
- break;
- return _requestDigitalRead(port);
- break;
- }
-int RobotControl::analogRead(uint8_t port){
- uint8_t type=_getTypeCode(port);
- switch(type){
- case TYPE_TOP_TK:
- return _analogReadTopMux(port);
- break;
- case TYPE_TOP_TKD:
- return _analogReadTopPin(port);
- break;
- return _requestAnalogRead(port);
- break;
- }
-void RobotControl::digitalWrite(uint8_t port, bool value){
- uint8_t type=_getTypeCode(port);
- switch(type){
- case TYPE_TOP_TK:
- //Top TKs can't use digitalWrite?
- break;
- case TYPE_TOP_TKD:
- _digitalWriteTopPin(port, value);
- break;
- _requestDigitalWrite(port, value);
- break;
- }
-void RobotControl::analogWrite(uint8_t port, uint8_t value){
- if(port==TKD4)
- ::analogWrite(port,value);
-uint8_t RobotControl::_getTypeCode(uint8_t port){
- switch(port){
- case TK0:
- case TK1:
- case TK2:
- case TK3:
- case TK4:
- case TK5:
- case TK6:
- case TK7:
- return TYPE_TOP_TK;
- break;
- case TKD0:
- case TKD1:
- case TKD2:
- case TKD3:
- case TKD4:
- case TKD5:
- case LED1:
- return TYPE_TOP_TKD;
- break;
- case B_TK1:
- case B_TK2:
- case B_TK3:
- case B_TK4:
- return TYPE_BOTTOM_TK;
- break;
- }
-uint8_t RobotControl::_portToTopMux(uint8_t port){
- switch(port){
- case TK0:
- return 0;
- case TK1:
- return 1;
- case TK2:
- return 2;
- case TK3:
- return 3;
- case TK4:
- return 4;
- case TK5:
- return 5;
- case TK6:
- return 6;
- case TK7:
- return 7;
- }
-uint8_t RobotControl::_topDPortToAPort(uint8_t port){
- switch(port){
- case TKD0:
- return A1;
- case TKD1:
- return A2;
- case TKD2:
- return A3;
- case TKD3:
- return A4;
- case TKD4:
- return A7;
- case TKD5:
- return A11;
- }
-int* RobotControl::parseMBDPort(uint8_t port){
- //Serial.println(port);
- switch(port){
- case B_TK1:
- return &motorBoardData._B_TK1;
- case B_TK2:
- return &motorBoardData._B_TK2;
- case B_TK3:
- return &motorBoardData._B_TK3;
- case B_TK4:
- return &motorBoardData._B_TK4;
- /*
- case B_IR0:
- return &motorBoardData._B_IR0;
- case B_IR1:
- return &motorBoardData._B_IR1;
- case B_IR2:
- return &motorBoardData._B_IR2;
- case B_IR3:
- return &motorBoardData._B_IR3;
- case B_IR4:
- return &motorBoardData._B_IR4;*/
- }
-int RobotControl::get_motorBoardData(uint8_t port){
- return *parseMBDPort(port);
-void RobotControl::set_motorBoardData(uint8_t port, int data){
- *parseMBDPort(port)=data;
-bool RobotControl::_digitalReadTopMux(uint8_t port){
- uint8_t num=_portToTopMux(port);
- return Multiplexer::getDigitalValueAt(num);
-int RobotControl::_analogReadTopMux(uint8_t port){
- uint8_t num=_portToTopMux(port);
- return Multiplexer::getAnalogValueAt(num);
-bool RobotControl::_digitalReadTopPin(uint8_t port){
- return ::digitalRead(port);
-int RobotControl::_analogReadTopPin(uint8_t port){
- uint8_t aPin=_topDPortToAPort(port);
- return ::analogRead(aPin);
-void RobotControl::_digitalWriteTopPin(uint8_t port, bool value){
- ::digitalWrite(port, value);
-bool RobotControl::_requestDigitalRead(uint8_t port){
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ);
- messageOut.writeByte(port);//B_TK1 - B_TK4
- messageOut.sendData();
- delay(10);
- if(messageIn.receiveData()){
- //Serial.println("*************");
- uint8_t cmd=messageIn.readByte();
- //Serial.print("cmd: ");
- //Serial.println(cmd);
- return false;
- uint8_t pt=messageIn.readByte(); //Bottom TK port codename
- //Serial.print("pt: ");
- //Serial.println(pt);
- set_motorBoardData(pt,messageIn.readByte());
- return get_motorBoardData(port);
- }
-int RobotControl::_requestAnalogRead(uint8_t port){
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_ANALOG_READ);
- messageOut.writeByte(port);//B_TK1 - B_TK4
- messageOut.sendData();
- delay(10);
- if(messageIn.receiveData()){
- uint8_t cmd=messageIn.readByte();
- //Serial.println("*************");
- //Serial.print("cmd: ");
- //Serial.println(cmd);
- return false;
- uint8_t pt=messageIn.readByte();
- //Serial.print("pt: ");
- //Serial.println(pt);
- set_motorBoardData(pt,messageIn.readInt());
- return get_motorBoardData(port);
- }
-void RobotControl::_requestDigitalWrite(uint8_t selector, uint8_t value){
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_DIGITAL_WRITE);
- messageOut.writeByte(selector);//B_TK1 - B_TK4
- messageOut.writeByte(value);
- messageOut.sendData();
-void RobotControl::updateIR(){
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_READ_IR);
- messageOut.sendData();
- delay(10);
- if(messageIn.receiveData()){
- if(messageIn.readByte()==COMMAND_READ_IR_RE){
- for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
- IRarray[i]=messageIn.readInt();
- }
- }
- }
-int RobotControl::knobRead(){
- return ::analogRead(POT);
-int RobotControl::trimRead(){
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_READ_TRIM);
- messageOut.sendData();
- delay(10);
- if(messageIn.receiveData()){
- uint8_t cmd=messageIn.readByte();
- if(!(cmd==COMMAND_READ_TRIM_RE))
- return false;
- uint16_t pt=messageIn.readInt();
- return pt;
- }
-uint16_t RobotControl::compassRead(){
- return Compass::getReading();
-void RobotControl::beginUR(uint8_t pinTrigger, uint8_t pinEcho){
- pinTrigger_UR=pinTrigger;
- pinEcho_UR=pinEcho;
- pinMode(pinEcho_UR, INPUT);
- pinMode(pinTrigger_UR, OUTPUT);
-uint16_t RobotControl::getDistance(){
- digitalWrite(pinTrigger_UR, LOW); // Set the trigger pin to low for 2uS
- delayMicroseconds(2);
- digitalWrite(pinTrigger_UR, HIGH); // Send a 10uS high to trigger ranging
- delayMicroseconds(10);
- digitalWrite(pinTrigger_UR, LOW); // Send pin low again
- uint16_t distance = pulseIn(pinEcho_UR, HIGH); // Read in times pulse
- distance= distance/58; // Calculate distance from time of pulse
- return distance;
-}*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Squawk.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Squawk.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b39ebe..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Squawk.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-// Squawk Soft-Synthesizer Library for Arduino
-// Davey Taylor 2013
-// d.taylor@arduino.cc
-#include "Squawk.h"
-// Period range, used for clamping
-#define PERIOD_MIN 28
-#define PERIOD_MAX 3424
-// Convenience macros
-#define LO4(V) ((V) & 0x0F)
-#define HI4(V) (((V) & 0xF0) >> 4)
-#define MIN(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
-#define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
-#define FREQ(PERIOD) (tuning_long / (PERIOD))
-// SquawkStream class for PROGMEM data
-class StreamROM : public SquawkStream {
- private:
- uint8_t *p_start;
- uint8_t *p_cursor;
- public:
- StreamROM(const uint8_t *p_rom = NULL) { p_start = p_cursor = (uint8_t*)p_rom; }
- uint8_t read() { return pgm_read_byte(p_cursor++); }
- void seek(size_t offset) { p_cursor = p_start + offset; }
-// Oscillator memory
-typedef struct {
- uint8_t fxp;
- uint8_t offset;
- uint8_t mode;
-} pto_t;
-// Deconstructed cell
-typedef struct {
- uint8_t fxc, fxp, ixp;
-} cel_t;
-// Effect memory
-typedef struct {
- int8_t volume;
- uint8_t port_speed;
- uint16_t port_target;
- bool glissando;
- pto_t vibr;
- pto_t trem;
- uint16_t period;
- uint8_t param;
-} fxm_t;
-// Locals
-static uint8_t order_count;
-static uint8_t order[64];
-static uint8_t speed;
-static uint8_t tick;
-static uint8_t ix_row;
-static uint8_t ix_order;
-static uint8_t ix_nextrow;
-static uint8_t ix_nextorder;
-static uint8_t row_delay;
-static fxm_t fxm[4];
-static cel_t cel[4];
-static uint32_t tuning_long;
-static uint16_t sample_rate;
-static float tuning = 1.0;
-static uint16_t tick_rate = 50;
-static SquawkStream *stream;
-static uint16_t stream_base;
-static StreamROM rom;
-// Imports
-extern intptr_t squawk_register;
-extern uint16_t cia;
-// Exports
-osc_t osc[4];
-uint8_t pcm = 128;
-// ProTracker period tables
-uint16_t period_tbl[84] PROGMEM = {
- 3424, 3232, 3048, 2880, 2712, 2560, 2416, 2280, 2152, 2032, 1920, 1814,
- 1712, 1616, 1524, 1440, 1356, 1280, 1208, 1140, 1076, 1016, 960, 907,
- 856, 808, 762, 720, 678, 640, 604, 570, 538, 508, 480, 453,
- 428, 404, 381, 360, 339, 320, 302, 285, 269, 254, 240, 226,
- 214, 202, 190, 180, 170, 160, 151, 143, 135, 127, 120, 113,
- 107, 101, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 71, 67, 63, 60, 56,
- 53, 50, 47, 45, 42, 40, 37, 35, 33, 31, 30, 28,
-// ProTracker sine table
-int8_t sine_tbl[32] PROGMEM = {
- 0x00, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x25, 0x30, 0x3C, 0x47, 0x51, 0x5A, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x70, 0x76, 0x7A, 0x7D, 0x7F,
- 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7D, 0x7A, 0x76, 0x70, 0x6A, 0x62, 0x5A, 0x51, 0x47, 0x3C, 0x30, 0x25, 0x18, 0x0C,
-// Squawk object
-SquawkSynth Squawk;
-// Look up or generate waveform for ProTracker vibrato/tremolo oscillator
-static int8_t do_osc(pto_t *p_osc) {
- int8_t sample = 0;
- int16_t mul;
- switch(p_osc->mode & 0x03) {
- case 0: // Sine
- sample = pgm_read_byte(&sine_tbl[(p_osc->offset) & 0x1F]);
- if(p_osc->offset & 0x20) sample = -sample;
- break;
- case 1: // Square
- sample = (p_osc->offset & 0x20) ? 127 : -128;
- break;
- case 2: // Saw
- sample = -(p_osc->offset << 2);
- break;
- case 3: // Noise (random)
- sample = rand();
- break;
- }
- mul = sample * LO4(p_osc->fxp);
- p_osc->offset = (p_osc->offset + HI4(p_osc->fxp));
- return mul >> 6;
-// Calculates and returns arpeggio period
-// Essentially finds period of current note + halftones
-static inline uint16_t arpeggio(uint8_t ch, uint8_t halftones) {
- uint8_t n;
- for(n = 0; n != 47; n++) {
- if(fxm[ch].period >= pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n])) break;
- }
- return pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[MIN(n + halftones, 47)]);
-// Calculates and returns glissando period
-// Essentially snaps a sliding frequency to the closest note
-static inline uint16_t glissando(uint8_t ch) {
- uint8_t n;
- uint16_t period_h, period_l;
- for(n = 0; n != 47; n++) {
- period_l = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n]);
- period_h = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n + 1]);
- if(fxm[ch].period < period_l && fxm[ch].period >= period_h) {
- if(period_l - fxm[ch].period <= fxm[ch].period - period_h) {
- period_h = period_l;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return period_h;
-// Tunes Squawk to a different frequency
-void SquawkSynth::tune(float new_tuning) {
- tuning = new_tuning;
- tuning_long = (long)(((double)3669213184.0 / (double)sample_rate) * (double)tuning);
-// Sets tempo
-void SquawkSynth::tempo(uint16_t new_tempo) {
- tick_rate = new_tempo;
- cia = sample_rate / tick_rate; // not atomic?
-// Initializes Squawk
-// Sets up the selected port, and the sample grinding ISR
-void SquawkSynth::begin(uint16_t hz) {
- word isr_rr;
- sample_rate = hz;
- tuning_long = (long)(((double)3669213184.0 / (double)sample_rate) * (double)tuning);
- cia = sample_rate / tick_rate;
- if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR0A) {
- // Squawk uses PWM on OCR0A/PD5(ATMega328/168)/PB7(ATMega32U4)
-#ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
- DDRB |= 0b10000000; // TODO: FAIL on 32U4
- DDRD |= 0b01000000;
- TCCR0A = 0b10000011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
- TCCR0B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
- OCR0A = 0x7F;
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR0B) {
- // Squawk uses PWM on OCR0B/PC5(ATMega328/168)/PD0(ATMega32U4)
-#ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
- DDRD |= 0b00000001;
- DDRD |= 0b00100000;
-#endif // Set timer mode to
- TCCR0A = 0b00100011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
- TCCR0B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
- OCR0B = 0x7F;
-#ifdef OCR2A
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR2A) {
- // Squawk uses PWM on OCR2A/PB3
- DDRB |= 0b00001000; // Set timer mode to
- TCCR2A = 0b10000011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
- TCCR2B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
- OCR2A = 0x7F;
-#ifdef OCR2B
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR2B) {
- // Squawk uses PWM on OCR2B/PD3
- DDRD |= 0b00001000; // Set timer mode to
- TCCR2A = 0b00100011; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
- TCCR2B = 0b00000001; // 62500Hz
- OCR2B = 0x7F;
-#ifdef OCR3AL
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&OCR3AL) {
- // Squawk uses PWM on OCR3AL/PC6
- DDRC |= 0b01000000; // Set timer mode to
- TCCR3A = 0b10000001; // Fast-PWM 8-bit
- TCCR3B = 0b00001001; // 62500Hz
- OCR3AH = 0x00;
- OCR3AL = 0x7F;
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&SPDR) {
- // Squawk uses external DAC via SPI
- // TODO: Configure SPI
- // TODO: Needs SS toggle in sample grinder
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&PORTB) {
- // Squawk uses resistor ladder on PORTB
- // TODO: Needs shift right in sample grinder
- DDRB = 0b11111111;
- } else if(squawk_register == (intptr_t)&PORTC) {
- // Squawk uses resistor ladder on PORTC
- // TODO: Needs shift right in sample grinder
- DDRC = 0b11111111;
- }
- // Seed LFSR (needed for noise)
- osc[3].freq = 0x2000;
- // Set up ISR to run at sample_rate (may not be exact)
- isr_rr = F_CPU / sample_rate;
- TCCR1A = 0b00000000; // Set timer mode
- TCCR1B = 0b00001001;
- OCR1AH = isr_rr >> 8; // Set freq
- OCR1AL = isr_rr & 0xFF;
-// Decrunches a 9 byte row into a useful data
-static void decrunch_row() {
- uint8_t data;
- // Initial decrunch
- stream->seek(stream_base + ((order[ix_order] << 6) + ix_row) * 9);
- data = stream->read(); cel[0].fxc = data << 0x04;
- cel[1].fxc = data & 0xF0;
- data = stream->read(); cel[0].fxp = data;
- data = stream->read(); cel[1].fxp = data;
- data = stream->read(); cel[2].fxc = data << 0x04;
- cel[3].fxc = data >> 0x04;
- data = stream->read(); cel[2].fxp = data;
- data = stream->read(); cel[3].fxp = data;
- data = stream->read(); cel[0].ixp = data;
- data = stream->read(); cel[1].ixp = data;
- data = stream->read(); cel[2].ixp = data;
- // Decrunch extended effects
- if(cel[0].fxc == 0xE0) { cel[0].fxc |= cel[0].fxp >> 4; cel[0].fxp &= 0x0F; }
- if(cel[1].fxc == 0xE0) { cel[1].fxc |= cel[1].fxp >> 4; cel[1].fxp &= 0x0F; }
- if(cel[2].fxc == 0xE0) { cel[2].fxc |= cel[2].fxp >> 4; cel[2].fxp &= 0x0F; }
- // Decrunch cell 3 ghetto-style
- cel[3].ixp = ((cel[3].fxp & 0x80) ? 0x00 : 0x7F) | ((cel[3].fxp & 0x40) ? 0x80 : 0x00);
- cel[3].fxp &= 0x3F;
- switch(cel[3].fxc) {
- case 0x02:
- case 0x03: if(cel[3].fxc & 0x01) cel[3].fxp |= 0x40; cel[3].fxp = (cel[3].fxp >> 4) | (cel[3].fxp << 4); cel[3].fxc = 0x70; break;
- case 0x01: if(cel[3].fxp & 0x08) cel[3].fxp = (cel[3].fxp & 0x07) << 4; cel[3].fxc = 0xA0; break;
- case 0x04: cel[3].fxc = 0xC0; break;
- case 0x05: cel[3].fxc = 0xB0; break;
- case 0x06: cel[3].fxc = 0xD0; break;
- case 0x07: cel[3].fxc = 0xF0; break;
- case 0x08: cel[3].fxc = 0xE7; break;
- case 0x09: cel[3].fxc = 0xE9; break;
- case 0x0A: cel[3].fxc = (cel[3].fxp & 0x08) ? 0xEA : 0xEB; cel[3].fxp &= 0x07; break;
- case 0x0B: cel[3].fxc = (cel[3].fxp & 0x10) ? 0xED : 0xEC; cel[3].fxp &= 0x0F; break;
- case 0x0C: cel[3].fxc = 0xEE; break;
- }
- // Apply generic effect parameter memory
- uint8_t ch;
- cel_t *p_cel = cel;
- fxm_t *p_fxm = fxm;
- for(ch = 0; ch != 4; ch++) {
- uint8_t fx = p_cel->fxc;
- if(fx == 0x10 || fx == 0x20 || fx == 0xE1 || fx == 0xE2 || fx == 0x50 || fx == 0x60 || fx == 0xA0) {
- if(p_cel->fxp) {
- p_fxm->param = p_cel->fxp;
- } else {
- p_cel->fxp = p_fxm->param;
- }
- }
- p_cel++; p_fxm++;
- }
-// Resets playback
-static void playroutine_reset() {
- memset(fxm, 0, sizeof(fxm));
- tick = 0;
- ix_row = 0;
- ix_order = 0;
- ix_nextrow = 0xFF;
- ix_nextorder = 0xFF;
- row_delay = 0;
- speed = 6;
- decrunch_row();
-// Start grinding samples
-void SquawkSynth::play() {
- TIMSK1 = 1 << OCIE1A; // Enable interrupt
-// Load a melody stream and start grinding samples
-void SquawkSynth::play(SquawkStream *melody) {
- uint8_t n;
- pause();
- stream = melody;
- stream->seek(0);
- n = stream->read();
- if(n == 'S') {
- // Squawk SD file
- stream->seek(4);
- stream_base = stream->read() << 8;
- stream_base |= stream->read();
- stream_base += 6;
- } else {
- // Squawk ROM array
- stream_base = 1;
- }
- stream->seek(stream_base);
- order_count = stream->read();
- if(order_count <= 64) {
- stream_base += order_count + 1;
- for(n = 0; n < order_count; n++) order[n] = stream->read();
- playroutine_reset();
- play();
- } else {
- order_count = 0;
- }
-// Load a melody in PROGMEM and start grinding samples
-void SquawkSynth::play(const uint8_t *melody) {
- pause();
- rom = StreamROM(melody);
- play(&rom);
-// Pause playback
-void SquawkSynth::pause() {
- TIMSK1 = 0; // Disable interrupt
-// Stop playing, unload melody
-void SquawkSynth::stop() {
- pause();
- order_count = 0; // Unload melody
-// Progress module by one tick
-void squawk_playroutine() {
- static bool lockout = false;
- if(!order_count) return;
- // Protect from re-entry via ISR
- cli();
- if(lockout) {
- sei();
- return;
- }
- lockout = true;
- sei();
- // Handle row delay
- if(row_delay) {
- if(tick == 0) row_delay--;
- // Advance tick
- if(++tick == speed) tick = 0;
- } else {
- // Quick pointer access
- fxm_t *p_fxm = fxm;
- osc_t *p_osc = osc;
- cel_t *p_cel = cel;
- // Temps
- uint8_t ch, fx, fxp;
- bool pattern_jump = false;
- uint8_t ix_period;
- for(ch = 0; ch != 4; ch++) {
- uint8_t temp;
- // Local register copy
- fx = p_cel->fxc;
- fxp = p_cel->fxp;
- ix_period = p_cel->ixp;
- // If first tick
- if(tick == (fx == 0xED ? fxp : 0)) {
- // Reset volume
- if(ix_period & 0x80) p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = 0x20;
- if((ix_period & 0x7F) != 0x7F) {
- // Reset oscillators (unless continous flag set)
- if((p_fxm->vibr.mode & 0x4) == 0x0) p_fxm->vibr.offset = 0;
- if((p_fxm->trem.mode & 0x4) == 0x0) p_fxm->trem.offset = 0;
- // Cell has note
- if(fx == 0x30 || fx == 0x50) {
- // Tone-portamento effect setup
- p_fxm->port_target = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[ix_period & 0x7F]);
- } else {
- // Set required effect memory parameters
- p_fxm->period = pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[ix_period & 0x7F]);
- // Start note
- if(ch != 3) p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- }
- }
- // Effects processed when tick = 0
- switch(fx) {
- case 0x30: // Portamento
- if(fxp) p_fxm->port_speed = fxp;
- break;
- case 0xB0: // Jump to pattern
- ix_nextorder = (fxp >= order_count ? 0x00 : fxp);
- ix_nextrow = 0;
- pattern_jump = true;
- break;
- case 0xC0: // Set volume
- p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MIN(fxp, 0x20);
- break;
- case 0xD0: // Jump to row
- if(!pattern_jump) ix_nextorder = ((ix_order + 1) >= order_count ? 0x00 : ix_order + 1);
- pattern_jump = true;
- ix_nextrow = (fxp > 63 ? 0 : fxp);
- break;
- case 0xF0: // Set speed, BPM(CIA) not supported
- if(fxp <= 0x20) speed = fxp;
- break;
- case 0x40: // Vibrato
- if(fxp) p_fxm->vibr.fxp = fxp;
- break;
- case 0x70: // Tremolo
- if(fxp) p_fxm->trem.fxp = fxp;
- break;
- case 0xE1: // Fine slide up
- if(ch != 3) {
- p_fxm->period = MAX(p_fxm->period - fxp, PERIOD_MIN);
- p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- }
- break;
- case 0xE2: // Fine slide down
- if(ch != 3) {
- p_fxm->period = MIN(p_fxm->period + fxp, PERIOD_MAX);
- p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- }
- break;
- case 0xE3: // Glissando control
- p_fxm->glissando = (fxp != 0);
- break;
- case 0xE4: // Set vibrato waveform
- p_fxm->vibr.mode = fxp;
- break;
- case 0xE7: // Set tremolo waveform
- p_fxm->trem.mode = fxp;
- break;
- case 0xEA: // Fine volume slide up
- p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MIN(p_fxm->volume + fxp, 0x20);
- break;
- case 0xEB: // Fine volume slide down
- p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MAX(p_fxm->volume - fxp, 0);
- break;
- case 0xEE: // Delay
- row_delay = fxp;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // Effects processed when tick > 0
- switch(fx) {
- case 0x10: // Slide up
- if(ch != 3) {
- p_fxm->period = MAX(p_fxm->period - fxp, PERIOD_MIN);
- p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- }
- break;
- case 0x20: // Slide down
- if(ch != 3) {
- p_fxm->period = MIN(p_fxm->period + fxp, PERIOD_MAX);
- p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- }
- break;
- // Just feels... ugly
- case 0xE9: // Retrigger note
- temp = tick; while(temp >= fxp) temp -= fxp;
- if(!temp) {
- if(ch == 3) {
- p_osc->freq = p_osc->phase = 0x2000;
- } else {
- p_osc->phase = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 0xEC: // Note cut
- if(fxp == tick) p_osc->vol = 0x00;
- break;
- default: // Multi-effect processing
- // Portamento
- if(ch != 3 && (fx == 0x30 || fx == 0x50)) {
- if(p_fxm->period < p_fxm->port_target) p_fxm->period = MIN(p_fxm->period + p_fxm->port_speed, p_fxm->port_target);
- else p_fxm->period = MAX(p_fxm->period - p_fxm->port_speed, p_fxm->port_target);
- if(p_fxm->glissando) p_osc->freq = FREQ(glissando(ch));
- else p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- }
- // Volume slide
- if(fx == 0x50 || fx == 0x60 || fx == 0xA0) {
- if((fxp & 0xF0) == 0) p_fxm->volume -= (LO4(fxp));
- if((fxp & 0x0F) == 0) p_fxm->volume += (HI4(fxp));
- p_osc->vol = p_fxm->volume = MAX(MIN(p_fxm->volume, 0x20), 0);
- }
- }
- }
- // Normal play and arpeggio
- if(fx == 0x00) {
- if(ch != 3) {
- temp = tick; while(temp > 2) temp -= 2;
- if(temp == 0) {
- // Reset
- p_osc->freq = FREQ(p_fxm->period);
- } else if(fxp) {
- // Arpeggio
- p_osc->freq = FREQ(arpeggio(ch, (temp == 1 ? HI4(fxp) : LO4(fxp))));
- }
- }
- } else if(fx == 0x40 || fx == 0x60) {
- // Vibrato
- if(ch != 3) p_osc->freq = FREQ((p_fxm->period + do_osc(&p_fxm->vibr)));
- } else if(fx == 0x70) {
- int8_t trem = p_fxm->volume + do_osc(&p_fxm->trem);
- p_osc->vol = MAX(MIN(trem, 0x20), 0);
- }
- // Next channel
- p_fxm++; p_cel++; p_osc++;
- }
- // Advance tick
- if(++tick == speed) tick = 0;
- // Advance playback
- if(tick == 0) {
- if(++ix_row == 64) {
- ix_row = 0;
- if(++ix_order >= order_count) ix_order = 0;
- }
- // Forced order/row
- if( ix_nextorder != 0xFF ) {
- ix_order = ix_nextorder;
- ix_nextorder = 0xFF;
- }
- if( ix_nextrow != 0xFF ) {
- ix_row = ix_nextrow;
- ix_nextrow = 0xFF;
- }
- decrunch_row();
- }
- }
- lockout = false;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Squawk.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Squawk.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3481acf..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Squawk.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-// Squawk Soft-Synthesizer Library for Arduino
-// Davey Taylor 2013
-// d.taylor@arduino.cc
-#ifndef _SQUAWK_H_
-#define _SQUAWK_H_
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#define Melody const uint8_t PROGMEM
-class SquawkStream {
- public:
- virtual ~SquawkStream() = 0;
- virtual uint8_t read() = 0;
- virtual void seek(size_t offset) = 0;
-inline SquawkStream::~SquawkStream() { }
-class SquawkSynth {
- // Load and play specified melody
- void play(SquawkStream *melody);
- SquawkSynth() {};
- // Initialize Squawk to generate samples at sample_rate Hz
- void begin(uint16_t sample_rate);
- // Load and play specified melody
- // melody needs to point to PROGMEM data
- void play(const uint8_t *melody);
- // Resume currently loaded melody (or enable direct osc manipulation by sketch)
- void play();
- // Pause playback
- void pause();
- // Stop playback (unloads song)
- void stop();
- // Tune Squawk to a different frequency - default is 1.0
- void tune(float tuning);
- // Change the tempo - default is 50
- void tempo(uint16_t tempo);
-extern SquawkSynth Squawk;
-// oscillator structure
-typedef struct {
- uint8_t vol;
- uint16_t freq;
- uint16_t phase;
-} osc_t;
-typedef osc_t Oscillator;
-// oscillator memory
-extern osc_t osc[4];
-extern uint8_t pcm;
-// channel 0 is pulse wave @ 25% duty
-// channel 1 is square wave
-// channel 2 is triangle wave
-// channel 3 is noise
-// For channel 3, freq is used as part of its LFSR and should not be changed.
-// LFSR: Linear feedback shift register, a method of producing a
-// pseudo-random bit sequence, used to generate nasty noise.
-#ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
-// Supported configurations for ATmega32U4
-#ifdef __AVR_ATmega168__
-// Supported configurations for ATmega168
-#ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
-// Supported configurations for ATmega328P
-extern void squawk_playroutine() asm("squawk_playroutine");
-// generates samples and updates oscillators
-// uses 132 cycles (not counting playroutine)
-// ~1/3 CPU @ 44kHz on 16MHz
-uint16_t cia, cia_count; \
-intptr_t squawk_register = (intptr_t)&TARGET_REGISTER; \
- asm volatile( \
- "push r2 " "\n\t" \
- "in r2, __SREG__ " "\n\t" \
- "push r18 " "\n\t" \
- "push r27 " "\n\t" \
- "push r26 " "\n\t" \
- "push r0 " "\n\t" \
- "push r1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r18, osc+2*%[mul]+%[fre] " "\n\t" \
- "lds r0, osc+2*%[mul]+%[pha] " "\n\t" \
- "add r0, r18 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+2*%[mul]+%[pha], r0 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r18, osc+2*%[mul]+%[fre]+1" "\n\t" \
- "lds r1, osc+2*%[mul]+%[pha]+1" "\n\t" \
- "adc r1, r18 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+2*%[mul]+%[pha]+1, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "mov r27, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "sbrc r27, 7 " "\n\t" \
- "com r27 " "\n\t" \
- "lsl r27 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r26, osc+2*%[mul]+%[vol] " "\n\t" \
- "subi r27, 128 " "\n\t" \
- "muls r27, r26 " "\n\t" \
- "lsl r1 " "\n\t" \
- "mov r26, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r18, osc+0*%[mul]+%[fre] " "\n\t" \
- "lds r0, osc+0*%[mul]+%[pha] " "\n\t" \
- "add r0, r18 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+0*%[mul]+%[pha], r0 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r18, osc+0*%[mul]+%[fre]+1" "\n\t" \
- "lds r1, osc+0*%[mul]+%[pha]+1" "\n\t" \
- "adc r1, r18 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+0*%[mul]+%[pha]+1, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "mov r18, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "lsl r18 " "\n\t" \
- "and r18, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r27, osc+0*%[mul]+%[vol] " "\n\t" \
- "sbrc r18, 7 " "\n\t" \
- "neg r27 " "\n\t" \
- "add r26, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r18, osc+1*%[mul]+%[fre] " "\n\t" \
- "lds r0, osc+1*%[mul]+%[pha] " "\n\t" \
- "add r0, r18 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+1*%[mul]+%[pha], r0 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r18, osc+1*%[mul]+%[fre]+1" "\n\t" \
- "lds r1, osc+1*%[mul]+%[pha]+1" "\n\t" \
- "adc r1, r18 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+1*%[mul]+%[pha]+1, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r27, osc+1*%[mul]+%[vol] " "\n\t" \
- "sbrc r1, 7 " "\n\t" \
- "neg r27 " "\n\t" \
- "add r26, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "ldi r27, 1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r0, osc+3*%[mul]+%[fre] " "\n\t" \
- "lds r1, osc+3*%[mul]+%[fre]+1" "\n\t" \
- "add r0, r0 " "\n\t" \
- "adc r1, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "sbrc r1, 7 " "\n\t" \
- "eor r0, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "sbrc r1, 6 " "\n\t" \
- "eor r0, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+3*%[mul]+%[fre], r0 " "\n\t" \
- "sts osc+3*%[mul]+%[fre]+1, r1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r27, osc+3*%[mul]+%[vol] " "\n\t" \
- "sbrc r1, 7 " "\n\t" \
- "neg r27 " "\n\t" \
- "add r26, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r27, pcm " "\n\t" \
- "add r26, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "sts %[reg], r26 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r27, cia_count+1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r26, cia_count " "\n\t" \
- "sbiw r26, 1 " "\n\t" \
- "breq call_playroutine " "\n\t" \
- "sts cia_count+1, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "sts cia_count, r26 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r1 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r0 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r26 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r27 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r18 " "\n\t" \
- "out __SREG__, r2 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r2 " "\n\t" \
- "reti " "\n\t" \
- "call_playroutine: " "\n\t" \
- "lds r27, cia+1 " "\n\t" \
- "lds r26, cia " "\n\t" \
- "sts cia_count+1, r27 " "\n\t" \
- "sts cia_count, r26 " "\n\t" \
- "sei " "\n\t" \
- "push r19 " "\n\t" \
- "push r20 " "\n\t" \
- "push r21 " "\n\t" \
- "push r22 " "\n\t" \
- "push r23 " "\n\t" \
- "push r24 " "\n\t" \
- "push r25 " "\n\t" \
- "push r30 " "\n\t" \
- "push r31 " "\n\t" \
- "clr r1 " "\n\t" \
- "call squawk_playroutine " "\n\t" \
- "pop r31 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r30 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r25 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r24 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r23 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r22 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r21 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r20 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r19 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r1 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r0 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r26 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r27 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r18 " "\n\t" \
- "out __SREG__, r2 " "\n\t" \
- "pop r2 " "\n\t" \
- "reti " "\n\t" \
- : \
- [mul] "M" (sizeof(Oscillator)), \
- [pha] "M" (offsetof(Oscillator, phase)), \
- [fre] "M" (offsetof(Oscillator, freq)), \
- [vol] "M" (offsetof(Oscillator, vol)) \
- ); \
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SquawkSD.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/SquawkSD.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c97ef4..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SquawkSD.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-#include <SquawkSD.h>
-SquawkSynthSD SquawkSD;
-class StreamFile : public SquawkStream {
- private:
- Fat16 f;
- public:
- StreamFile(Fat16 file = Fat16()) { f = file; }
- uint8_t read() { return f.read(); }
- void seek(size_t offset) { f.seekSet(offset); }
-static StreamFile file;
-extern uint16_t period_tbl[84] PROGMEM;
-void SquawkSynthSD::play(Fat16 melody) {
- SquawkSynth::pause();
- file = StreamFile(melody);
- SquawkSynth::play(&file);
-void SquawkSynthSD::convert(Fat16 in, Fat16 out) {
- unsigned int n;
- uint8_t patterns = 0, order_count;
- unsigned int ptn, row, chn;
- uint8_t temp;
- uint8_t fxc[4], fxp[4], note[4], sample[4];
- uint16_t period;
- out.write('S'); // ID
- out.write('Q');
- out.write('M');
- out.write('1');
- out.write((uint8_t)0); // No meta data
- out.write((uint8_t)0);
- // Write order list, count patterns
- in.seek(0x3B6);
- order_count = in.read();
- out.write(order_count);
- in.seek(0x3B8);
- for(n = 0; n < order_count; n++) {
- temp = in.read();
- if(temp >= patterns) patterns = temp + 1;
- out.write(temp);
- }
- // Write patterns
- in.seek(0x43C);
- for(ptn = 0; ptn < patterns; ptn++) {
- for(row = 0; row < 64; row++) {
- for(chn = 0; chn < 4; chn++) {
- // Basic extraction
- temp = in.read(); // sample.msb and period.msb
- period = (temp & 0x0F) << 8;
- sample[chn] = temp & 0xF0;
- period |= in.read(); // period.lsb
- temp = in.read(); // sample.lsb and effect
- sample[chn] |= temp >> 4;
- fxc[chn] = (temp & 0x0F) << 4;
- fxp[chn] = in.read(); // parameters
- if(fxc[chn] == 0xE0) {
- fxc[chn] |= fxp[chn] >> 4; // extended parameters
- fxp[chn] &= 0x0F;
- }
- #define DIF(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? ((int32_t)(A) - (int32_t)(B)) : ((int32_t)(B) - (int32_t)(A)))
- // Find closest matching period
- if(period == 0) {
- note[chn] = 0x7F;
- } else {
- int16_t best = DIF(period, pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[0]));
- note[chn] = 0;
- for(n = 0; n < sizeof(period_tbl) / sizeof(uint16_t); n++) {
- if(DIF(period, pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n])) < best) {
- note[chn] = n;
- best = DIF(period, pgm_read_word(&period_tbl[n]));
- }
- }
- }
- // Crunch volume/decimal commands
- if(fxc[chn] == 0x50 || fxc[chn] == 0x60 || fxc[chn] == 0xA0) {
- fxp[chn] = (fxp[chn] >> 1) & 0x77;
- } else if(fxc[chn] == 0x70) {
- fxp[chn] = (fxp[chn] & 0xF0) | ((fxp[chn] & 0x0F) >> 1);
- } else if(fxc[chn] == 0xC0 || fxc[chn] == 0xEA || fxc[chn] == 0xEB) {
- fxp[chn] >>= 1;
- } else if(fxc[chn] == 0xD0) {
- fxp[chn] = ((fxp[chn] >> 4) * 10) | (fxp[chn] & 0x0F);
- }
- // Re-nibblify - it's a word!
- if(chn != 3) {
- if((fxc[chn] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) fxp[chn] |= fxc[chn] << 4;
- fxc[chn] >>= 4;
- }
- }
- // Ghetto crunch the last channel to save a byte
- switch(fxc[3]) {
- case 0x50: case 0x60: case 0xA0:
- fxc[3] = 0x1;
- if((fxp[3] >> 4) >= (fxp[3] & 0x0F)) {
- fxp[3] = 0x80 + ((fxp[3] >> 4) - (fxp[3] & 0x0F));
- } else {
- fxp[3] = ((fxp[3] & 0x0F) - (fxp[3] >> 4));
- }
- break;
- case 0x70:
- fxc[3] = (fxp[3] & 0x4) ? 0x3 : 0x2;
- fxp[3] = (fxp[3] >> 4) | ((fxp[3] & 0x03) << 4);
- break;
- case 0xC0:
- fxc[3] = 0x4;
- fxp[3] &= 0x1F;
- break;
- case 0xB0:
- fxc[3] = 0x5;
- fxp[3] &= 0x1F;
- break;
- case 0xD0:
- fxc[3] = 0x6;
- if(fxp[3] > 63) fxp[3] = 0;
- break;
- case 0xF0:
- if(fxp[3] > 0x20) {
- fxc[3] = 0x0;
- fxp[3] = 0x00;
- } else {
- fxc[3] = 0x7;
- }
- break;
- case 0xE7:
- fxc[3] = 0x8;
- break;
- case 0xE9:
- fxc[3] = 0x9;
- break;
- case 0xEA:
- fxc[3] = 0xA;
- fxp[3] |= 0x08;
- break;
- case 0xEB:
- fxc[3] = 0xA;
- break;
- case 0xEC:
- fxc[3] = 0xB;
- break;
- case 0xED:
- fxc[3] = 0xB;
- fxp[3] |= 0x10;
- break;
- case 0xEE:
- fxc[3] = 0xC;
- break;
- default:
- fxc[3] = 0;
- fxp[3] = 0;
- }
- if(note[3] != 0x7F) fxp[3] |= 0x80;
- if(sample[3]) fxp[3] |= 0x40;
- // Write out
- out.write((fxc[0]) | fxc[1] << 4);
- out.write(fxp[0]);
- out.write(fxp[1]);
- out.write((fxc[2]) | fxc[3] << 4);
- out.write(fxp[2]);
- out.write(fxp[3]);
- out.write(note[0] | (sample[0] == 0 ? 0x00 : 0x80));
- out.write(note[1] | (sample[1] == 0 ? 0x00 : 0x80));
- out.write(note[2] | (sample[2] == 0 ? 0x00 : 0x80));
- }
- }
-}*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/SquawkSD.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/SquawkSD.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89d46a5..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/SquawkSD.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SQUAWKSD_H_
-#define _SQUAWKSD_H_
-#include <Squawk.h>
-#include "Fat16.h"
-class SquawkSynthSD : public SquawkSynth {
- private:
- Fat16 f;
- public:
- inline void play() { Squawk.play(); };
- void play(Fat16 file);
- //void convert(Fat16 in, Fat16 out);
-extern SquawkSynthSD SquawkSD;
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Wire.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/Wire.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e7a17c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Wire.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- TwoWire.cpp - TWI/I2C library for Wiring & Arduino
- Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Modified 2012 by Todd Krein (todd@krein.org) to implement repeated starts
-extern "C" {
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #include "twi.h"
-#include "Wire.h"
-// Initialize Class Variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-uint8_t TwoWire::rxBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
-uint8_t TwoWire::rxBufferIndex = 0;
-uint8_t TwoWire::rxBufferLength = 0;
-uint8_t TwoWire::txAddress = 0;
-uint8_t TwoWire::txBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
-uint8_t TwoWire::txBufferIndex = 0;
-uint8_t TwoWire::txBufferLength = 0;
-uint8_t TwoWire::transmitting = 0;
-void (*TwoWire::user_onRequest)(void);
-void (*TwoWire::user_onReceive)(int);
-// Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-void TwoWire::begin(void)
- rxBufferIndex = 0;
- rxBufferLength = 0;
- txBufferIndex = 0;
- txBufferLength = 0;
- twi_init();
-void TwoWire::begin(uint8_t address)
- twi_setAddress(address);
- twi_attachSlaveTxEvent(onRequestService);
- twi_attachSlaveRxEvent(onReceiveService);
- begin();
-void TwoWire::begin(int address)
- begin((uint8_t)address);
-uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint8_t quantity, uint8_t sendStop)
- // clamp to buffer length
- if(quantity > BUFFER_LENGTH){
- quantity = BUFFER_LENGTH;
- }
- // perform blocking read into buffer
- uint8_t read = twi_readFrom(address, rxBuffer, quantity, sendStop);
- // set rx buffer iterator vars
- rxBufferIndex = 0;
- rxBufferLength = read;
- return read;
-uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint8_t quantity)
- return requestFrom((uint8_t)address, (uint8_t)quantity, (uint8_t)true);
-uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(int address, int quantity)
- return requestFrom((uint8_t)address, (uint8_t)quantity, (uint8_t)true);
-uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(int address, int quantity, int sendStop)
- return requestFrom((uint8_t)address, (uint8_t)quantity, (uint8_t)sendStop);
-void TwoWire::beginTransmission(uint8_t address)
- // indicate that we are transmitting
- transmitting = 1;
- // set address of targeted slave
- txAddress = address;
- // reset tx buffer iterator vars
- txBufferIndex = 0;
- txBufferLength = 0;
-void TwoWire::beginTransmission(int address)
- beginTransmission((uint8_t)address);
-// Originally, 'endTransmission' was an f(void) function.
-// It has been modified to take one parameter indicating
-// whether or not a STOP should be performed on the bus.
-// Calling endTransmission(false) allows a sketch to
-// perform a repeated start.
-// WARNING: Nothing in the library keeps track of whether
-// the bus tenure has been properly ended with a STOP. It
-// is very possible to leave the bus in a hung state if
-// no call to endTransmission(true) is made. Some I2C
-// devices will behave oddly if they do not see a STOP.
-uint8_t TwoWire::endTransmission(uint8_t sendStop)
- // transmit buffer (blocking)
- int8_t ret = twi_writeTo(txAddress, txBuffer, txBufferLength, 1, sendStop);
- // reset tx buffer iterator vars
- txBufferIndex = 0;
- txBufferLength = 0;
- // indicate that we are done transmitting
- transmitting = 0;
- return ret;
-// This provides backwards compatibility with the original
-// definition, and expected behaviour, of endTransmission
-uint8_t TwoWire::endTransmission(void)
- return endTransmission(true);
-// must be called in:
-// slave tx event callback
-// or after beginTransmission(address)
-size_t TwoWire::write(uint8_t data)
- if(transmitting){
- // in master transmitter mode
- // don't bother if buffer is full
- if(txBufferLength >= BUFFER_LENGTH){
- setWriteError();
- return 0;
- }
- // put byte in tx buffer
- txBuffer[txBufferIndex] = data;
- ++txBufferIndex;
- // update amount in buffer
- txBufferLength = txBufferIndex;
- }else{
- // in slave send mode
- // reply to master
- twi_transmit(&data, 1);
- }
- return 1;
-// must be called in:
-// slave tx event callback
-// or after beginTransmission(address)
-size_t TwoWire::write(const uint8_t *data, size_t quantity)
- if(transmitting){
- // in master transmitter mode
- for(size_t i = 0; i < quantity; ++i){
- write(data[i]);
- }
- }else{
- // in slave send mode
- // reply to master
- twi_transmit(data, quantity);
- }
- return quantity;
-// must be called in:
-// slave rx event callback
-// or after requestFrom(address, numBytes)
-int TwoWire::available(void)
- return rxBufferLength - rxBufferIndex;
-// must be called in:
-// slave rx event callback
-// or after requestFrom(address, numBytes)
-int TwoWire::read(void)
- int value = -1;
- // get each successive byte on each call
- if(rxBufferIndex < rxBufferLength){
- value = rxBuffer[rxBufferIndex];
- ++rxBufferIndex;
- }
- return value;
-// must be called in:
-// slave rx event callback
-// or after requestFrom(address, numBytes)
-int TwoWire::peek(void)
- int value = -1;
- if(rxBufferIndex < rxBufferLength){
- value = rxBuffer[rxBufferIndex];
- }
- return value;
-void TwoWire::flush(void)
- // XXX: to be implemented.
-// behind the scenes function that is called when data is received
-void TwoWire::onReceiveService(uint8_t* inBytes, int numBytes)
- // don't bother if user hasn't registered a callback
- if(!user_onReceive){
- return;
- }
- // don't bother if rx buffer is in use by a master requestFrom() op
- // i know this drops data, but it allows for slight stupidity
- // meaning, they may not have read all the master requestFrom() data yet
- if(rxBufferIndex < rxBufferLength){
- return;
- }
- // copy twi rx buffer into local read buffer
- // this enables new reads to happen in parallel
- for(uint8_t i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i){
- rxBuffer[i] = inBytes[i];
- }
- // set rx iterator vars
- rxBufferIndex = 0;
- rxBufferLength = numBytes;
- // alert user program
- user_onReceive(numBytes);
-// behind the scenes function that is called when data is requested
-void TwoWire::onRequestService(void)
- // don't bother if user hasn't registered a callback
- if(!user_onRequest){
- return;
- }
- // reset tx buffer iterator vars
- // !!! this will kill any pending pre-master sendTo() activity
- txBufferIndex = 0;
- txBufferLength = 0;
- // alert user program
- user_onRequest();
-// sets function called on slave write
-void TwoWire::onReceive( void (*function)(int) )
- user_onReceive = function;
-// sets function called on slave read
-void TwoWire::onRequest( void (*function)(void) )
- user_onRequest = function;
-// Preinstantiate Objects //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-TwoWire Wire = TwoWire();
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/Wire.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/Wire.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a93d0f5..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/Wire.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- TwoWire.h - TWI/I2C library for Arduino & Wiring
- Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Modified 2012 by Todd Krein (todd@krein.org) to implement repeated starts
-#ifndef TwoWire_h
-#define TwoWire_h
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "Stream.h"
-#define BUFFER_LENGTH 32
-class TwoWire : public Stream
- private:
- static uint8_t rxBuffer[];
- static uint8_t rxBufferIndex;
- static uint8_t rxBufferLength;
- static uint8_t txAddress;
- static uint8_t txBuffer[];
- static uint8_t txBufferIndex;
- static uint8_t txBufferLength;
- static uint8_t transmitting;
- static void (*user_onRequest)(void);
- static void (*user_onReceive)(int);
- static void onRequestService(void);
- static void onReceiveService(uint8_t*, int);
- public:
- TwoWire();
- void begin();
- void begin(uint8_t);
- void begin(int);
- void beginTransmission(uint8_t);
- void beginTransmission(int);
- uint8_t endTransmission(void);
- uint8_t endTransmission(uint8_t);
- uint8_t requestFrom(uint8_t, uint8_t);
- uint8_t requestFrom(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
- uint8_t requestFrom(int, int);
- uint8_t requestFrom(int, int, int);
- virtual size_t write(uint8_t);
- virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *, size_t);
- virtual int available(void);
- virtual int read(void);
- virtual int peek(void);
- virtual void flush(void);
- void onReceive( void (*)(int) );
- void onRequest( void (*)(void) );
- inline size_t write(unsigned long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
- inline size_t write(long n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
- inline size_t write(unsigned int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
- inline size_t write(int n) { return write((uint8_t)n); }
- using Print::write;
-extern TwoWire Wire;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/communication.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/communication.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf5346..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/communication.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> bool RobotControl::isActionDone(){ if(messageIn.receiveData()){ if(messageIn.readByte()==COMMAND_ACTION_DONE){ return true; } } return false; } void RobotControl::pauseMode(uint8_t onOff){ messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_PAUSE_MODE); if(onOff){ messageOut.writeByte(true); }else{ messageOut.writeByte(false); } messageOut.sendData(); } void RobotControl::lineFollowConfig(uint8_t KP, uint8_t KD, uint8_t robotSpeed, uint8_t intergrationTime){ messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_LINE_FOLLOW_CONFIG); messageOut.writeByte(KP); messageOut.writeByte(KD); messageOut.writeByte(robotSpeed); messageOut.writeByte(intergrationTime); messageOut.sendData(); } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R01_Logo/R01_Logo.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R01_Logo/R01_Logo.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 794479e..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R01_Logo/R01_Logo.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-/* Robot Logo
- This sketch demonstrates basic movement of the Robot.
- When the sketch starts, press the on-board buttons to tell
- the robot how to move. Pressing the middle button will
- save the pattern, and the robot will follow accordingly.
- You can record up to 20 commands. The robot will move for
- one second per command.
- This example uses images on an SD card. It looks for
- files named "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" and draws them on the
- screen.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-int commands[20]; // array for storing commands
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, and display
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- // draw "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" on the screen
- Robot.displayLogos();
-void loop() {
- Robot.drawBMP("intro.bmp", 0, 0); //display background image
- iniCommands(); // remove commands from the array
- addCommands(); // add commands to the array
- delay(1000); // wait for a second
- executeCommands(); // follow orders
- Robot.stroke(0,0,0);
- Robot.text("Done!", 5, 103); // write some text to the display
- delay(1500); // wait for a moment
-// empty the commands array
-void iniCommands() {
- for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
- commands[i]=-1;
-// add commands to the array
-void addCommands() {
- Robot.stroke(0,0,0);
- // display text on the screen
- Robot.text("1. Press buttons to\n add commands.\n\n 2. Middle to finish.", 5, 5);
- // read the buttons' state
- for(int i=0; i<20;) { //max 20 commands
- int key = Robot.keyboardRead();
- if(key == BUTTON_MIDDLE) { //finish input
- break;
- }else if(key == BUTTON_NONE) { //if no button is pressed
- continue;
- }
- commands[i] = key; // save the button to the array
- PrintCommandI(i, 46); // print the command on the screen
- delay(100);
- i++;
- }
-// run through the array and move the robot
-void executeCommands() {
- // print status to the screen
- Robot.text("Excuting...",5,70);
- // read through the array and move accordingly
- for(int i=0; i<20; i++) {
- switch(commands[i]) {
- Robot.turn(-90);
- break;
- Robot.turn(90);
- break;
- case BUTTON_UP:
- Robot.motorsWrite(255, 255);
- break;
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255, -255);
- break;
- return;
- }
- // print the current command to the screen
- Robot.stroke(255,0,0);
- PrintCommandI(i, 86);
- delay(1000);
- // stop moving for a second
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
- }
-// convert the button press to a single character
-char keyToChar(int key) {
- switch(key) {
- return '<';
- return '>';
- case BUTTON_UP:
- return '^';
- return 'v';
- }
-// display a command
-void PrintCommandI(int i, int originY) {
- Robot.text(keyToChar(commands[i]), i%14*8+5, i/14*10+originY);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R02_Line_Follow/R02_Line_Follow.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R02_Line_Follow/R02_Line_Follow.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 58de253..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R02_Line_Follow/R02_Line_Follow.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* Robot Line Follow
- This sketch demonstrates the line following capabilities
- of the Arduino Robot. On the floor, place some black
- electrical tape along the path you wish the robot to follow.
- To indicate a stopping point, place another piece of tape
- perpendicular to the path.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-long timerOrigin; // used for counting elapsed time
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- Robot.beginSpeaker();
- // show the logots on the TFT screen
- Robot.displayLogos();
- Robot.drawBMP("lf.bmp", 0, 0); // display background image
- Robot.playFile("chase.sqm"); // play a song from the SD card
- // add the instructions
- Robot.text("Line Following\n\n place the robot on\n the track and \n see it run", 5, 5);
- Robot.text("Press the middle\n button to start...", 5, 61);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- // These are some general values that work for line following
- // uncomment one or the other to see the different behaviors of the robot
- // Robot.lineFollowConfig(11, 5, 50, 10);
- Robot.lineFollowConfig(14, 9, 50, 10);
- //set the motor board into line-follow mode
- Robot.setMode(MODE_LINE_FOLLOW);
- // start
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(0, 0, 128, 80); // erase the previous text
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Start", 5, 5);
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0); // choose color for the text
- Robot.text("Time passed:", 5, 21); // write some text to the screen
- timerOrigin=millis(); // keep track of the elapsed time
- while(!Robot.isActionDone()) { //wait for the finish signal
- Robot.debugPrint(millis()-timerOrigin, 5, 29); // show how much time has passed
- }
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Done!", 5, 45);
-void loop() {
- //nothing here, the program only runs once. Reset the robot
- //to do it again!
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R03_Disco_Bot/R03_Disco_Bot.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R03_Disco_Bot/R03_Disco_Bot.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 3574b01..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R03_Disco_Bot/R03_Disco_Bot.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* Disco Bot
- This sketch shows you how to use the melody playing
- feature of the robot, with some really cool 8-bit music.
- Music will play when the robot is turned on, and it
- will show you some dance moves.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-/* Dancing steps:
- S: stop
- L: turn left
- R: turn right
- F: go forward
- B: go backwards
- The number after each command determines how long
- each step lasts. Each number is 1/2 second long.
- The "\0" indicates end of string
-char danceScript[] = "S4L1R1S2F1B1S1\0";
-int currentScript = 0; // what step are we at
-int currentSong = 0; // keep track of the current song
-static const int SONGS_COUNT = 3; // number of songs
-// an array to hold the songs
-char musics[][11] = {
- "melody.sqm",
- "menu.sqm",
- "chase.sqm",
-// variables for non-blocking delay
-long waitFrom;
-long waitTime = 0;
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginSpeaker();
- Robot.beginSD();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- // draw "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" on the screen
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // Print instructions to the screen
- Robot.text("1. Use left and\n right key to switch\n song", 5, 5);
- Robot.text("2. Put robot on the\n ground to dance", 5, 33);
- // wait for a few soconds
- delay(3000);
- setInterface(); // display the current song
- play(0); //play the first song in the array
- resetWait(); //Initialize non-blocking delay
-void loop() {
- // read the butttons on the robot
- int key = Robot.keyboardRead();
- // Right/left buttons play next/previous song
- switch(key) {
- case BUTTON_UP:
- play(-1); //play previous song
- break;
- play(1); //play next song
- break;
- }
- // dance!
- runScript();
-// Dancing function
-void runScript() {
- if(!waiting()) { // if the previous instructions have finished
- // get the next 2 commands (direction and duration)
- parseCommand(danceScript[currentScript], danceScript[currentScript+1]);
- currentScript += 2;
- if(danceScript[currentScript] == '\0') // at the end of the array
- currentScript = 0; // start again at the beginning
- }
-// instead of delay, use this timer
-boolean waiting() {
- if(millis()-waitFrom >= waitTime)
- return false;
- else
- return true;
-// how long to wait
-void wait(long t) {
- resetWait();
- waitTime = t;
-// reset the timer
-void resetWait() {
- waitFrom = millis();
-// read the direction and dirstion of the steps
-void parseCommand(char dir, char duration) {
- //convert the scripts to action
- switch(dir) {
- case 'L':
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255, 255);
- break;
- case 'R':
- Robot.motorsWrite(255, -255);
- break;
- case 'F':
- Robot.motorsWrite(255, 255);
- break;
- case 'B':
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255, -255);
- break;
- case 'S':
- Robot.motorsStop();
- break;
- }
- //You can change "500" to change the pace of dancing
- wait(500*(duration-'0'));
-// display the song
-void setInterface() {
- Robot.clearScreen();
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text(musics[0], 0, 0);
-// display the next song
-void select(int seq, boolean onOff) {
- if(onOff){//select
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text(musics[seq], 0, 0);
- }else{//deselect
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.text(musics[seq], 0, 0);
- }
-// play the slected song
-void play(int seq) {
- select(currentSong, false);
- if(currentSong <= 0 && seq == -1) { //previous of 1st song?
- currentSong = SONGS_COUNT-1; //go to last song
- } else if(currentSong >= SONGS_COUNT-1 && seq == 1) { //next of last?
- currentSong = 0; //go to 1st song
- } else {
- currentSong += seq; //next song
- }
- Robot.stopPlayFile();
- Robot.playFile(musics[currentSong]);
- select(currentSong, true); //display the current song
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R04_Compass/R04_Compass.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R04_Compass/R04_Compass.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a7315..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R04_Compass/R04_Compass.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* Robot Compass
- The robot has an on-board compass module, with
- which it can tell the direction the robot is
- facing. This sketch will make sure the robot
- goes towards a certain direction.
- Beware, magnets will interfere with the compass
- readings.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-// include the robot library
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-int speedLeft;
-int speedRight;
-int compassValue;
-int direc = 180; //Direction the robot is heading
-void setup() {
- // initialize the modules
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- Robot.displayLogos();
-void loop() {
- // read the compass orientation
- compassValue = Robot.compassRead();
- // how many degrees are we off
- int diff = compassValue-direc;
- // modify degress
- if(diff > 180)
- diff = -360+diff;
- else if(diff < -180)
- diff = 360+diff;
- // Make the robot turn to its proper orientation
- diff = map(diff, -180, 180, -255, 255);
- if(diff > 0) {
- // keep the right wheel spinning,
- // change the speed of the left wheel
- speedLeft = 255-diff;
- speedRight = 255;
- } else {
- // keep the right left spinning,
- // change the speed of the left wheel
- speedLeft = 255;
- speedRight = 255+diff;
- }
- // write out to the motors
- Robot.motorsWrite(speedLeft, speedRight);
- // draw the orientation on the screen
- Robot.drawCompass(compassValue);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R05_Inputs/R05_Inputs.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R05_Inputs/R05_Inputs.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 1359f8d..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R05_Inputs/R05_Inputs.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* Robot Inputs
- This sketch shows you how to use the on-board
- potentiometer and buttons as inputs.
- Turning the potentiometer draws a clock-shaped
- circle. The up and down buttons change the pitch,
- while the left and right buttons change the tempo.
- The middle button resets tempo and pitch.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-// default tempo and pitch of the music
-int tempo = 60;
-int pitch = 1000;
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, speaker, and display
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSpeaker();
- Robot.beginSD();
- // draw "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" on the screen
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // play a sound file
- Robot.playFile("Melody.sqm");
-void loop() {
- // check the value of the buttons
- keyDown(Robot.keyboardRead());
- // check the value of the pot
- drawKnob(Robot.knobRead());
-// Draw the basic interface
-void renderUI() {
- //fill the buttons blank
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(53, 58, 13, 13); // left
- Robot.rect(93, 58, 13, 13); // right
- Robot.rect(73, 38, 13, 13); // up
- Robot.circle(79, 64, 6); // middle
- Robot.rect(73, 78, 13, 13); // down
- Robot.circle(26, 116, 18); // knob
- //draw the vertical bargraph
- int fullPart=map(pitch, 200, 2000, 0, 58); //length of filled bargraph
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(21, 30, 13, 58-fullPart);
- Robot.fill(0, 0, 255);
- Robot.rect(21, 88-fullPart, 13, fullPart); //58-fullPart+30
- //draw the horizontal bargraph
- fullPart = map(tempo, 20, 100, 0, 58); // length of filled bargraph
- Robot.fill(255, 190, 0);
- Robot.rect(53, 110, fullPart, 13);
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(53+fullPart, 110, 58-fullPart, 13);
-void keyDown(int keyCode) {
- // use a static int so it is persistent over time
- static int oldKey;
- switch(keyCode) {
- //left button pressed, reduces tempo
- tempo -= 5;
- if(tempo < 20) tempo = 20; //lowest tempo 20
- Robot.fill(255,190,0);
- Robot.rect(53, 58, 13, 13);
- break;
- //right button pressed, increases tempo
- tempo += 5;
- if(tempo > 100) tempo = 100; //highest tempo 100
- Robot.fill(255,190,0);
- Robot.rect(93, 58, 13, 13);
- break;
- case BUTTON_UP:
- //up button pressed, increases pitch
- pitch += 120;
- if(pitch > 2000) pitch = 2000;
- Robot.fill(0, 0, 255);
- Robot.rect(73, 38, 13, 13);
- break;
- //down button pressed, reduces pitch
- pitch -= 120;
- if(pitch < 200){
- pitch = 200;
- }
- Robot.fill(0, 0, 255);
- Robot.rect(73, 78, 13, 13);
- break;
- //middle button pressed, resets tempo and pitch
- tempo = 60;
- pitch = 1000;
- Robot.fill(160,160,160);
- Robot.circle(79, 64, 6);
- break;
- //Only when the keys are released(thus BUTTON_NONE is
- //encountered the first time), the interface will be
- //re-drawn.
- if(oldKey != BUTTON_NONE){
- renderUI();
- }
- break;
- }
- if(oldKey != keyCode) {
- // change the song's tempo
- Robot.tempoWrite(tempo);
- // change the song's pitch
- Robot.tuneWrite(float(pitch/1000.0));
- }
- oldKey = keyCode;
-void drawKnob(int val) {
- static int x = 0, y = 0, val_old = 0;
- // radian number, -3.14 to 3.14
- float ang = map(val, 0, 1023, -PI*1000, PI*1000) / 1000.0;
- // erase the old line
- if (val_old != val) {
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.line(26, 116, x, y);
- }
- // the following lines avoid a glitch in the TFT library
- // that seems to appear when drawing a vertical line
- if (val < 1011 && val > 265 || val < 253) {
- //a bit math for drawing the hand inside the clock
- x = 16*sin(ang)+26;
- y = 16*cos(ang)+116;
- }
- if (val > 265 && val < 253) {
- x = 10; y = 116;
- }
- if (val >= 1011) {
- x = 27; y = 100;
- }
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.line(26, 116, x, y);
- val_old = val;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R06_Wheel_Calibration/R06_Wheel_Calibration.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R06_Wheel_Calibration/R06_Wheel_Calibration.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index c571b3a..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R06_Wheel_Calibration/R06_Wheel_Calibration.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-/* 6 Wheel Calibration
- Use this sketch to calibrate the wheels in your robot.
- Your robot should drive as straight as possible when
- putting both motors at the same speed.
- Run the software and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Use the trimmer on the motor board to make sure the
- robot is working at its best!
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // inport the robot librsry
-// import the utility library
-// a description of its funtionality is below
-#include <utility/RobotTextManager.h>
-// arrays to hold the text for instructions
-char script1[] ="Wheel Calibration";
-char script2[] ="1. Put Robot on a\n flat surface";
-char script3[] ="2. Adjust speed with the knob on top";
-char script4[] ="3. If robot goes\n straight, it's done";
-char script5[] ="4. Use screwdriver\n on the bottom trim";
-char script6[] ="- Robot turns left,\n screw it clockwise;";
-char script7[] ="- Turns right, screw it ct-colockwise;";
-char script8[] ="5. Repeat 4 until\n going straight";
-int speedRobot; //robot speed
-int calibrationValue; //value for calibrate difference between wheels
-void setup(){
- //necessary initialization sequence
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- // left and top margin for displaying text
- // see below for a description of this
- textManager.setMargin(5,5);
- // write all instructions at once
- writeAllscript();
-void loop(){
- //Control the robot's speed with knob on top
- int speedRobot=map(Robot.knobRead(),0,1023,-255,255);
- Robot.motorsWrite(speedRobot,speedRobot);
- //read value of the pot on motor baord,to clibrate the wheels
- int calibrationValue=map(Robot.trimRead(),0,1023,-30,30);
- // print the values to the screen
- Robot.debugPrint(calibrationValue,110,145);
- delay(40);
-void writeAllscript(){
- //prints 8 scripts one after another
- textManager.writeText(0,0,script1);
- textManager.writeText(1,0,script2);
- textManager.writeText(3,0,script3);
- textManager.writeText(5,0,script4);
- textManager.writeText(7,0,script5);
- textManager.writeText(9,0,script6);
- textManager.writeText(11,0,script7);
- textManager.writeText(13,0,script8);
-textManager mostly contains helper functions for
-R06_Wheel_Calibration and R01_Hello_User.
- textManager.setMargin(margin_left, margin_top):
- Configure the left and top margin for text
- display. The margins will be used by
- textManager.writeText().
- Parameters:
- margin_left, margin_top: int, the margin values
- from the top and left side of the screen.
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.writeText(line,column,text):
- Display text on the specific line and column.
- It's different from Robot.text() which
- uses pixels for positioning the text.
- Parameters:
- line:int, which line is the text displayed. Each line
- is 10px high.
- column:int, which column is the text displayed. Each
- column is 8px wide.
- text:a char array(string) of the text to be displayed.
- Returns:
- none
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R07_Runaway_Robot/R07_Runaway_Robot.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R07_Runaway_Robot/R07_Runaway_Robot.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 9832d29..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R07_Runaway_Robot/R07_Runaway_Robot.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* Runaway Robot
- Play tag with your robot! With an ultrasonic
- distance sensor, it's capable of detecting and avoiding
- obstacles, never bumping into walls again!
- You'll need to attach an untrasonic range finder to TK1.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- * US range finder like Maxbotix EZ10, with analog output
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-// include the robot library
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-int sensorPin = TK1; // pin is used by the sensor
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, and display
- Serial.begin(9600);
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // draw a face on the LCD screen
- setFace(true);
-void loop() {
- // If the robot is blocked, turn until free
- while(getDistance() < 40) { // If an obstacle is less than 20cm away
- setFace(false); //shows an unhappy face
- Robot.motorsStop(); // stop the motors
- delay(1000); // wait for a moment
- Robot.turn(90); // turn to the right and try again
- setFace(true); // happy face
- }
- // if there are no objects in the way, keep moving
- Robot.motorsWrite(255, 255);
- delay(100);
-// return the distance in cm
-float getDistance() {
- // read the value from the sensor
- int sensorValue = Robot.analogRead(sensorPin);
- //Convert the sensor input to cm.
- float distance_cm = sensorValue*1.27;
- return distance_cm;
-// make a happy or sad face
-void setFace(boolean onOff) {
- if(onOff) {
- // if true show a happy face
- Robot.background(0, 0, 255);
- Robot.setCursor(44, 60);
- Robot.stroke(0, 255, 0);
- Robot.setTextSize(4);
- Robot.print(":)");
- }else{
- // if false show an upset face
- Robot.background(255, 0, 0);
- Robot.setCursor(44, 60);
- Robot.stroke(0, 255, 0);
- Robot.setTextSize(4);
- Robot.print("X(");
- }
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R08_Remote_Control/R08_Remote_Control.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R08_Remote_Control/R08_Remote_Control.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index fda21cb..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R08_Remote_Control/R08_Remote_Control.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-/* 08 Remote Control
- *******************
- ***
- ***This example code is in an experimental state.
- ***You are welcome to try this with your robot,
- ***and no harm will come to it. We will provide a
- ***detailed description of an updated version of this
- ***in a future update
- ***
- *** For this example to work you need:
- ***
- *** - download and install the IR-Remote library by Ken Shirriff
- *** to be found at https://github.com/shirriff/Arduino-IRremote
- *** - get a Sony remote control
- ***
- *** This example will be updated soon, come back to the Robot
- *** page on the Arduino server for updates!!
- ***
- *******************
- If you connect a IR receiver to the robot,
- you can control it like you control a TV set.
- Using a Sony compatiable remote control,
- map some buttons to different actions.
- You can make the robot move around without
- even touching it!
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- * Connect the IRreceiver to TDK2
- * Sony compatible remote control
- based on the IRremote library
- by Ken Shirriff
- http://arcfn.com
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-// include the necessary libraries
-#include <IRremote.h>
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-// Define a few commands from your remote control
-#define IR_CODE_FORWARD 0x2C9B
-#define IR_CODE_TURN_LEFT 0xD4B8F
-#define IR_CODE_TURN_RIGHT 0x34B8F
-int RECV_PIN = TKD2; // the pin the IR receiver is connected to
-IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); // an instance of the IR receiver object
-decode_results results; // container for received IR codes
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- // print some text to the screen
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Remote Control code:", 5, 5);
- Robot.text("Command:", 5, 26);
- irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
-void loop() {
- // if there is an IR command, process it
- if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
- processResult();
- irrecv.resume(); // resume receiver
- }
-void processResult() {
- unsigned long res = results.value;
- // print the value to the screen
- Robot.debugPrint(res, 5, 15);
- if(res == IR_CODE_FORWARD || res == IR_CODE_BACKWARDS || res == IR_CODE_TURN_LEFT || res == IR_CODE_TURN_RIGHT) {
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(5, 36, 55, 10);
- }
- switch(results.value){
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Forward", 5, 36);
- Robot.motorsWrite(255, 255);
- delay(300);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- break;
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Backwards", 5, 36);
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255, -255);
- delay(300);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- break;
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Left", 5, 36);
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255, 255);
- delay(100);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- break;
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Right", 5, 36);
- Robot.motorsWrite(255, -255);
- delay(100);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- break;
- }
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser/R09_Picture_Browser.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser/R09_Picture_Browser.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index a43348c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R09_Picture_Browser/R09_Picture_Browser.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* Picture Browser
- You can make your own gallery/picture show with the
- Robot. Put some pictures on the SD card, start the
- sketch, they will diplay on the screen.
- Use the left/right buttons to navigate through the
- previous and next images.
- Press up or down to enter a mode where you change
- the pictures by rotating the robot.
- You can add your own pictures onto the SD card, and
- view them in the Robot's gallery!
- Pictures must be uncompressed BMP, 24-bit color depth,
- 160 pixels wide, and 128 pixels tall.
- They should be named as "picN.bmp". Replace 'N' with a
- number between 0 and 9.
- The current code only supports 10 pictures. How would you
- improve it to handle more?
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-const int NUM_PICS = 4; //Total number of pictures in Gallery
-// name the modes
-const int CONTROL_MODE_KEY = 0;
-const int CONTROL_MODE_COMPASS = 1;
-char buffer[] = "pic1.bmp"; // current file name
-int i = 1; // Current gallery sequence counter
-int mode = 0; // Current mode
-// text to display on screen
-char modeNames[][9] = { "keyboard", "tilt " };
-void setup() {
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker
- Robot.beginSD();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.begin();
- // draw "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" on the screen
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // draw init3.bmp from the SD card on the screen
- Robot.drawBMP("init3.bmp", 0, 0);
- // display instructions
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("The gallery\n\n has 2 modes, in\n keyboard mode, L/R\n key for switching\n pictures, U/D key\n for changing modes", 5, 5);
- delay(6000);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- Robot.drawBMP("pb.bmp", 0, 0);
- Robot.text("In tilt mode,\n quickly tilt the\n robot to switch\n pictures", 5, 5);
- delay(4000);
-void loop() {
- buffer[3] = '0'+i;// change filename of the img to be displayed
- Robot.drawBMP(buffer, 0, 0); // draw the file on the screen
- // change control modes
- switch(mode) {
- compassControl(3);
- break;
- keyboardControl();
- break;
- }
- delay(200);
-void keyboardControl() {
- //Use buttons to control the gallery
- while(true) {
- int keyPressed = Robot.keyboardRead(); // read the button values
- switch(keyPressed) {
- case BUTTON_LEFT: // display previous picture
- if(--i < 1) i = NUM_PICS;
- return;
- case BUTTON_MIDDLE: // do nothing
- case BUTTON_RIGHT: // display next picture
- if(++i > NUM_PICS) i = 1;
- return;
- case BUTTON_UP: // change mode
- changeMode(-1);
- return;
- case BUTTON_DOWN: // change mode
- changeMode(1);
- return;
- }
- }
-// if controlling by the compass
-void compassControl(int change) {
- // Rotate the robot to change the pictures
- while(true) {
- // read the value of the compass
- int oldV = Robot.compassRead();
- //get the change of angle
- int diff = Robot.compassRead()-oldV;
- if(diff > 180) diff -= 360;
- else if(diff < -180) diff += 360;
- if(abs(diff) > change) {
- if(++i > NUM_PICS) i = 1;
- return;
- }
- // chage modes, if buttons are pressed
- int keyPressed = Robot.keyboardRead();
- switch(keyPressed) {
- case BUTTON_UP:
- changeMode(-1);
- return;
- changeMode(1);
- return;
- }
- delay(10);
- }
-// Change the control mode and display it on the LCD
-void changeMode(int changeDir) {
- // alternate modes
- mode += changeDir;
- if(mode < 0) {
- mode = 1;
- } else if(mode > 1)
- mode=0;
- // display the mode on screen
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(0, 0, 128, 12);
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Control:", 2, 2);
- Robot.text(modeNames[mode], 52, 2);
- delay(1000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R10_Rescue/R10_Rescue.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R10_Rescue/R10_Rescue.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 48044db..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R10_Rescue/R10_Rescue.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* Robot Rescue
- In this example, the robot enters the line following mode and
- plays some music until it reaches its target. Once it finds the
- target, it pushes it out of the track. It then returns to the
- track and looks for a second target.
- You can make the robot push as many objects as you want to, just
- add more to calls to the rescue function or even move that code
- into the loop.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- * some objects for the robot to push
- * a line-following circuit
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-void setup(){
- // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSD();
- Robot.beginSpeaker();
- // draw "lg0.bmp" and "lg1.bmp" on the screen
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // display the line following instructional image from the SD card
- Robot.drawBMP("lf.bmp", 0, 0);
- // play the chase music file
- Robot.playFile("chase.sqm");
- // add the instructions
- Robot.text("Rescue\n\n place the robot on\n the rescue track\n pushing the\n obstacles away", 5, 5);
- Robot.text("Press the middle\n button to start...", 5, 61);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- // start
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.rect(0, 0, 128, 80); // erase the previous text
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Start", 5, 5);
- // use this to calibrate the line following algorithm
- // uncomment one or the other to see the different behaviors of the robot
- // Robot.lineFollowConfig(11, 5, 50, 10);
- Robot.lineFollowConfig(14, 9, 50, 10);
- // run the rescue sequence
- rescueSequence();
- Robot.text("Found obstacle", 5, 12);
- // find the track again
- goToNext();
- Robot.text("Found track", 5, 19);
- // run the rescue sequence a second time
- rescueSequence();
- Robot.text("Found obstacle", 5, 26);
- // here you could go on ...
- // write status on the screen
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);
- Robot.text("Done!", 5, 25);
-void loop(){
- //nothing here, the program only runs once.
-// run the sequence
-void rescueSequence(){
- //set the motor board into line-follow mode
- Robot.setMode(MODE_LINE_FOLLOW);
- while(!Robot.isActionDone()){ // wait until it is no longer following the line
- }
- delay(1000);
- // do the rescue operation
- doRescue();
- delay(1000);
-void doRescue(){
- // Reached the endline, engage the target
- Robot.motorsWrite(200,200);
- delay(250);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
- // Turn the robot
- Robot.turn(90);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
- // Move forward
- Robot.motorsWrite(200,200);
- delay(500);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
- // move backwards, leave the target
- Robot.motorsWrite(-200,-200);
- delay(500);
- Robot.motorsStop();
-void goToNext(){
- // Turn the robot
- Robot.turn(-90);
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User/R11_Hello_User.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User/R11_Hello_User.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 90fbfff..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/explore/R11_Hello_User/R11_Hello_User.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* Hello User
- Hello User! This sketch is the first thing you see
- when starting this robot. It gives you a warm welcome,
- showing you some of the really amazing abilities of
- the robot, and make itself really personal to you.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h> // include the robot library
-// include the utility function for ths sketch
-// see the details below
-#include <utility/RobotTextManager.h>
-char buffer[20];//for storing user name
-void setup(){
- //necessary initialization sequence
- Robot.begin();
- Robot.beginTFT();
- Robot.beginSpeaker(32000);
- Robot.beginSD();
- // show the logos from the SD card
- Robot.displayLogos();
- // play the music file
- Robot.playFile("menu.sqm");
- // clear the screen
- Robot.clearScreen();
- // From now on, display different slides of
- // text/pictures in sequence. The so-called
- // scripts are strings of text stored in the
- // robot's memory
- // these functions are explained below
- //Script 6
- textManager.writeScript(5, 4, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 10, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 7
- textManager.writeScript(6, 4, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 10, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 8
- // this function enables sound and images at once
- textManager.showPicture("init2.bmp", 0, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(7, 2, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 7, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 9
- textManager.showPicture("init3.bmp", 0, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(8, 2, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 7, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Script 11
- textManager.writeScript(10, 4, 0);
- textManager.writeScript(9, 10, 0);
- Robot.waitContinue();
- delay(500);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //Input screen
- textManager.writeScript(0, 1, 1);
- textManager.input(3, 1, USERNAME);
- textManager.writeScript(1, 5, 1);
- textManager.input(7, 1, ROBOTNAME);
- delay(1000);
- Robot.clearScreen();
- //last screen
- textManager.showPicture("init4.bmp", 0, 0);
- textManager.writeText(1, 2, "Hello");
- Robot.userNameRead(buffer);
- textManager.writeText(3, 2, buffer);
- textManager.writeScript(4,10,0);
- Robot.waitContinue(BUTTON_LEFT);
- Robot.waitContinue(BUTTON_RIGHT);
- textManager.showPicture("kt1.bmp", 0, 0);
-void loop(){
- // do nothing here
-textManager mostly contains helper functions for
-R06_Wheel_Calibration and R01_Hello_User.
-The ones used in this example:
- textManager.setMargin(margin_left, margin_top):
- Configure the left and top margin for text
- display. The margins will be used for
- textManager.writeText().
- Parameters:
- margin_left, margin_top: the margin values
- from the top and left side of the screen.
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.writeScript(script_number,line,column):
- Display a script of Hello User example.
- Parameters:
- script_number: an int value representing the
- script to be displayed.
- line, column: in which line,column is the script
- displayed. Same as writeText().
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.input(line,column,codename):
- Print an input indicator(">") in the line and column,
- dispaly and receive input from a virtual keyboard,
- and save the value into EEPROM represented by codename
- Parameters:
- line,column: int values represents where the input
- starts. Same as wirteText().
- COUNTRYNAME. You can call Robot.userNameRead(),
- robotNameRead(),cityNameRead() or countryNameRead()
- to access the values later.
- Returns:
- none;
- textManager.writeText(line,column,text):
- Display text on the specific line and column.
- It's different from Robot.text() as the later
- uses pixels for positioning the text.
- Parameters:
- line:in which line is the text displayed. Each line
- is 10px high.
- column:in which column is the text displayed. Each
- column is 8px wide.
- text:a char array(string) of the text to be displayed.
- Returns:
- none
- textManager.showPicture(filename, x, y):
- It has the same functionality as Robot.drawPicture(),
- while fixing the conflict between drawPicture() and
- sound playing. Using Robot.drawPicture(), it'll have
- glitches when playing sound at the same time. Using
- showPicture(), it'll stop sound when displaying
- picture, so preventing the problem.
- Parameters:
- filename:string, name of the bmp file in sd
- x,y: int values, position of the picture
- Returns:
- none
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/AllIOPorts/AllIOPorts.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/AllIOPorts/AllIOPorts.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 3520214..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/AllIOPorts/AllIOPorts.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- All IO Ports
- This example goes through all the IO ports on your robot and
- reads/writes from/to them. Uncomment the different lines inside
- the loop to test the different possibilities.
- The TK inputs on the Control Board are multiplexed and therefore
- it is not recommended to use them as outputs. The TKD pins on the
- Control Board as well as the TK pins on the Motor Board go directly
- to the microcontroller and therefore can be used both as inputs
- and outputs.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-// use arrays to store the names of the pins to be read
-uint8_t arr[] = { TK0, TK1, TK2, TK3, TK4, TK5, TK6, TK7 };
-uint8_t arr2[] = { TKD0, TKD1, TKD2, TKD3, TKD4, TKD5 };
-uint8_t arr3[] = { B_TK1, B_TK2, B_TK3, B_TK4 };
-void setup(){
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // open the serial port to send the information of what you are reading
- Serial.begin(9600);
-void loop(){
- // read all the TK inputs at the Motor Board as analog
- analogReadB_TKs();
- // read all the TK inputs at the Motor Board as digital
- //digitalReadB_TKs();
- // read all the TK inputs at the Control Board as analog
- //analogReadTKs();
- // read all the TK inputs at the Control Board as digital
- //digitalReadTKs();
- // read all the TKD inputs at the Control Board as analog
- //analogReadTKDs();
- // read all the TKD inputs at the Control Board as digital
- //digitalReadTKDs();
- // write all the TK outputs at the Motor Board as digital
- //digitalWriteB_TKs();
- // write all the TKD outputs at the Control Board as digital
- //digitalWriteTKDs();
- delay(5);
-// read all TK inputs on the Control Board as analog inputs
-void analogReadTKs() {
- for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
- Serial.print(Robot.analogRead(arr[i]));
- Serial.print(",");
- }
- Serial.println("");
-// read all TK inputs on the Control Board as digital inputs
-void digitalReadTKs() {
- for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
- Serial.print(Robot.digitalRead(arr[i]));
- Serial.print(",");
- }
- Serial.println("");
-// read all TKD inputs on the Control Board as analog inputs
-void analogReadTKDs() {
- for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
- Serial.print(Robot.analogRead(arr2[i]));
- Serial.print(",");
- }
- Serial.println("");
-// read all TKD inputs on the Control Board as digital inputs
-void digitalReadTKDs() {
- for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
- Serial.print(Robot.digitalRead(arr2[i]));
- Serial.print(",");
- }
- Serial.println("");
-// write all TKD outputs on the Control Board as digital outputs
-void digitalWriteTKDs() {
- // turn all the pins on
- for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
- Robot.digitalWrite(arr2[i], HIGH);
- }
- delay(500);
- // turn all the pins off
- for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
- Robot.digitalWrite(arr2[i], LOW);
- }
- delay(500);
-// write all TK outputs on the Motor Board as digital outputs
-void digitalWriteB_TKs() {
- // turn all the pins on
- for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- Robot.digitalWrite(arr3[i], HIGH);
- }
- delay(500);
- // turn all the pins off
- for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- Robot.digitalWrite(arr3[i], LOW);
- }
- delay(500);
-// read all TK inputs on the Motor Board as analog inputs
-void analogReadB_TKs() {
- for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- Serial.print(Robot.analogRead(arr3[i]));
- Serial.print(",");
- }
- Serial.println("");
-// read all TKD inputs on the Motor Board as digital inputs
-void digitalReadB_TKs() {
- for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- Serial.print(Robot.digitalRead(arr3[i]));
- Serial.print(",");
- }
- Serial.println("");
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Beep/Beep.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Beep/Beep.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a78673..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Beep/Beep.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- Beep
- Test different pre-configured beeps on
- the robot's speaker.
- Possible beeps are:
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the sound speaker
- Robot.beginSpeaker();
-void loop() {
- Robot.beep(BEEP_SIMPLE);
- delay(1000);
- Robot.beep(BEEP_DOUBLE);
- delay(1000);
- Robot.beep(BEEP_LONG);
- delay(1000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/CleanEEPROM/CleanEEPROM.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/CleanEEPROM/CleanEEPROM.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index ae14bdd..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/CleanEEPROM/CleanEEPROM.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Clean EEPROM
- This example erases the user information stored on the
- external EEPROM memory chip on your robot.
- BEWARE, this will erase the following information:
- - your name
- - your robots name given by you
- - your city and country if you configured them via software
- EEPROMs shouldn't be rewritten too often, therefore the
- code runs only during setup and not inside loop.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup(){
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // write empty strings for the different fields
- Robot.userNameWrite("");
- Robot.robotNameWrite("");
- Robot.cityNameWrite("");
- Robot.countryNameWrite("");
-void loop(){
- // do nothing
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Compass/Compass.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Compass/Compass.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 4170ab7..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Compass/Compass.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Compass
- Try the compass both on the robot's TFT
- and through the serial port.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the robot's screen
- Robot.beginTFT();
- // initialize the serial port
- Serial.begin(9600);
-void loop() {
- // read the compass
- int compass = Robot.compassRead();
- // print out the sensor's value
- Serial.println(compass);
- // show the value on the robot's screen
- Robot.drawCompass(compass);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/IRArray/IRArray.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/IRArray/IRArray.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 36b4acf..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/IRArray/IRArray.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- IR array
- Read the analog value of the IR sensors at the
- bottom of the robot. The also-called line following
- sensors are a series of pairs of IR sender/receiver
- used to detect how dark it is underneath the robot.
- The information coming from the sensor array is stored
- into the Robot.IRarray[] and updated using the Robot.updateIR()
- method.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup(){
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the serial port
- Serial.begin(9600);
-void loop(){
- // store the sensor information into the array
- Robot.updateIR();
- // iterate the array and print the data to the Serial port
- for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
- Serial.print(Robot.IRarray[i]);
- Serial.print(" ");
- }
- Serial.println("");
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDDebugPrint/LCDDebugPrint.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDDebugPrint/LCDDebugPrint.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 0078b77..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDDebugPrint/LCDDebugPrint.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- LCD Debug Print
- Use the Robot's library function debugPrint() to
- quickly send a sensor reading to the robot's creen.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-int value;
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the screen
- Robot.beginTFT();
-void loop(){
- // read a value
- value = analogRead(A4);
- // send the value to the screen
- Robot.debugPrint(value);
- delay(40);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDPrint/LCDPrint.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDPrint/LCDPrint.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index d34168c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDPrint/LCDPrint.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- LCD Print
- Print the reading from a sensor to the screen.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-int value;
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the robot's screen
- Robot.beginLCD();
-void loop() {
- // read a analog port
- value=Robot.analogRead(TK4);
- // write the sensor value on the screen
- Robot.fill(0, 255, 0);
- Robot.textSize(1);
- Robot.text(value, 0, 0);
- delay(500);
- // erase the previous text on the screen
- Robot.fill(255, 255, 255);
- Robot.textSize(1);
- Robot.text(value, 0, 0);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDWriteText/LCDWriteText.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDWriteText/LCDWriteText.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index e34a7d2..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LCDWriteText/LCDWriteText.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- LCD Write Text
- Use the Robot's library function text() to
- print out text to the robot's screen. Take
- into account that you need to erase the
- information before continuing writing.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the screen
- Robot.beginTFT();
-void loop() {
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0); // choose the color black
- Robot.text("Hello World", 0, 0); // print the text
- delay(2000);
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255); // choose the color white
- Robot.text("Hello World", 0, 0); // writing text in the same color as the BG erases the text!
- Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0); // choose the color black
- Robot.text("I am a robot", 0, 0); // print the text
- delay(3000);
- Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255); // choose the color black
- Robot.text("I am a robot", 0, 0); // print the text
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LineFollowWithPause/LineFollowWithPause.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LineFollowWithPause/LineFollowWithPause.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index a3d3fc0..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/LineFollowWithPause/LineFollowWithPause.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- Line Following with Pause
- As the robot has two processors, one to command the motors and one to
- take care of the screen and user input, it is possible to write
- programs that put one part of the robot to do something and get the
- other half to control it.
- This example shows how the Control Board assigns the Motor one to
- follow a line, but asks it to stop every 3 seconds.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the screen
- Robot.beginTFT();
- // get some time to place the robot on the ground
- delay(3000);
- // set the robot in line following mode
- Robot.setMode(MODE_LINE_FOLLOW);
-void loop() {
- // tell the robot to take a break and stop
- Robot.pauseMode(true);
- Robot.debugPrint('p');
- delay(3000);
- // tell the robot to move on
- Robot.pauseMode(false);
- Robot.debugPrint('>');
- delay(3000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Melody/Melody.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Melody/Melody.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c049a7..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/Melody/Melody.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- Melody
- Plays a melody stored in a string.
- The notes and durations are encoded as follows:
- c play "C"
- C play "#C"
- d play "D"
- D play "#D"
- e play "E"
- f play "F"
- F play "#F"
- g play "G"
- G play "#G"
- a play "A"
- A play "#A"
- b play "B"
- - silence
- 1 Set as full note
- 2 Set as half note
- 4 Set as quarter note
- 8 Set as eigth note
- . Make the previous note 3/4 the length
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- This code uses the Squawk sound library designed by STG. For
- more information about it check: http://github.com/stg/squawk
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the sound library
- Robot.beginSpeaker();
-void loop() {
- // array containing the melody
- char aTinyMelody[] = "8eF-FFga4b.a.g.F.8beee-d2e.1-";
- // play the melody
- Robot.playMelody(aTinyMelody);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/MotorTest/MotorTest.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/MotorTest/MotorTest.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index baaaf06..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/MotorTest/MotorTest.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Motor Test
- Just see if the robot can move and turn.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
-void loop() {
- Robot.motorsWrite(255,255); // move forward
- delay(2000);
- Robot.motorsStop(); // fast stop
- delay(1000);
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255,-255); // backward
- delay(1000);
- Robot.motorsWrite(0,0); // slow stop
- delay(1000);
- Robot.motorsWrite(-255,255); // turn left
- delay(2000);
- Robot.motorsStop(); // fast stop
- delay(1000);
- Robot.motorsWrite(255,-255); // turn right
- delay(2000);
- Robot.motorsStop(); // fast stop
- delay(1000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/SpeedByPotentiometer/SpeedByPotentiometer.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/SpeedByPotentiometer/SpeedByPotentiometer.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index e97f48d..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/SpeedByPotentiometer/SpeedByPotentiometer.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- Speed by Potentiometer
- Control the robot's speed using the on-board
- potentiometer. The speed will be printed on
- the TFT screen.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
- // initialize the screen
- Robot.beginTFT();
-void loop() {
- // read the value of the potentiometer
- int val=map(Robot.knobRead(), 0, 1023, -255, 255);
- // print the value to the TFT screen
- Robot.debugPrint(val);
- // set the same speed on both of the robot's wheels
- Robot.motorsWrite(val,val);
- delay(10);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/TurnTest/TurnTest.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/TurnTest/TurnTest.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 543c06c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/TurnTest/TurnTest.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- Turn Test
- Check if the robot turns a certain amount of degrees.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
-void loop(){
- Robot.turn(50); //turn 50 degrees to the right
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
- Robot.turn(-100); //turn 100 degrees to the left
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/TurnTest/TurnTest.ino.orig b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/TurnTest/TurnTest.ino.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e3624f..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/TurnTest/TurnTest.ino.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- Turn Test
- Check if the robot turns a certain amount of degrees.
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the robot
- Robot.begin();
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-void loop() {
- Robot.turn(50); //turn 50 degrees to the right
-void loop(){
- Robot.turn(50);//turn 50 degrees to the right
- Robot.motorsStop();
->>>>>>> f062f704463222e83390b4a954e211f0f7e6e66f
- delay(1000);
- Robot.turn(-100);//turn 100 degrees to the left
- Robot.motorsStop();
- delay(1000);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/keyboardTest/keyboardTest.ino b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/keyboardTest/keyboardTest.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bbc0e5..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/keyboardTest/keyboardTest.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- Keyboard Test
- Check how the robot's keyboard works. This example
- sends the data about the key pressed through the
- serial port.
- All the buttons on the Control Board are tied up to a
- single analog input pin, in this way it is possible to multiplex a
- whole series of buttons on one single pin.
- It is possible to recalibrate the thresholds of the buttons using
- the Robot.keyboardCalibrate() function, that takes a 5 ints long
- array as parameter
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-void setup() {
- // initialize the serial port
- Serial.begin(9600);
-void loop() {
- // print out the keyboard readings
- Serial.println(Robot.keyboardRead());
- delay(100);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/keyboardTest/keyboardTest.ino.orig b/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/keyboardTest/keyboardTest.ino.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee6c05..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/examples/learn/keyboardTest/keyboardTest.ino.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- Keyboard Test
- Check how the robot's keyboard works. This example
- sends the data about the key pressed through the
- serial port.
- All the buttons on the Control Board are tied up to a
- single analog input pin, in this way it is possible to multiplex a
- whole series of buttons on one single pin.
- It is possible to recalibrate the thresholds of the buttons using
- the Robot.keyboardCalibrate() function, that takes a 5 ints long
- array as parameter
- Circuit:
- * Arduino Robot
- created 1 May 2013
- by X. Yang
- modified 12 May 2013
- by D. Cuartielles
- This example is in the public domain
- */
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-// it is possible to use an array to calibrate
-//int vals[] = { 0, 133, 305, 481, 724 };
-void setup() {
- // initialize the serial port
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // calibrate the keyboard
- //Robot.keyboardCalibrate(vals);//For the new robot only.
-void setup(){
- Serial.begin(9600);
->>>>>>> f062f704463222e83390b4a954e211f0f7e6e66f
-void loop() {
- // print out the keyboard readings
- Serial.println(Robot.keyboardRead());
- delay(100);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/glcdfont.c b/libraries/Robot_Control/glcdfont.c
deleted file mode 100644
index abc3631..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/glcdfont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-#include <avr/io.h>
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#ifndef FONT5X7_H
-#define FONT5X7_H
-// standard ascii 5x7 font
-static unsigned char font[] PROGMEM = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x3E, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x5B, 0x3E,
- 0x3E, 0x6B, 0x4F, 0x6B, 0x3E,
- 0x1C, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0x3E, 0x1C,
- 0x18, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x18,
- 0x1C, 0x57, 0x7D, 0x57, 0x1C,
- 0x1C, 0x5E, 0x7F, 0x5E, 0x1C,
- 0x00, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x00,
- 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0xFF,
- 0x00, 0x18, 0x24, 0x18, 0x00,
- 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xDB, 0xE7, 0xFF,
- 0x30, 0x48, 0x3A, 0x06, 0x0E,
- 0x26, 0x29, 0x79, 0x29, 0x26,
- 0x40, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07,
- 0x40, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x25, 0x3F,
- 0x5A, 0x3C, 0xE7, 0x3C, 0x5A,
- 0x7F, 0x3E, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x08,
- 0x08, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x3E, 0x7F,
- 0x14, 0x22, 0x7F, 0x22, 0x14,
- 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x00, 0x5F, 0x5F,
- 0x06, 0x09, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x7F,
- 0x00, 0x66, 0x89, 0x95, 0x6A,
- 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60,
- 0x94, 0xA2, 0xFF, 0xA2, 0x94,
- 0x08, 0x04, 0x7E, 0x04, 0x08,
- 0x10, 0x20, 0x7E, 0x20, 0x10,
- 0x08, 0x08, 0x2A, 0x1C, 0x08,
- 0x08, 0x1C, 0x2A, 0x08, 0x08,
- 0x1E, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
- 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x0C,
- 0x30, 0x38, 0x3E, 0x38, 0x30,
- 0x06, 0x0E, 0x3E, 0x0E, 0x06,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x5F, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00,
- 0x14, 0x7F, 0x14, 0x7F, 0x14,
- 0x24, 0x2A, 0x7F, 0x2A, 0x12,
- 0x23, 0x13, 0x08, 0x64, 0x62,
- 0x36, 0x49, 0x56, 0x20, 0x50,
- 0x00, 0x08, 0x07, 0x03, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x1C, 0x22, 0x41, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x41, 0x22, 0x1C, 0x00,
- 0x2A, 0x1C, 0x7F, 0x1C, 0x2A,
- 0x08, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x08, 0x08,
- 0x00, 0x80, 0x70, 0x30, 0x00,
- 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x60, 0x00,
- 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02,
- 0x3E, 0x51, 0x49, 0x45, 0x3E,
- 0x00, 0x42, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x00,
- 0x72, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x46,
- 0x21, 0x41, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x33,
- 0x18, 0x14, 0x12, 0x7F, 0x10,
- 0x27, 0x45, 0x45, 0x45, 0x39,
- 0x3C, 0x4A, 0x49, 0x49, 0x31,
- 0x41, 0x21, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07,
- 0x36, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x36,
- 0x46, 0x49, 0x49, 0x29, 0x1E,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x40, 0x34, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x08, 0x14, 0x22, 0x41,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14,
- 0x00, 0x41, 0x22, 0x14, 0x08,
- 0x02, 0x01, 0x59, 0x09, 0x06,
- 0x3E, 0x41, 0x5D, 0x59, 0x4E,
- 0x7C, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x7C,
- 0x7F, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x36,
- 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x22,
- 0x7F, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x3E,
- 0x7F, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x41,
- 0x7F, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x01,
- 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x51, 0x73,
- 0x7F, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x7F,
- 0x00, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x00,
- 0x20, 0x40, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x01,
- 0x7F, 0x08, 0x14, 0x22, 0x41,
- 0x7F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,
- 0x7F, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x7F,
- 0x7F, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x7F,
- 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x3E,
- 0x7F, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x06,
- 0x3E, 0x41, 0x51, 0x21, 0x5E,
- 0x7F, 0x09, 0x19, 0x29, 0x46,
- 0x26, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x32,
- 0x03, 0x01, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x03,
- 0x3F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3F,
- 0x1F, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x1F,
- 0x3F, 0x40, 0x38, 0x40, 0x3F,
- 0x63, 0x14, 0x08, 0x14, 0x63,
- 0x03, 0x04, 0x78, 0x04, 0x03,
- 0x61, 0x59, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x43,
- 0x00, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
- 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20,
- 0x00, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x7F,
- 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04,
- 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,
- 0x00, 0x03, 0x07, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0x20, 0x54, 0x54, 0x78, 0x40,
- 0x7F, 0x28, 0x44, 0x44, 0x38,
- 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x28,
- 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x28, 0x7F,
- 0x38, 0x54, 0x54, 0x54, 0x18,
- 0x00, 0x08, 0x7E, 0x09, 0x02,
- 0x18, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x9C, 0x78,
- 0x7F, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x78,
- 0x00, 0x44, 0x7D, 0x40, 0x00,
- 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3D, 0x00,
- 0x7F, 0x10, 0x28, 0x44, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x00,
- 0x7C, 0x04, 0x78, 0x04, 0x78,
- 0x7C, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x78,
- 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x38,
- 0xFC, 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x18,
- 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x18, 0xFC,
- 0x7C, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08,
- 0x48, 0x54, 0x54, 0x54, 0x24,
- 0x04, 0x04, 0x3F, 0x44, 0x24,
- 0x3C, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x7C,
- 0x1C, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x1C,
- 0x3C, 0x40, 0x30, 0x40, 0x3C,
- 0x44, 0x28, 0x10, 0x28, 0x44,
- 0x4C, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x7C,
- 0x44, 0x64, 0x54, 0x4C, 0x44,
- 0x00, 0x08, 0x36, 0x41, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x77, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x41, 0x36, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x02,
- 0x3C, 0x26, 0x23, 0x26, 0x3C,
- 0x1E, 0xA1, 0xA1, 0x61, 0x12,
- 0x3A, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x7A,
- 0x38, 0x54, 0x54, 0x55, 0x59,
- 0x21, 0x55, 0x55, 0x79, 0x41,
- 0x21, 0x54, 0x54, 0x78, 0x41,
- 0x21, 0x55, 0x54, 0x78, 0x40,
- 0x20, 0x54, 0x55, 0x79, 0x40,
- 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x52, 0x72, 0x12,
- 0x39, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x59,
- 0x39, 0x54, 0x54, 0x54, 0x59,
- 0x39, 0x55, 0x54, 0x54, 0x58,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x7C, 0x41,
- 0x00, 0x02, 0x45, 0x7D, 0x42,
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x45, 0x7C, 0x40,
- 0xF0, 0x29, 0x24, 0x29, 0xF0,
- 0xF0, 0x28, 0x25, 0x28, 0xF0,
- 0x7C, 0x54, 0x55, 0x45, 0x00,
- 0x20, 0x54, 0x54, 0x7C, 0x54,
- 0x7C, 0x0A, 0x09, 0x7F, 0x49,
- 0x32, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x32,
- 0x32, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0x32,
- 0x32, 0x4A, 0x48, 0x48, 0x30,
- 0x3A, 0x41, 0x41, 0x21, 0x7A,
- 0x3A, 0x42, 0x40, 0x20, 0x78,
- 0x00, 0x9D, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0x7D,
- 0x39, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x39,
- 0x3D, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3D,
- 0x3C, 0x24, 0xFF, 0x24, 0x24,
- 0x48, 0x7E, 0x49, 0x43, 0x66,
- 0x2B, 0x2F, 0xFC, 0x2F, 0x2B,
- 0xFF, 0x09, 0x29, 0xF6, 0x20,
- 0xC0, 0x88, 0x7E, 0x09, 0x03,
- 0x20, 0x54, 0x54, 0x79, 0x41,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x7D, 0x41,
- 0x30, 0x48, 0x48, 0x4A, 0x32,
- 0x38, 0x40, 0x40, 0x22, 0x7A,
- 0x00, 0x7A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x72,
- 0x7D, 0x0D, 0x19, 0x31, 0x7D,
- 0x26, 0x29, 0x29, 0x2F, 0x28,
- 0x26, 0x29, 0x29, 0x29, 0x26,
- 0x30, 0x48, 0x4D, 0x40, 0x20,
- 0x38, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
- 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x38,
- 0x2F, 0x10, 0xC8, 0xAC, 0xBA,
- 0x2F, 0x10, 0x28, 0x34, 0xFA,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x08, 0x14, 0x2A, 0x14, 0x22,
- 0x22, 0x14, 0x2A, 0x14, 0x08,
- 0xAA, 0x00, 0x55, 0x00, 0xAA,
- 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x00,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xFF, 0x00,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xFC, 0x00,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0xF7, 0x00, 0xFF,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0xF4, 0x04, 0xFC,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x10, 0x1F,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x1F,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x00,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x10,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x10,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x10,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x10,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x14,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x17,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x04, 0xF4,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x10, 0x17,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0xF4, 0x04, 0xF4,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xF7,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0xF7, 0x00, 0xF7,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x14,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x1F,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xF4, 0x14,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x1F,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x14,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x14,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x10, 0xFF,
- 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xFF, 0x14,
- 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x10,
- 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
- 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0,
- 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
- 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F,
- 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x38, 0x44,
- 0x7C, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x3E, 0x14,
- 0x7E, 0x02, 0x02, 0x06, 0x06,
- 0x02, 0x7E, 0x02, 0x7E, 0x02,
- 0x63, 0x55, 0x49, 0x41, 0x63,
- 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x3C, 0x04,
- 0x40, 0x7E, 0x20, 0x1E, 0x20,
- 0x06, 0x02, 0x7E, 0x02, 0x02,
- 0x99, 0xA5, 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x99,
- 0x1C, 0x2A, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x1C,
- 0x4C, 0x72, 0x01, 0x72, 0x4C,
- 0x30, 0x4A, 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x30,
- 0x30, 0x48, 0x78, 0x48, 0x30,
- 0xBC, 0x62, 0x5A, 0x46, 0x3D,
- 0x3E, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x00,
- 0x7E, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x7E,
- 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,
- 0x44, 0x44, 0x5F, 0x44, 0x44,
- 0x40, 0x51, 0x4A, 0x44, 0x40,
- 0x40, 0x44, 0x4A, 0x51, 0x40,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x03,
- 0xE0, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x08, 0x08, 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x08,
- 0x36, 0x12, 0x36, 0x24, 0x36,
- 0x06, 0x0F, 0x09, 0x0F, 0x06,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00,
- 0x30, 0x40, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x01,
- 0x00, 0x1F, 0x01, 0x01, 0x1E,
- 0x00, 0x19, 0x1D, 0x17, 0x12,
- 0x00, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/helper.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/helper.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a956a..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/helper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h"
-void RobotControl::drawBase(){
- Arduino_LCD::drawCircle(64,80,50,foreGround);
- Arduino_LCD::drawLine(64,30,64,20,foreGround);
-void RobotControl::drawDire(int16_t dire){
- static uint8_t x_old;
- static uint8_t y_old;
- static uint8_t x_t_old;
- static uint8_t y_t_old;
- uint8_t x=60*sin(dire/360.0*6.28)+64;
- uint8_t x_t=40*sin(dire/360.0*6.28)+64;
- uint8_t y=60*cos(dire/360.0*6.28)+80;
- uint8_t y_t=40*cos(dire/360.0*6.28)+80;
- Arduino_LCD::drawLine(x_t_old,y_t_old,x_old,y_old,backGround);
- Arduino_LCD::drawLine(x_t,y_t,x,y,RED);
- x_old=x;
- y_old=y;
- x_t_old=x_t;
- y_t_old=y_t;
-void RobotControl::drawCompass(uint16_t value){
- drawBase();
- drawDire(value);
- debugPrint(value,57,76);
-//display logos
-void RobotControl::displayLogos(){
- _drawBMP("lg0.bmp",0,0);
- delay(2000);
- _drawBMP("lg1.bmp",0,0);
- delay(2000);
- clearScreen();
-//wait for a button to be pressed
-void RobotControl::waitContinue(uint8_t key){
- while(!(Robot.keyboardRead()==key));
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/information.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/information.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c36e9ce..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/information.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/*#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-//0 - 319: pic array,
-//320 - 337 username,
-//338 - 355 robotname,
-//356 - 373 cityname,
- //374- 391 countryname,
-//508-511 robot info
-void RobotControl::getMyName(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_USERNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-void RobotControl::getRobotName(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-void RobotControl::getMyCity(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_CITYNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-void RobotControl::getMyCountry(char* container){
- EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18);
-void RobotControl::setMyName(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_USERNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-void RobotControl::setRobotName(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-void RobotControl::setMyCity(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_CITYNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-void RobotControl::setMyCountry(char* text){
- EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18);
-*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/keyboard.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/keyboard.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e647bb..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/keyboard.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h"
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-int pul_min[]={0,133,319,494,732};
-int pul_max[]={10,153,339,514,752};
-/*int pul_min[]={0,123,295,471,714};
-int pul_max[]={0,143,315,491,734};*/
-int pul_min[]={0,133,319,494,732};
-int pul_max[]={10,153,339,514,752};
-void sort(int* v);
-void RobotControl::keyboardCalibrate(int *vals){
- for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
- pul_min[i]=vals[i]-10;
- pul_max[i]=vals[i]+10;
- }
-int8_t RobotControl::keyboardRead(void)
- int lectura_pul;
- int8_t conta_pul=0;
- static int anterior=0;
- lectura_pul = this->averageAnalogInput(KEY);
- while ((conta_pul < NUMBER_BUTTONS) && !(lectura_pul >= pul_min[conta_pul] && lectura_pul <= pul_max[conta_pul]))
- conta_pul++;
- if (conta_pul >= NUMBER_BUTTONS)
- conta_pul = -1;
- else
- delay(100);
- return conta_pul;
-int RobotControl::averageAnalogInput(int pinNum)
- int vals[5];
- for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
- for(int j=i;j<5;j++){
- vals[j]=::analogRead(pinNum);
- }
- sort(vals);
- }
- return vals[0];
-void sort(int* v){
- int tmp;
- for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
- for(int j=i+1;j<5;j++)
- if(v[j]<v[i]){
- tmp=v[j];
- v[j]=v[i];
- v[i]=tmp;
- }
- v[0]=v[3];
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/lcd.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/lcd.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f9f2ce..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/lcd.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobot.h"
-#include "Wire.h"
-#define BUFFPIXEL 20
-bool cmp(char* str1, char* str2, uint8_t len);
-uint16_t read16(Fat16& f);
-uint32_t read32(Fat16& f);
-//uint16_t color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
-void RobotControl::beginTFT(uint16_t foreGround, uint16_t backGround){
- //TFT initialization
- Arduino_LCD::initB();
- Arduino_LCD::fillScreen(backGround);
- Arduino_LCD::setTextColor(foreGround);
- Arduino_LCD::setTextSize(1);
- this->foreGround=foreGround;
- this->backGround=backGround;
-void RobotControl::_enableLCD(){
- DDRB = DDRB & 0xEF; //pinMode(CS_SD,INPUT);
- DDRB = DDRB | 0x20; //pinMode(CS_LCD,OUTPUT);
-/*void RobotControl::_setErase(uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY){
- Arduino_LCD::setCursor(posX,posY);
- Arduino_LCD::setTextColor(backGround);
- Arduino_LCD::setTextSize(1);
-void RobotControl::_setWrite(uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY){
- Arduino_LCD::setCursor(posX,posY);
- Arduino_LCD::setTextColor(foreGround);
- Arduino_LCD::setTextSize(1);
-void RobotControl::text(int value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW){
- if(EW)
- _setWrite(posX,posY);
- else
- _setErase(posX,posY);
- Arduino_LCD::print(value);
-void RobotControl::text(long value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW){
- if(EW)
- _setWrite(posX,posY);
- else
- _setErase(posX,posY);
- Arduino_LCD::print(value);
-void RobotControl::text(char* value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW){
- if(EW)
- _setWrite(posX,posY);
- else
- _setErase(posX,posY);
- Arduino_LCD::print(value);
-void RobotControl::text(char value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW){
- if(EW)
- _setWrite(posX,posY);
- else
- _setErase(posX,posY);
- Arduino_LCD::print(value);
-void RobotControl::debugPrint(long value, uint8_t x, uint8_t y){
- static long oldVal=0;
- Arduino_LCD::stroke(backGround);
- text(oldVal,x,y);
- Arduino_LCD::stroke(foreGround);
- text(value,x,y);
- oldVal=value;
-void RobotControl::clearScreen(){
- Arduino_LCD::fillScreen(backGround);
-void RobotControl::drawBMP(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y){
- /*for(int j=0;j<NUM_EEPROM_BMP;j++){
- Serial.println(_eeprom_bmp[j].name);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(_eeprom_bmp[j].address);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(_eeprom_bmp[j].width);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.println(_eeprom_bmp[j].height);
- }
- Serial.println();*/
- if(_isEEPROM_BMP_Allocated){
- for(int i=0;i<NUM_EEPROM_BMP;i++){
- if(cmp(_eeprom_bmp[i].name,filename,7)){
- /*Serial.println(_eeprom_bmp[i].name);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(_eeprom_bmp[i].address);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(_eeprom_bmp[i].width);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.println(_eeprom_bmp[i].height);*/
- _drawBMP(_eeprom_bmp[i].address,x,y,_eeprom_bmp[i].width,_eeprom_bmp[i].height);
- return;
- }
- }
- }else{
- _drawBMP(filename,x,y);//goes to SD
- }
-bool cmp(char* str1, char* str2, uint8_t len){
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<len;i++){
- if(str1[i]==' ')break;
- if(str1[i]!=str2[i])return false;
- }
- return true;
-void RobotControl::_drawBMP(uint32_t iconOffset, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height){
- uint8_t screenWidth=Arduino_LCD::width();
- uint8_t screenHeight=Arduino_LCD::height();
- if((x >= screenWidth) || (y >= screenHeight)) return;
- // Crop area to be loaded
- if((x+width-1) >= screenWidth) width = screenWidth - x;
- if((y+height-1) >= screenHeight) height = screenHeight - y;
- // Set TFT address window to clipped image bounds
- Arduino_LCD::setAddrWindow(x, y, x+width-1, y+height-1);
- // launch the reading command
- _drawBMP_EEPROM(iconOffset, width, height);
-// Draw BMP from SD card through the filename
-void RobotControl::_drawBMP(char* filename, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY){
- uint8_t bmpWidth, bmpHeight; // W+H in pixels
- uint8_t bmpDepth; // Bit depth (currently must be 24)
- uint32_t bmpImageoffset; // Start of image data in file
- uint32_t rowSize; // Not always = bmpWidth; may have padding
- uint8_t sdbuffer[3*BUFFPIXEL]; // pixel buffer (R+G+B per pixel)
- uint8_t buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer); // Current position in sdbuffer
- bool goodBmp = false; // Set to true on valid header parse
- bool flip = true; // BMP is stored bottom-to-top
- uint8_t w, h, row, col;
- uint8_t r, g, b;
- uint32_t pos = 0;
- // Open requested file on SD card
- if ((file.open(filename,O_READ)) == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- // Parse BMP header
- if(read16(file) == 0x4D42) { // BMP signature
- read32(file);//uint32_t aux = read32(file);
- (void)read32(file); // Read & ignore creator bytes
- bmpImageoffset = read32(file); // Start of image data
- // Read DIB header
- (void)read32(file);//aux = read32(file);
- bmpWidth = read32(file);
- bmpHeight = read32(file);
- if(read16(file) == 1) { // # planes -- must be '1'
- bmpDepth = read16(file); // bits per pixel
- if((bmpDepth == 24) && (read32(file) == 0)) { // 0 = uncompressed
- goodBmp = true; // Supported BMP format -- proceed!
- // BMP rows are padded (if needed) to 4-byte boundary
- rowSize = (bmpWidth * 3 + 3) & ~3;
- // If bmpHeight is negative, image is in top-down order.
- // This is not canon but has been observed in the wild.
- if(bmpHeight < 0) {
- bmpHeight = -bmpHeight;
- flip = false;
- }
- // Crop area to be loaded
- w = bmpWidth;
- h = bmpHeight;
- // Start drawing
- //_enableLCD();
- Arduino_LCD::setAddrWindow(posX, posY, posX+bmpWidth-1, posY+bmpHeight-1);
- for (row=0; row<h; row++) { // For each scanline...
- if(flip) // Bitmap is stored bottom-to-top order (normal BMP)
- pos = bmpImageoffset + (bmpHeight - 1 - row) * rowSize;
- else // Bitmap is stored top-to-bottom
- pos = bmpImageoffset + row * rowSize;
- if(file.curPosition() != pos) { // Need seek?
- //_enableSD();
- file.seekSet(pos);
- buffidx = sizeof(sdbuffer); // Force buffer reload
- //_enableLCD();
- }
- for (col=0; col<w; col++) { // For each pixel...
- // Time to read more pixel data?
- if (buffidx >= sizeof(sdbuffer)) { // Indeed
- //_enableSD();
- file.read(sdbuffer, sizeof(sdbuffer));
- buffidx = 0; // Set index to beginning
- //_enableLCD();
- }
- // Convert pixel from BMP to TFT format, push to display
- b = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
- g = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
- r = sdbuffer[buffidx++];
- int color = Arduino_LCD::Color565(r,g,b);
- Arduino_LCD::pushColor(color);
- } // end pixel
- } // end scanline
- //_enableSD();
- } // end goodBmp*/
- }
- }
- file.close();
- //_enableLCD();
-uint16_t read16(Fat16& f) {
- uint16_t result;
- f.read(&result,sizeof(result));
- return result;
-uint32_t read32(Fat16& f) {
- uint32_t result;
- f.read(&result,sizeof(result));
- return result;
-uint16_t color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
- return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);
-void RobotControl::_drawBMP_EEPROM(uint16_t address, uint8_t width, uint8_t height){
- uint16_t u16retVal = 0;
- EEPROM_I2C::_beginTransmission(address);
- EEPROM_I2C::_endTransmission();
- /*Wire.beginTransmission(DEVICEADDRESS);
- Wire.write( (address >> 8) & 0xFF );
- Wire.write( (address >> 0) & 0xFF );
- Wire.endTransmission();*/
- long s = width * height ;
- for(long j = 0; j < (long) s >> 4; j++) { // divided by 32, times 2
- Wire.requestFrom(DEVICEADDRESS, 32);
- for(int i = 0; i < 32; i+=2) {
- u16retVal = Wire.read();
- u16retVal = (u16retVal << 8) + Wire.read();
- Arduino_LCD::pushColor(u16retVal);
- }
- }
-void RobotControl::beginBMPFromEEPROM(){
- _eeprom_bmp=(EEPROM_BMP*)malloc(NUM_EEPROM_BMP*sizeof(EEPROM_BMP));
- EEPROM_I2C::_beginTransmission(0);
- EEPROM_I2C::_endTransmission();
- for(uint8_t j=0;j<NUM_EEPROM_BMP;j++){
- Wire.requestFrom(DEVICEADDRESS, sizeof(EEPROM_BMP));
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++){
- _eeprom_bmp[j].name[i]=Wire.read();//name
- }
- _eeprom_bmp[j].width=Wire.read();//width
- _eeprom_bmp[j].height=Wire.read();//height
- _eeprom_bmp[j].address=Wire.read();
- _eeprom_bmp[j].address=_eeprom_bmp[j].address + (Wire.read() << 8);//address
- }
- _isEEPROM_BMP_Allocated=true;
-void RobotControl::endBMPFromEEPROM(){
- free(_eeprom_bmp);
- _isEEPROM_BMP_Allocated=false;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/RobotTextManager.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/RobotTextManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b516409..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/RobotTextManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-#include "VirtualKeyboard.h"
-#include "RobotTextManager.h"
-#include "scripts_Hello_User.h"
-const int TextManager::lineHeight=10;
-const int TextManager::charWidth=6;
-void TextManager::setMargin(int margin_left,int margin_top){
- this->margin_left=margin_left;
- this->margin_top=margin_top;
-int TextManager::getLin(int lineNum){
- return lineNum*lineHeight+margin_top;
-int TextManager::getCol(int colNum){
- return colNum*charWidth+margin_left;
-void TextManager::writeText(int lineNum, int colNum, char* txt, bool onOff){
- if(!onOff)
- Robot.setTextColor(WHITE);
- Robot.setCursor(getCol(colNum),getLin(lineNum));
- Robot.print(txt);
- Robot.setTextColor(BLACK);
-void TextManager::drawInput(bool onOff){
- if(!onOff)
- Robot.setTextColor(WHITE);
- Robot.setCursor(getCol(inputCol),getLin(inputLin)+1);
- Robot.print('_');
- Robot.setTextColor(BLACK);
-void TextManager::mvInput(int dire){
- drawInput(0);
- if(dire<0){
- if(inputPos>0){
- inputPos--;
- inputCol--;
- }
- }else{
- if(inputPos<16){
- inputPos++;
- inputCol++;
- }
- }
- drawInput(1);
-char TextManager::selectLetter(){
- static int oldVal;
- char val=map(Robot.knobRead(),0,1023,32,125);
- if(val==oldVal){
- return 0; //No changes
- }else{
- oldVal=val;
- return val; //Current letter
- }
-void TextManager::refreshCurrentLetter(char letter){
- if(letter){
- writeText(inputLin,inputCol,inputPool+inputPos,false);//erase
- inputPool[inputPos]=letter;
- writeText(inputLin,inputCol,inputPool+inputPos,true);//write
- }
-void TextManager::getInput(int lin, int col){
- writeText(lin,col,">"); //Input indicator
- writeText(lin, col+1, inputPool);
- inputLin=lin; //Ini input cursor
- inputCol=col+1;
- inputPos=0;
- drawInput(true);
- Vkey.display(100);//Vkey is a object of VirtualKeyboard class
- while(true){
- switch(Robot.keyboardRead()){
- //Robot.beep(BEEP_SIMPLE);
- mvInput(-1);
- break;
- //Robot.beep(BEEP_SIMPLE);
- mvInput(1);
- break;
- //Robot.beep(BEEP_DOUBLE);
- char selection=Vkey.getSelection();
- if(selection!='\0'){
- refreshCurrentLetter(selection);
- mvInput(1);
- }else{
- drawInput(false);
- return;
- }
- }
- Vkey.run();
- delay(10);
- }
-void TextManager::setInputPool(int code){
- switch(code){
- case USERNAME:
- Robot.userNameRead(inputPool);
- break;
- Robot.robotNameRead(inputPool);
- break;
- case CITYNAME:
- Robot.cityNameRead(inputPool);
- break;
- Robot.countryNameRead(inputPool);
- break;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<18;i++){
- if(inputPool[i]=='\0'){
- for(int j=i;j<18;j++){
- inputPool[j]='\0';
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-void TextManager::pushInput(int code){
- switch(code){
- case USERNAME:
- Robot.userNameWrite(inputPool);
- break;
- Robot.robotNameWrite(inputPool);
- break;
- case CITYNAME:
- Robot.cityNameWrite(inputPool);
- break;
- Robot.countryNameWrite(inputPool);
- break;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<18;i++){
- inputPool[i]='\0';
- }
-void TextManager::input(int lin,int col, int code){
- setInputPool(code);
- getInput(lin,col);
- pushInput(code);
-void TextManager::showPicture(char * filename, int posX, int posY){
- Robot.pause();
- Robot._drawBMP(filename,posX,posY);
- Robot.play();
-void TextManager::getPGMtext(int seq){
- //It takes a string from program space, and fill it
- //in the buffer
- //if(in hello user example){
- if(true){
- strcpy_P(PGMbuffer,(char*)pgm_read_word(&(::scripts_Hello_User[seq])));
- }
-void TextManager::writeScript(int seq, int line, int col){
- //print a string from program space to a specific line,
- //column on the LCD
- //first fill the buffer with text from program space
- getPGMtext(seq);
- //then print it to the screen
- textManager.writeText(line,col,PGMbuffer);
-TextManager textManager=TextManager();
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/RobotTextManager.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/RobotTextManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0b7bd..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/RobotTextManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#define USERNAME 0
-#define ROBOTNAME 1
-#define CITYNAME 2
-#define COUNTRYNAME 3
-#define EMPTY 4
-class TextManager{
- //The TextManager class is a collection of features specific for Hello
- //User example.
- //
- //- It includes solution for setting text position based on
- // line/column. The original Robot.text(), or the more low level
- // print() function can only set text position on pixels from left,
- // top.
- //
- //- The process of accepting input with the virtual keyboard, saving
- // into or reading from EEPROM is delt with here.
- //
- //- A workflow for stop the music while displaying image. Trouble
- // will happen otherwise.
- public:
- //add some margin to the text, left side only atm.
- void setMargin(int margin_left,int margin_top);
- //print text based on line, column.
- void writeText(int lineNum, int colNum, char* txt, bool onOff=true);
- //print a script from the scripts library
- void writeScript(int seq, int line, int col);
- //The whole process of getting input
- void input(int lin,int col, int code);
- //Print a cursor and virtual keyboard on screen, and save the user's input
- void getInput(int lin, int col);
- //Get user name, robot name, city name or country name from EEPROM
- //and store in the input pool.
- void setInputPool(int code);
- //save user input to EEPROM
- void pushInput(int code);
- //Replaces Robot.drawPicture(), as this one solves collision between
- //image and music
- void showPicture(char * filename, int posX, int posY);
- private:
- int margin_left,margin_top;
- int getLin(int lineNum); //Convert line to pixels from top
- int getCol(int colNum); //Convert line to pixels from left
- static const int lineHeight;//8+2=10
- static const int charWidth;//5+1=6
- int inputPos;
- int inputLin;
- int inputCol;
- void drawInput(bool onOff);
- void mvInput(int dire);
- char selectLetter();
- void refreshCurrentLetter(char letter);
- void getPGMtext(int seq);
- char PGMbuffer[85]; //the buffer for storing strings
- char inputPool[18];
-//a trick for removing the need of creating an object of TextManager.
-//So you can call me.somefunction() directly in the sketch.
-extern TextManager textManager;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ad73c75..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#include "VirtualKeyboard.h"
-int VirtualKeyboard::getColLin(int val){
- uint8_t col,lin;
- lin=val/10;
- col=val%10; // saving 36 bytes :(
- /*if(0<=val && 9>=val){
- col=val;
- lin=0;
- }else if(10<=val && 19>=val){
- col=val-10;
- lin=1;
- }else if(20<=val && 29>=val){
- col=val-20;
- lin=2;
- }else if(30<=val && 39>=val){
- col=val-30;
- lin=3;
- }*/
- return (col<<8)+lin; //Put col and lin in one int
-void VirtualKeyboard::run(){
-/** visually select a letter on the keyboard
-* The selection boarder is 1px higher than the character,
-* 1px on the bottom, 2px to the left and 2px to the right.
- if(!onOff)return;
- //Serial.println(onOff);
- static int oldColLin=0;
- uint8_t val=map(Robot.knobRead(),0,1023,0,38);
- if(val==38)val=37; //The last value is jumpy when using batteries
- int colLin=getColLin(val);
- if(oldColLin!=colLin){
- uint8_t x=(oldColLin>>8 & 0xFF)*11+10;//col*11+1+9
- uint8_t y=(oldColLin & 0xFF)*11+1+top;//lin*11+1+top
- uint8_t w=9;
- if(oldColLin==1795) //last item "Enter", col=7 lin=3
- w=33; //(5+1)*6-1+2+2 charWidth=5, charMargin=1, count("Enter")=6, lastItem_MarginRight=0, marginLeft==marginRight=2
- Robot.drawRect(x,y,w,9,hideColor);
- x=(colLin>>8 & 0xFF)*11+10;
- y=(colLin & 0xFF)*11+1+top;
- w=9;
- if(colLin==1795) //last item "Enter", col=7 lin=3
- w=33; //(5+1)*6-1+2+2 charWidth=5, charMargin=1, count("Enter")=6, lastItem_MarginRight=0, marginLeft==marginRight=2
- Robot.drawRect(x,y,w,9,showColor);
- oldColLin=colLin;
- }
-char VirtualKeyboard::getSelection(){
- if(!onOff)return -1;
- uint8_t val=map(Robot.knobRead(),0,1023,0,38);
- if(0<=val && 9>=val)
- val='0'+val;
- else if(10<=val && 35>=val)
- val='A'+val-10;
- else if(val==36)
- val=' ';
- else if(val>=37)
- val='\0';
- return val;
-void VirtualKeyboard::hide(){
- onOff=false;
- Robot.fillRect(0,top,128,44,hideColor);//11*4
-void VirtualKeyboard::display(uint8_t top, uint16_t showColor, uint16_t hideColor){
-/** Display the keyboard at y position of top
-* formular:
-* When text size is 1, one character is 5*7
-* margin-left==margin-right==3,
-* margin-top==margin-bottom==2,
-* keyWidth=5+3+3==11,
-* keyHeight=7+2+2==11,
-* keyboard-margin-left=keyboard-margin-right==9
-* so character-x=11*col+9+3=11*col+12
-* character-y=11*lin+2+top
- this->top=top;
- this->onOff=true;
- this->showColor=showColor;
- this->hideColor=hideColor;
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<36;i++){
- Robot.setCursor(i%10*11+12,2+top+i/10*11);
- if(i<10)
- Robot.print(char('0'+i));
- else
- Robot.print(char(55+i));//'A'-10=55
- }//for saving 58 bytes :(
- /*for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
- Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,2+top);//11*0+2+top
- Robot.print(char('0'+i));//line_1: 0-9
- }
- for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
- Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,13+top);//11*1+2+top
- Robot.print(char('A'+i));//line_2: A-J
- }
- for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
- Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,24+top);//11*2+2+top
- Robot.print(char('K'+i));//line_3: K-T
- }
- for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
- Robot.setCursor(i*11+12,35+top);//11*3+2+top
- Robot.print(char('U'+i));//line_4: U-Z
- }*/
- //space and enter at the end of the last line.
- Robot.setCursor(78,35+top);//6*11+12=78
- Robot.print('_');//_
- Robot.setCursor(89,35+top);//7*11+12=89
- Robot.print("Enter");//enter
-VirtualKeyboard Vkey=VirtualKeyboard(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 273edb7..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/VirtualKeyboard.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
-class VirtualKeyboard{
- public:
- //void begin();
- void display(uint8_t top, uint16_t showColor=BLACK, uint16_t hideColor=WHITE);
- void hide();
- char getSelection();
- void run();
- private:
- uint8_t top;
- bool onOff;
- uint16_t showColor;
- uint16_t hideColor;
- int getColLin(int val);
-extern VirtualKeyboard Vkey;
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/scripts_Hello_User.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/scripts_Hello_User.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f085f..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/scripts_Hello_User.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-//an advanced trick for storing strings inside the program space
-//as the ram of Arduino is very tiny, keeping too many string in it
-//can kill the program
-prog_char hello_user_script1[] PROGMEM="What's your name?";
-prog_char hello_user_script2[] PROGMEM="Give me a name!";
-prog_char hello_user_script3[] PROGMEM="And the country?";
-prog_char hello_user_script4[] PROGMEM="The city you're in?";
-prog_char hello_user_script5[] PROGMEM=" Plug me to\n\n your computer\n\n and start coding!";
-prog_char hello_user_script6[] PROGMEM=" Hello User!\n\n It's me, your robot\n\n I'm alive! <3";
-prog_char hello_user_script7[] PROGMEM=" First I need some\n\n input from you!";
-prog_char hello_user_script8[] PROGMEM=" Use the knob\n\n to select letters";
-prog_char hello_user_script9[] PROGMEM=" Use L/R button\n\n to move the cursor,\n\n middle to confirm";
-prog_char hello_user_script10[] PROGMEM=" Press middle key\n to continue...";
-prog_char hello_user_script11[] PROGMEM=" Choose \"enter\" to\n\n finish the input";
-PROGMEM const char *scripts_Hello_User[]={
- hello_user_script1,
- hello_user_script2,
- hello_user_script3,
- hello_user_script4,
- hello_user_script5,
- hello_user_script6,
- hello_user_script7,
- hello_user_script8,
- hello_user_script9,
- hello_user_script10,
- hello_user_script11,
-void getPGMtext(int seq){
- //It takes a string from program space, and fill it
- //in the buffer
- strcpy_P(buffer,(char*)pgm_read_word(&(scripts[seq])));
-void writeScript(int seq, int line, int col){
- //print a string from program space to a specific line,
- //column on the LCD
- //first fill the buffer with text from program space
- getPGMtext(seq);
- //then print it to the screen
- textManager.writeText(line,col,buffer);
-*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/twi.c b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/twi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b2db3c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/twi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
- twi.c - TWI/I2C library for Wiring & Arduino
- Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Modified 2012 by Todd Krein (todd@krein.org) to implement repeated starts
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <avr/io.h>
-#include <avr/interrupt.h>
-#include <compat/twi.h>
-#include "Arduino.h" // for digitalWrite
-#ifndef cbi
-#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
-#ifndef sbi
-#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
-#include "pins_arduino.h"
-#include "twi.h"
-static volatile uint8_t twi_state;
-static volatile uint8_t twi_slarw;
-static volatile uint8_t twi_sendStop; // should the transaction end with a stop
-static volatile uint8_t twi_inRepStart; // in the middle of a repeated start
-static void (*twi_onSlaveTransmit)(void);
-static void (*twi_onSlaveReceive)(uint8_t*, int);
-static uint8_t twi_masterBuffer[TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH];
-static volatile uint8_t twi_masterBufferIndex;
-static volatile uint8_t twi_masterBufferLength;
-static uint8_t twi_txBuffer[TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH];
-static volatile uint8_t twi_txBufferIndex;
-static volatile uint8_t twi_txBufferLength;
-static uint8_t twi_rxBuffer[TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH];
-static volatile uint8_t twi_rxBufferIndex;
-static volatile uint8_t twi_error;
- * Function twi_init
- * Desc readys twi pins and sets twi bitrate
- * Input none
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_init(void)
- // initialize state
- twi_state = TWI_READY;
- twi_sendStop = true; // default value
- twi_inRepStart = false;
- // activate internal pullups for twi.
- digitalWrite(SDA, 1);
- digitalWrite(SCL, 1);
- // initialize twi prescaler and bit rate
- cbi(TWSR, TWPS0);
- cbi(TWSR, TWPS1);
- TWBR = ((F_CPU / TWI_FREQ) - 16) / 2;
- /* twi bit rate formula from atmega128 manual pg 204
- SCL Frequency = CPU Clock Frequency / (16 + (2 * TWBR))
- note: TWBR should be 10 or higher for master mode
- It is 72 for a 16mhz Wiring board with 100kHz TWI */
- // enable twi module, acks, and twi interrupt
- * Function twi_slaveInit
- * Desc sets slave address and enables interrupt
- * Input none
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_setAddress(uint8_t address)
- // set twi slave address (skip over TWGCE bit)
- TWAR = address << 1;
- * Function twi_readFrom
- * Desc attempts to become twi bus master and read a
- * series of bytes from a device on the bus
- * Input address: 7bit i2c device address
- * data: pointer to byte array
- * length: number of bytes to read into array
- * sendStop: Boolean indicating whether to send a stop at the end
- * Output number of bytes read
- */
-uint8_t twi_readFrom(uint8_t address, uint8_t* data, uint8_t length, uint8_t sendStop)
- uint8_t i;
- // ensure data will fit into buffer
- if(TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH < length){
- return 0;
- }
- // wait until twi is ready, become master receiver
- while(TWI_READY != twi_state){
- continue;
- }
- twi_state = TWI_MRX;
- twi_sendStop = sendStop;
- // reset error state (0xFF.. no error occured)
- twi_error = 0xFF;
- // initialize buffer iteration vars
- twi_masterBufferIndex = 0;
- twi_masterBufferLength = length-1; // This is not intuitive, read on...
- // On receive, the previously configured ACK/NACK setting is transmitted in
- // response to the received byte before the interrupt is signalled.
- // Therefor we must actually set NACK when the _next_ to last byte is
- // received, causing that NACK to be sent in response to receiving the last
- // expected byte of data.
- // build sla+w, slave device address + w bit
- twi_slarw = TW_READ;
- twi_slarw |= address << 1;
- if (true == twi_inRepStart) {
- // if we're in the repeated start state, then we've already sent the start,
- // (@@@ we hope), and the TWI statemachine is just waiting for the address byte.
- // We need to remove ourselves from the repeated start state before we enable interrupts,
- // since the ISR is ASYNC, and we could get confused if we hit the ISR before cleaning
- // up. Also, don't enable the START interrupt. There may be one pending from the
- // repeated start that we sent outselves, and that would really confuse things.
- twi_inRepStart = false; // remember, we're dealing with an ASYNC ISR
- TWDR = twi_slarw;
- TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEA) | _BV(TWEN) | _BV(TWIE); // enable INTs, but not START
- }
- else
- // send start condition
- // wait for read operation to complete
- while(TWI_MRX == twi_state){
- continue;
- }
- if (twi_masterBufferIndex < length)
- length = twi_masterBufferIndex;
- // copy twi buffer to data
- for(i = 0; i < length; ++i){
- data[i] = twi_masterBuffer[i];
- }
- return length;
- * Function twi_writeTo
- * Desc attempts to become twi bus master and write a
- * series of bytes to a device on the bus
- * Input address: 7bit i2c device address
- * data: pointer to byte array
- * length: number of bytes in array
- * wait: boolean indicating to wait for write or not
- * sendStop: boolean indicating whether or not to send a stop at the end
- * Output 0 .. success
- * 1 .. length to long for buffer
- * 2 .. address send, NACK received
- * 3 .. data send, NACK received
- * 4 .. other twi error (lost bus arbitration, bus error, ..)
- */
-uint8_t twi_writeTo(uint8_t address, uint8_t* data, uint8_t length, uint8_t wait, uint8_t sendStop)
- uint8_t i;
- // ensure data will fit into buffer
- if(TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH < length){
- return 1;
- }
- // wait until twi is ready, become master transmitter
- while(TWI_READY != twi_state){
- continue;
- }
- twi_state = TWI_MTX;
- twi_sendStop = sendStop;
- // reset error state (0xFF.. no error occured)
- twi_error = 0xFF;
- // initialize buffer iteration vars
- twi_masterBufferIndex = 0;
- twi_masterBufferLength = length;
- // copy data to twi buffer
- for(i = 0; i < length; ++i){
- twi_masterBuffer[i] = data[i];
- }
- // build sla+w, slave device address + w bit
- twi_slarw = TW_WRITE;
- twi_slarw |= address << 1;
- // if we're in a repeated start, then we've already sent the START
- // in the ISR. Don't do it again.
- //
- if (true == twi_inRepStart) {
- // if we're in the repeated start state, then we've already sent the start,
- // (@@@ we hope), and the TWI statemachine is just waiting for the address byte.
- // We need to remove ourselves from the repeated start state before we enable interrupts,
- // since the ISR is ASYNC, and we could get confused if we hit the ISR before cleaning
- // up. Also, don't enable the START interrupt. There may be one pending from the
- // repeated start that we sent outselves, and that would really confuse things.
- twi_inRepStart = false; // remember, we're dealing with an ASYNC ISR
- TWDR = twi_slarw;
- TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEA) | _BV(TWEN) | _BV(TWIE); // enable INTs, but not START
- }
- else
- // send start condition
- TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEA) | _BV(TWEN) | _BV(TWIE) | _BV(TWSTA); // enable INTs
- // wait for write operation to complete
- while(wait && (TWI_MTX == twi_state)){
- continue;
- }
- if (twi_error == 0xFF)
- return 0; // success
- else if (twi_error == TW_MT_SLA_NACK)
- return 2; // error: address send, nack received
- else if (twi_error == TW_MT_DATA_NACK)
- return 3; // error: data send, nack received
- else
- return 4; // other twi error
- * Function twi_transmit
- * Desc fills slave tx buffer with data
- * must be called in slave tx event callback
- * Input data: pointer to byte array
- * length: number of bytes in array
- * Output 1 length too long for buffer
- * 2 not slave transmitter
- * 0 ok
- */
-uint8_t twi_transmit(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t i;
- // ensure data will fit into buffer
- if(TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH < length){
- return 1;
- }
- // ensure we are currently a slave transmitter
- if(TWI_STX != twi_state){
- return 2;
- }
- // set length and copy data into tx buffer
- twi_txBufferLength = length;
- for(i = 0; i < length; ++i){
- twi_txBuffer[i] = data[i];
- }
- return 0;
- * Function twi_attachSlaveRxEvent
- * Desc sets function called before a slave read operation
- * Input function: callback function to use
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_attachSlaveRxEvent( void (*function)(uint8_t*, int) )
- twi_onSlaveReceive = function;
- * Function twi_attachSlaveTxEvent
- * Desc sets function called before a slave write operation
- * Input function: callback function to use
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_attachSlaveTxEvent( void (*function)(void) )
- twi_onSlaveTransmit = function;
- * Function twi_reply
- * Desc sends byte or readys receive line
- * Input ack: byte indicating to ack or to nack
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_reply(uint8_t ack)
- // transmit master read ready signal, with or without ack
- if(ack){
- }else{
- }
- * Function twi_stop
- * Desc relinquishes bus master status
- * Input none
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_stop(void)
- // send stop condition
- // wait for stop condition to be exectued on bus
- // TWINT is not set after a stop condition!
- while(TWCR & _BV(TWSTO)){
- continue;
- }
- // update twi state
- twi_state = TWI_READY;
- * Function twi_releaseBus
- * Desc releases bus control
- * Input none
- * Output none
- */
-void twi_releaseBus(void)
- // release bus
- // update twi state
- twi_state = TWI_READY;
- switch(TW_STATUS){
- // All Master
- case TW_START: // sent start condition
- case TW_REP_START: // sent repeated start condition
- // copy device address and r/w bit to output register and ack
- TWDR = twi_slarw;
- twi_reply(1);
- break;
- // Master Transmitter
- case TW_MT_SLA_ACK: // slave receiver acked address
- case TW_MT_DATA_ACK: // slave receiver acked data
- // if there is data to send, send it, otherwise stop
- if(twi_masterBufferIndex < twi_masterBufferLength){
- // copy data to output register and ack
- TWDR = twi_masterBuffer[twi_masterBufferIndex++];
- twi_reply(1);
- }else{
- if (twi_sendStop)
- twi_stop();
- else {
- twi_inRepStart = true; // we're gonna send the START
- // don't enable the interrupt. We'll generate the start, but we
- // avoid handling the interrupt until we're in the next transaction,
- // at the point where we would normally issue the start.
- twi_state = TWI_READY;
- }
- }
- break;
- case TW_MT_SLA_NACK: // address sent, nack received
- twi_error = TW_MT_SLA_NACK;
- twi_stop();
- break;
- case TW_MT_DATA_NACK: // data sent, nack received
- twi_error = TW_MT_DATA_NACK;
- twi_stop();
- break;
- case TW_MT_ARB_LOST: // lost bus arbitration
- twi_error = TW_MT_ARB_LOST;
- twi_releaseBus();
- break;
- // Master Receiver
- case TW_MR_DATA_ACK: // data received, ack sent
- // put byte into buffer
- twi_masterBuffer[twi_masterBufferIndex++] = TWDR;
- case TW_MR_SLA_ACK: // address sent, ack received
- // ack if more bytes are expected, otherwise nack
- if(twi_masterBufferIndex < twi_masterBufferLength){
- twi_reply(1);
- }else{
- twi_reply(0);
- }
- break;
- case TW_MR_DATA_NACK: // data received, nack sent
- // put final byte into buffer
- twi_masterBuffer[twi_masterBufferIndex++] = TWDR;
- if (twi_sendStop)
- twi_stop();
- else {
- twi_inRepStart = true; // we're gonna send the START
- // don't enable the interrupt. We'll generate the start, but we
- // avoid handling the interrupt until we're in the next transaction,
- // at the point where we would normally issue the start.
- twi_state = TWI_READY;
- }
- break;
- case TW_MR_SLA_NACK: // address sent, nack received
- twi_stop();
- break;
- // TW_MR_ARB_LOST handled by TW_MT_ARB_LOST case
- // Slave Receiver
- case TW_SR_SLA_ACK: // addressed, returned ack
- case TW_SR_GCALL_ACK: // addressed generally, returned ack
- case TW_SR_ARB_LOST_SLA_ACK: // lost arbitration, returned ack
- case TW_SR_ARB_LOST_GCALL_ACK: // lost arbitration, returned ack
- // enter slave receiver mode
- twi_state = TWI_SRX;
- // indicate that rx buffer can be overwritten and ack
- twi_rxBufferIndex = 0;
- twi_reply(1);
- break;
- case TW_SR_DATA_ACK: // data received, returned ack
- case TW_SR_GCALL_DATA_ACK: // data received generally, returned ack
- // if there is still room in the rx buffer
- if(twi_rxBufferIndex < TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH){
- // put byte in buffer and ack
- twi_rxBuffer[twi_rxBufferIndex++] = TWDR;
- twi_reply(1);
- }else{
- // otherwise nack
- twi_reply(0);
- }
- break;
- case TW_SR_STOP: // stop or repeated start condition received
- // put a null char after data if there's room
- if(twi_rxBufferIndex < TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH){
- twi_rxBuffer[twi_rxBufferIndex] = '\0';
- }
- // sends ack and stops interface for clock stretching
- twi_stop();
- // callback to user defined callback
- twi_onSlaveReceive(twi_rxBuffer, twi_rxBufferIndex);
- // since we submit rx buffer to "wire" library, we can reset it
- twi_rxBufferIndex = 0;
- // ack future responses and leave slave receiver state
- twi_releaseBus();
- break;
- case TW_SR_DATA_NACK: // data received, returned nack
- case TW_SR_GCALL_DATA_NACK: // data received generally, returned nack
- // nack back at master
- twi_reply(0);
- break;
- // Slave Transmitter
- case TW_ST_SLA_ACK: // addressed, returned ack
- case TW_ST_ARB_LOST_SLA_ACK: // arbitration lost, returned ack
- // enter slave transmitter mode
- twi_state = TWI_STX;
- // ready the tx buffer index for iteration
- twi_txBufferIndex = 0;
- // set tx buffer length to be zero, to verify if user changes it
- twi_txBufferLength = 0;
- // request for txBuffer to be filled and length to be set
- // note: user must call twi_transmit(bytes, length) to do this
- twi_onSlaveTransmit();
- // if they didn't change buffer & length, initialize it
- if(0 == twi_txBufferLength){
- twi_txBufferLength = 1;
- twi_txBuffer[0] = 0x00;
- }
- // transmit first byte from buffer, fall
- case TW_ST_DATA_ACK: // byte sent, ack returned
- // copy data to output register
- TWDR = twi_txBuffer[twi_txBufferIndex++];
- // if there is more to send, ack, otherwise nack
- if(twi_txBufferIndex < twi_txBufferLength){
- twi_reply(1);
- }else{
- twi_reply(0);
- }
- break;
- case TW_ST_DATA_NACK: // received nack, we are done
- case TW_ST_LAST_DATA: // received ack, but we are done already!
- // ack future responses
- twi_reply(1);
- // leave slave receiver state
- twi_state = TWI_READY;
- break;
- // All
- case TW_NO_INFO: // no state information
- break;
- case TW_BUS_ERROR: // bus error, illegal stop/start
- twi_error = TW_BUS_ERROR;
- twi_stop();
- break;
- }
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/twi.h b/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/twi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6526593..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Control/utility/twi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- twi.h - TWI/I2C library for Wiring & Arduino
- Copyright (c) 2006 Nicholas Zambetti. All right reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#ifndef twi_h
-#define twi_h
- #include <inttypes.h>
- //#define ATMEGA8
- #ifndef TWI_FREQ
- #define TWI_FREQ 100000L
- #endif
- #define TWI_BUFFER_LENGTH 32
- #endif
- #define TWI_READY 0
- #define TWI_MRX 1
- #define TWI_MTX 2
- #define TWI_SRX 3
- #define TWI_STX 4
- void twi_init(void);
- void twi_setAddress(uint8_t);
- uint8_t twi_readFrom(uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t);
- uint8_t twi_writeTo(uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
- uint8_t twi_transmit(const uint8_t*, uint8_t);
- void twi_attachSlaveRxEvent( void (*)(uint8_t*, int) );
- void twi_attachSlaveTxEvent( void (*)(void) );
- void twi_reply(uint8_t);
- void twi_stop(void);
- void twi_releaseBus(void);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Motor/ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7740a06..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-#include "ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h"
-#include "EasyTransfer2.h"
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-#include "LineFollow.h"
- //LineFollow::LineFollow();
-/*void RobotMotorBoard::beginIRReceiver(){
- IRrecv::enableIRIn();
-void RobotMotorBoard::begin(){
- //initialze communication
- Serial1.begin(9600);
- messageIn.begin(&Serial1);
- messageOut.begin(&Serial1);
- //init MUX
- uint8_t MuxPins[]={MUXA,MUXB,MUXC};
- this->IRs.begin(MuxPins,MUX_IN,3);
- pinMode(MUXI,INPUT);
- digitalWrite(MUXI,LOW);
- isPaused=false;
-void RobotMotorBoard::process(){
- if(isPaused)return;//skip process if the mode is paused
- if(mode==MODE_SIMPLE){
- //Serial.println("s");
- //do nothing? Simple mode is just about getting commands
- }else if(mode==MODE_LINE_FOLLOW){
- //do line following stuff here.
- LineFollow::runLineFollow();
- }else if(mode==MODE_ADJUST_MOTOR){
- //Serial.println('a');
- //motorAdjustment=analogRead(POT);
- //setSpeed(255,255);
- //delay(100);
- }
-void RobotMotorBoard::pauseMode(bool onOff){
- if(onOff){
- isPaused=true;
- }else{
- isPaused=false;
- }
- stopCurrentActions();
-void RobotMotorBoard::parseCommand(){
- uint8_t modeName;
- uint8_t codename;
- int value;
- int speedL;
- int speedR;
- if(this->messageIn.receiveData()){
- //Serial.println("data received");
- uint8_t command=messageIn.readByte();
- //Serial.println(command);
- switch(command){
- modeName=messageIn.readByte();
- setMode(modeName);
- break;
- if(mode==MODE_LINE_FOLLOW)break;//in follow line mode, the motor does not follow commands
- speedL=messageIn.readInt();
- speedR=messageIn.readInt();
- motorsWrite(speedL,speedR);
- break;
- motorsStop();
- break;
- codename=messageIn.readByte();
- value=messageIn.readInt();
- _analogWrite(codename,value);
- break;
- codename=messageIn.readByte();
- value=messageIn.readByte();
- _digitalWrite(codename,value);
- break;
- codename=messageIn.readByte();
- _analogRead(codename);
- break;
- codename=messageIn.readByte();
- _digitalRead(codename);
- break;
- _readIR();
- break;
- _readTrim();
- break;
- pauseMode(messageIn.readByte());//onOff state
- break;
- LineFollow::config(
- messageIn.readByte(), //KP
- messageIn.readByte(), //KD
- messageIn.readByte(), //robotSpeed
- messageIn.readByte() //IntegrationTime
- );
- break;
- }
- }
- //delay(5);
-uint8_t RobotMotorBoard::parseCodename(uint8_t codename){
- switch(codename){
- case B_TK1:
- return TK1;
- case B_TK2:
- return TK2;
- case B_TK3:
- return TK3;
- case B_TK4:
- return TK4;
- }
-uint8_t RobotMotorBoard::codenameToAPin(uint8_t codename){
- switch(codename){
- case B_TK1:
- return A0;
- case B_TK2:
- return A1;
- case B_TK3:
- return A6;
- case B_TK4:
- return A11;
- }
-void RobotMotorBoard::setMode(uint8_t mode){
- if(mode==MODE_LINE_FOLLOW){
- LineFollow::calibIRs();
- }
- save_motor_adjustment_to_EEPROM();
- }
- */
- /*if(mode==MODE_IR_CONTROL){
- beginIRReceiver();
- }*/
- this->mode=mode;
- //stopCurrentActions();//If line following, this should stop the motors
-void RobotMotorBoard::stopCurrentActions(){
- motorsStop();
- //motorsWrite(0,0);
-void RobotMotorBoard::motorsWrite(int speedL, int speedR){
- /*Serial.print(speedL);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.println(speedR);*/
- //motor adjustment, using percentage
- _refreshMotorAdjustment();
- if(motorAdjustment<0){
- speedR*=(1+motorAdjustment);
- }else{
- speedL*=(1-motorAdjustment);
- }
- if(speedL>0){
- analogWrite(IN_A1,speedL);
- analogWrite(IN_A2,0);
- }else{
- analogWrite(IN_A1,0);
- analogWrite(IN_A2,-speedL);
- }
- if(speedR>0){
- analogWrite(IN_B1,speedR);
- analogWrite(IN_B2,0);
- }else{
- analogWrite(IN_B1,0);
- analogWrite(IN_B2,-speedR);
- }
-void RobotMotorBoard::motorsWritePct(int speedLpct, int speedRpct){
- //speedLpct, speedRpct ranges from -100 to 100
- motorsWrite(speedLpct*2.55,speedRpct*2.55);
-void RobotMotorBoard::motorsStop(){
- analogWrite(IN_A1,255);
- analogWrite(IN_A2,255);
- analogWrite(IN_B1,255);
- analogWrite(IN_B2,255);
-* Input and Output ports
-void RobotMotorBoard::_digitalWrite(uint8_t codename,bool value){
- uint8_t pin=parseCodename(codename);
- digitalWrite(pin,value);
-void RobotMotorBoard::_analogWrite(uint8_t codename,int value){
- //There's no PWM available on motor board
-void RobotMotorBoard::_digitalRead(uint8_t codename){
- uint8_t pin=parseCodename(codename);
- bool value=digitalRead(pin);
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ_RE);
- messageOut.writeByte(codename);
- messageOut.writeByte(value);
- messageOut.sendData();
-void RobotMotorBoard::_analogRead(uint8_t codename){
- uint8_t pin=codenameToAPin(codename);
- int value=analogRead(pin);
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_ANALOG_READ_RE);
- messageOut.writeByte(codename);
- messageOut.writeInt(value);
- messageOut.sendData();
-int RobotMotorBoard::IRread(uint8_t num){
- IRs.selectPin(num-1); //To make consistant with the pins labeled on the board
- return IRs.getAnalogValue();
-void RobotMotorBoard::_readIR(){
- //Serial.println("readIR");
- int value;
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_READ_IR_RE);
- for(int i=1;i<6;i++){
- value=IRread(i);
- messageOut.writeInt(value);
- }
- messageOut.sendData();
-void RobotMotorBoard::_readTrim(){
- int value=analogRead(TRIM);
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_READ_TRIM_RE);
- messageOut.writeInt(value);
- messageOut.sendData();
-void RobotMotorBoard::_refreshMotorAdjustment(){
- motorAdjustment=map(analogRead(TRIM),0,1023,-30,30)/100.0;
-void RobotMotorBoard::reportActionDone(){
- setMode(MODE_SIMPLE);
- messageOut.writeByte(COMMAND_ACTION_DONE);
- messageOut.sendData();
-RobotMotorBoard RobotMotor=RobotMotorBoard(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h b/libraries/Robot_Motor/ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1004c4..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ArduinoRobot_h
-#define ArduinoRobot_h
-#include "EasyTransfer2.h"
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-#include "LineFollow.h"
-//#include "IRremote.h"
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-//Command code
-#define COMMAND_RUN 10
-#define COMMAND_READ_IR 60
-#define COMMAND_READ_IR_RE 61
-//component codename
-#define CN_LEFT_MOTOR 0
-#define CN_RIGHT_MOTOR 1
-#define CN_IR 2
-//motor board modes
-#define MODE_SIMPLE 0
-#define MODE_IR_CONTROL 3
-//bottom TKs, just for communication purpose
-#define B_TK1 201
-#define B_TK2 202
-#define B_TK3 203
-#define B_TK4 204
-A message structure will be:
-switch mode (2):
- byte COMMAND_SWITCH_MODE, byte mode
-run (5):
- byte COMMAND_RUN, int speedL, int speedR
-analogWrite (3):
- byte COMMAND_ANALOG_WRITE, byte codename, byte value;
-digitalWrite (3):
- byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_WRITE, byte codename, byte value;
-analogRead (2):
- byte COMMAND_ANALOG_READ, byte codename;
-analogRead _return_ (4):
- byte COMMAND_ANALOG_READ_RE, byte codename, int value;
-digitalRead (2):
- byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ, byte codename;
-digitalRead _return_ (4):
- byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ_RE, byte codename, int value;
-read IR (1):
-read IR _return_ (9):
- byte COMMAND_READ_IR_RE, int valueA, int valueB, int valueC, int valueD;
-class RobotMotorBoard:public LineFollow{
- public:
- RobotMotorBoard();
- void begin();
- void process();
- void parseCommand();
- int IRread(uint8_t num);
- void setMode(uint8_t mode);
- void pauseMode(bool onOff);
- void motorsWrite(int speedL, int speedR);
- void motorsWritePct(int speedLpct, int speedRpct);//write motor values in percentage
- void motorsStop();
- private:
- float motorAdjustment;//-1.0 ~ 1.0, whether left is lowered or right is lowered
- //convert codename to actual pins
- uint8_t parseCodename(uint8_t codename);
- uint8_t codenameToAPin(uint8_t codename);
- void stopCurrentActions();
- //void sendCommand(byte command,byte codename,int value);
- void _analogWrite(uint8_t codename, int value);
- void _digitalWrite(uint8_t codename, bool value);
- void _analogRead(uint8_t codename);
- void _digitalRead(uint8_t codename);
- void _readIR();
- void _readTrim();
- void _refreshMotorAdjustment();
- Multiplexer IRs;
- uint8_t mode;
- uint8_t isPaused;
- EasyTransfer2 messageIn;
- EasyTransfer2 messageOut;
- //Line Following
- void reportActionDone();
-extern RobotMotorBoard RobotMotor;
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/EasyTransfer2.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Motor/EasyTransfer2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 24427cc..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/EasyTransfer2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#include "EasyTransfer2.h"
-//Captures address and size of struct
-void EasyTransfer2::begin(HardwareSerial *theSerial){
- _serial = theSerial;
- //dynamic creation of rx parsing buffer in RAM
- //rx_buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(size);
- resetData();
-void EasyTransfer2::writeByte(uint8_t dat){
- if(position<20)
- data[position++]=dat;
- size++;
-void EasyTransfer2::writeInt(int dat){
- if(position<19){
- data[position++]=dat>>8;
- data[position++]=dat;
- size+=2;
- }
-uint8_t EasyTransfer2::readByte(){
- if(position>=size)return 0;
- return data[position++];
-int EasyTransfer2::readInt(){
- if(position+1>=size)return 0;
- int dat_1=data[position++]<<8;
- int dat_2=data[position++];
- int dat= dat_1 | dat_2;
- return dat;
-void EasyTransfer2::resetData(){
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
- data[i]=0;
- }
- size=0;
- position=0;
-//Sends out struct in binary, with header, length info and checksum
-void EasyTransfer2::sendData(){
- uint8_t CS = size;
- _serial->write(0x06);
- _serial->write(0x85);
- _serial->write(size);
- for(int i = 0; i<size; i++){
- CS^=*(data+i);
- _serial->write(*(data+i));
- //Serial.print(*(data+i));
- //Serial.print(",");
- }
- //Serial.println("");
- _serial->write(CS);
- resetData();
-boolean EasyTransfer2::receiveData(){
- //start off by looking for the header bytes. If they were already found in a previous call, skip it.
- if(rx_len == 0){
- //this size check may be redundant due to the size check below, but for now I'll leave it the way it is.
- if(_serial->available() >= 3){
- //this will block until a 0x06 is found or buffer size becomes less then 3.
- while(_serial->read() != 0x06) {
- //This will trash any preamble junk in the serial buffer
- //but we need to make sure there is enough in the buffer to process while we trash the rest
- //if the buffer becomes too empty, we will escape and try again on the next call
- if(_serial->available() < 3)
- return false;
- }
- //Serial.println("head");
- if (_serial->read() == 0x85){
- rx_len = _serial->read();
- //Serial.print("rx_len:");
- //Serial.println(rx_len);
- resetData();
- //make sure the binary structs on both Arduinos are the same size.
- /*if(rx_len != size){
- rx_len = 0;
- return false;
- }*/
- }
- }
- //Serial.println("nothing");
- }
- //we get here if we already found the header bytes, the struct size matched what we know, and now we are byte aligned.
- if(rx_len != 0){
- while(_serial->available() && rx_array_inx <= rx_len){
- data[rx_array_inx++] = _serial->read();
- }
- if(rx_len == (rx_array_inx-1)){
- //seem to have got whole message
- //last uint8_t is CS
- calc_CS = rx_len;
- //Serial.print("len:");
- //Serial.println(rx_len);
- for (int i = 0; i<rx_len; i++){
- calc_CS^=data[i];
- //Serial.print("m");
- //Serial.print(data[i]);
- //Serial.print(",");
- }
- //Serial.println();
- //Serial.print(data[rx_array_inx-1]);
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.println(calc_CS);
- if(calc_CS == data[rx_array_inx-1]){//CS good
- //resetData();
- //memcpy(data,d,rx_len);
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
- //Serial.print(data[i]);
- //Serial.print(",");
- }
- //Serial.println("");
- size=rx_len;
- rx_len = 0;
- rx_array_inx = 0;
- return true;
- }
- else{
- //Serial.println("CS");
- resetData();
- //failed checksum, need to clear this out anyway
- rx_len = 0;
- rx_array_inx = 0;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- //Serial.print(rx_len);
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.print(rx_array_inx);
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.println("Short");
- return false;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/EasyTransfer2.h b/libraries/Robot_Motor/EasyTransfer2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3369a51..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/EasyTransfer2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-* EasyTransfer Arduino Library
-* details and example sketch:
-* http://www.billporter.info/easytransfer-arduino-library/
-* Brought to you by:
-* Bill Porter
-* www.billporter.info
-* See Readme for other info and version history
-*This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-*This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
-*To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or
-*send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
-#ifndef EasyTransfer2_h
-#define EasyTransfer2_h
-//make it a little prettier on the front end.
-#define details(name) (byte*)&name,sizeof(name)
-//Not neccessary, but just in case.
-#if ARDUINO > 22
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-#include "HardwareSerial.h"
-//#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <avr/io.h>
-class EasyTransfer2 {
-void begin(HardwareSerial *theSerial);
-//void begin(uint8_t *, uint8_t, NewSoftSerial *theSerial);
-void sendData();
-boolean receiveData();
-void writeByte(uint8_t dat);
-void writeInt(int dat);
-uint8_t readByte();
-int readInt();
-HardwareSerial *_serial;
-void resetData();
-uint8_t data[20]; //data storage, for both read and send
-uint8_t position;
-uint8_t size; //size of data in bytes. Both for read and send
-//uint8_t * address; //address of struct
-//uint8_t size; //size of struct
-//uint8_t * rx_buffer; //address for temporary storage and parsing buffer
-//uint8_t rx_buffer[20];
-uint8_t rx_array_inx; //index for RX parsing buffer
-uint8_t rx_len; //RX packet length according to the packet
-uint8_t calc_CS; //calculated Chacksum
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/LineFollow.h b/libraries/Robot_Motor/LineFollow.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 608d573..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/LineFollow.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef LINE_FOLLOW_H
-#define LINE_FOLLOW_H
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
- #include "Arduino.h"
- #include "WProgram.h"
-class LineFollow{
- public:
- LineFollow();
- void calibIRs();
- void runLineFollow();
- void config(uint8_t KP, uint8_t KD, uint8_t robotSpeed, uint8_t intergrationTime);
- //These are all pure virtual functions, pure VF needs pure specifier "=0"
- //virtual void motorsWrite(int speedL, int speedR)=0;
- virtual void motorsWritePct(int speedLpct, int speedRpct)=0;
- virtual void motorsStop()=0;
- virtual int IRread(uint8_t num)=0;
- protected:
- virtual void reportActionDone()=0;
- private:
- void doCalibration(int speedPct, int time);
- void ajusta_niveles();
- uint8_t KP;
- uint8_t KD;
- uint8_t robotSpeed; //percentage
- uint8_t intergrationTime;
- int lectura_sensor[5], last_error, acu;
- int sensor_blanco[5];
- int sensor_negro[5];
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/Multiplexer.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Motor/Multiplexer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c0fdd86..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/Multiplexer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#include "Multiplexer.h"
-void Multiplexer::begin(uint8_t* selectors, uint8_t Z, uint8_t length){
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<length;i++){
- this->selectors[i]=selectors[i];
- pinMode(selectors[i],OUTPUT);
- }
- this->length=length;
- this->pin_Z=Z;
- pinMode(pin_Z,INPUT);
-void Multiplexer::selectPin(uint8_t num){
- for(uint8_t i=0;i<length;i++){
- //Serial.print(bitRead(num,i));
- digitalWrite(selectors[i],bitRead(num,i));
- }
- //Serial.println("");
-int Multiplexer::getAnalogValue(){
- return analogRead(pin_Z);
-bool Multiplexer::getDigitalValue(){
- return digitalRead(pin_Z);
-int Multiplexer::getAnalogValueAt(uint8_t num){
- selectPin(num);
- return getAnalogValue();
-bool Multiplexer::getDigitalValueAt(uint8_t num){
- selectPin(num);
- return getDigitalValue();
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/Multiplexer.h b/libraries/Robot_Motor/Multiplexer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c4c5c..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/Multiplexer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Multiplexer_h
-#define Multiplexer_h
-#if ARDUINO >= 100
-#include "Arduino.h"
-#include "WProgram.h"
-class Multiplexer{
- public:
- void begin(uint8_t* selectors, uint8_t Z, uint8_t length);
- void selectPin(uint8_t num);
- int getAnalogValue();
- int getAnalogValueAt(uint8_t num);
- bool getDigitalValue();
- bool getDigitalValueAt(uint8_t num);
- private:
- uint8_t selectors[4];
- uint8_t pin_Z;
- uint8_t length;
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/examples/Robot_IR_Array_Test/Robot_IR_Array_Test.ino b/libraries/Robot_Motor/examples/Robot_IR_Array_Test/Robot_IR_Array_Test.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index e201fd9..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/examples/Robot_IR_Array_Test/Robot_IR_Array_Test.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* Motor Board IR Array Test
- This example of the Arduno robot's motor board returns the
- values read fron the 5 infrared sendors on the bottom of
- the robot.
-// include the motor board header
-#include <ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h>
-String bar; // string for storing the informaton
-void setup(){
- // start serial communication
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // initialize the library
- RobotMotor.begin();
-void loop(){
- bar=String(""); // empty the string
- // read the sensors and add them to the string
- bar=bar+RobotMotor.readIR(0)+' '+RobotMotor.readIR(1)+' '+RobotMotor.readIR(2)+' '+RobotMotor.readIR(3)+' '+RobotMotor.readIR(4);
- // print out the values
- Serial.println(bar);
- delay(100);
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/examples/Robot_Motor_Core/Robot_Motor_Core.ino b/libraries/Robot_Motor/examples/Robot_Motor_Core/Robot_Motor_Core.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index f74f30a..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/examples/Robot_Motor_Core/Robot_Motor_Core.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* Motor Core
- This code for the Arduino Robot's motor board
- is the stock firmware. program the motor board with
- this sketch whenever you want to return the motor
- board to its default state.
-#include <ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h>
-void setup(){
- RobotMotor.begin();
-void loop(){
- RobotMotor.parseCommand();
- RobotMotor.process();
diff --git a/libraries/Robot_Motor/lineFollow.cpp b/libraries/Robot_Motor/lineFollow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ebed8..0000000
--- a/libraries/Robot_Motor/lineFollow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-//#include <ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h>
-#include "LineFollow.h"
-//#define KP 19 //0.1 units
-//#define KD 14
-//#define ROBOT_SPEED 100 //percentage
-//#define KP 11
-//#define KD 5
-//#define ROBOT_SPEED 50
-//#define INTEGRATION_TIME 10 //En ms
-/*uint8_t KP=11;
-uint8_t KD=5;
-uint8_t robotSpeed=50; //percentage
-uint8_t intergrationTime=10;*/
-#define NIVEL_PARA_LINEA 50
-/*int lectura_sensor[5], last_error=0, acu=0;
-//Estos son los arrays que hay que rellenar con los valores de los sensores
-//de suelo sobre blanco y negro.
-int sensor_blanco[]={
- 0,0,0,0,0};
-int sensor_negro[]={
- 1023,1023,1023,1023,1023};
-//unsigned long time;
-//void mueve_robot(int vel_izq, int vel_der);
-//void para_robot();
-//void doCalibration(int speedPct, int time);
-//void ajusta_niveles(); //calibrate values
- /*KP=11;
- KD=5;
- robotSpeed=50; //percentage
- intergrationTime=10;*/
- config(11,5,50,10);
- for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
- sensor_blanco[i]=0;
- sensor_negro[i]=1023;
- }
-void LineFollow::config(uint8_t KP, uint8_t KD, uint8_t robotSpeed, uint8_t intergrationTime){
- this->KP=KP;
- this->KD=KD;
- this->robotSpeed=robotSpeed;
- this->intergrationTime=intergrationTime;
- /*Serial.print("LFC: ");
- Serial.print(KP);
- Serial.print(' ');
- Serial.print(KD);
- Serial.print(' ');
- Serial.print(robotSpeed);
- Serial.print(' ');
- Serial.println(intergrationTime);*/
-void LineFollow::calibIRs(){
- static bool isInited=false;//So only init once
- if(isInited)return ;
- delay(1000);
- doCalibration(30,500);
- doCalibration(-30,800);
- doCalibration(30,500);
- delay(1000);
- isInited=true;
-void LineFollow::runLineFollow(){
- for(int count=0; count<5; count++)
- {
- lectura_sensor[count]=map(IRread(count),sensor_negro[count],sensor_blanco[count],0,127);
- acu+=lectura_sensor[count];
- }
- //Serial.println(millis());
- if (acu > NIVEL_PARA_LINEA)
- {
- acu/=5;
- int error = ((lectura_sensor[0]<<6)+(lectura_sensor[1]<<5)-(lectura_sensor[3]<<5)-(lectura_sensor[4]<<6))/acu;
- error = constrain(error,-100,100);
- //Calculamos la correcion de velocidad mediante un filtro PD
- int vel = (error * KP)/10 + (error-last_error)*KD;
- last_error = error;
- //Corregimos la velocidad de avance con el error de salida del filtro PD
- int motor_left = constrain((robotSpeed + vel),-100,100);
- int motor_right =constrain((robotSpeed - vel),-100,100);
- //Movemos el robot
- //motorsWritePct(motor_left,motor_right);
- motorsWritePct(motor_left,motor_right);
- //Esperamos un poquito a que el robot reaccione
- delay(intergrationTime);
- }
- else
- {
- //Hemos encontrado una linea negra
- //perpendicular a nuestro camino
- //paramos el robot
- motorsStop();
- //y detenemos la ejecuci�n del programa
- //while(true);
- reportActionDone();
- //setMode(MODE_SIMPLE);
- }
-void LineFollow::doCalibration(int speedPct, int time){
- motorsWritePct(speedPct, -speedPct);
- unsigned long beginTime = millis();
- while((millis()-beginTime)<time)
- ajusta_niveles();
- motorsStop();
-void LineFollow::ajusta_niveles()
- int lectura=0;
- for(int count=0; count<5; count++){
- lectura=IRread(count);
- if (lectura > sensor_blanco[count])
- sensor_blanco[count]=lectura;
- if (lectura < sensor_negro[count])
- sensor_negro[count]=lectura;
- }
diff --git a/libraries/SPI/SPI.cpp b/libraries/SPI/SPI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e48073..0000000
--- a/libraries/SPI/SPI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 by Cristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>
- * SPI Master library for arduino.
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2
- * or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#include "pins_arduino.h"
-#include "SPI.h"
-SPIClass SPI;
-void SPIClass::begin() {
- // Set SS to high so a connected chip will be "deselected" by default
- digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
- // When the SS pin is set as OUTPUT, it can be used as
- // a general purpose output port (it doesn't influence
- // SPI operations).
- pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
- // Warning: if the SS pin ever becomes a LOW INPUT then SPI
- // automatically switches to Slave, so the data direction of
- // the SS pin MUST be kept as OUTPUT.
- SPCR |= _BV(MSTR);
- SPCR |= _BV(SPE);
- // Set direction register for SCK and MOSI pin.
- // MISO pin automatically overrides to INPUT.
- // By doing this AFTER enabling SPI, we avoid accidentally
- // clocking in a single bit since the lines go directly
- // from "input" to SPI control.
- // http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=888
- pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
-void SPIClass::end() {
- SPCR &= ~_BV(SPE);
-void SPIClass::setBitOrder(uint8_t bitOrder)
- if(bitOrder == LSBFIRST) {
- SPCR |= _BV(DORD);
- } else {
- SPCR &= ~(_BV(DORD));
- }
-void SPIClass::setDataMode(uint8_t mode)
- SPCR = (SPCR & ~SPI_MODE_MASK) | mode;
-void SPIClass::setClockDivider(uint8_t rate)
- SPSR = (SPSR & ~SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK) | ((rate >> 2) & SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK);
diff --git a/libraries/SPI/SPI.h b/libraries/SPI/SPI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f647d5c..0000000
--- a/libraries/SPI/SPI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 by Cristian Maglie <c.maglie@bug.st>
- * SPI Master library for arduino.
- *
- * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2
- * or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#ifndef _SPI_H_INCLUDED
-#define _SPI_H_INCLUDED
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV4 0x00
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 0x01
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 0x02
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV128 0x03
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 0x04
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV8 0x05
-#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV32 0x06
-//#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 0x07
-#define SPI_MODE0 0x00
-#define SPI_MODE1 0x04
-#define SPI_MODE2 0x08
-#define SPI_MODE3 0x0C
-#define SPI_MODE_MASK 0x0C // CPOL = bit 3, CPHA = bit 2 on SPCR
-#define SPI_CLOCK_MASK 0x03 // SPR1 = bit 1, SPR0 = bit 0 on SPCR
-#define SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK 0x01 // SPI2X = bit 0 on SPSR
-class SPIClass {
- inline static byte transfer(byte _data);
- // SPI Configuration methods
- inline static void attachInterrupt();
- inline static void detachInterrupt(); // Default
- static void begin(); // Default
- static void end();
- static void setBitOrder(uint8_t);
- static void setDataMode(uint8_t);
- static void setClockDivider(uint8_t);
-extern SPIClass SPI;
-byte SPIClass::transfer(byte _data) {
- SPDR = _data;
- while (!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)))
- ;
- return SPDR;
-void SPIClass::attachInterrupt() {
- SPCR |= _BV(SPIE);
-void SPIClass::detachInterrupt() {
- SPCR &= ~_BV(SPIE);
diff --git a/libraries/SPI/examples/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor.ino b/libraries/SPI/examples/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d77a42..0000000
--- a/libraries/SPI/examples/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- SCP1000 Barometric Pressure Sensor Display
- Shows the output of a Barometric Pressure Sensor on a
- Uses the SPI library. For details on the sensor, see:
- http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8161
- http://www.vti.fi/en/support/obsolete_products/pressure_sensors/
- This sketch adapted from Nathan Seidle's SCP1000 example for PIC:
- http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/SCP1000-Testing.zip
- Circuit:
- SCP1000 sensor attached to pins 6, 7, 10 - 13:
- DRDY: pin 6
- CSB: pin 7
- MOSI: pin 11
- MISO: pin 12
- SCK: pin 13
- created 31 July 2010
- modified 14 August 2010
- by Tom Igoe
- */
-// the sensor communicates using SPI, so include the library:
-#include <SPI.h>
-//Sensor's memory register addresses:
-const int PRESSURE = 0x1F; //3 most significant bits of pressure
-const int PRESSURE_LSB = 0x20; //16 least significant bits of pressure
-const int TEMPERATURE = 0x21; //16 bit temperature reading
-const byte READ = 0b11111100; // SCP1000's read command
-const byte WRITE = 0b00000010; // SCP1000's write command
-// pins used for the connection with the sensor
-// the other you need are controlled by the SPI library):
-const int dataReadyPin = 6;
-const int chipSelectPin = 7;
-void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // start the SPI library:
- SPI.begin();
- // initalize the data ready and chip select pins:
- pinMode(dataReadyPin, INPUT);
- pinMode(chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
- //Configure SCP1000 for low noise configuration:
- writeRegister(0x02, 0x2D);
- writeRegister(0x01, 0x03);
- writeRegister(0x03, 0x02);
- // give the sensor time to set up:
- delay(100);
-void loop() {
- //Select High Resolution Mode
- writeRegister(0x03, 0x0A);
- // don't do anything until the data ready pin is high:
- if (digitalRead(dataReadyPin) == HIGH) {
- //Read the temperature data
- int tempData = readRegister(0x21, 2);
- // convert the temperature to celsius and display it:
- float realTemp = (float)tempData / 20.0;
- Serial.print("Temp[C]=");
- Serial.print(realTemp);
- //Read the pressure data highest 3 bits:
- byte pressure_data_high = readRegister(0x1F, 1);
- pressure_data_high &= 0b00000111; //you only needs bits 2 to 0
- //Read the pressure data lower 16 bits:
- unsigned int pressure_data_low = readRegister(0x20, 2);
- //combine the two parts into one 19-bit number:
- long pressure = ((pressure_data_high << 16) | pressure_data_low)/4;
- // display the temperature:
- Serial.println("\tPressure [Pa]=" + String(pressure));
- }
-//Read from or write to register from the SCP1000:
-unsigned int readRegister(byte thisRegister, int bytesToRead ) {
- byte inByte = 0; // incoming byte from the SPI
- unsigned int result = 0; // result to return
- Serial.print(thisRegister, BIN);
- Serial.print("\t");
- // SCP1000 expects the register name in the upper 6 bits
- // of the byte. So shift the bits left by two bits:
- thisRegister = thisRegister << 2;
- // now combine the address and the command into one byte
- byte dataToSend = thisRegister & READ;
- Serial.println(thisRegister, BIN);
- // take the chip select low to select the device:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);
- // send the device the register you want to read:
- SPI.transfer(dataToSend);
- // send a value of 0 to read the first byte returned:
- result = SPI.transfer(0x00);
- // decrement the number of bytes left to read:
- bytesToRead--;
- // if you still have another byte to read:
- if (bytesToRead > 0) {
- // shift the first byte left, then get the second byte:
- result = result << 8;
- inByte = SPI.transfer(0x00);
- // combine the byte you just got with the previous one:
- result = result | inByte;
- // decrement the number of bytes left to read:
- bytesToRead--;
- }
- // take the chip select high to de-select:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);
- // return the result:
- return(result);
-//Sends a write command to SCP1000
-void writeRegister(byte thisRegister, byte thisValue) {
- // SCP1000 expects the register address in the upper 6 bits
- // of the byte. So shift the bits left by two bits:
- thisRegister = thisRegister << 2;
- // now combine the register address and the command into one byte:
- byte dataToSend = thisRegister | WRITE;
- // take the chip select low to select the device:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);
- SPI.transfer(dataToSend); //Send register location
- SPI.transfer(thisValue); //Send value to record into register
- // take the chip select high to de-select:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);
diff --git a/libraries/SPI/examples/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor.ino b/libraries/SPI/examples/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor.ino
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index 9c9c9b6..0000000
--- a/libraries/SPI/examples/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor/BarometricPressureSensor.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- SCP1000 Barometric Pressure Sensor Display
- Shows the output of a Barometric Pressure Sensor on a
- Uses the SPI library. For details on the sensor, see:
- http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8161
- http://www.vti.fi/en/support/obsolete_products/pressure_sensors/
- This sketch adapted from Nathan Seidle's SCP1000 example for PIC:
- http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/SCP1000-Testing.zip
- Circuit:
- SCP1000 sensor attached to pins 6, 7, 10 - 13:
- DRDY: pin 6
- CSB: pin 7
- MOSI: pin 11
- MISO: pin 12
- SCK: pin 13
- created 31 July 2010
- modified 14 August 2010
- by Tom Igoe
- */
-// the sensor communicates using SPI, so include the library:
-#include <SPI.h>
-//Sensor's memory register addresses:
-const int PRESSURE = 0x1F; //3 most significant bits of pressure
-const int PRESSURE_LSB = 0x20; //16 least significant bits of pressure
-const int TEMPERATURE = 0x21; //16 bit temperature reading
-cont byte READ = 0b00000000; // SCP1000's read command
-const byte WRITE = 0b00000010; // SCP1000's write command
-// pins used for the connection with the sensor
-// the other you need are controlled by the SPI library):
-const int dataReadyPin = 6;
-const int chipSelectPin = 7;
-void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // start the SPI library:
- SPI.begin();
- // initalize the data ready and chip select pins:
- pinMode(dataReadyPin, INPUT);
- pinMode(chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
- //Configure SCP1000 for low noise configuration:
- writeRegister(0x02, 0x2D);
- writeRegister(0x01, 0x03);
- writeRegister(0x03, 0x02);
- // give the sensor time to set up:
- delay(100);
-void loop() {
- //Select High Resolution Mode
- writeRegister(0x03, 0x0A);
- // don't do anything until the data ready pin is high:
- if (digitalRead(dataReadyPin) == HIGH) {
- //Read the temperature data
- int tempData = readRegister(0x21, 2);
- // convert the temperature to celsius and display it:
- float realTemp = (float)tempData / 20.0;
- Serial.print("Temp[C]=");
- Serial.print(realTemp);
- //Read the pressure data highest 3 bits:
- byte pressure_data_high = readRegister(0x1F, 1);
- pressure_data_high &= 0b00000111; //you only needs bits 2 to 0
- //Read the pressure data lower 16 bits:
- unsigned int pressure_data_low = readRegister(0x20, 2);
- //combine the two parts into one 19-bit number:
- long pressure = ((pressure_data_high << 16) | pressure_data_low)/4;
- // display the temperature:
- Serial.println("\tPressure [Pa]=" + String(pressure));
- }
-//Read from or write to register from the SCP1000:
-unsigned int readRegister(byte thisRegister, int bytesToRead ) {
- byte inByte = 0; // incoming byte from the SPI
- unsigned int result = 0; // result to return
- // SCP1000 expects the register name in the upper 6 bits
- // of the byte. So shift the bits left by two bits:
- thisRegister = thisRegister << 2;
- // now combine the address and the command into one byte
- dataToSend = thisRegister & READ;
- // take the chip select low to select the device:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);
- // send the device the register you want to read:
- SPI.transfer(dataToSend);
- // send a value of 0 to read the first byte returned:
- result = SPI.transfer(0x00);
- // decrement the number of bytes left to read:
- bytesToRead--;
- // if you still have another byte to read:
- if (bytesToRead > 0) {
- // shift the first byte left, then get the second byte:
- result = result << 8;
- inByte = SPI.transfer(0x00);
- // combine the byte you just got with the previous one:
- result = result | inByte;
- // decrement the number of bytes left to read:
- bytesToRead--;
- }
- // take the chip select high to de-select:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);
- // return the result:
- return(result);
-//Sends a write command to SCP1000
-void writeRegister(byte thisRegister, byte thisValue) {
- // SCP1000 expects the register address in the upper 6 bits
- // of the byte. So shift the bits left by two bits:
- thisRegister = thisRegister << 2;
- // now combine the register address and the command into one byte:
- dataToSend = thisRegister | WRITE;
- // take the chip select low to select the device:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);
- SPI.transfer(dataToSend); //Send register location
- SPI.transfer(thisValue); //Send value to record into register
- // take the chip select high to de-select:
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);
diff --git a/libraries/SPI/examples/DigitalPotControl/DigitalPotControl.ino b/libraries/SPI/examples/DigitalPotControl/DigitalPotControl.ino
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index adf93a2..0000000
--- a/libraries/SPI/examples/DigitalPotControl/DigitalPotControl.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- Digital Pot Control
- This example controls an Analog Devices AD5206 digital potentiometer.
- The AD5206 has 6 potentiometer channels. Each channel's pins are labeled
- A - connect this to voltage
- W - this is the pot's wiper, which changes when you set it
- B - connect this to ground.
- The AD5206 is SPI-compatible,and to command it, you send two bytes,
- one with the channel number (0 - 5) and one with the resistance value for the
- channel (0 - 255).
- The circuit:
- * All A pins of AD5206 connected to +5V
- * All B pins of AD5206 connected to ground
- * An LED and a 220-ohm resisor in series connected from each W pin to ground
- * CS - to digital pin 10 (SS pin)
- * SDI - to digital pin 11 (MOSI pin)
- * CLK - to digital pin 13 (SCK pin)
- created 10 Aug 2010
- by Tom Igoe
- Thanks to Heather Dewey-Hagborg for the original tutorial, 2005
-// inslude the SPI library:
-#include <SPI.h>
-// set pin 10 as the slave select for the digital pot:
-const int slaveSelectPin = 10;
-void setup() {
- // set the slaveSelectPin as an output:
- pinMode (slaveSelectPin, OUTPUT);
- // initialize SPI:
- SPI.begin();
-void loop() {
- // go through the six channels of the digital pot:
- for (int channel = 0; channel < 6; channel++) {
- // change the resistance on this channel from min to max:
- for (int level = 0; level < 255; level++) {
- digitalPotWrite(channel, level);
- delay(10);
- }
- // wait a second at the top:
- delay(100);
- // change the resistance on this channel from max to min:
- for (int level = 0; level < 255; level++) {
- digitalPotWrite(channel, 255 - level);
- delay(10);
- }
- }
-void digitalPotWrite(int address, int value) {
- // take the SS pin low to select the chip:
- digitalWrite(slaveSelectPin,LOW);
- // send in the address and value via SPI:
- SPI.transfer(address);
- SPI.transfer(value);
- // take the SS pin high to de-select the chip:
- digitalWrite(slaveSelectPin,HIGH);
diff --git a/libraries/SPI/keywords.txt b/libraries/SPI/keywords.txt
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index fa76165..0000000
--- a/libraries/SPI/keywords.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Syntax Coloring Map SPI
-# Datatypes (KEYWORD1)
-# Methods and Functions (KEYWORD2)
-begin KEYWORD2
-transfer KEYWORD2
-setBitOrder KEYWORD2
-setDataMode KEYWORD2
-setClockDivider KEYWORD2
-# Constants (LITERAL1)
-SPI_MODE3 LITERAL1 \ No newline at end of file