//! When configurator for a binding for types inside of a [`AsyncDIContainer`]. use std::any::type_name; use std::marker::PhantomData; use crate::di_container::BindingOptions; use crate::errors::async_di_container::AsyncBindingWhenConfiguratorError; use crate::util::use_double; use_double!(crate::di_container::asynchronous::AsyncDIContainer); /// When configurator for a binding for type `Interface` inside a [`AsyncDIContainer`]. pub struct AsyncBindingWhenConfigurator<'di_container, Interface> where Interface: 'static + ?Sized + Send + Sync, { di_container: &'di_container AsyncDIContainer, interface_phantom: PhantomData<Interface>, } impl<'di_container, Interface> AsyncBindingWhenConfigurator<'di_container, Interface> where Interface: 'static + ?Sized + Send + Sync, { pub(crate) fn new(di_container: &'di_container AsyncDIContainer) -> Self { Self { di_container, interface_phantom: PhantomData, } } /// Configures the binding to have a name. /// /// # Errors /// Will return Err if no binding for the interface already exists. /// /// # Examples /// ``` /// # use syrette::{AsyncDIContainer, injectable}; /// # /// # struct Kitten {} /// # /// # #[injectable(async = true)] /// # impl Kitten /// # { /// # fn new() -> Self /// # { /// # Self {} /// # } /// # } /// # /// # #[tokio::main] /// # async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { /// let mut di_container = AsyncDIContainer::new(); /// /// di_container /// .bind::<Kitten>() /// .to::<Kitten>() /// .await? /// .in_transient_scope() /// .await /// .when_named("Billy") /// .await?; /// # /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` pub async fn when_named( self, name: &'static str, ) -> Result<(), AsyncBindingWhenConfiguratorError> { let binding = self .di_container .remove_binding::<Interface>(BindingOptions::new()) .await .map_or_else( || { Err(AsyncBindingWhenConfiguratorError::BindingNotFound( type_name::<Interface>(), )) }, Ok, )?; self.di_container .set_binding::<Interface>(BindingOptions::new().name(name), binding) .await; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use mockall::predicate::eq; use super::*; use crate::di_container::asynchronous::MockAsyncDIContainer; use crate::provider::r#async::MockIAsyncProvider; use crate::test_utils::subjects_async; #[tokio::test] async fn when_named_works() { let mut di_container_mock = MockAsyncDIContainer::new(); di_container_mock .expect_remove_binding::<dyn subjects_async::INumber>() .with(eq(BindingOptions::new())) .return_once(|_name| Some(Box::new(MockIAsyncProvider::new()))) .once(); di_container_mock .expect_set_binding::<dyn subjects_async::INumber>() .withf(|binding_options, _provider| binding_options.name == Some("awesome")) .return_once(|_name, _provider| ()) .once(); let binding_when_configurator = AsyncBindingWhenConfigurator::< dyn subjects_async::INumber, >::new(&di_container_mock); assert!(binding_when_configurator .when_named("awesome") .await .is_ok()); } }