version: 2.1 jobs: test-nightly: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.63.0 steps: - checkout - run: cargo --version - run: name: Install Rust nightly command: rustup install nightly - run: name: Setting Rust nightly as default command: rustup default nightly - run: name: Run tests with all features enabled command: cargo test --workspace --all-features - run: name: Run tests with only default features enabled command: cargo test --workspace test-stable: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.63.0 steps: - checkout - run: cargo --version - run: name: Run tests with all features except factory enabled command: cargo test --workspace --features async - run: name: Run tests with only default features enabled command: cargo test --workspace coverage: machine: true steps: - checkout - run: name: Code Coverage command: | docker run \ --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \ -v "${PWD}:/volume" \ xd009642/tarpaulin:0.22.0-nightly \ cargo \ +nightly \ tarpaulin \ --workspace \ --all-features \ --ciserver circle-ci \ --out Xml bash <(curl -s lints: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.63.0 steps: - checkout - run: cargo --version - run: name: Run Clippy command: cargo clippy code-style: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.63.0 steps: - checkout - run: cargo --version - run: name: Install Rust nightly command: rustup install nightly - run: name: Setting Rust nightly as default command: rustup default nightly - run: name: Run Rustfmt command: find src macros/src -type f -name "*.rs" -exec rustfmt --edition 2021 --check {} \; workflows: test: jobs: - test-nightly - test-stable - coverage checks: jobs: - lints - code-style