# # Makefile for compiling Arduino sketches from command line # System part (i.e. project independent) # # Copyright (C) 2012 Sudar , based on # M J Oldfield work: https://github.com/mjoldfield/Arduino-Makefile # # Copyright (C) 2010,2011,2012 Martin Oldfield , based on # work that is copyright Nicholas Zambetti, David A. Mellis & Hernando # Barragan. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Adapted from Arduino 0011 Makefile by M J Oldfield # # Original Arduino adaptation by mellis, eighthave, oli.keller # # Current version: 1.6.0 # arduino_output = # When output is not suppressed and we're in the top-level makefile, # running for the first time (i.e., not after a restart after # regenerating the dependency file), then output the configuration. ifndef ARDUINO_QUIET ARDUINO_QUIET = 0 endif ifeq ($(ARDUINO_QUIET),0) ifeq ($(MAKE_RESTARTS),) ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL),0) arduino_output = $(info $(1)) endif endif endif include $(ARDMK_DIR)/Common.mk $(call show_config_variable,ARDMK_DIR,[USER]) ifndef TARGET space := space += TARGET = $(notdir $(subst $(space),_,$(CURDIR))) endif $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_VERSION,[USER]) ifdef ARDUINO_VERSION ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT = $(shell sed "s/\.//g" <<< $(ARDUINO_VERSION)) $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT,[AUTODETECTED]) endif $(call show_config_variable,ARCHITECTURE,[USER]) #avoid using shell for known architectures ifeq ($(ARCHITECTURE),avr) ARDUINO_ARCH_FLAG = -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR else ARDUINO_ARCH_FLAG = -DARDUINO_ARCH_$(shell echo $(ARCHITECTURE) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') endif ARDMK_VENDOR = arduino $(call show_config_variable,ARDMK_VENDOR,[DEFAULT]) ARDUINO_VAR_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(ARCHITECTURE)/$(ARDUINO_VERSION)/variants $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_VAR_PATH,[COMPUTED],(from ARDUINO_DIR)) BOARDS_TXT = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(ARCHITECTURE)/$(ARDUINO_VERSION)/boards.txt $(call show_config_variable,BOARDS_TXT,[COMPUTED],(from ARDUINO_DIR)) ifeq (,$(wildcard $(BOARDS_TXT))) $(error Currently BOARDS_TXT='$(BOARDS_TXT)', which is not an existing file or an invalid filename.) endif TOOL_PREFIX = avr CC_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc CXX_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-g++ AS_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-as OBJCOPY_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-objcopy OBJDUMP_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-objdump AR_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-ar SIZE_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-size NM_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-nm ifndef AVR_TOOLS_DIR BUNDLED_AVR_TOOLS_DIR := $(call dir_if_exists,$(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/tools/avr) ifdef BUNDLED_AVR_TOOLS_DIR AVR_TOOLS_DIR = $(BUNDLED_AVR_TOOLS_DIR) $(call show_config_variable,AVR_TOOLS_DIR,[BUNDLED],(in Arduino distribution)) # In Linux distribution of Arduino, the path to avrdude and avrdude.conf are different # More details at https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile/issues/48 and # https://groups.google.com/a/arduino.cc/d/msg/developers/D_m97jGr8Xs/uQTt28KO_8oJ ifeq ($(CURRENT_OS),LINUX) ifndef AVRDUDE ifeq ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT) '>' 157), 1) # 1.5.8 has different location than all prior versions! AVRDUDE = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/bin/avrdude else AVRDUDE = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/../avrdude endif endif ifndef AVRDUDE_CONF ifeq ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT) '>' 157), 1) AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/etc/avrdude.conf else AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/../avrdude.conf endif endif else ifndef AVRDUDE_CONF AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/etc/avrdude.conf endif endif else SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR := $(call dir_if_exists,$(abspath $(dir $(shell which $(CC_NAME)))/..)) ifdef SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR AVR_TOOLS_DIR = $(SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR) $(call show_config_variable,AVR_TOOLS_DIR,[AUTODETECTED],(found in $$PATH)) else # One last attempt using $(TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc in case using arm SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR := $(call dir_if_exists,$(abspath $(dir $(shell which $($(TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc)))/..)) ifdef SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR AVR_TOOLS_DIR = $(SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR) $(call show_config_variable,AVR_TOOLS_DIR,[AUTODETECTED],(found in $$PATH)) else echo $(error No AVR tools directory found) endif endif # SYSTEMPATH_AVR_TOOLS_DIR endif # BUNDLED_AVR_TOOLS_DIR else $(call show_config_variable,AVR_TOOLS_DIR,[USER]) # ensure we can still find avrdude.conf ifndef AVRDUDE_CONF ifeq ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT) '>' 157), 1) AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/etc/avrdude.conf else AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_TOOLS_DIR)/../avrdude.conf endif endif endif TOOLS_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/tools/avr-gcc/$(shell /bin/ls --color=never -1 $(ARDUINO_DIR)/tools/avr-gcc/ | sort -r | xargs | awk '{print $$1}')/bin ARDUINO_LIB_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/libraries $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_LIB_PATH,[COMPUTED],(from ARDUINO_DIR)) ifeq ($(shell expr $(ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT) '>' 150), 1) ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(ARCHITECTURE)/$(ARDUINO_VERSION)/libraries $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH,[COMPUTED],(from ARDUINO_DIR)) endif PROJ_LIBS_PATH = libraries $(call show_config_variable,PROJ_LIBS_PATH,[DEFAULT]) PRE_BUILD_HOOK = pre-build-hook.sh $(call show_config_variable,PRE_BUILD_HOOK,[DEFAULT]) ######################################################################## # boards.txt parsing ifdef BOARD_SUB BOARD_SUB := $(strip $(BOARD_SUB)) $(call show_config_variable,BOARD_SUB,[USER]) endif BOARD_TAG := $(strip $(BOARD_TAG)) $(call show_config_variable,BOARD_TAG,[USER]) ifdef BOARD_CLOCK BOARD_CLOCK := $(strip $(BOARD_CLOCK)) $(call show_config_variable,BOARD_CLOCK,[USER]) endif # If NO_CORE is set, then we don't have to parse boards.txt file # But the user might have to define MCU, F_CPU etc ifeq ($(strip $(NO_CORE)),) # Select a core from the 'cores' directory. Two main values: 'arduino' or # 'robot', but can also hold 'tiny', for example, if using # https://code.google.com/p/arduino-tiny alternate core. ifndef CORE CORE = $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.core) $(call show_config_variable,CORE,[COMPUTED],(from build.core)) else $(call show_config_variable,CORE,[USER]) endif # Which variant ? This affects the include path ifndef VARIANT VARIANT := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).build.variant) ifndef VARIANT VARIANT := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.variant) endif $(call show_config_variable,VARIANT,[COMPUTED],(from build.variant)) else $(call show_config_variable,VARIANT,[USER]) endif ifndef BOARD BOARD := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.board) ifndef BOARD BOARD := $(shell echo $(ARCHITECTURE)_$(BOARD_TAG) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') endif $(call show_config_variable,BOARD,[COMPUTED],(from build.board)) else $(call show_config_variable,BOARD,[USER]) endif # see if we are a caterina device like leonardo or micro CATERINA := $(findstring caterina,$(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).bootloader.file)) ifndef CATERINA # 1.5+ method if not a submenu CATERINA := $(findstring caterina,$(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.file)) endif ifndef CATERINA # 1.0 method uses deprecated bootloader.path CATERINA := $(findstring caterina,$(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.path)) endif # processor stuff ifndef MCU MCU := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).build.mcu) ifndef MCU MCU := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.mcu) endif endif ifndef F_CPU ifdef BOARD_CLOCK F_CPU := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(speed|clock).$(BOARD_CLOCK).build.f_cpu) endif ifndef F_CPU F_CPU := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).build.f_cpu) endif ifndef F_CPU F_CPU := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.f_cpu) endif endif ifneq ($(CATERINA),) # USB IDs for the caterina devices like leonardo or micro ifndef USB_VID USB_VID = $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.vid) endif # coping with 2-3 methods sparkfun use for usb.pid ifndef USB_PID USB_PID := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.pid) ifndef USB_PID USB_PID := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).build.pid) endif endif ifndef USB_PRODUCT USB_PRODUCT := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.usb_product) ifdef USB_PRODUCT $(call show_config_variable,USB_PRODUCT,[COMPUTED]) endif endif ifndef USB_MANUFACTURER USB_MANUFACTURER := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),build.usb_manufacturer) ifndef USB_MANUFACTURER USB_MANUFACTURER = "Unknown" else $(call show_config_variable,USB_MANUFACTURER,[COMPUTED]) endif endif endif # normal programming info ifndef AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).upload.protocol) ifndef AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),upload.protocol) endif endif ifndef AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).upload.speed) ifndef AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),upload.speed) endif endif # fuses if you're using e.g. ISP ifndef ISP_LOCK_FUSE_PRE ISP_LOCK_FUSE_PRE = $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.unlock_bits) endif ifndef ISP_HIGH_FUSE ifdef BOARD_CLOCK ISP_HIGH_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(speed|clock).$(BOARD_CLOCK).bootloader.high_fuses) endif ifndef ISP_HIGH_FUSE ISP_HIGH_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).bootloader.high_fuses) endif ifndef ISP_HIGH_FUSE ISP_HIGH_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.high_fuses) endif endif ifndef ISP_LOW_FUSE ifdef BOARD_CLOCK ISP_LOW_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(speed|clock).$(BOARD_CLOCK).bootloader.low_fuses) endif ifndef ISP_LOW_FUSE ISP_LOW_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).bootloader.low_fuses) endif ifndef ISP_LOW_FUSE ISP_LOW_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.low_fuses) endif endif ifndef ISP_EXT_FUSE ifdef BOARD_CLOCK ISP_EXT_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(speed|clock).$(BOARD_CLOCK).bootloader.extended_fuses) endif ifndef ISP_EXT_FUSE ISP_EXT_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).bootloader.extended_fuses) endif ifndef ISP_EXT_FUSE ISP_EXT_FUSE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.extended_fuses) endif endif ifndef BOOTLOADER_PATH BOOTLOADER_PATH = $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.path) endif ifndef BOOTLOADER_FILE BOOTLOADER_FILE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).bootloader.file) ifndef BOOTLOADER_FILE BOOTLOADER_FILE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.file) endif endif ifndef ISP_LOCK_FUSE_POST ISP_LOCK_FUSE_POST = $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),bootloader.lock_bits) endif ifndef HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),menu.(chip|cpu).$(BOARD_SUB).upload.maximum_size) ifndef HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE := $(call PARSE_BOARD,$(BOARD_TAG),upload.maximum_size) endif endif endif # Everything gets built in here (include BOARD_TAG now) ifndef OBJDIR OBJDIR = build $(call show_config_variable,OBJDIR,[COMPUTED],(from BOARD_TAG)) else $(call show_config_variable,OBJDIR,[USER]) endif # Now that we have ARDUINO_DIR, ARDMK_VENDOR, ARCHITECTURE and CORE, # we can set ARDUINO_CORE_PATH. ifndef ARDUINO_CORE_PATH ifeq ($(strip $(CORE)),) ARDUINO_CORE_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(ARCHITECTURE)/$(ARDUINO_VERSION)/cores/arduino $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_CORE_PATH,[DEFAULT]) else ARDUINO_CORE_PATH = $(ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH)/cores/$(CORE) ifeq ($(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)),) ARDUINO_CORE_PATH = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(ARCHITECTURE)/$(ARDUINO_VERSION)/cores/$(CORE) $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_CORE_PATH,[COMPUTED],(from ARDUINO_DIR, BOARD_TAG and boards.txt)) else $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_CORE_PATH,[COMPUTED],(from ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH, BOARD_TAG and boards.txt)) endif endif else $(call show_config_variable,ARDUINO_CORE_PATH,[USER]) endif ######################################################################## # Reset ifndef RESET_CMD ARD_RESET_ARDUINO_PATH = tools/reset_leonardo.py ARD_RESET_ARDUINO := $(PYTHON_CMD) $(ARD_RESET_ARDUINO_PATH) RESET_CMD = $(ARD_RESET_ARDUINO) $(DEVICE_PATH) $(call show_config_variable,RESET_CMD,[COMPUTED],(from PYTHON_CMD, ARD_RESET_OPTS and MONITOR_PORT)) else $(call show_config_variable,RESET_CMD,[USER]) endif ifneq ($(CATERINA),) ERROR_ON_CATERINA = $(error On $(BOARD_TAG), raw_xxx operation is not supported) else ERROR_ON_CATERINA = endif ######################################################################## # Local sources LOCAL_SRCS ?= $(wildcard src/*.cpp) LOCAL_OBJ_FILES = $(LOCAL_SRCS:.cpp=.cpp.o) LOCAL_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(LOCAL_OBJ_FILES)) ifeq ($(words $(LOCAL_SRCS)), 0) $(error At least one source file is needed) endif # core sources ifeq ($(strip $(NO_CORE)),) ifdef ARDUINO_CORE_PATH CORE_C_SRCS = $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/*.c) CORE_C_SRCS += $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/$(TOOL_PREFIX)-libc/*.c) CORE_CPP_SRCS = $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/*.cpp) CORE_AS_SRCS = $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/*.S) # ArduinoCore-API CORE_C_SRCS += $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/api/*.c) CORE_CPP_SRCS += $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/api/*.cpp) # USB Core if samd or sam ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) CORE_C_SRCS += $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/avr/*.c) # avr core emulation files CORE_C_SRCS += $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/USB/*.c) CORE_CPP_SRCS += $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/USB/*.cpp) endif ifneq ($(strip $(NO_CORE_MAIN_CPP)),) CORE_CPP_SRCS := $(filter-out %main.cpp, $(CORE_CPP_SRCS)) $(call show_config_info,NO_CORE_MAIN_CPP set so core library will not include main.cpp,[MANUAL]) endif # Add core files for sam devices in CORE_OJBS filtering specific paths ifdef SAM_CORE_PATH SAM_CORE_OBJ_FILES = $(SAM_CORE_C_SRCS:.c=.c.o) $(SAM_CORE_CPP_SRCS:.cpp=.cpp.o) $(SAM_CORE_AS_SRCS:.S=.S.o) # variant core files CORE_OBJS += $(patsubst $(SAM_CORE_PATH)/%, \ $(OBJDIR)/core/%, $(filter $(SAM_CORE_PATH)/%, $(SAM_CORE_OBJ_FILES))) # libsam on Due ifdef SAM_LIBSAM_PATH CORE_OBJS += $(patsubst $(SAM_LIBSAM_PATH)/source/%, \ $(OBJDIR)/core/%, $(filter $(SAM_LIBSAM_PATH)/source/%, $(SAM_CORE_OBJ_FILES))) endif # chip sources on Due ifdef SAM_SYSTEM_PATH CORE_OBJS += $(patsubst $(SAM_SYSTEM_PATH)/source/%, \ $(OBJDIR)/core/%, $(filter $(SAM_SYSTEM_PATH)/source/%, $(SAM_CORE_OBJ_FILES))) endif endif CORE_OBJ_FILES = $(CORE_C_SRCS:.c=.c.o) $(CORE_CPP_SRCS:.cpp=.cpp.o) $(CORE_AS_SRCS:.S=.S.o) CORE_OBJS += $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/%, \ $(OBJDIR)/core/%,$(CORE_OBJ_FILES)) endif else $(call show_config_info,NO_CORE set so core library will not be built,[MANUAL]) endif ######################################################################## # Determine ARDUINO_LIBS automatically ifndef ARDUINO_LIBS # automatically determine included libraries ARDUINO_LIBS += $(filter $(notdir $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_DIR)/libraries/*)), \ $(shell sed -ne 's/^ *\# *include *[<\"]\(.*\)\.h[>\"]/\1/p' $(LOCAL_SRCS))) ARDUINO_LIBS += $(filter $(notdir $(wildcard $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/*)), \ $(shell sed -ne 's/^ *\# *include *[<\"]\(.*\)\.h[>\"]/\1/p' $(LOCAL_SRCS))) ARDUINO_LIBS += $(filter $(notdir $(wildcard $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/*)), \ $(shell sed -ne 's/^ *\# *include *[<\"]\(.*\)\.h[>\"]/\1/p' $(LOCAL_SRCS))) endif ######################################################################## # Serial monitor (just a screen wrapper) # Quite how to construct the monitor command seems intimately tied # to the command we're using (here screen). So, read the screen docs # for more information (search for 'character special device'). ifeq ($(strip $(NO_CORE)),) ifndef MONITOR_BAUDRATE MONITOR_BAUDRATE = 9600 $(call show_config_variable,MONITOR_BAUDRATE,[ASSUMED]) else $(call show_config_variable,MONITOR_BAUDRATE,[USER]) endif ifndef MONITOR_CMD MONITOR_CMD = screen endif endif # Include Arduino Header file ARDUINO_HEADER=Arduino.h ######################################################################## # Rules for making stuff # The name of the main targets TARGET_HEX = $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).hex TARGET_ELF = $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).elf TARGET_EEP = $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).eep TARGET_BIN = $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).bin CORE_LIB = $(OBJDIR)/libcore.a # Names of executables # In the rare case of wanting to override a path and/or excecutable # name, the OVERRIDE_EXECUTABLES variable must be defned and _all_ # the excecutables (CC, CXX, AS, OBJCOPY, OBJDUMP AR, SIZE and NM) # _must_ be defined in the calling makefile. # We can't use "?=" assignment because these are already implicitly # defined by Make (e.g. $(CC) == cc). ifndef OVERRIDE_EXECUTABLES CC = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(CC_NAME) CXX = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(CXX_NAME) AS = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(AS_NAME) OBJCOPY = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(OBJCOPY_NAME) OBJDUMP = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(OBJDUMP_NAME) AR = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(AR_NAME) SIZE = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(SIZE_NAME) NM = $(TOOLS_PATH)/$(NM_NAME) endif REMOVE = rm -rf MV = mv -f CAT = cat ECHO = printf MKDIR = mkdir -p # recursive wildcard function, call with params: # - start directory (finished with /) or empty string for current dir # - glob pattern # (taken from http://blog.jgc.org/2011/07/gnu-make-recursive-wildcard-function.html) rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) # functions used to determine various properties of library # called with library path. Needed because of differences between library # layouts in arduino 1.0.x and 1.5.x. # Assuming new 1.5.x layout when there is "src" subdirectory in main directory # and library.properties file # Gets include flags for library get_library_includes = $(if $(and $(wildcard $(1)/src), $(wildcard $(1)/library.properties)), \ -I$(1)/src, \ $(addprefix -I,$(1) $(wildcard $(1)/utility))) # Gets all sources with given extension (param2) for library (path = param1) # for old (1.0.x) layout looks in . and "utility" directories # for new (1.5.x) layout looks in src and recursively its subdirectories get_library_files = $(if $(and $(wildcard $(1)/src), $(wildcard $(1)/library.properties)), \ $(call rwildcard,$(1)/src/,*.$(2)), \ $(wildcard $(1)/*.$(2) $(1)/utility/*.$(2))) # General arguments PROJ_LIBS := $(sort $(wildcard $(patsubst %,$(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%,$(ARDUINO_LIBS)))) PROJ_LIB_NAMES := $(patsubst $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%,%,$(PROJ_LIBS)) # Let user libraries override system ones. SYS_LIBS := $(sort $(wildcard $(patsubst %,$(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%,$(filter-out $(PROJ_LIB_NAMES),$(ARDUINO_LIBS))))) SYS_LIB_NAMES := $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%,%,$(SYS_LIBS)) ifdef ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH PLATFORM_LIBS := $(sort $(wildcard $(patsubst %,$(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%,$(filter-out $(PROJ_LIB_NAMES),$(ARDUINO_LIBS))))) PLATFORM_LIB_NAMES := $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%,%,$(PLATFORM_LIBS)) endif # Error here if any are missing. LIBS_NOT_FOUND = $(filter-out $(PROJ_LIB_NAMES) $(SYS_LIB_NAMES) $(PLATFORM_LIB_NAMES),$(ARDUINO_LIBS)) ifneq (,$(strip $(LIBS_NOT_FOUND))) ifdef ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH $(error The following libraries specified in ARDUINO_LIBS could not be found (searched PROJ_LIBS_PATH, ARDUINO_LIB_PATH and ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH): $(LIBS_NOT_FOUND)) else $(error The following libraries specified in ARDUINO_LIBS could not be found (searched PROJ_LIBS_PATH and ARDUINO_LIB_PATH): $(LIBS_NOT_FOUND)) endif endif SYS_INCLUDES := $(foreach lib, $(SYS_LIBS), $(call get_library_includes,$(lib))) PROJ_INCLUDES := $(foreach lib, $(PROJ_LIBS), $(call get_library_includes,$(lib))) LIB_C_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(SYS_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),c)) LIB_CPP_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(SYS_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),cpp)) LIB_AS_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(SYS_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),S)) PROJ_LIB_CPP_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(PROJ_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),cpp)) PROJ_LIB_C_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(PROJ_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),c)) PROJ_LIB_AS_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(PROJ_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),S)) LIB_OBJS = $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/libs/%.c.o,$(LIB_C_SRCS)) \ $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/libs/%.cpp.o,$(LIB_CPP_SRCS)) \ $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%.S,$(OBJDIR)/libs/%.S.o,$(LIB_AS_SRCS)) PROJ_LIB_OJS = $(patsubst $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/projlibs/%.cpp.o,$(PROJ_LIB_CPP_SRCS)) \ $(patsubst $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/projlibs/%.c.o,$(PROJ_LIB_C_SRCS)) \ $(patsubst $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%.S,$(OBJDIR)/projlibs/%.S.o,$(PROJ_LIB_AS_SRCS)) ifdef ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH PLATFORM_INCLUDES := $(foreach lib, $(PLATFORM_LIBS), $(call get_library_includes,$(lib))) PLATFORM_LIB_CPP_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(PLATFORM_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),cpp)) PLATFORM_LIB_C_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(PLATFORM_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),c)) PLATFORM_LIB_AS_SRCS := $(foreach lib, $(PLATFORM_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),S)) PLATFORM_LIB_OBJS := $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/platformlibs/%.cpp.o,$(PLATFORM_LIB_CPP_SRCS)) \ $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%.c,$(OBJDIR)/platformlibs/%.c.o,$(PLATFORM_LIB_C_SRCS)) \ $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%.S,$(OBJDIR)/platformlibs/%.S.o,$(PLATFORM_LIB_AS_SRCS)) endif # Dependency files DEPS = $(LOCAL_OBJS:.o=.d) $(LIB_OBJS:.o=.d) $(PLATFORM_OBJS:.o=.d) $(PROJ_LIB_OJS:.o=.d) $(CORE_OBJS:.o=.d) ifndef OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=s $(call show_config_variable,OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL,[DEFAULT]) else $(call show_config_variable,OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL,[USER]) endif DEBUG_FLAGS = -O0 -g # SoftwareSerial requires -Os (some delays are tuned for this optimization level) %SoftwareSerial.cpp.o : OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS = -Os %Uart.cpp.o : OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS = -Os ifndef MCU_FLAG_NAME MCU_FLAG_NAME = mmcu $(call show_config_variable,MCU_FLAG_NAME,[DEFAULT]) else $(call show_config_variable,MCU_FLAG_NAME,[USER]) endif CPPFLAGS += -$(MCU_FLAG_NAME)=$(MCU) -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU) -DARDUINO=$(ARDUINO_VERSION_SHORT) -DARDUINO_$(BOARD) $(ARDUINO_ARCH_FLAG) \ "-DARDUINO_BOARD=\"$(BOARD)\"" "-DARDUINO_VARIANT=\"$(VARIANT)\"" \ -I$(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH) -I$(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/api -I$(ARDUINO_VAR_PATH)/$(VARIANT) \ $(SYS_INCLUDES) $(PLATFORM_INCLUDES) $(PROJ_INCLUDES) -Wall -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections # PROG_TYPES_COMPAT is enabled by default for compatibility with the Arduino IDE. # By placing it before the user-provided CPPFLAGS rather than after, we allow the # the user to disable it if they like, by adding the negation of the flag # (-U__PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__) to the user-provided CPPFLAGS. CPPFLAGS := -D__PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ $(CPPFLAGS) ifdef DEBUG OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) else OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS = -O$(OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL) endif CPPFLAGS += $(OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS) # USB IDs for the Caterina devices like leonardo or micro ifneq ($(CATERINA),) CPPFLAGS += -DUSB_VID=$(USB_VID) -DUSB_PID=$(USB_PID) ifdef USB_PRODUCT CPPFLAGS += -DUSB_PRODUCT='$(USB_PRODUCT)' -DUSB_MANUFACTURER='$(USB_MANUFACTURER)' endif endif # $(TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc version that we can do maths on CC_VERNUM = $(shell $(CC) -dumpversion | sed 's/\.//g') # moved from above so we can find version-dependant ar ifeq ($(TOOL_PREFIX), avr) ifeq ($(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 490), 1) AR_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc-ar else AR_NAME := $(TOOL_PREFIX)-ar endif endif ifndef CFLAGS_STD ifeq ($(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 490), 1) CFLAGS_STD = -std=gnu11 else CFLAGS_STD = endif $(call show_config_variable,CFLAGS_STD,[DEFAULT]) else $(call show_config_variable,CFLAGS_STD,[USER]) endif ifndef CXXFLAGS_STD ifeq ($(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 490), 1) CXXFLAGS_STD = -std=gnu++11 else CXXFLAGS_STD = endif $(call show_config_variable,CXXFLAGS_STD,[DEFAULT]) else $(call show_config_variable,CXXFLAGS_STD,[USER]) endif CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_STD) CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive -fno-exceptions $(CXXFLAGS_STD) ASFLAGS += -x assembler-with-cpp DIAGNOSTICS_COLOR_WHEN ?= always # Flags for AVR ifeq ($(findstring avr, $(strip $(CC_NAME))), avr) ifeq ($(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 490), 1) ASFLAGS += -flto CXXFLAGS += -fno-threadsafe-statics -flto -fno-devirtualize -fdiagnostics-color=$(DIAGNOSTICS_COLOR_WHEN) CFLAGS += -flto -fno-fat-lto-objects -fdiagnostics-color=$(DIAGNOSTICS_COLOR_WHEN) LDFLAGS += -flto -fuse-linker-plugin endif # Flags for ARM (most set in Sam.mk) else ifeq ($(shell expr $(CC_VERNUM) '>' 490), 1) CXXFLAGS += -fdiagnostics-color=$(DIAGNOSTICS_COLOR_WHEN) CFLAGS += -fdiagnostics-color=$(DIAGNOSTICS_COLOR_WHEN) endif endif LDFLAGS += -$(MCU_FLAG_NAME)=$(MCU) -Wl,--gc-sections -O$(OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL) SIZEFLAGS ?= --mcu=$(MCU) -C # for backwards compatibility, grab ARDUINO_PORT if the user has it set # instead of MONITOR_PORT MONITOR_PORT ?= $(ARDUINO_PORT) ifneq ($(strip $(MONITOR_PORT)),) ifeq ($(CURRENT_OS), WINDOWS) # Expect MONITOR_PORT to be '1' or 'com1' for COM1 in Windows. Split it up # into the two styles required: /dev/ttyS* for ard-reset-arduino and com* # for avrdude. This also could work with /dev/com* device names and be more # consistent, but the /dev/com* is not recommended by Cygwin and doesn't # always show up. COM_PORT_ID = $(subst com,,$(MONITOR_PORT)) COM_STYLE_MONITOR_PORT = com$(COM_PORT_ID) DEVICE_PATH = /dev/ttyS$(shell awk 'BEGIN{ print $(COM_PORT_ID) - 1 }') else # set DEVICE_PATH based on user-defined MONITOR_PORT or ARDUINO_PORT DEVICE_PATH = $(MONITOR_PORT) endif $(call show_config_variable,DEVICE_PATH,[COMPUTED],(from MONITOR_PORT)) else # If no port is specified, try to guess it from wildcards. # Will only work if the Arduino is the only/first device matched. DEVICE_PATH = $(firstword $(wildcard \ /dev/ttyACM? /dev/ttyUSB? /dev/tty.usbserial* /dev/tty.usbmodem* /dev/tty.wchusbserial*)) $(call show_config_variable,DEVICE_PATH,[AUTODETECTED]) endif ifndef FORCE_MONITOR_PORT $(call show_config_variable,FORCE_MONITOR_PORT,[DEFAULT]) else $(call show_config_variable,FORCE_MONITOR_PORT,[USER]) endif ifdef FORCE_MONITOR_PORT # Skips the DEVICE_PATH existance check. get_monitor_port = $(DEVICE_PATH) else # Returns the Arduino port (first wildcard expansion) if it exists, otherwise it errors. ifeq ($(CURRENT_OS), WINDOWS) get_monitor_port = $(COM_STYLE_MONITOR_PORT) else get_monitor_port = $(if $(wildcard $(DEVICE_PATH)),$(firstword $(wildcard $(DEVICE_PATH))),$(error Arduino port $(DEVICE_PATH) not found!)) endif endif # Returns the ISP port (first wildcard expansion) if it exists, otherwise it errors. get_isp_port = $(if $(wildcard $(ISP_PORT)),$(firstword $(wildcard $(ISP_PORT))),$(if $(findstring Xusb,X$(ISP_PORT)),$(ISP_PORT),$(error ISP port $(ISP_PORT) not found!))) # Command for avr_size: do $(call avr_size,elffile,hexfile) ifneq (,$(findstring AVR,$(shell $(SIZE) --help))) # We have a patched version of binutils that mentions AVR - pass the MCU # and the elf to get nice output. avr_size = $(SIZE) $(SIZEFLAGS) --format=avr $(1) $(call show_config_info,Size utility: AVR-aware for enhanced output,[AUTODETECTED]) else ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) avr_size = $(SIZE) $(SIZEFLAGS) $(1) $(call show_config_info,Size utility: ARM,[AUTODETECTED]) else # We have a plain-old binutils version - just give it the hex. avr_size = $(SIZE) $(2) $(call show_config_info,Size utility: Basic (not AVR-aware),[AUTODETECTED]) endif endif ifneq (,$(strip $(ARDUINO_LIBS))) $(call arduino_output,-) $(call show_config_info,ARDUINO_LIBS =) endif ifneq (,$(strip $(PROJ_LIB_NAMES))) $(foreach lib,$(PROJ_LIB_NAMES),$(call show_config_info, $(lib),[USER])) endif ifneq (,$(strip $(SYS_LIB_NAMES))) $(foreach lib,$(SYS_LIB_NAMES),$(call show_config_info, $(lib),[SYSTEM])) endif ifneq (,$(strip $(PLATFORM_LIB_NAMES))) $(foreach lib,$(PLATFORM_LIB_NAMES),$(call show_config_info, $(lib),[PLATFORM])) endif # either calculate parent dir from arduino dir, or user-defined path ifndef BOOTLOADER_PARENT BOOTLOADER_PARENT = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/hardware/$(ARCHITECTURE)/$(ARDUINO_VERSION)/bootloaders $(call show_config_variable,BOOTLOADER_PARENT,[COMPUTED],(from ARDUINO_DIR)) else $(call show_config_variable,BOOTLOADER_PARENT,[USER]) endif ######################################################################## # Tools version info ARDMK_VERSION = 1.6 $(call show_config_variable,ARDMK_VERSION,[COMPUTED]) CC_VERSION := $(shell $(CC) -dumpversion) $(call show_config_variable,CC_VERSION,[COMPUTED],($(CC_NAME))) # end of config output $(call show_separator) # Implicit rules for building everything (needed to get everything in # the right directory) # # Rather than mess around with VPATH there are quasi-duplicate rules # here for building e.g. a system C++ file and a local C++ # file. Besides making things simpler now, this would also make it # easy to change the build options in future # library sources $(OBJDIR)/libs/%.c.o: $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%.c @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/libs/%.cpp.o: $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%.cpp @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/libs/%.S.o: $(ARDUINO_LIB_PATH)/%.S @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/platformlibs/%.c.o: $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%.c @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/platformlibs/%.cpp.o: $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%.cpp @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/platformlibs/%.S.o: $(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH)/%.S @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/projlibs/%.cpp.o: $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%.cpp @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/projlibs/%.c.o: $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%.c @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/projlibs/%.S.o: $(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/%.S @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ ifdef COMMON_DEPS COMMON_DEPS := $(COMMON_DEPS) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) else COMMON_DEPS := $(MAKEFILE_LIST) endif # normal local sources $(OBJDIR)/%.c.o: %.c $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.cc.o: %.cc $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.cpp.o: %.cpp $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.S.o: %.S $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.s.o: %.s $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ # generated assembly $(OBJDIR)/%.s: %.pde $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -x c++ -include $(ARDUINO_HEADER) -MMD -S -fverbose-asm $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.s: %.ino $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -x c++ -include $(ARDUINO_HEADER) -MMD -S -fverbose-asm $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.s: %.cpp $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -x c++ -MMD -S -fverbose-asm $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ # core files $(OBJDIR)/core/%.c.o: $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/%.c $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/core/%.cpp.o: $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/%.cpp $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/core/%.S.o: $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/%.S $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ # sam core files $(OBJDIR)/core/%.c.o: $(SAM_CORE_PATH)/%.c $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/core/%.cpp.o: $(SAM_CORE_PATH)/%.cpp $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CXX) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/core/%.S.o: $(SAM_CORE_PATH)/%.S $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ # due specific sources from sam core as doesn't core doesn't have SystemInit startup file $(OBJDIR)/core/%.c.o: $(SAM_LIBSAM_PATH)/source/%.c $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/core/%.c.o: $(SAM_SYSTEM_PATH)/source/%.c $(COMMON_DEPS) | $(OBJDIR) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(CC) -MMD -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ # various object conversions $(OBJDIR)/%.bin: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) -$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.hex: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $< $@ @$(ECHO) '\n' $(call avr_size,$<,$@) ifneq ($(strip $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE)),) @if [ `$(SIZE) $@ | awk 'FNR == 2 {print $$2}'` -le $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE) ]; then touch $@.sizeok; fi else @$(ECHO) "Maximum flash memory of $(BOARD_TAG) is not specified. Make sure the size of $@ is less than $(BOARD_TAG)\'s flash memory" @touch $@.sizeok endif $(OBJDIR)/%.eep: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) -$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom='alloc,load' \ --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex $< $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.lss: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(OBJDUMP) -h --source --demangle --wide $< > $@ $(OBJDIR)/%.sym: $(OBJDIR)/%.elf $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(MKDIR) $(dir $@) $(NM) --size-sort --demangle --reverse-sort --line-numbers $< > $@ ######################################################################## # Ctags # Assume ctags is on path unless has been specified ifndef CTAGS_EXEC CTAGS_EXEC = ctags endif # Default to 'tags' unless user has specified a tags file ifndef TAGS_FILE TAGS_FILE = tags endif # ctags command: append, flags unsort (as will be sorted after) and specify filename CTAGS_CMD = $(CTAGS_EXEC) $(CTAGS_OPTS) -auf ######################################################################## # Avrdude AVRDUDE = $(ARDUINO_DIR)/tools/avrdude/$(shell /bin/ls --color=never -1 $(ARDUINO_DIR)/tools/avrdude | sort -r | xargs | awk '{print $$1}')/bin/avrdude AVRDUDE_OPTS = -q -V AVRDUDE_MCU = $(MCU) AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS = $(AVRDUDE_OPTS) -p $(AVRDUDE_MCU) ifdef AVRDUDE_CONF AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS += -C $(AVRDUDE_CONF) endif # -D - Disable auto erase for flash memory # Note: -D is needed for Mega boards. # (See https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile/issues/114#issuecomment-25011005) ifeq ($(AVRDUDE_AUTOERASE_FLASH), yes) else AVRDUDE_ARD_OPTS = -D endif AVRDUDE_ARD_OPTS += -c $(AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER) -b $(AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE) -P ifeq ($(CURRENT_OS), WINDOWS) # get_monitor_port checks to see if the monitor port exists, assuming it is # a file. In Windows, avrdude needs the port in the format 'com1' which is # not a file, so we have to add the COM-style port directly. AVRDUDE_ARD_OPTS += $(COM_STYLE_MONITOR_PORT) else AVRDUDE_ARD_OPTS += $(call get_monitor_port) endif ifndef ISP_PROG ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER)),) ISP_PROG = $(AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER) else ISP_PROG = stk500v1 endif endif ifndef AVRDUDE_ISP_BAUDRATE ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_BAUDRATE = $(AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE) else AVRDUDE_ISP_BAUDRATE = 19200 endif endif # Fuse settings copied from Arduino IDE. # https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/blob/master/app/src/processing/app/debug/AvrdudeUploader.java#L254 # Pre fuse settings ifndef AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE ifneq ($(strip $(ISP_LOCK_FUSE_PRE)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE += -U lock:w:$(ISP_LOCK_FUSE_PRE):m endif ifneq ($(strip $(ISP_EXT_FUSE)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE += -U efuse:w:$(ISP_EXT_FUSE):m endif ifneq ($(strip $(ISP_HIGH_FUSE)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE += -U hfuse:w:$(ISP_HIGH_FUSE):m endif ifneq ($(strip $(ISP_LOW_FUSE)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE += -U lfuse:w:$(ISP_LOW_FUSE):m endif endif # Bootloader file settings ifndef AVRDUDE_ISP_BURN_BOOTLOADER ifneq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER_FILE)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_BURN_BOOTLOADER += -U flash:w:$(BOOTLOADER_PARENT)/$(BOOTLOADER_PATH)/$(BOOTLOADER_FILE):i endif endif # Post fuse settings ifndef AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_POST ifneq ($(strip $(ISP_LOCK_FUSE_POST)),) AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_POST += -U lock:w:$(ISP_LOCK_FUSE_POST):m endif endif # Note: setting -D to disable flash erase before programming may cause issues # with some boards like attiny84a, making the program not "take", # so we do not set it by default. AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS = -c $(ISP_PROG) -b $(AVRDUDE_ISP_BAUDRATE) ifndef ISP_PORT ifneq ($(strip $(ISP_PROG)),$(filter $(ISP_PROG), atmelice_isp usbasp usbtiny gpio linuxgpio avrispmkii dragon_isp dragon_dw)) # switch for sam devices as bootloader will be on usb serial if using stk500_v2 ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS += -P $(call get_monitor_port) else AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS += -P $(call get_isp_port) endif endif else ifeq ($(CURRENT_OS), WINDOWS) AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS += -P $(ISP_PORT) else AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS += -P $(call get_isp_port) endif endif ifndef ISP_EEPROM ISP_EEPROM = 0 endif AVRDUDE_UPLOAD_HEX = -U flash:w:$(TARGET_HEX):i AVRDUDE_UPLOAD_EEP = -U eeprom:w:$(TARGET_EEP):i AVRDUDE_ISPLOAD_OPTS = $(AVRDUDE_UPLOAD_HEX) ifneq ($(ISP_EEPROM), 0) AVRDUDE_ISPLOAD_OPTS += $(AVRDUDE_UPLOAD_EEP) endif ######################################################################## # Explicit targets start here all: $(TARGET_EEP) $(TARGET_BIN) $(TARGET_HEX) # Rule to create $(OBJDIR) automatically. All rules with recipes that # create a file within it, but do not already depend on a file within it # should depend on this rule. They should use a "order-only # prerequisite" (e.g., put "| $(OBJDIR)" at the end of the prerequisite # list) to prevent remaking the target when any file in the directory # changes. $(OBJDIR): pre-build $(MKDIR) $(OBJDIR) pre-build: $(call runscript_if_exists,$(PRE_BUILD_HOOK)) # copied from arduino with start-group, end-group $(TARGET_ELF): $(LOCAL_OBJS) $(CORE_LIB) $(OTHER_OBJS) # sam devices need start and end group, and must be linked using C++ compiler ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) $(CXX) $(LINKER_SCRIPTS) -Wl,-Map=$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).map -o $@ $(LOCAL_OBJS) $(OTHER_OBJS) $(OTHER_LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(CORE_LIB) -Wl,--end-group # otherwise traditional else $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(LOCAL_OBJS) $(OTHER_OBJS) $(OTHER_LIBS) $(CORE_LIB) -lc -lm $(LINKER_SCRIPTS) endif $(CORE_LIB): $(CORE_OBJS) $(LIB_OBJS) $(PLATFORM_LIB_OBJS) $(PROJ_LIB_OJS) $(AR) rcs $@ $(CORE_OBJS) $(LIB_OBJS) $(PLATFORM_LIB_OBJS) $(PROJ_LIB_OJS) error_on_caterina: $(ERROR_ON_CATERINA) # Use submake so we can guarantee the reset happens # before the upload, even with make -j upload: $(TARGET_HEX) verify_size ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) # do reset toggle at 1200 BAUD to enter bootloader if using avrdude or bossa ifeq ($(strip $(UPLOAD_TOOL)), avrdude) $(MAKE) reset else ifeq ($(findstring bossac, $(strip $(UPLOAD_TOOL))), bossac) $(MAKE) reset endif $(MAKE) do_sam_upload else $(MAKE) reset $(MAKE) do_upload endif raw_upload: $(TARGET_HEX) verify_size ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) $(MAKE) do_sam_upload else $(MAKE) error_on_caterina $(MAKE) do_upload endif do_upload: $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ARD_OPTS) \ $(AVRDUDE_UPLOAD_HEX) do_sam_upload: $(TARGET_BIN) verify_size ifeq ($(findstring openocd, $(strip $(UPLOAD_TOOL))), openocd) $(OPENOCD) $(OPENOCD_OPTS) -c "telnet_port disabled; program {{$(TARGET_BIN)}} verify reset $(BOOTLOADER_SIZE); shutdown" else ifeq ($(findstring bossac, $(strip $(UPLOAD_TOOL))), bossac) $(BOSSA) $(BOSSA_OPTS) $(TARGET_BIN) else ifeq ($(findstring gdb, $(strip $(UPLOAD_TOOL))), gdb) $(GDB) $(GDB_UPLOAD_OPTS) else ifeq ($(strip $(UPLOAD_TOOL)), avrdude) $(MAKE) ispload else @$(ECHO) "$(BOOTLOADER_UPLOAD_TOOL) not currently supported!\n\n" endif do_eeprom: $(TARGET_EEP) $(TARGET_HEX) $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ARD_OPTS) \ $(AVRDUDE_UPLOAD_EEP) eeprom: $(TARGET_HEX) verify_size $(MAKE) reset $(MAKE) do_eeprom raw_eeprom: $(TARGET_HEX) verify_size $(MAKE) error_on_caterina $(MAKE) do_eeprom reset: $(call arduino_output,Resetting Arduino...) $(RESET_CMD) # stty on MacOS likes -F, but on Debian it likes -f redirecting # stdin/out appears to work but generates a spurious error on MacOS at # least. Perhaps it would be better to just do it in perl ? reset_stty: for STTYF in 'stty -F' 'stty --file' 'stty -f' 'stty <' ; \ do $$STTYF /dev/tty >/dev/null 2>&1 && break ; \ done ; \ $$STTYF $(call get_monitor_port) hupcl ; \ (sleep 0.1 2>/dev/null || sleep 1) ; \ $$STTYF $(call get_monitor_port) -hupcl ispload: $(TARGET_EEP) $(TARGET_HEX) verify_size $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS) -e \ $(AVRDUDE_ISPLOAD_OPTS) burn_bootloader: ifeq ($(findstring sam, $(strip $(ARCHITECTURE))), sam) ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER_UPLOAD_TOOL)), openocd) $(OPENOCD) $(OPENOCD_OPTS) -c "telnet_port disabled; init; halt; $(BOOTLOADER_UNPROTECT); program {{$(BOOTLOADER_PARENT)/$(BOOTLOADER_FILE)}} verify reset; shutdown" else @$(ECHO) "$(BOOTLOADER_UPLOAD_TOOL) not currently supported!\n\n" endif else ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE)),) $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS) -e $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE) endif ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ISP_BURN_BOOTLOADER)),) $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_BURN_BOOTLOADER) endif ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_POST)),) $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_POST) endif endif set_fuses: ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE)),) $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_PRE) endif ifneq ($(strip $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_POST)),) $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_COM_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_OPTS) $(AVRDUDE_ISP_FUSES_POST) endif clean:: $(REMOVE) $(OBJDIR) size: $(TARGET_HEX) $(call avr_size,$(TARGET_ELF),$(TARGET_HEX)) show_boards: @$(CAT) $(BOARDS_TXT) | grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+.name' | sort -uf | sed 's/.name=/:/' | column -s: -t show_submenu: @$(CAT) $(BOARDS_TXT) | grep -E '[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+.menu.(cpu|chip).[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+=' | sort -uf | sed 's/.menu.\(cpu\|chip\)./:/' | sed 's/=/:/' | column -s: -t monitor: ifeq ($(notdir $(MONITOR_CMD)), putty) ifneq ($(strip $(MONITOR_PARAMS)),) $(MONITOR_CMD) -serial -sercfg $(MONITOR_BAUDRATE),$(MONITOR_PARAMS) $(call get_monitor_port) else $(MONITOR_CMD) -serial -sercfg $(MONITOR_BAUDRATE) $(call get_monitor_port) endif else ifeq ($(notdir $(MONITOR_CMD)), picocom) $(MONITOR_CMD) -b $(MONITOR_BAUDRATE) $(MONITOR_PARAMS) $(call get_monitor_port) else ifeq ($(notdir $(MONITOR_CMD)), cu) $(MONITOR_CMD) -l $(call get_monitor_port) -s $(MONITOR_BAUDRATE) else $(MONITOR_CMD) $(call get_monitor_port) $(MONITOR_BAUDRATE) endif debug_init: $(OPENOCD) $(OPENOCD_OPTS) debug: $(GDB) $(GDB_OPTS) disasm: $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).lss @$(ECHO) "The compiled ELF file has been disassembled to $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).lss\n\n" symbol_sizes: $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).sym @$(ECHO) "A symbol listing sorted by their size have been dumped to $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).sym\n\n" verify_size: ifeq ($(strip $(HEX_MAXIMUM_SIZE)),) @$(ECHO) "\nMaximum flash memory of $(BOARD_TAG) is not specified. Make sure the size of $(TARGET_HEX) is less than $(BOARD_TAG)\'s flash memory\n\n" endif @if [ ! -f $(TARGET_HEX).sizeok ]; then echo >&2 "\nThe size of the compiled binary file is greater than the $(BOARD_TAG)'s flash memory. \ See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for tips on reducing it."; false; fi generate_assembly: $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).s @$(ECHO) "Compiler-generated assembly for the main input source has been dumped to $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).s\n\n" generated_assembly: generate_assembly @$(ECHO) "\"generated_assembly\" target is deprecated. Use \"generate_assembly\" target instead\n\n" tags: ifneq ($(words $(wildcard $(TAGS_FILE))), 0) rm -f $(TAGS_FILE) endif @$(ECHO) "Generating tags for local sources (INO an PDE files as C++): " $(CTAGS_CMD) $(TAGS_FILE) --langmap=c++:+.ino.pde $(LOCAL_SRCS) ifneq ($(words $(ARDUINO_LIBS)), 0) @$(ECHO) "Generating tags for project libraries: " $(CTAGS_CMD) $(TAGS_FILE) $(foreach lib, $(ARDUINO_LIBS),$(PROJ_LIBS_PATH)/$(lib)/*) endif @$(ECHO) "Generating tags for Arduino core: " $(CTAGS_CMD) $(TAGS_FILE) $(ARDUINO_CORE_PATH)/* @$(ECHO) "Sorting..\n" @sort $(TAGS_FILE) -o $(TAGS_FILE) @$(ECHO) "Tag file generation complete, output: $(TAGS_FILE)\n" help_vars: @$(CAT) $(ARDMK_DIR)/arduino-mk-vars.md help: @$(ECHO) "\nAvailable targets:\n\ make - compile the code\n\ make upload - upload\n\ make ispload - upload using an ISP\n\ make raw_upload - upload without first resetting\n\ make eeprom - upload the eep file\n\ make raw_eeprom - upload the eep file without first resetting\n\ make clean - remove all our dependencies\n\ make depends - update dependencies\n\ make reset - reset the Arduino by tickling DTR or changing baud\n\ rate on the serial port.\n\ make show_boards - list all the boards defined in boards.txt\n\ make show_submenu - list all board submenus defined in boards.txt\n\ make monitor - connect to the Arduino's serial port\n\ make debug_init - start openocd gdb server\n\ make debug - connect to gdb target and begin debugging\n\ make size - show the size of the compiled output (relative to\n\ resources, if you have a patched $(TOOL_PREFIX)-size).\n\ make verify_size - verify that the size of the final file is less than\n\ the capacity of the micro controller.\n\ make symbol_sizes - generate a .sym file containing symbols and their\n\ sizes.\n\ make disasm - generate a .lss file that contains disassembly\n\ of the compiled file interspersed with your\n\ original source code.\n\ make generate_assembly - generate a .s file containing the compiler\n\ generated assembly of the main sketch.\n\ make burn_bootloader - burn bootloader and fuses\n\ make set_fuses - set fuses without burning bootloader\n\ make tags - generate tags file including project libs and Arduino core\n\ make help_vars - print all variables that can be overridden\n\ make help - show this help\n\ " @$(ECHO) "Please refer to $(ARDMK_DIR)/Arduino.mk for more details.\n" .PHONY: all upload raw_upload raw_eeprom error_on_caterina reset reset_stty ispload \ clean depends size show_boards monitor disasm symbol_sizes generated_assembly \ generate_assembly verify_size burn_bootloader help pre-build tags debug debug_init # added - in the beginning, so that we don't get an error if the file is not present -include $(DEPS)