const { formatDistance } = require('date-fns'); const fs = require('fs'); const git = require("nodegit"); function addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name) { if(!repo_name.endsWith(".git")) { return repo_name + ".git"; } return repo_name; } async function getLog(base_dir, repo_name) { const repo = await git.Repository.openBare(`${base_dir}/${repo_name}`) const walker = git.Revwalk.create(repo); walker.pushHead(); const raw_commits = await walker.getCommits(); const commits = Promise.all( commit => ({ commit: commit.sha(), author_full:, author_name:, author_email:, date:, message: commit.message().replace(/\n/g, ""), insertions: (await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).insertions(), deletions: (await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).deletions(), files_changed: (await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).filesChanged() }))); return await commits; } async function getTimeSinceLatestCommit(base_dir, repo_name) { const repo = await git.Repository.openBare(`${base_dir}/${repo_name}`) const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit(); return formatDistance(new Date(),; } function getRepoFile(base_dir, repo, file) { return new Promise(resolve => { fs.readFile(`${base_dir}/${repo}/${file}`, async (err, content) => { if(!err) { resolve(content.toString().replace(/\n/g, "")); return; } resolve(""); }); }); } function getRepos(base_dir) { return new Promise((resolve) => { fs.readdir(base_dir, (err, dir_content) => { if(err) { resolve({ "error": err }); return; } dir_content.filter(repo => repo.endsWith(".git")).reduce((acc, repo) => { return acc.then((repos) => { return getRepoFile(base_dir, repo, "description").then((description) => { return getRepoFile(base_dir, repo, "owner").then((owner) => { return getTimeSinceLatestCommit(base_dir, repo).then((last_commit_date) => { repos[repo.slice(0, -4)] = { "description": description, "owner": owner, "last_updated": last_commit_date }; return repos; }); }); }); }); }, Promise.resolve({})).then((repos) => { resolve(repos); }); }); }); } function parseHunkAddDel(hunk) { let new_lines = []; let deleted_lines = []; hunk.forEach((line, index) => { if(line.charAt(0) === '+') { hunk[index] = line.slice(1); new_lines.push(index); } else if(line.charAt(0) === '-') { hunk[index] = line.slice(1); deleted_lines.push(index); } }); return { new: new_lines, deleted: deleted_lines, hunk: hunk.join("\n") }; } async function getCommit(base_dir, repo_name, commit_oid) { repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await git.Repository.openBare(`${base_dir}/${repo_name}`) const commit = await repo.getCommit(commit_oid); const diff = (await commit.getDiff())[0]; const all_patches = (await diff.toBuf(1)).split('\n'); // Get the count of lines for all of patches's headers const patch_headers = (await diff.toBuf(2)).split('\n'); const patch_header_data = await patch_headers.reduce((acc, line, index) => { return acc.then((arr) => { if(/^diff --git/.test(line)) { arr[0].push(all_patches.indexOf(line)); if(arr[2] != undefined) { arr[1].push(patch_headers.slice(arr[2], index).length); } arr[2] = index; } else if(index == patch_headers.length - 1 && arr[2] != undefined) { arr[1].push(patch_headers.slice(arr[2], index).length); } return arr; }); }, Promise.resolve([ [], [], undefined ])); console.log(patch_header_data); const patches = await diff.patches(); const parsed_patches = patches.reduce((acc, patch, patch_index) => { return acc.then((arr) => { return patch.hunks().then((hunks) => { console.log("\n" + patch.newFile().path()); const patch_start = patch_header_data[0][patch_index] + patch_header_data[1][patch_index]; const patch_end = (patch_header_data[0][patch_index + 1] !== undefined) ? patch_header_data[0][patch_index + 1] : all_patches.length - 1; const patch_content = all_patches.slice(patch_start, patch_end); const line_lengths = => line.length).reduce((acc, length) => acc + length); if(patch_content.length > 5000 || line_lengths > 5000) { console.log("Too large!"); arr.push({ from: patch.oldFile().path(), to: patch.newFile().path(), additions: patch.lineStats()["total_additions"], deletions: patch.lineStats()["total_deletions"], too_large: true, hunks: null }); return arr; } // Go through all of the patch's hunks // Patches are split into parts of where in the file the change is made. Those parts are called hunks. return hunks.reduce((acc, hunk, hunk_index) => { return acc.then((hunks_data) => { const hunk_header = hunk.header(); const hunk_header_index = patch_content.indexOf(hunk_header.replace(/\n/g, "")); if(hunks_data[0] !== undefined) { const prev_hunk = hunks[hunk_index - 1]; hunks_data[1].push(Object.assign({ new_start: prev_hunk.newStart(), new_lines: prev_hunk.newLines(), old_start: prev_hunk.oldStart(), old_lines: prev_hunk.oldLines(), }, parseHunkAddDel(patch_content.slice(hunks_data[0], hunk_header_index)))); hunks_data[2] = hunks_data + patch_content.slice(hunks_data[0], hunk_header_index).length; } hunks_data[0] = hunk_header_index; return hunks_data; }); }, Promise.resolve([ undefined, [], 0 ])).then((hunks_data) => { const prev_hunk = hunks[hunks.length - 1]; hunks_data[1].push(Object.assign({ new_start: prev_hunk.newStart(), new_lines: prev_hunk.newLines(), old_start: prev_hunk.oldStart(), old_lines: prev_hunk.oldLines(), }, parseHunkAddDel(patch_content.slice(hunks_data[0], patch_end)))); arr.push({ from: patch.oldFile().path(), to: patch.isDeleted() ? "/dev/null" : patch.newFile().path(), additions: patch.lineStats()["total_additions"], deletions: patch.lineStats()["total_deletions"], too_large: false, hunks: hunks_data[1] }); return arr; }); }); }); }, Promise.resolve([])); return { hash: commit.sha(), author:, message: commit.message(), date:, patches: await parsed_patches }; } async function doesCommitExist(base_dir, repo_name, commit_oid) { const repo = await git.Repository.openBare(`${base_dir}/${repo_name}`) try { await repo.getCommit(commit_oid); return true; } catch { return false; } } module.exports.getLog = getLog; module.exports.getRepos = getRepos; module.exports.getRepoFile = getRepoFile; module.exports.getCommit = getCommit; module.exports.doesCommitExist = doesCommitExist;