import { Object as NodeGitObject, Oid as NodeGitOid, Repository as NodeGitRepository, Revwalk as NodeGitRevwalk } from "nodegit"; import { Request, connect } from "./http"; import { basename, dirname } from "path"; import { getDirectory, getFile } from "./misc"; import { Branch } from "./branch"; import { Commit } from "./commit"; import { FastifyReply } from "fastify"; import { Tag } from "./tag"; import { Tree } from "./tree"; import { BranchError, createError, RepositoryError } from "./error"; /** * Returns the full name of a git repository * * @param repo_name - The name of a repository * @returns The repository name ending with .git */ function getFullRepositoryName(repo_name: string) { return repo_name.endsWith(".git") ? repo_name : `${repo_name}.git`; } type RepositoryName = { short: string, full: string, } // I have no idea what this sort of error is from interface WeirdError extends Error { errno: number; errorFunction: string; } /** * A representation of an bare git repository */ export class Repository { private _branch: string; public ng_repository: NodeGitRepository; public name: RepositoryName; public base_dir: string; /** * @param repository - An instance of a Nodegit repository * @param branch - The branch to use */ constructor(repository: NodeGitRepository, branch: string) { this.ng_repository = repository; = { short: basename(repository.path()).slice(0, -4), full: basename(repository.path()) }; this.base_dir = dirname(repository.path()); this._branch = branch; } /** * Returns the repository's description */ public description(): Promise<string> { return getFile(this.base_dir,, "description"); } /** * Returns the repository's owner */ public owner(): Promise<string> { return getFile(this.base_dir,, "owner"); } /** * Returns the repository's branch * * @returns An instance of a branch */ public branch(): Promise<Branch> { return Branch.lookup(this, this._branch); } /** * Returns the repository's commits * * @returns An array of commit instances */ public async commits(): Promise<Commit[]> { const walker = NodeGitRevwalk.create(this.ng_repository); walker.pushHead(); return Promise.all((await walker.getCommitsUntil(() => true)).map(commit => new Commit(this, commit))); } /** * Returns the repository's tree * * @returns An instance of a tree */ public async tree(): Promise<Tree> { return Tree.ofRepository(this); } /** * Returns if an git object exists or not * * @param id - The SHA of a git object * @returns Whether or not it exists */ public lookupExists(id: string): Promise<boolean> { return NodeGitObject.lookup(this.ng_repository, NodeGitOid.fromString(id), NodeGitObject.TYPE.ANY) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); } /** * Returns the repository's branches * * @returns An array of branch instances */ public async branches(): Promise<Branch[]> { const references = await this.ng_repository.getReferences(); return references.filter(ref => ref.isBranch()).map(ref => new Branch(this, ref)); } /** * Returns the repository's tags * * @returns An array of tag instances */ public async tags(): Promise<Tag[]> { const references = await this.ng_repository.getReferences(); return references.filter(ref => ref.isTag()).map(ref => new Tag(this, ref)); } /** * Returns the repository's master commit * * @returns An instance of a commit */ public async masterCommit(): Promise<Commit> { return Commit.masterCommit(this); } /** * Connect to the Git HTTP backend * * @param req - A Fastify request * @param reply - A Fastify reply */ public HTTPconnect(req: Request, reply: FastifyReply): void { connect(this, req, reply); } /** * Opens a bare git repository * * @param base_dir - The directory that contains the repository * @param repository - The directory of a bare repository * @param branch - A branch to use * @returns An instance of a git repository */ public static async open(base_dir: string, repository: string, branch?: string): Promise<Repository> { let ng_repository = await NodeGitRepository.openBare(`${base_dir}/${getFullRepositoryName(repository)}`).catch((err: WeirdError) => { if(err.errno === -3) { throw(createError(RepositoryError, 404, "Repository not found")); } throw(createError(RepositoryError, 500, "Unknown error")); }); if(branch) { if(!await Branch.lookupExists(ng_repository, branch)) { throw(createError(BranchError, 404, "Branch not found!")); } } return new Repository(ng_repository, branch || "master"); } /** * Opens all of the git repositories inside a directory * * @param base_dir - The directory that contains the repositories * @returns An array of repository instances */ public static async openAll(base_dir: string): Promise<Repository[] | null> { const dir_content = await getDirectory(base_dir); if(dir_content.length === 0) { return null; } const repositories = dir_content.filter(dir_entry => dir_entry.endsWith(".git")); return Promise.all( =>, repository))); } }