import { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from "fastify"; import { Repository } from "./repository"; import { Route } from "../types/fastify"; import { join } from "path"; import { spawn } from "child_process"; import { URL } from "url"; export interface Request extends FastifyRequest { params: Route["Params"], } /** * Write the first part of a reference discovery reply * * @param service - The git service to write as * @param reply - A Fastify reply */ function writeRefDiscoveryFirstLine(service: string, reply: FastifyReply) { const s = "# service=" + service + "\n"; const n = (4 + s.length).toString(16); reply.raw.write(Buffer.from((Array(4 - n.length + 1).join("0") + n + s) + "0000")); } /** * Connect to the Git HTTP backend * * @param repository - The repository to use * @param req - A Fastify request * @param reply - A Fastify reply */ export function connect(repository: Repository, req: Request, reply: FastifyReply): void { const parsed_url = new URL(`${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}${req.url.replace(req.params.repo,}`); const is_discovery = (/\/info\/refs$/u).test(parsed_url.pathname); const url_path_parts = parsed_url.pathname.split("/"); const service = is_discovery ? parsed_url.searchParams.get("service") || "" : url_path_parts[url_path_parts.length - 1]; const content_type = `application/x-${service}-${is_discovery ? "advertisement" : "result"}`; // Deny any malicious requests if(/\.\/|\.\./u.test(parsed_url.pathname) || service !== "git-upload-pack") { reply.header("Content-Type", content_type); reply.code(403).send("Access denied!"); return; } reply.raw.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": content_type }); const spawn_args = [ "--stateless-rpc", join(repository.git_dir, ]; if(is_discovery) { spawn_args.push("--advertise-refs"); } const git_service = spawn(service, spawn_args); if(is_discovery) { writeRefDiscoveryFirstLine(service, reply); } else { req.raw.pipe(git_service.stdin); // Request error req.raw.on("error", err => { console.log(err); git_service.stdin.end(); reply.raw.end(); }); } git_service.stdout.pipe(reply.raw); // Spawn error git_service.on("error", err => { console.log(err); reply.raw.end(); }); // Git service error git_service.stderr.on("data", (stderr: Buffer) => { console.log(stderr.toString()); reply.raw.end(); }); }