import { Branch, Hunk, Hunks, LatestCommit, LogCommit, Patch, PatchHeaderData, RequestInfo, ShortBranch, ShortCommit, ShortRepository, ShortTag, ShortTreeEntry, Tree } from "./git_types"; import { Commit, ConvenientHunk, ConvenientPatch, Object, Oid, Repository, Revwalk, Tag, TreeEntry } from "nodegit"; import { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from "fastify"; import { Pack, pack } from "tar-stream"; import { join, parse } from "path"; import { readFile, readdir } from "fs"; import { IncomingMessage } from "http"; import { Route } from "../fastify_types"; import { URL } from "whatwg-url"; import { createGzip } from "zlib"; import { pipeline } from "stream"; import { spawn } from "child_process"; import { verifyGitRequest } from "./util"; function addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name: string) { return repo_name.endsWith(".git") ? repo_name : `${repo_name}.git`; } function getHunkContent(hunk: string[]) { interface Lines { new_lines: number[], deleted_lines: number[] } const lines = hunk.reduce((result: Lines, line, index) => { if(line.charAt(0) === "+") { hunk[index] = line.slice(1); result.new_lines.push(index); } else if(line.charAt(0) === "-") { hunk[index] = line.slice(1); result.deleted_lines.push(index); } return result; }, { new_lines: [], deleted_lines: [] }); return { ...lines, hunk: hunk.join("\n") }; } function getPatchHeaderData(patch_headers: string[], all_patches: string[]) { return patch_headers.reduce((patch_header_data, line, index) => { // The start of a patch header if((/^diff --git/u).test(line)) { patch_header_data.indexes.push(all_patches.indexOf(line)); if(patch_header_data.last !== null) { patch_header_data.lengths.push(patch_headers.slice(patch_header_data.last, index).length); } patch_header_data.last = index; } // Include the last patch header when the end is reached if(index === patch_headers.length - 1 && patch_header_data.last !== null) { patch_header_data.lengths.push(patch_headers.slice(patch_header_data.last, index).length); } return patch_header_data; }, { indexes: [], lengths: [], last: null }); } function getHunks(hunks: ConvenientHunk[], patch_content: string[]) { return hunks.reduce((hunks_data: Hunks, hunk, hunk_index) => { const hunk_header = hunk.header(); const hunk_header_index = patch_content.indexOf(hunk_header.replace(/\n/gu, "")); if(hunks_data.prev !== null) { const prev_hunk = hunks[hunk_index - 1]; hunks_data.hunks.push({ new_start: prev_hunk.newStart(), new_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.newLines(), old_start: prev_hunk.oldStart(), old_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.oldLines(), ...getHunkContent(patch_content.slice(hunks_data.prev, hunk_header_index)) }); } hunks_data.prev = hunk_header_index; return hunks_data; }, { prev: null, hunks: [] }); } function getPatch(patch: ConvenientPatch, too_large: boolean, hunks?: Hunk[]): Patch { return { from: patch.oldFile().path(), to: patch.newFile().path(), additions: patch.lineStats()["total_additions"], deletions: patch.lineStats()["total_deletions"], too_large: too_large, hunks: hunks || null }; } interface Request extends FastifyRequest { params: Route["Params"], } function getRequestInfo(req: Request): RequestInfo { const repo = req.params.repo + ".git"; const url_path = req.url.replace(req.params.repo, repo); const parsed_url = new URL(`${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}${url_path}`); const url_path_parts = parsed_url.pathname.split("/"); const is_discovery = (/\/info\/refs$/u).test(parsed_url.pathname); const service = is_discovery ? parsed_url.searchParams.get("service") : url_path_parts[url_path_parts.length - 1]; const content_type = `application/x-${service}-${is_discovery ? "advertisement" : "result"}`; return { repo, url_path, parsed_url, is_discovery, url_path_parts, service, content_type }; } async function getTreeEntryLastCommit(repo: Repository, tree_entry: TreeEntry) { const walker = Revwalk.create(repo); walker.pushHead(); const raw_commits = await walker.getCommitsUntil(() => true); return raw_commits.reduce((acc, commit) => { return acc.then(result => { if( === null) { return commit.getDiff().then(diffs => diffs[0].patches().then(patches => { let matching_path_patch = null; if(tree_entry.isBlob()) { matching_path_patch = patches.find(patch => patch.newFile().path() === tree_entry.path()); } else { matching_path_patch = patches.find(patch => parse(patch.newFile().path()).dir.startsWith(tree_entry.path())); } if(matching_path_patch) { = commit.sha(); result.message = commit.message().replace(/\n/gu, ""); = commit.time(); } return result; })); } return result; }); }, Promise.resolve({ id: null, message: null, date: null })); } function readDirectory(directory: string) { return new Promise(resolve => { readdir(directory, (err, dir_content) => { if(err) { resolve([]); } resolve(dir_content); }); }); } async function addArchiveEntries(entries: TreeEntry[], repo_name: string, archive: Pack) { for(const tree_entry of entries) { if(tree_entry.isBlob()) { const blob = await tree_entry.getBlob(); archive.entry({ name: `${repo_name}/${tree_entry.path()}` }, blob.content().toString()); } else if(tree_entry.isTree()) { const tree = await tree_entry.getTree(); addArchiveEntries(tree.entries(), repo_name, archive); } } } function getTreeEntries(repo: Repository, entries: TreeEntry[]) { return entries.reduce((acc, entry) => { return acc.then(result => { return getTreeEntryLastCommit(repo, entry).then(last_commit => { result.push({ name: parse(entry.path()).base, id: entry.sha(), type: entry.isBlob() ? "blob" : "tree", latest_commit: { id:, message: last_commit.message, date: } }); return result; }); }); }, Promise.resolve([])); } export class GitAPI { base_dir: string; constructor(base_dir: string) { this.base_dir = base_dir; } async getLog(repo_name: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const walker: Revwalk = Revwalk.create(repo); walker.pushHead(); const raw_commits = await walker.getCommitsUntil(() => true); return Promise.all( commit => { id: commit.sha(), author: { name:, email: }, date: commit.time(), message: commit.message(), insertions: (await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).insertions(), deletions: (await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).deletions(), files_changed: (await (await commit.getDiff())[0].getStats()).filesChanged() })); } async getRepositoryLastCommit(repo_name: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit(); return master_commit.time(); } getRepositoryFile(repo_name: string, file: string): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); readFile(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}/${file}`, (err, content) => { if(err) { resolve(null); return; } resolve(content.toString().replace(/\n/gu, "")); }); }); } async getRepositories(): Promise { const dir_content = await readDirectory(this.base_dir); if(dir_content.length === 0) { return null; } return dir_content.filter(repo => repo.endsWith(".git")).reduce((acc, repo) => { return acc.then(repos => { return this.getRepositoryFile(repo, "description").then(description => { return this.getRepositoryFile(repo, "owner").then(owner => { return this.getRepositoryLastCommit(repo).then(last_commit_date => { repos.push({ name: repo.slice(0, -4), description: description, owner: owner, last_updated: last_commit_date }); return repos; }); }); }); }); }, Promise.resolve([])); } async getCommit(repo_name: string, commit_oid: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const commit = await repo.getCommit(commit_oid); const diff = (await commit.getDiff())[0]; const all_patches = (await diff.toBuf(1)).toString().split("\n"); const patch_header_data = getPatchHeaderData((await diff.toBuf(2)).toString().split("\n"), all_patches); const parsed_patches = (await diff.patches()).reduce((acc, patch, patch_index) => { return acc.then(arr => patch.hunks().then(hunks => { const patch_start = patch_header_data.indexes[patch_index] + patch_header_data.lengths[patch_index]; const patch_end = (typeof patch_header_data.indexes[patch_index + 1] === "undefined") ? all_patches.length - 1 : patch_header_data.indexes[patch_index + 1]; const patch_content = all_patches.slice(patch_start, patch_end); const line_lengths = => line.length).reduce((result, length) => result + length); if(patch_content.length > 5000 || line_lengths > 5000) { console.log("Too large!"); arr.push(getPatch(patch, true)); return arr; } const hunks_data = getHunks(hunks, patch_content); const prev_hunk = hunks[hunks.length - 1]; hunks_data.hunks.push({ new_start: prev_hunk.newStart(), new_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.newLines(), old_start: prev_hunk.oldStart(), old_lines_cnt: prev_hunk.oldLines(), ...getHunkContent(patch_content.slice(hunks_data.prev, patch_end)) }); arr.push(getPatch(patch, false, hunks_data.hunks)); return arr; })); }, Promise.resolve([])); return { id: commit.sha(), author: { name:, email: }, message: commit.message(), date: commit.time(), patches: await parsed_patches }; } connectToGitHTTPBackend(req: Request, reply: FastifyReply): void { const request_info = getRequestInfo(req); const valid_request = verifyGitRequest(request_info); if(valid_request.success === false && valid_request.code) { reply.header("Content-Type", request_info.content_type); reply.code(valid_request.code).send(valid_request.message); return; } reply.raw.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": request_info.content_type }); const spawn_args = [ "--stateless-rpc", join(this.base_dir, request_info.repo) ]; if(request_info.is_discovery) { spawn_args.push("--advertise-refs"); } const git_pack = spawn(request_info.service, spawn_args); if(request_info.is_discovery) { const s = "# service=" + request_info.service + "\n"; const n = (4 + s.length).toString(16); reply.raw.write(Buffer.from((Array(4 - n.length + 1).join("0") + n + s) + "0000")); } else { const request_body: IncomingMessage = req.raw; request_body.on("data", data => git_pack.stdin.write(data)); request_body.on("close", () => git_pack.stdin.end()); } git_pack.on("error", err => console.log(err)); git_pack.stderr.on("data", (stderr: Buffer) => console.log(stderr.toString())); git_pack.stdout.on("data", data => reply.raw.write(data)); git_pack.on("close", () => reply.raw.end()); } async getTree(repo_name: string, tree_path: string | null): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit(); const tree = await master_commit.getTree(); if(tree_path) { const path_entry = await tree.getEntry(tree_path) .catch(() => null); if(!path_entry) { return null; } if(path_entry.isBlob()) { return { type: "blob", content: (await path_entry.getBlob()).content().toString() }; } const path_entry_tree = await path_entry.getTree(); return { type: "tree", content: await getTreeEntries(repo, path_entry_tree.entries()) }; } return { type: "tree", content: await getTreeEntries(repo, tree.entries()) }; } async doesObjectExist(repo_name: string, id: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); return Object.lookup(repo, Oid.fromString(id), Object.TYPE.ANY) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); } async doesReadmeExist(repo_name: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const master_commit = await repo.getMasterCommit(); const tree = await master_commit.getTree(); return tree.getEntry("").catch(() => null) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); } async getBranches(repo_name: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const references = await repo.getReferences(); return references.filter(ref => ref.isBranch()).map(ref => { return { id:, name: ref.shorthand() }; }); } async getBranch(repo_name: string, branch_id: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const references = await repo.getReferences(); const branches = references.filter(ref => ref.isBranch()); const branch = branches.find(_branch => === branch_id); if(!branch) { return null; } const latest_commit = await repo.getBranchCommit(branch); return { id:, name: branch.shorthand(), latest_commit: { id: latest_commit.sha(), message: latest_commit.message(), date: latest_commit.time() } }; } async getTags(repo_name: string): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const references = await repo.getReferences(); return Promise.all(references.filter(ref => ref.isTag()).map(async ref => { const tagger = (await Tag.lookup(repo,; return { name: ref.shorthand(), author: { name:, email: }, date: tagger.when().time() }; })); } async downloadTagArchive(repo_name: string, tag_name: string, reply: FastifyReply): Promise { const full_repo_name = addRepoDirSuffix(repo_name); const repo = await Repository.openBare(`${this.base_dir}/${full_repo_name}`); const reference = await repo.getReference(tag_name) .catch(() => { reply.code(404).send("Tag not found!"); return null; }); if(!reference) { return; } const commit = await Commit.lookup(repo, (await reference.peel(Object.TYPE.COMMIT)).id()); const tree = await commit.getTree(); const archive = pack(); const gzip = createGzip(); reply.raw.writeHead(200, { "Content-Encoding": "gzip", "Content-Type": "application/gzip", "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename="${repo_name}-${tag_name}.tar.gz"` }); pipeline(archive, gzip, reply.raw, () => reply.raw.end()); gzip.on("close", () => reply.raw.end()); gzip.on("error", () => reply.raw.end()); archive.on("error", () => reply.raw.end()); addArchiveEntries(tree.entries(), repo_name, archive) .then(() => archive.finalize()) .catch(() => { archive.finalize(); reply.raw.end(); }); } }