const { exec } = require("child_process"); const { differenceInMilliseconds } = require('date-fns'); const fs = require('fs'); const log_format='{"hash": "%H", "author": "%an", "author_email": "%ae", "date": "%at", "subject": "%s"}'; function execGit(path, action , format, args = "") { return new Promise((resolve) => { exec(`git -C ${path} ${action} ${args} --format=format:'${format}'`, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if(error) { const no_such_fileor_dir = new RegExp(`cannot change to '${path.replace('/', "\/")}': No such file or directory\\n$`); if(no_such_fileor_dir.test(error.message)) { resolve({ "error": 404 }); return; } resolve({ "error": error.message }); return; } if(stderr) { resolve({ "error": "Failed to communicate with git!" }); return; } resolve({ "data": stdout }); }); }); } async function getLog(path) { let log = await execGit(path, "log", log_format); if(!log["error"]) { log["data"] = log["data"].split('\n'); log["data"].forEach((entry, index) => log["data"][index] = JSON.parse(entry)); } return log; } function getOptimalDateDifference(difference) { const time_values = { "second": 1000, "minute": 60000, "hour": 3600000, "day": 86400000, "week": 604800000, "month": 2629800000, "year": 31557600000 }; let last; for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(time_values)) { if(difference > value) { last = key; continue; } break; } return `${Math.round(difference / time_values[last])} ${last}s`; } async function getTimeSinceLatestCommit(path) { let commit_timestamp = (await execGit(path, "log", "%at", "-n 1")); if(!commit_timestamp["error"]) { commit_timestamp = commit_timestamp["data"] * 1000; const commit_date = new Date(commit_timestamp); const now_date = new Date(); const difference = getOptimalDateDifference(differenceInMilliseconds(now_date, commit_date)); return difference; } return commit_timestamp; } function getRepoFile(base_dir, repo, file) { return new Promise(resolve => { fs.readFile(`${base_dir}/${repo}/${file}`, async (err, content) => { if(!err) { resolve(content.toString().replaceAll('\n', '')); return; } resolve(""); }); }); } function getBasicRepoInfo(base_dir, repo_dirs) { return new Promise((resolve) => { let repos = {}; repo_dirs.forEach(async (repo, index, arr) => { const desc = await getRepoFile(base_dir, repo, "description"); const owner = await getRepoFile(base_dir, repo, "owner"); const last_commit_date = await getTimeSinceLatestCommit(`${base_dir}/${repo}`); let repo_name = ""; repo_name = repo.slice(0, -4); repos[repo_name] = { "description": desc, "owner": owner, "last_updated": last_commit_date }; if(index === 0) resolve(repos); }); }); } module.exports.getLog = getLog; module.exports.getBasicRepoInfo = getBasicRepoInfo;