use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::string::FromUtf8Error; const PREINCLUDE_DIRECTIVE: &str = "#preinclude"; /// Preprocessor for shaders written in the OpenGL Shading Language. pub struct ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: fn(&Path) -> Result, std::io::Error>, base_dir: PathBuf, } impl ShaderPreprocessor { pub fn new(base_dir: PathBuf) -> Self { Self { read_file: |path| std::fs::read(path), base_dir, } } pub fn preprocess( &self, shader_content: String, shader_file_path: &Path, ) -> Result { let mut preincludes = shader_content .match_indices(PREINCLUDE_DIRECTIVE) .peekable(); if preincludes.peek().is_none() { // Shader content contains no preincludes return Ok(shader_content); }; let mut preprocessed = shader_content.clone(); let mut curr = shader_content.find(PREINCLUDE_DIRECTIVE); let mut last_start = 0; let mut span_line_offset = 0; while let Some(preinclude_start) = curr { let replacement_job = self.handle_preinclude( &preprocessed, shader_file_path, preinclude_start, span_line_offset, )?; let path = replacement_job.path.clone(); let mut included = String::from_utf8( (self.read_file)(&self.base_dir.join(replacement_job.path.clone())) .map_err(|err| Error::ReadIncludedShaderFailed { source: err, path: replacement_job.path.clone(), })?, ) .map_err(|err| Error::IncludedShaderInvalidUtf8 { source: err, path: path.clone(), })?; let mut included_lines = included.lines(); if let Some(first_line) = { if first_line.starts_with("#version") { included = included_lines.collect(); } } let included_preprocessed = self.preprocess(included, &replacement_job.path)?; let start = replacement_job.start_index; let end = replacement_job.end_index; preprocessed.replace_range(start..end, &included_preprocessed); curr = preprocessed[last_start + 1..] .find(PREINCLUDE_DIRECTIVE) .map(|index| index + 1); last_start = preinclude_start + included_preprocessed.len(); span_line_offset += included_preprocessed.lines().count(); } Ok(preprocessed) } fn handle_preinclude( &self, shader_content: &str, shader_file_path: &Path, preinclude_start_index: usize, span_line_offset: usize, ) -> Result { let expect_token = |token: char, index: usize| { let token_found = shader_content.chars().nth(index).ok_or_else(|| { Error::ExpectedToken { expected: token, span: Span::new( shader_content, &self.base_dir.join(shader_file_path), index, span_line_offset, preinclude_start_index, ), } })?; if token_found != token { return Err(Error::InvalidToken { expected: token, found: token_found, span: Span::new( shader_content, &self.base_dir.join(shader_file_path), index, span_line_offset, preinclude_start_index, ), }); } Ok(()) }; let space_index = preinclude_start_index + PREINCLUDE_DIRECTIVE.len(); let quote_open_index = space_index + 1; expect_token(' ', space_index)?; expect_token('"', quote_open_index)?; let buf = shader_content[quote_open_index + 1..] .chars() .take_while(|character| *character != '"') .map(|character| character as u8) .collect::>(); if buf.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ExpectedToken { expected: '"', span: Span::new( shader_content, &self.base_dir.join(shader_file_path), shader_content.len() - 1, span_line_offset, preinclude_start_index, ), }); } let path_len = buf.len(); let path = PathBuf::from(String::from_utf8(buf).map_err(|err| { Error::PreincludePathInvalidUtf8 { source: err, span: Span::new( shader_content, &self.base_dir.join(shader_file_path), quote_open_index + 1, span_line_offset, preinclude_start_index, ), } })?); Ok(ReplacementJob { start_index: preinclude_start_index, end_index: quote_open_index + 1 + path_len + 1, path, }) } } struct ReplacementJob { start_index: usize, end_index: usize, path: PathBuf, } /// Shader preprocessing error. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum Error { #[error( "Invalid token at line {}, column {} of {}. Expected '{}', found '{}'", span.line, span.column, span.file.display(), expected, found )] InvalidToken { expected: char, found: char, span: Span, }, #[error( "Expected token '{}' at line {}, column {} of {}. Found eof", expected, span.line, span.column, span.file.display(), )] ExpectedToken { expected: char, span: Span }, #[error( "Preinclude path at line {}, column {} of {} is invalid UTF-8", span.line, span.column, span.file.display(), )] PreincludePathInvalidUtf8 { #[source] source: FromUtf8Error, span: Span, }, #[error("Failed to read included shader")] ReadIncludedShaderFailed { #[source] source: std::io::Error, path: PathBuf, }, #[error("Included shader is not valid UTF-8")] IncludedShaderInvalidUtf8 { #[source] source: FromUtf8Error, path: PathBuf, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Span { line: usize, column: usize, file: PathBuf, } impl Span { fn new( file_content: &str, file_path: &Path, char_index: usize, line_offset: usize, line_start_index: usize, ) -> Self { let line = find_line_of_index(file_content, char_index) + 1 - line_offset.saturating_sub(1); Self { line, column: char_index - line_start_index + 1, file: file_path.to_path_buf(), } } } fn find_line_of_index(text: &str, index: usize) -> usize { text.chars() .take(index + 1) .enumerate() .filter(|(_, character)| *character == '\n') .count() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use super::{Error, ShaderPreprocessor}; #[test] fn preprocess_no_directives_is_same() { assert_eq!( ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |_| { unreachable!() }, base_dir: PathBuf::new() } .preprocess("#version 330 core\n".to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"),) .unwrap(), "#version 330 core\n".to_string() ); } #[test] fn preprocess_with_directives_works() { assert_eq!( ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |_| { Ok(b"out vec4 FragColor;".to_vec()) }, base_dir: PathBuf::new() } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"foo.glsl\"\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"), ) .unwrap(), concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "out vec4 FragColor;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) ); assert_eq!( ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |_| { Ok(b"out vec4 FragColor;".to_vec()) }, base_dir: PathBuf::new() } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"bar.glsl\"\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"), ) .unwrap(), concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "out vec4 FragColor;\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) ); assert_eq!( ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |path| { if path == OsStr::new("bar.glsl") { Ok(b"out vec4 FragColor;".to_vec()) } else { Ok(concat!( "uniform sampler2D input_texture;\n", "in vec2 in_texture_coords;" ) .as_bytes() .to_vec()) } }, base_dir: PathBuf::new() } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"bar.glsl\"\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"foo.glsl\"\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"), ) .unwrap(), concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "out vec4 FragColor;\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "uniform sampler2D input_texture;\n", "in vec2 in_texture_coords;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) ); } #[test] fn preprocess_invalid_shader_does_not_work() { let path = Path::new("foo.glsl"); let res = ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |_| Ok(b"out vec4 FragColor;".to_vec()), base_dir: PathBuf::new(), } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", // Missing " "#preinclude foo.glsl\"\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), path, ); let Err(Error::InvalidToken { expected, found, span }) = res else { panic!( "Expected result to be Err(Error::InvalidToken {{ ... }}), is {res:?}" ); }; assert_eq!(expected, '"'); assert_eq!(found, 'f'); assert_eq!(span.line, 3); assert_eq!(span.column, 13); assert_eq!(span.file, path); } #[test] fn preprocess_error_has_correct_span() { let path = Path::new("foo.glsl"); let res = ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |path| { if path == OsStr::new("bar.glsl") { Ok(concat!( "out vec4 FragColor;\n", "in vec2 in_texture_coords;\n", "in float foo;" ) .as_bytes() .to_vec()) } else { Ok(b"uniform sampler2D input_texture;".to_vec()) } }, base_dir: PathBuf::new(), } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"bar.glsl\"\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "#preinclude\"foo.glsl\"\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"), ); let Err(Error::InvalidToken { expected, found, span }) = res else { panic!( "Expected result to be Err(Error::InvalidToken {{ ... }}), is {res:?}" ); }; assert_eq!(expected, ' '); assert_eq!(found, '"'); assert_eq!(span.line, 7); assert_eq!(span.column, 12); assert_eq!(span.file, path); } #[test] fn preprocess_included_shader_with_include_works() { assert_eq!( ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |path| { if path == OsStr::new("bar.glsl") { Ok(concat!( "#preinclude \"foo.glsl\"\n", "\n", "out vec4 FragColor;" ) .as_bytes() .to_vec()) } else { Ok(concat!( "uniform sampler2D input_texture;\n", "in vec2 in_texture_coords;" ) .as_bytes() .to_vec()) } }, base_dir: PathBuf::new() } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"bar.glsl\"\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"), ) .unwrap(), concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "uniform sampler2D input_texture;\n", "in vec2 in_texture_coords;\n", "\n", "out vec4 FragColor;\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) ); } #[test] fn preprocess_included_shader_with_include_error_span_is_correct() { let res = ShaderPreprocessor { read_file: |path| { if path == OsStr::new("bar.glsl") { Ok(concat!( // ' instead of " "#preinclude 'foo.glsl\"\n", "\n", "out vec4 FragColor;" ) .as_bytes() .to_vec()) } else { Ok(concat!( "uniform sampler2D input_texture;\n", "in vec2 in_texture_coords;" ) .as_bytes() .to_vec()) } }, base_dir: PathBuf::new(), } .preprocess( concat!( "#version 330 core\n", "\n", "#preinclude \"bar.glsl\"\n", "\n", "in vec3 in_frag_color;\n", "\n", "void main() {}", ) .to_string(), Path::new("foo.glsl"), ); let Err(Error::InvalidToken { expected, found, span }) = res else { panic!( "Expected result to be Err(Error::InvalidToken {{ ... }}), is {res:?}" ); }; assert_eq!(expected, '"'); assert_eq!(found, '\''); assert_eq!(span.line, 1); assert_eq!(span.column, 13); assert_eq!(span.file, Path::new("bar.glsl")); } }