//! OBJ file format parsing. //! //! File format documentation: <https://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj> use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::read_to_string; use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::file_format::wavefront::common::{ keyword, parse_statement_line, ParsingError, Statement, Triplet, }; use crate::mesh::Mesh; use crate::util::try_option; use crate::vector::{Vec2, Vec3}; use crate::vertex::{Builder as VertexBuilder, Vertex}; /// Parses the content of a Wavefront `.obj`. /// /// # Errors /// Will return `Err` if the `.obj` content is formatted incorrectly. pub fn parse(obj_content: &str) -> Result<Obj, Error> { let lines = obj_content .lines() .enumerate() .map(|(line_index, line)| (line_index + 1, line)); let statements = lines .map(|(line_no, line)| (line_no, parse_statement_line::<Keyword>(line, line_no))) .filter_map(|(line_no, result)| { let opt_statement = match result { Ok(opt_statement) => opt_statement, Err(err) => { return Some(Err(err)); } }; Some(Ok((line_no, opt_statement?))) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?; let vertex_positions = get_vertex_positions_from_statements(&statements)?; let texture_positions = get_texture_positions_from_statements(&statements)?; let vertex_normals = get_vertex_normals_from_statements(&statements)?; let material_specs = get_material_specs_from_statements(&statements)?; let faces = get_faces_from_statements(&statements, &material_specs)?; let mtl_libs = get_mtl_libs_from_statements(&statements)?; Ok(Obj { vertex_positions, vertex_normals, texture_positions, faces, mtl_libs, }) } /// The data of a Wavefront object file. #[derive(Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Obj { pub vertex_positions: Vec<Vec3<f32>>, pub vertex_normals: Vec<Vec3<f32>>, pub texture_positions: Vec<Vec2<f32>>, pub faces: Vec<Face>, pub mtl_libs: Vec<Vec<PathBuf>>, } impl Obj { /// Creates a [`Mesh`] from this Wavefront object file data. /// /// # Errors /// Returns `Err` if: /// - A face's vertex position cannot be found /// - A face's texture position cannot be found /// - A face's vertex normal cannot be found /// - A face index does not fit in a [`u32`] pub fn to_mesh(&self) -> Result<Mesh, Error> { let mut vertices = Vec::<Vertex>::with_capacity(self.faces.len() * 3); let mut indices = Vec::<u32>::with_capacity(self.faces.len() * 3); let mut added_face_vertices = HashMap::<FaceVertex, u32>::with_capacity(self.faces.len() * 3); for face in &self.faces { for face_vertex in &face.vertices { if let Some(index) = added_face_vertices.get(&face_vertex) { indices.push(*index); continue; } vertices.push(face_vertex.to_vertex(self)?); let vertex_index = u32::try_from(vertices.len() - 1) .map_err(|_| Error::FaceIndexTooBig(vertices.len() - 1))?; indices.push(vertex_index); added_face_vertices.insert(face_vertex.clone(), vertex_index); } } Ok(Mesh::new(vertices, Some(indices))) } /// Reads and parses the material libraries of this `Obj`. /// /// # Errors /// Returns `Err` if: /// - Reading the contents of a material library fails /// - Parsing a material library fails pub fn read_and_parse_material_libs<ParsedMaterial, ParseError>( &self, parse_material_lib: impl Fn(&str) -> Result<Vec<ParsedMaterial>, ParseError>, ) -> Result<Vec<ParsedMaterial>, MaterialLibsError<ParseError>> { self.mtl_libs .iter() .flatten() .map(|mtl_lib| { Ok(parse_material_lib(&read_to_string(mtl_lib).map_err( |err| MaterialLibsError::ReadingMaterialLibFailed { source: err, material_lib: mtl_lib.clone(), }, )?)?) }) .flat_map(|res| match res { Ok(inner) => Either::A(inner.into_iter().map(Ok)), Err(err) => Either::B(vec![Err(err)].into_iter()), }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>() } } #[derive(Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Face { pub vertices: [FaceVertex; 3], pub material_name: Option<String>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct FaceVertex { pub position: u32, pub texture: Option<u32>, pub normal: Option<u32>, } impl FaceVertex { /// Tries to convert this face vertex into a [`Vertex`]. /// /// # Errors /// Returns `Err` if: /// - The face's vertex position cannot be found in the given [`Obj`] /// - The face's texture position cannot be found in the given [`Obj`] /// - The face's vertex normal cannot be found in the given [`Obj`] pub fn to_vertex(&self, obj: &Obj) -> Result<Vertex, Error> { let mut vertex_builder = VertexBuilder::default(); let vertex_pos = *obj.vertex_positions.get(self.position as usize - 1).ok_or( Error::FaceVertexPositionNotFound { vertex_pos_index: self.position }, )?; vertex_builder = vertex_builder.pos(vertex_pos); if let Some(face_vertex_texture) = self.texture { let texture_pos = obj .texture_positions .get(face_vertex_texture as usize - 1) .ok_or(Error::FaceTexturePositionNotFound { texture_pos_index: face_vertex_texture, })?; vertex_builder = vertex_builder.texture_coords(*texture_pos); } if let Some(face_vertex_normal) = self.normal { let vertex_normal = *obj .vertex_normals .get(face_vertex_normal as usize - 1) .ok_or(Error::FaceVertexNormalNotFound { vertex_normal_index: face_vertex_normal, })?; vertex_builder = vertex_builder.normal(vertex_normal); } Ok(vertex_builder.build()) } } impl From<Triplet> for FaceVertex { fn from(triplet: Triplet) -> Self { Self { position: triplet.0, texture: triplet.1, normal: triplet.2, } } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum Error { #[error(transparent)] ParsingError(#[from] ParsingError), #[error( "Face vertex position with index {vertex_pos_index} (1-based) was not found" )] FaceVertexPositionNotFound { vertex_pos_index: u32 }, #[error( "Face texture position with index {texture_pos_index} (1-based) was not found" )] FaceTexturePositionNotFound { texture_pos_index: u32 }, #[error( "Face vertex normal with index {vertex_normal_index} (1-based) was not found" )] FaceVertexNormalNotFound { vertex_normal_index: u32 }, #[error("Face index {0} is too big to fit into a 32-bit integer")] FaceIndexTooBig(usize), #[error( "Unsupported number of arguments ({arg_count}) to {keyword} at line {line_no}" )] UnsupportedArgumentCount { keyword: String, arg_count: usize, line_no: usize, }, #[error("Invalid number of arguments ({arg_count}) to {keyword} at line {line_no}")] InvalidArgumentCount { keyword: String, arg_count: usize, line_no: usize, }, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum MaterialLibsError<MaterialLibParseError> { #[error("Parsing material library failed")] ParsingFailed(#[from] MaterialLibParseError), #[error("Failed to read material library {}", material_lib.display())] ReadingMaterialLibFailed { #[source] source: std::io::Error, material_lib: PathBuf, }, } keyword! { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] enum Keyword { #[keyword(rename = "v")] V, #[keyword(rename = "vn")] Vn, #[keyword(rename = "vt")] Vt, #[keyword(rename = "o")] O, #[keyword(rename = "s")] S, #[keyword(rename = "f")] F, #[keyword(rename = "mtllib")] Mtllib, #[keyword(rename = "usemtl")] Usemtl, } } #[derive(Debug)] struct MaterialSpecifier { material_name: String, line_no: usize, } fn find_material_specifier_for_line_no( material_specifiers: &[MaterialSpecifier], line_no: usize, ) -> Option<&MaterialSpecifier> { material_specifiers .iter() .rev() .find(|material_specifier| material_specifier.line_no < line_no) } enum Either<ValA, ValB> { A(ValA), B(ValB), } impl<ValA, ValB, Item> Iterator for Either<ValA, ValB> where ValA: Iterator<Item = Item>, ValB: Iterator<Item = Item>, { type Item = Item; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { match self { Self::A(iter_a) => iter_a.next(), Self::B(iter_b) => iter_b.next(), } } } fn get_vertex_positions_from_statements( statements: &[(usize, Statement<Keyword>)], ) -> Result<Vec<Vec3<f32>>, Error> { statements .iter() .filter_map(|(line_no, statement)| { if statement.keyword != Keyword::V { return None; } if statement.arguments.len() == 4 { return Some(Err(Error::UnsupportedArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } if statement.arguments.len() > 4 { return Some(Err(Error::InvalidArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } let x = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(0, *line_no)); let y = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(1, *line_no)); let z = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(2, *line_no)); Some(Ok(Vec3 { x, y, z })) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>() } fn get_texture_positions_from_statements( statements: &[(usize, Statement<Keyword>)], ) -> Result<Vec<Vec2<f32>>, Error> { statements .iter() .filter_map(|(line_no, statement)| { if statement.keyword != Keyword::Vt { return None; } if statement.arguments.len() == 3 { return Some(Err(Error::UnsupportedArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } if statement.arguments.len() > 3 { return Some(Err(Error::InvalidArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } let u = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(0, *line_no)); let v = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(1, *line_no)); Some(Ok(Vec2 { x: u, y: v })) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>() } fn get_vertex_normals_from_statements( statements: &[(usize, Statement<Keyword>)], ) -> Result<Vec<Vec3<f32>>, Error> { statements .iter() .filter_map(|(line_no, statement)| { if statement.keyword != Keyword::Vn { return None; } if statement.arguments.len() > 3 { return Some(Err(Error::InvalidArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } let i = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(0, *line_no)); let j = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(1, *line_no)); let k = try_option!(statement.get_float_arg(2, *line_no)); Some(Ok(Vec3 { x: i, y: j, z: k })) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>() } fn get_material_specs_from_statements( statements: &[(usize, Statement<Keyword>)], ) -> Result<Vec<MaterialSpecifier>, Error> { statements .iter() .filter_map(|(line_no, statement)| { if statement.keyword != Keyword::Usemtl { return None; } if statement.arguments.len() > 1 { return Some(Err(Error::InvalidArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } let material_name = try_option!(statement.get_text_arg(0, *line_no)); Some(Ok(MaterialSpecifier { material_name: material_name.to_string(), line_no: *line_no, })) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>() } fn get_faces_from_statements( statements: &[(usize, Statement<Keyword>)], material_specifiers: &[MaterialSpecifier], ) -> Result<Vec<Face>, Error> { statements .iter() .filter_map(|(line_no, statement)| { if statement.keyword != Keyword::F { return None; } if statement.arguments.len() > 3 { return Some(Err(Error::UnsupportedArgumentCount { keyword: statement.keyword.to_string(), arg_count: statement.arguments.len(), line_no: *line_no, })); } let vertex_a = try_option!(statement.get_triplet_arg(0, *line_no)).into(); let vertex_b = try_option!(statement.get_triplet_arg(1, *line_no)).into(); let vertex_c = try_option!(statement.get_triplet_arg(2, *line_no)).into(); let material_name = find_material_specifier_for_line_no(material_specifiers, *line_no) .map(|material_specifier| material_specifier.material_name.clone()); Some(Ok(Face { vertices: [vertex_a, vertex_b, vertex_c], material_name, })) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<Face>, Error>>() } fn get_mtl_libs_from_statements( statements: &[(usize, Statement<Keyword>)], ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<PathBuf>>, Error> { statements .iter() .filter_map(|(line_no, statement)| { if statement.keyword != Keyword::Mtllib { return None; } let mtl_lib_paths = try_option!(statement .arguments .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, value)| Ok(PathBuf::from(value.to_text(index, *line_no)?))) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, ParsingError>>()); Some(Ok(mtl_lib_paths)) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::parse; #[test] fn parse_containing_usemtl_works() { let obj = parse(concat!( "usemtl dark-green\n", "f 6/8/1 7/5/3 1/3/2\n", "f 1/2/4 4/1/8 3/4/2\n", "usemtl light-pink\n", "f 9/1/7 5/1/2 3/2/7" )) .expect("Expected Ok"); assert_eq!(obj.faces.len(), 3); assert_eq!( obj.faces[0].material_name.as_ref().expect("Expected Some"), "dark-green" ); assert_eq!( obj.faces[1].material_name.as_ref().expect("Expected Some"), "dark-green" ); assert_eq!( obj.faces[2].material_name.as_ref().expect("Expected Some"), "light-pink" ); } }