/* Arduino SdFat Library * Copyright (C) 2009 by William Greiman * * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library * * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with the Arduino SdFat Library. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <SdFat.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <Arduino.h> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // callback function for date/time void (*SdFile::dateTime_)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) = NULL; #if ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS // suppress cpplint warnings with NOLINT comment void (*SdFile::oldDateTime_)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time) = NULL; // NOLINT #endif // ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // add a cluster to a file uint8_t SdFile::addCluster() { if (!vol_->allocContiguous(1, &curCluster_)) return false; // if first cluster of file link to directory entry if (firstCluster_ == 0) { firstCluster_ = curCluster_; flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Add a cluster to a directory file and zero the cluster. // return with first block of cluster in the cache uint8_t SdFile::addDirCluster(void) { if (!addCluster()) return false; // zero data in cluster insure first cluster is in cache uint32_t block = vol_->clusterStartBlock(curCluster_); for (uint8_t i = vol_->blocksPerCluster_; i != 0; i--) { if (!SdVolume::cacheZeroBlock(block + i - 1)) return false; } // Increase directory file size by cluster size fileSize_ += 512UL << vol_->clusterSizeShift_; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // cache a file's directory entry // return pointer to cached entry or null for failure dir_t* SdFile::cacheDirEntry(uint8_t action) { if (!SdVolume::cacheRawBlock(dirBlock_, action)) return NULL; return SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.dir + dirIndex_; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Close a file and force cached data and directory information * to be written to the storage device. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include no file is open or an I/O error. */ uint8_t SdFile::close(void) { if (!sync())return false; type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check for contiguous file and return its raw block range. * * \param[out] bgnBlock the first block address for the file. * \param[out] endBlock the last block address for the file. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include file is not contiguous, file has zero length * or an I/O error occurred. */ uint8_t SdFile::contiguousRange(uint32_t* bgnBlock, uint32_t* endBlock) { // error if no blocks if (firstCluster_ == 0) return false; for (uint32_t c = firstCluster_; ; c++) { uint32_t next; if (!vol_->fatGet(c, &next)) return false; // check for contiguous if (next != (c + 1)) { // error if not end of chain if (!vol_->isEOC(next)) return false; *bgnBlock = vol_->clusterStartBlock(firstCluster_); *endBlock = vol_->clusterStartBlock(c) + vol_->blocksPerCluster_ - 1; return true; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create and open a new contiguous file of a specified size. * * \note This function only supports short DOS 8.3 names. * See open() for more information. * * \param[in] dirFile The directory where the file will be created. * \param[in] fileName A valid DOS 8.3 file name. * \param[in] size The desired file size. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include \a fileName contains * an invalid DOS 8.3 file name, the FAT volume has not been initialized, * a file is already open, the file already exists, the root * directory is full or an I/O error. * */ uint8_t SdFile::createContiguous(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName, uint32_t size) { // don't allow zero length file if (size == 0) return false; if (!open(dirFile, fileName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR)) return false; // calculate number of clusters needed uint32_t count = ((size - 1) >> (vol_->clusterSizeShift_ + 9)) + 1; // allocate clusters if (!vol_->allocContiguous(count, &firstCluster_)) { remove(); return false; } fileSize_ = size; // insure sync() will update dir entry flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY; return sync(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Return a files directory entry * * \param[out] dir Location for return of the files directory entry. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. */ uint8_t SdFile::dirEntry(dir_t* dir) { // make sure fields on SD are correct if (!sync()) return false; // read entry dir_t* p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ); if (!p) return false; // copy to caller's struct memcpy(dir, p, sizeof(dir_t)); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Format the name field of \a dir into the 13 byte array * \a name in standard 8.3 short name format. * * \param[in] dir The directory structure containing the name. * \param[out] name A 13 byte char array for the formatted name. */ void SdFile::dirName(const dir_t& dir, char* name) { uint8_t j = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) { if (dir.name[i] == ' ')continue; if (i == 8) name[j++] = '.'; name[j++] = dir.name[i]; } name[j] = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** List directory contents to Serial. * * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of * * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date * * LS_SIZE - %Print file size. * * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories. * * \param[in] indent Amount of space before file name. Used for recursive * list to indicate subdirectory level. */ void SdFile::ls(uint8_t flags, uint8_t indent) { dir_t* p; rewind(); while ((p = readDirCache())) { // done if past last used entry if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break; // skip deleted entry and entries for . and .. if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') continue; // only list subdirectories and files if (!DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(p)) continue; // print any indent spaces for (int8_t i = 0; i < indent; i++) Serial.print(' '); // print file name with possible blank fill printDirName(*p, flags & (LS_DATE | LS_SIZE) ? 14 : 0); // print modify date/time if requested if (flags & LS_DATE) { printFatDate(p->lastWriteDate); Serial.print(' '); printFatTime(p->lastWriteTime); } // print size if requested if (!DIR_IS_SUBDIR(p) && (flags & LS_SIZE)) { Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(p->fileSize); } Serial.println(); // list subdirectory content if requested if ((flags & LS_R) && DIR_IS_SUBDIR(p)) { uint16_t index = curPosition()/32 - 1; SdFile s; if (s.open(this, index, O_READ)) s.ls(flags, indent + 2); seekSet(32 * (index + 1)); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // format directory name field from a 8.3 name string uint8_t SdFile::make83Name(const char* str, uint8_t* name) { uint8_t c; uint8_t n = 7; // max index for part before dot uint8_t i = 0; // blank fill name and extension while (i < 11) name[i++] = ' '; i = 0; while ((c = *str++) != '\0') { if (c == '.') { if (n == 10) return false; // only one dot allowed n = 10; // max index for full 8.3 name i = 8; // place for extension } else { // illegal FAT characters PGM_P p = PSTR("|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\"); uint8_t b; while ((b = pgm_read_byte(p++))) if (b == c) return false; // check size and only allow ASCII printable characters if (i > n || c < 0X21 || c > 0X7E)return false; // only upper case allowed in 8.3 names - convert lower to upper name[i++] = c < 'a' || c > 'z' ? c : c + ('A' - 'a'); } } // must have a file name, extension is optional return name[0] != ' '; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Make a new directory. * * \param[in] dir An open SdFat instance for the directory that will containing * the new directory. * * \param[in] dirName A valid 8.3 DOS name for the new directory. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include this SdFile is already open, \a dir is not a * directory, \a dirName is invalid or already exists in \a dir. */ uint8_t SdFile::makeDir(SdFile* dir, const char* dirName) { dir_t d; // create a normal file if (!open(dir, dirName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR)) return false; // convert SdFile to directory flags_ = O_READ; type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR; // allocate and zero first cluster if (!addDirCluster())return false; // force entry to SD if (!sync()) return false; // cache entry - should already be in cache due to sync() call dir_t* p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE); if (!p) return false; // change directory entry attribute p->attributes = DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY; // make entry for '.' memcpy(&d, p, sizeof(d)); for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 11; i++) d.name[i] = ' '; d.name[0] = '.'; // cache block for '.' and '..' uint32_t block = vol_->clusterStartBlock(firstCluster_); if (!SdVolume::cacheRawBlock(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE)) return false; // copy '.' to block memcpy(&SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.dir[0], &d, sizeof(d)); // make entry for '..' d.name[1] = '.'; if (dir->isRoot()) { d.firstClusterLow = 0; d.firstClusterHigh = 0; } else { d.firstClusterLow = dir->firstCluster_ & 0XFFFF; d.firstClusterHigh = dir->firstCluster_ >> 16; } // copy '..' to block memcpy(&SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.dir[1], &d, sizeof(d)); // set position after '..' curPosition_ = 2 * sizeof(d); // write first block return SdVolume::cacheFlush(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Open a file or directory by name. * * \param[in] dirFile An open SdFat instance for the directory containing the * file to be opened. * * \param[in] fileName A valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened. * * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive * OR of flags from the following list * * O_READ - Open for reading. * * O_RDONLY - Same as O_READ. * * O_WRITE - Open for writing. * * O_WRONLY - Same as O_WRITE. * * O_RDWR - Open for reading and writing. * * O_APPEND - If set, the file offset shall be set to the end of the * file prior to each write. * * O_CREAT - If the file exists, this flag has no effect except as noted * under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the file shall be created * * O_EXCL - If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists. * * O_SYNC - Call sync() after each write. This flag should not be used with * write(uint8_t), write_P(PGM_P), writeln_P(PGM_P), or the Arduino Print class. * These functions do character at a time writes so sync() will be called * after each byte. * * O_TRUNC - If the file exists and is a regular file, and the file is * successfully opened and is not read only, its length shall be truncated to 0. * * \note Directory files must be opened read only. Write and truncation is * not allowed for directory files. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include this SdFile is already open, \a difFile is not * a directory, \a fileName is invalid, the file does not exist * or can't be opened in the access mode specified by oflag. */ uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag) { uint8_t dname[11]; dir_t* p; // error if already open if (isOpen())return false; if (!make83Name(fileName, dname)) return false; vol_ = dirFile->vol_; dirFile->rewind(); // bool for empty entry found uint8_t emptyFound = false; // search for file while (dirFile->curPosition_ < dirFile->fileSize_) { uint8_t index = 0XF & (dirFile->curPosition_ >> 5); p = dirFile->readDirCache(); if (p == NULL) return false; if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE || p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED) { // remember first empty slot if (!emptyFound) { emptyFound = true; dirIndex_ = index; dirBlock_ = SdVolume::cacheBlockNumber_; } // done if no entries follow if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break; } else if (!memcmp(dname, p->name, 11)) { // don't open existing file if O_CREAT and O_EXCL if ((oflag & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) return false; // open found file return openCachedEntry(0XF & index, oflag); } } // only create file if O_CREAT and O_WRITE if ((oflag & (O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) != (O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) return false; // cache found slot or add cluster if end of file if (emptyFound) { p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE); if (!p) return false; } else { if (dirFile->type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16) return false; // add and zero cluster for dirFile - first cluster is in cache for write if (!dirFile->addDirCluster()) return false; // use first entry in cluster dirIndex_ = 0; p = SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.dir; } // initialize as empty file memset(p, 0, sizeof(dir_t)); memcpy(p->name, dname, 11); // set timestamps if (dateTime_) { // call user function dateTime_(&p->creationDate, &p->creationTime); } else { // use default date/time p->creationDate = FAT_DEFAULT_DATE; p->creationTime = FAT_DEFAULT_TIME; } p->lastAccessDate = p->creationDate; p->lastWriteDate = p->creationDate; p->lastWriteTime = p->creationTime; // force write of entry to SD if (!SdVolume::cacheFlush()) return false; // open entry in cache return openCachedEntry(dirIndex_, oflag); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Open a file by index. * * \param[in] dirFile An open SdFat instance for the directory. * * \param[in] index The \a index of the directory entry for the file to be * opened. The value for \a index is (directory file position)/32. * * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive * OR of flags O_READ, O_WRITE, O_TRUNC, and O_SYNC. * * See open() by fileName for definition of flags and return values. * */ uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag) { // error if already open if (isOpen())return false; // don't open existing file if O_CREAT and O_EXCL - user call error if ((oflag & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) return false; vol_ = dirFile->vol_; // seek to location of entry if (!dirFile->seekSet(32 * index)) return false; // read entry into cache dir_t* p = dirFile->readDirCache(); if (p == NULL) return false; // error if empty slot or '.' or '..' if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE || p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') { return false; } // open cached entry return openCachedEntry(index & 0XF, oflag); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // open a cached directory entry. Assumes vol_ is initializes uint8_t SdFile::openCachedEntry(uint8_t dirIndex, uint8_t oflag) { // location of entry in cache dir_t* p = SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.dir + dirIndex; // write or truncate is an error for a directory or read-only file if (p->attributes & (DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY | DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY)) { if (oflag & (O_WRITE | O_TRUNC)) return false; } // remember location of directory entry on SD dirIndex_ = dirIndex; dirBlock_ = SdVolume::cacheBlockNumber_; // copy first cluster number for directory fields firstCluster_ = (uint32_t)p->firstClusterHigh << 16; firstCluster_ |= p->firstClusterLow; // make sure it is a normal file or subdirectory if (DIR_IS_FILE(p)) { fileSize_ = p->fileSize; type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL; } else if (DIR_IS_SUBDIR(p)) { if (!vol_->chainSize(firstCluster_, &fileSize_)) return false; type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR; } else { return false; } // save open flags for read/write flags_ = oflag & (O_ACCMODE | O_SYNC | O_APPEND); // set to start of file curCluster_ = 0; curPosition_ = 0; // truncate file to zero length if requested if (oflag & O_TRUNC) return truncate(0); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Open a volume's root directory. * * \param[in] vol The FAT volume containing the root directory to be opened. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include the FAT volume has not been initialized * or it a FAT12 volume. */ uint8_t SdFile::openRoot(SdVolume* vol) { // error if file is already open if (isOpen()) return false; if (vol->fatType() == 16) { type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16; firstCluster_ = 0; fileSize_ = 32 * vol->rootDirEntryCount(); } else if (vol->fatType() == 32) { type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT32; firstCluster_ = vol->rootDirStart(); if (!vol->chainSize(firstCluster_, &fileSize_)) return false; } else { // volume is not initialized or FAT12 return false; } vol_ = vol; // read only flags_ = O_READ; // set to start of file curCluster_ = 0; curPosition_ = 0; // root has no directory entry dirBlock_ = 0; dirIndex_ = 0; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print the name field of a directory entry in 8.3 format to Serial. * * \param[in] dir The directory structure containing the name. * \param[in] width Blank fill name if length is less than \a width. */ void SdFile::printDirName(const dir_t& dir, uint8_t width) { uint8_t w = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) { if (dir.name[i] == ' ')continue; if (i == 8) { Serial.print('.'); w++; } Serial.write(dir.name[i]); w++; } if (DIR_IS_SUBDIR(&dir)) { Serial.print('/'); w++; } while (w < width) { Serial.print(' '); w++; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print a directory date field to Serial. * * Format is yyyy-mm-dd. * * \param[in] fatDate The date field from a directory entry. */ void SdFile::printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate) { Serial.print(FAT_YEAR(fatDate)); Serial.print('-'); printTwoDigits(FAT_MONTH(fatDate)); Serial.print('-'); printTwoDigits(FAT_DAY(fatDate)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print a directory time field to Serial. * * Format is hh:mm:ss. * * \param[in] fatTime The time field from a directory entry. */ void SdFile::printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime) { printTwoDigits(FAT_HOUR(fatTime)); Serial.print(':'); printTwoDigits(FAT_MINUTE(fatTime)); Serial.print(':'); printTwoDigits(FAT_SECOND(fatTime)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print a value as two digits to Serial. * * \param[in] v Value to be printed, 0 <= \a v <= 99 */ void SdFile::printTwoDigits(uint8_t v) { char str[3]; str[0] = '0' + v/10; str[1] = '0' + v % 10; str[2] = 0; Serial.print(str); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Read data from a file starting at the current position. * * \param[out] buf Pointer to the location that will receive the data. * * \param[in] nbyte Maximum number of bytes to read. * * \return For success read() returns the number of bytes read. * A value less than \a nbyte, including zero, will be returned * if end of file is reached. * If an error occurs, read() returns -1. Possible errors include * read() called before a file has been opened, corrupt file system * or an I/O error occurred. */ int16_t SdFile::read(void* buf, uint16_t nbyte) { uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf); // error if not open or write only if (!isOpen() || !(flags_ & O_READ)) return -1; // max bytes left in file if (nbyte > (fileSize_ - curPosition_)) nbyte = fileSize_ - curPosition_; // amount left to read uint16_t toRead = nbyte; while (toRead > 0) { uint32_t block; // raw device block number uint16_t offset = curPosition_ & 0X1FF; // offset in block if (type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16) { block = vol_->rootDirStart() + (curPosition_ >> 9); } else { uint8_t blockOfCluster = vol_->blockOfCluster(curPosition_); if (offset == 0 && blockOfCluster == 0) { // start of new cluster if (curPosition_ == 0) { // use first cluster in file curCluster_ = firstCluster_; } else { // get next cluster from FAT if (!vol_->fatGet(curCluster_, &curCluster_)) return -1; } } block = vol_->clusterStartBlock(curCluster_) + blockOfCluster; } uint16_t n = toRead; // amount to be read from current block if (n > (512 - offset)) n = 512 - offset; // no buffering needed if n == 512 or user requests no buffering if ((unbufferedRead() || n == 512) && block != SdVolume::cacheBlockNumber_) { if (!vol_->readData(block, offset, n, dst)) return -1; dst += n; } else { // read block to cache and copy data to caller if (!SdVolume::cacheRawBlock(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ)) return -1; uint8_t* src = SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.data + offset; uint8_t* end = src + n; while (src != end) *dst++ = *src++; } curPosition_ += n; toRead -= n; } return nbyte; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Read the next directory entry from a directory file. * * \param[out] dir The dir_t struct that will receive the data. * * \return For success readDir() returns the number of bytes read. * A value of zero will be returned if end of file is reached. * If an error occurs, readDir() returns -1. Possible errors include * readDir() called before a directory has been opened, this is not * a directory file or an I/O error occurred. */ int8_t SdFile::readDir(dir_t* dir) { int8_t n; // if not a directory file or miss-positioned return an error if (!isDir() || (0X1F & curPosition_)) return -1; while ((n = read(dir, sizeof(dir_t))) == sizeof(dir_t)) { // last entry if DIR_NAME_FREE if (dir->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break; // skip empty entries and entry for . and .. if (dir->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || dir->name[0] == '.') continue; // return if normal file or subdirectory if (DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(dir)) return n; } // error, end of file, or past last entry return n < 0 ? -1 : 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read next directory entry into the cache // Assumes file is correctly positioned dir_t* SdFile::readDirCache(void) { // error if not directory if (!isDir()) return NULL; // index of entry in cache uint8_t i = (curPosition_ >> 5) & 0XF; // use read to locate and cache block if (read() < 0) return NULL; // advance to next entry curPosition_ += 31; // return pointer to entry return (SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.dir + i); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Remove a file. * * The directory entry and all data for the file are deleted. * * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a * file that has a long name. For example if a file has the long name * "New Text Document.txt" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWTEX~1.TXT". * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include the file read-only, is a directory, * or an I/O error occurred. */ uint8_t SdFile::remove(void) { // free any clusters - will fail if read-only or directory if (!truncate(0)) return false; // cache directory entry dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE); if (!d) return false; // mark entry deleted d->name[0] = DIR_NAME_DELETED; // set this SdFile closed type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED; // write entry to SD return SdVolume::cacheFlush(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Remove a file. * * The directory entry and all data for the file are deleted. * * \param[in] dirFile The directory that contains the file. * \param[in] fileName The name of the file to be removed. * * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a * file that has a long name. For example if a file has the long name * "New Text Document.txt" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWTEX~1.TXT". * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include the file is a directory, is read only, * \a dirFile is not a directory, \a fileName is not found * or an I/O error occurred. */ uint8_t SdFile::remove(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName) { SdFile file; if (!file.open(dirFile, fileName, O_WRITE)) return false; return file.remove(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Remove a directory file. * * The directory file will be removed only if it is empty and is not the * root directory. rmDir() follows DOS and Windows and ignores the * read-only attribute for the directory. * * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a * directory that has a long name. For example if a directory has the * long name "New folder" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWFOL~1". * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include the file is not a directory, is the root * directory, is not empty, or an I/O error occurred. */ uint8_t SdFile::rmDir(void) { // must be open subdirectory if (!isSubDir()) return false; rewind(); // make sure directory is empty while (curPosition_ < fileSize_) { dir_t* p = readDirCache(); if (p == NULL) return false; // done if past last used entry if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break; // skip empty slot or '.' or '..' if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') continue; // error not empty if (DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(p)) return false; } // convert empty directory to normal file for remove type_ = FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL; flags_ |= O_WRITE; return remove(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Recursively delete a directory and all contained files. * * This is like the Unix/Linux 'rm -rf *' if called with the root directory * hence the name. * * Warning - This will remove all contents of the directory including * subdirectories. The directory will then be removed if it is not root. * The read-only attribute for files will be ignored. * * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of * a directory that has a long name. See remove() and rmDir(). * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. */ uint8_t SdFile::rmRfStar(void) { rewind(); while (curPosition_ < fileSize_) { SdFile f; // remember position uint16_t index = curPosition_/32; dir_t* p = readDirCache(); if (!p) return false; // done if past last entry if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break; // skip empty slot or '.' or '..' if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') continue; // skip if part of long file name or volume label in root if (!DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(p)) continue; if (!f.open(this, index, O_READ)) return false; if (f.isSubDir()) { // recursively delete if (!f.rmRfStar()) return false; } else { // ignore read-only f.flags_ |= O_WRITE; if (!f.remove()) return false; } // position to next entry if required if (curPosition_ != (32*(index + 1))) { if (!seekSet(32*(index + 1))) return false; } } // don't try to delete root if (isRoot()) return true; return rmDir(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Sets a file's position. * * \param[in] pos The new position in bytes from the beginning of the file. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. */ uint8_t SdFile::seekSet(uint32_t pos) { // error if file not open or seek past end of file if (!isOpen() || pos > fileSize_) return false; if (type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16) { curPosition_ = pos; return true; } if (pos == 0) { // set position to start of file curCluster_ = 0; curPosition_ = 0; return true; } // calculate cluster index for cur and new position uint32_t nCur = (curPosition_ - 1) >> (vol_->clusterSizeShift_ + 9); uint32_t nNew = (pos - 1) >> (vol_->clusterSizeShift_ + 9); if (nNew < nCur || curPosition_ == 0) { // must follow chain from first cluster curCluster_ = firstCluster_; } else { // advance from curPosition nNew -= nCur; } while (nNew--) { if (!vol_->fatGet(curCluster_, &curCluster_)) return false; } curPosition_ = pos; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * The sync() call causes all modified data and directory fields * to be written to the storage device. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include a call to sync() before a file has been * opened or an I/O error. */ uint8_t SdFile::sync(void) { // only allow open files and directories if (!isOpen()) return false; if (flags_ & F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY) { dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE); if (!d) return false; // do not set filesize for dir files if (!isDir()) d->fileSize = fileSize_; // update first cluster fields d->firstClusterLow = firstCluster_ & 0XFFFF; d->firstClusterHigh = firstCluster_ >> 16; // set modify time if user supplied a callback date/time function if (dateTime_) { dateTime_(&d->lastWriteDate, &d->lastWriteTime); d->lastAccessDate = d->lastWriteDate; } // clear directory dirty flags_ &= ~F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY; } return SdVolume::cacheFlush(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Set a file's timestamps in its directory entry. * * \param[in] flags Values for \a flags are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive * OR of flags from the following list * * T_ACCESS - Set the file's last access date. * * T_CREATE - Set the file's creation date and time. * * T_WRITE - Set the file's last write/modification date and time. * * \param[in] year Valid range 1980 - 2107 inclusive. * * \param[in] month Valid range 1 - 12 inclusive. * * \param[in] day Valid range 1 - 31 inclusive. * * \param[in] hour Valid range 0 - 23 inclusive. * * \param[in] minute Valid range 0 - 59 inclusive. * * \param[in] second Valid range 0 - 59 inclusive * * \note It is possible to set an invalid date since there is no check for * the number of days in a month. * * \note * Modify and access timestamps may be overwritten if a date time callback * function has been set by dateTimeCallback(). * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. */ uint8_t SdFile::timestamp(uint8_t flags, uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) { if (!isOpen() || year < 1980 || year > 2107 || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31 || hour > 23 || minute > 59 || second > 59) { return false; } dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE); if (!d) return false; uint16_t dirDate = FAT_DATE(year, month, day); uint16_t dirTime = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second); if (flags & T_ACCESS) { d->lastAccessDate = dirDate; } if (flags & T_CREATE) { d->creationDate = dirDate; d->creationTime = dirTime; // seems to be units of 1/100 second not 1/10 as Microsoft states d->creationTimeTenths = second & 1 ? 100 : 0; } if (flags & T_WRITE) { d->lastWriteDate = dirDate; d->lastWriteTime = dirTime; } SdVolume::cacheSetDirty(); return sync(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Truncate a file to a specified length. The current file position * will be maintained if it is less than or equal to \a length otherwise * it will be set to end of file. * * \param[in] length The desired length for the file. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. * Reasons for failure include file is read only, file is a directory, * \a length is greater than the current file size or an I/O error occurs. */ uint8_t SdFile::truncate(uint32_t length) { // error if not a normal file or read-only if (!isFile() || !(flags_ & O_WRITE)) return false; // error if length is greater than current size if (length > fileSize_) return false; // fileSize and length are zero - nothing to do if (fileSize_ == 0) return true; // remember position for seek after truncation uint32_t newPos = curPosition_ > length ? length : curPosition_; // position to last cluster in truncated file if (!seekSet(length)) return false; if (length == 0) { // free all clusters if (!vol_->freeChain(firstCluster_)) return false; firstCluster_ = 0; } else { uint32_t toFree; if (!vol_->fatGet(curCluster_, &toFree)) return false; if (!vol_->isEOC(toFree)) { // free extra clusters if (!vol_->freeChain(toFree)) return false; // current cluster is end of chain if (!vol_->fatPutEOC(curCluster_)) return false; } } fileSize_ = length; // need to update directory entry flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY; if (!sync()) return false; // set file to correct position return seekSet(newPos); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write data to an open file. * * \note Data is moved to the cache but may not be written to the * storage device until sync() is called. * * \param[in] buf Pointer to the location of the data to be written. * * \param[in] nbyte Number of bytes to write. * * \return For success write() returns the number of bytes written, always * \a nbyte. If an error occurs, write() returns -1. Possible errors * include write() is called before a file has been opened, write is called * for a read-only file, device is full, a corrupt file system or an I/O error. * */ size_t SdFile::write(const void* buf, uint16_t nbyte) { // convert void* to uint8_t* - must be before goto statements const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf); // number of bytes left to write - must be before goto statements uint16_t nToWrite = nbyte; // error if not a normal file or is read-only if (!isFile() || !(flags_ & O_WRITE)) goto writeErrorReturn; // seek to end of file if append flag if ((flags_ & O_APPEND) && curPosition_ != fileSize_) { if (!seekEnd()) goto writeErrorReturn; } while (nToWrite > 0) { uint8_t blockOfCluster = vol_->blockOfCluster(curPosition_); uint16_t blockOffset = curPosition_ & 0X1FF; if (blockOfCluster == 0 && blockOffset == 0) { // start of new cluster if (curCluster_ == 0) { if (firstCluster_ == 0) { // allocate first cluster of file if (!addCluster()) goto writeErrorReturn; } else { curCluster_ = firstCluster_; } } else { uint32_t next; if (!vol_->fatGet(curCluster_, &next)) return false; if (vol_->isEOC(next)) { // add cluster if at end of chain if (!addCluster()) goto writeErrorReturn; } else { curCluster_ = next; } } } // max space in block uint16_t n = 512 - blockOffset; // lesser of space and amount to write if (n > nToWrite) n = nToWrite; // block for data write uint32_t block = vol_->clusterStartBlock(curCluster_) + blockOfCluster; if (n == 512) { // full block - don't need to use cache // invalidate cache if block is in cache if (SdVolume::cacheBlockNumber_ == block) { SdVolume::cacheBlockNumber_ = 0XFFFFFFFF; } if (!vol_->writeBlock(block, src)) goto writeErrorReturn; src += 512; } else { if (blockOffset == 0 && curPosition_ >= fileSize_) { // start of new block don't need to read into cache if (!SdVolume::cacheFlush()) goto writeErrorReturn; SdVolume::cacheBlockNumber_ = block; SdVolume::cacheSetDirty(); } else { // rewrite part of block if (!SdVolume::cacheRawBlock(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE)) { goto writeErrorReturn; } } uint8_t* dst = SdVolume::cacheBuffer_.data + blockOffset; uint8_t* end = dst + n; while (dst != end) *dst++ = *src++; } nToWrite -= n; curPosition_ += n; } if (curPosition_ > fileSize_) { // update fileSize and insure sync will update dir entry fileSize_ = curPosition_; flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY; } else if (dateTime_ && nbyte) { // insure sync will update modified date and time flags_ |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY; } if (flags_ & O_SYNC) { if (!sync()) goto writeErrorReturn; } return nbyte; writeErrorReturn: // return for write error //writeError = true; setWriteError(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write a byte to a file. Required by the Arduino Print class. * * Use SdFile::writeError to check for errors. */ size_t SdFile::write(uint8_t b) { return write(&b, 1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write a string to a file. Used by the Arduino Print class. * * Use SdFile::writeError to check for errors. */ size_t SdFile::write(const char* str) { return write(str, strlen(str)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write a PROGMEM string to a file. * * Use SdFile::writeError to check for errors. */ void SdFile::write_P(PGM_P str) { for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) write(c); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write a PROGMEM string followed by CR/LF to a file. * * Use SdFile::writeError to check for errors. */ void SdFile::writeln_P(PGM_P str) { write_P(str); println(); }