/* Arduino SdFat Library * Copyright (C) 2009 by William Greiman * * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library * * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with the Arduino SdFat Library. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef SdFat_h #define SdFat_h /** * \file * SdFile and SdVolume classes */ #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include "Sd2Card.h" #include "FatStructs.h" #include "Print.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Allow use of deprecated functions if non-zero */ #define ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // forward declaration since SdVolume is used in SdFile class SdVolume; //============================================================================== // SdFile class // flags for ls() /** ls() flag to print modify date */ uint8_t const LS_DATE = 1; /** ls() flag to print file size */ uint8_t const LS_SIZE = 2; /** ls() flag for recursive list of subdirectories */ uint8_t const LS_R = 4; // use the gnu style oflag in open() /** open() oflag for reading */ uint8_t const O_READ = 0X01; /** open() oflag - same as O_READ */ uint8_t const O_RDONLY = O_READ; /** open() oflag for write */ uint8_t const O_WRITE = 0X02; /** open() oflag - same as O_WRITE */ uint8_t const O_WRONLY = O_WRITE; /** open() oflag for reading and writing */ uint8_t const O_RDWR = (O_READ | O_WRITE); /** open() oflag mask for access modes */ uint8_t const O_ACCMODE = (O_READ | O_WRITE); /** The file offset shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write. */ uint8_t const O_APPEND = 0X04; /** synchronous writes - call sync() after each write */ uint8_t const O_SYNC = 0X08; /** create the file if nonexistent */ uint8_t const O_CREAT = 0X10; /** If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists */ uint8_t const O_EXCL = 0X20; /** truncate the file to zero length */ uint8_t const O_TRUNC = 0X40; // flags for timestamp /** set the file's last access date */ uint8_t const T_ACCESS = 1; /** set the file's creation date and time */ uint8_t const T_CREATE = 2; /** Set the file's write date and time */ uint8_t const T_WRITE = 4; // values for type_ /** This SdFile has not been opened. */ uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED = 0; /** SdFile for a file */ uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL = 1; /** SdFile for a FAT16 root directory */ uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16 = 2; /** SdFile for a FAT32 root directory */ uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT32 = 3; /** SdFile for a subdirectory */ uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR = 4; /** Test value for directory type */ uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_MIN_DIR = FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16; /** date field for FAT directory entry */ static inline uint16_t FAT_DATE(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day) { return (year - 1980) << 9 | month << 5 | day; } /** year part of FAT directory date field */ static inline uint16_t FAT_YEAR(uint16_t fatDate) { return 1980 + (fatDate >> 9); } /** month part of FAT directory date field */ static inline uint8_t FAT_MONTH(uint16_t fatDate) { return (fatDate >> 5) & 0XF; } /** day part of FAT directory date field */ static inline uint8_t FAT_DAY(uint16_t fatDate) { return fatDate & 0X1F; } /** time field for FAT directory entry */ static inline uint16_t FAT_TIME(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) { return hour << 11 | minute << 5 | second >> 1; } /** hour part of FAT directory time field */ static inline uint8_t FAT_HOUR(uint16_t fatTime) { return fatTime >> 11; } /** minute part of FAT directory time field */ static inline uint8_t FAT_MINUTE(uint16_t fatTime) { return(fatTime >> 5) & 0X3F; } /** second part of FAT directory time field */ static inline uint8_t FAT_SECOND(uint16_t fatTime) { return 2*(fatTime & 0X1F); } /** Default date for file timestamps is 1 Jan 2000 */ uint16_t const FAT_DEFAULT_DATE = ((2000 - 1980) << 9) | (1 << 5) | 1; /** Default time for file timestamp is 1 am */ uint16_t const FAT_DEFAULT_TIME = (1 << 11); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * \class SdFile * \brief Access FAT16 and FAT32 files on SD and SDHC cards. */ class SdFile : public Print { public: /** Create an instance of SdFile. */ SdFile(void) : type_(FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED) {} /** * writeError is set to true if an error occurs during a write(). * Set writeError to false before calling print() and/or write() and check * for true after calls to print() and/or write(). */ //bool writeError; /** * Cancel unbuffered reads for this file. * See setUnbufferedRead() */ void clearUnbufferedRead(void) { flags_ &= ~F_FILE_UNBUFFERED_READ; } uint8_t close(void); uint8_t contiguousRange(uint32_t* bgnBlock, uint32_t* endBlock); uint8_t createContiguous(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName, uint32_t size); /** \return The current cluster number for a file or directory. */ uint32_t curCluster(void) const {return curCluster_;} /** \return The current position for a file or directory. */ uint32_t curPosition(void) const {return curPosition_;} /** * Set the date/time callback function * * \param[in] dateTime The user's call back function. The callback * function is of the form: * * \code * void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) { * uint16_t year; * uint8_t month, day, hour, minute, second; * * // User gets date and time from GPS or real-time clock here * * // return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields * *date = FAT_DATE(year, month, day); * * // return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields * *time = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second); * } * \endcode * * Sets the function that is called when a file is created or when * a file's directory entry is modified by sync(). All timestamps, * access, creation, and modify, are set when a file is created. * sync() maintains the last access date and last modify date/time. * * See the timestamp() function. */ static void dateTimeCallback( void (*dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time)) { dateTime_ = dateTime; } /** * Cancel the date/time callback function. */ static void dateTimeCallbackCancel(void) { // use explicit zero since NULL is not defined for Sanguino dateTime_ = 0; } /** \return Address of the block that contains this file's directory. */ uint32_t dirBlock(void) const {return dirBlock_;} uint8_t dirEntry(dir_t* dir); /** \return Index of this file's directory in the block dirBlock. */ uint8_t dirIndex(void) const {return dirIndex_;} static void dirName(const dir_t& dir, char* name); /** \return The total number of bytes in a file or directory. */ uint32_t fileSize(void) const {return fileSize_;} /** \return The first cluster number for a file or directory. */ uint32_t firstCluster(void) const {return firstCluster_;} /** \return True if this is a SdFile for a directory else false. */ uint8_t isDir(void) const {return type_ >= FAT_FILE_TYPE_MIN_DIR;} /** \return True if this is a SdFile for a file else false. */ uint8_t isFile(void) const {return type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL;} /** \return True if this is a SdFile for an open file/directory else false. */ uint8_t isOpen(void) const {return type_ != FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED;} /** \return True if this is a SdFile for a subdirectory else false. */ uint8_t isSubDir(void) const {return type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR;} /** \return True if this is a SdFile for the root directory. */ uint8_t isRoot(void) const { return type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT16 || type_ == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT32; } void ls(uint8_t flags = 0, uint8_t indent = 0); uint8_t makeDir(SdFile* dir, const char* dirName); uint8_t open(SdFile* dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag); uint8_t open(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag); uint8_t openRoot(SdVolume* vol); static void printDirName(const dir_t& dir, uint8_t width); static void printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate); static void printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime); static void printTwoDigits(uint8_t v); /** * Read the next byte from a file. * * \return For success read returns the next byte in the file as an int. * If an error occurs or end of file is reached -1 is returned. */ int16_t read(void) { uint8_t b; return read(&b, 1) == 1 ? b : -1; } int16_t read(void* buf, uint16_t nbyte); int8_t readDir(dir_t* dir); static uint8_t remove(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName); uint8_t remove(void); /** Set the file's current position to zero. */ void rewind(void) { curPosition_ = curCluster_ = 0; } uint8_t rmDir(void); uint8_t rmRfStar(void); /** Set the files position to current position + \a pos. See seekSet(). */ uint8_t seekCur(uint32_t pos) { return seekSet(curPosition_ + pos); } /** * Set the files current position to end of file. Useful to position * a file for append. See seekSet(). */ uint8_t seekEnd(void) {return seekSet(fileSize_);} uint8_t seekSet(uint32_t pos); /** * Use unbuffered reads to access this file. Used with Wave * Shield ISR. Used with Sd2Card::partialBlockRead() in WaveRP. * * Not recommended for normal applications. */ void setUnbufferedRead(void) { if (isFile()) flags_ |= F_FILE_UNBUFFERED_READ; } uint8_t timestamp(uint8_t flag, uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second); uint8_t sync(void); /** Type of this SdFile. You should use isFile() or isDir() instead of type() * if possible. * * \return The file or directory type. */ uint8_t type(void) const {return type_;} uint8_t truncate(uint32_t size); /** \return Unbuffered read flag. */ uint8_t unbufferedRead(void) const { return flags_ & F_FILE_UNBUFFERED_READ; } /** \return SdVolume that contains this file. */ SdVolume* volume(void) const {return vol_;} size_t write(uint8_t b); size_t write(const void* buf, uint16_t nbyte); size_t write(const char* str); void write_P(PGM_P str); void writeln_P(PGM_P str); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS // Deprecated functions - suppress cpplint warnings with NOLINT comment /** \deprecated Use: * uint8_t SdFile::contiguousRange(uint32_t* bgnBlock, uint32_t* endBlock); */ uint8_t contiguousRange(uint32_t& bgnBlock, uint32_t& endBlock) { // NOLINT return contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock); } /** \deprecated Use: * uint8_t SdFile::createContiguous(SdFile* dirFile, * const char* fileName, uint32_t size) */ uint8_t createContiguous(SdFile& dirFile, // NOLINT const char* fileName, uint32_t size) { return createContiguous(&dirFile, fileName, size); } /** * \deprecated Use: * static void SdFile::dateTimeCallback( * void (*dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time)); */ static void dateTimeCallback( void (*dateTime)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time)) { // NOLINT oldDateTime_ = dateTime; dateTime_ = dateTime ? oldToNew : 0; } /** \deprecated Use: uint8_t SdFile::dirEntry(dir_t* dir); */ uint8_t dirEntry(dir_t& dir) {return dirEntry(&dir);} // NOLINT /** \deprecated Use: * uint8_t SdFile::makeDir(SdFile* dir, const char* dirName); */ uint8_t makeDir(SdFile& dir, const char* dirName) { // NOLINT return makeDir(&dir, dirName); } /** \deprecated Use: * uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag); */ uint8_t open(SdFile& dirFile, // NOLINT const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag) { return open(&dirFile, fileName, oflag); } /** \deprecated Do not use in new apps */ uint8_t open(SdFile& dirFile, const char* fileName) { // NOLINT return open(dirFile, fileName, O_RDWR); } /** \deprecated Use: * uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag); */ uint8_t open(SdFile& dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag) { // NOLINT return open(&dirFile, index, oflag); } /** \deprecated Use: uint8_t SdFile::openRoot(SdVolume* vol); */ uint8_t openRoot(SdVolume& vol) {return openRoot(&vol);} // NOLINT /** \deprecated Use: int8_t SdFile::readDir(dir_t* dir); */ int8_t readDir(dir_t& dir) {return readDir(&dir);} // NOLINT /** \deprecated Use: * static uint8_t SdFile::remove(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName); */ static uint8_t remove(SdFile& dirFile, const char* fileName) { // NOLINT return remove(&dirFile, fileName); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // rest are private private: static void (*oldDateTime_)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time); // NOLINT static void oldToNew(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) { uint16_t d; uint16_t t; oldDateTime_(d, t); *date = d; *time = t; } #endif // ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS private: // bits defined in flags_ // should be 0XF static uint8_t const F_OFLAG = (O_ACCMODE | O_APPEND | O_SYNC); // available bits static uint8_t const F_UNUSED = 0X30; // use unbuffered SD read static uint8_t const F_FILE_UNBUFFERED_READ = 0X40; // sync of directory entry required static uint8_t const F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY = 0X80; // make sure F_OFLAG is ok #if ((F_UNUSED | F_FILE_UNBUFFERED_READ | F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY) & F_OFLAG) #error flags_ bits conflict #endif // flags_ bits // private data uint8_t flags_; // See above for definition of flags_ bits uint8_t type_; // type of file see above for values uint32_t curCluster_; // cluster for current file position uint32_t curPosition_; // current file position in bytes from beginning uint32_t dirBlock_; // SD block that contains directory entry for file uint8_t dirIndex_; // index of entry in dirBlock 0 <= dirIndex_ <= 0XF uint32_t fileSize_; // file size in bytes uint32_t firstCluster_; // first cluster of file SdVolume* vol_; // volume where file is located // private functions uint8_t addCluster(void); uint8_t addDirCluster(void); dir_t* cacheDirEntry(uint8_t action); static void (*dateTime_)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time); static uint8_t make83Name(const char* str, uint8_t* name); uint8_t openCachedEntry(uint8_t cacheIndex, uint8_t oflags); dir_t* readDirCache(void); }; //============================================================================== // SdVolume class /** * \brief Cache for an SD data block */ union cache_t { /** Used to access cached file data blocks. */ uint8_t data[512]; /** Used to access cached FAT16 entries. */ uint16_t fat16[256]; /** Used to access cached FAT32 entries. */ uint32_t fat32[128]; /** Used to access cached directory entries. */ dir_t dir[16]; /** Used to access a cached MasterBoot Record. */ mbr_t mbr; /** Used to access to a cached FAT boot sector. */ fbs_t fbs; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * \class SdVolume * \brief Access FAT16 and FAT32 volumes on SD and SDHC cards. */ class SdVolume { public: /** Create an instance of SdVolume */ SdVolume(void) :allocSearchStart_(2), fatType_(0) {} /** Clear the cache and returns a pointer to the cache. Used by the WaveRP * recorder to do raw write to the SD card. Not for normal apps. */ static uint8_t* cacheClear(void) { cacheFlush(); cacheBlockNumber_ = 0XFFFFFFFF; return cacheBuffer_.data; } /** * Initialize a FAT volume. Try partition one first then try super * floppy format. * * \param[in] dev The Sd2Card where the volume is located. * * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and * the value zero, false, is returned for failure. Reasons for * failure include not finding a valid partition, not finding a valid * FAT file system or an I/O error. */ uint8_t init(Sd2Card* dev) { return init(dev, 1) ? true : init(dev, 0);} uint8_t init(Sd2Card* dev, uint8_t part); // inline functions that return volume info /** \return The volume's cluster size in blocks. */ uint8_t blocksPerCluster(void) const {return blocksPerCluster_;} /** \return The number of blocks in one FAT. */ uint32_t blocksPerFat(void) const {return blocksPerFat_;} /** \return The total number of clusters in the volume. */ uint32_t clusterCount(void) const {return clusterCount_;} /** \return The shift count required to multiply by blocksPerCluster. */ uint8_t clusterSizeShift(void) const {return clusterSizeShift_;} /** \return The logical block number for the start of file data. */ uint32_t dataStartBlock(void) const {return dataStartBlock_;} /** \return The number of FAT structures on the volume. */ uint8_t fatCount(void) const {return fatCount_;} /** \return The logical block number for the start of the first FAT. */ uint32_t fatStartBlock(void) const {return fatStartBlock_;} /** \return The FAT type of the volume. Values are 12, 16 or 32. */ uint8_t fatType(void) const {return fatType_;} /** \return The number of entries in the root directory for FAT16 volumes. */ uint32_t rootDirEntryCount(void) const {return rootDirEntryCount_;} /** \return The logical block number for the start of the root directory on FAT16 volumes or the first cluster number on FAT32 volumes. */ uint32_t rootDirStart(void) const {return rootDirStart_;} /** return a pointer to the Sd2Card object for this volume */ static Sd2Card* sdCard(void) {return sdCard_;} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS // Deprecated functions - suppress cpplint warnings with NOLINT comment /** \deprecated Use: uint8_t SdVolume::init(Sd2Card* dev); */ uint8_t init(Sd2Card& dev) {return init(&dev);} // NOLINT /** \deprecated Use: uint8_t SdVolume::init(Sd2Card* dev, uint8_t vol); */ uint8_t init(Sd2Card& dev, uint8_t part) { // NOLINT return init(&dev, part); } #endif // ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: // Allow SdFile access to SdVolume private data. friend class SdFile; // value for action argument in cacheRawBlock to indicate read from cache static uint8_t const CACHE_FOR_READ = 0; // value for action argument in cacheRawBlock to indicate cache dirty static uint8_t const CACHE_FOR_WRITE = 1; static cache_t cacheBuffer_; // 512 byte cache for device blocks static uint32_t cacheBlockNumber_; // Logical number of block in the cache static Sd2Card* sdCard_; // Sd2Card object for cache static uint8_t cacheDirty_; // cacheFlush() will write block if true static uint32_t cacheMirrorBlock_; // block number for mirror FAT // uint32_t allocSearchStart_; // start cluster for alloc search uint8_t blocksPerCluster_; // cluster size in blocks uint32_t blocksPerFat_; // FAT size in blocks uint32_t clusterCount_; // clusters in one FAT uint8_t clusterSizeShift_; // shift to convert cluster count to block count uint32_t dataStartBlock_; // first data block number uint8_t fatCount_; // number of FATs on volume uint32_t fatStartBlock_; // start block for first FAT uint8_t fatType_; // volume type (12, 16, OR 32) uint16_t rootDirEntryCount_; // number of entries in FAT16 root dir uint32_t rootDirStart_; // root start block for FAT16, cluster for FAT32 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint8_t allocContiguous(uint32_t count, uint32_t* curCluster); uint8_t blockOfCluster(uint32_t position) const { return (position >> 9) & (blocksPerCluster_ - 1);} uint32_t clusterStartBlock(uint32_t cluster) const { return dataStartBlock_ + ((cluster - 2) << clusterSizeShift_);} uint32_t blockNumber(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t position) const { return clusterStartBlock(cluster) + blockOfCluster(position);} static uint8_t cacheFlush(void); static uint8_t cacheRawBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t action); static void cacheSetDirty(void) {cacheDirty_ |= CACHE_FOR_WRITE;} static uint8_t cacheZeroBlock(uint32_t blockNumber); uint8_t chainSize(uint32_t beginCluster, uint32_t* size) const; uint8_t fatGet(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t* value) const; uint8_t fatPut(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t value); uint8_t fatPutEOC(uint32_t cluster) { return fatPut(cluster, 0x0FFFFFFF); } uint8_t freeChain(uint32_t cluster); uint8_t isEOC(uint32_t cluster) const { return cluster >= (fatType_ == 16 ? FAT16EOC_MIN : FAT32EOC_MIN); } uint8_t readBlock(uint32_t block, uint8_t* dst) { return sdCard_->readBlock(block, dst);} uint8_t readData(uint32_t block, uint16_t offset, uint16_t count, uint8_t* dst) { return sdCard_->readData(block, offset, count, dst); } uint8_t writeBlock(uint32_t block, const uint8_t* dst) { return sdCard_->writeBlock(block, dst); } }; #endif // SdFat_h