#include <avr/pgmspace.h> //an advanced trick for storing strings inside the program space //as the ram of Arduino is very tiny, keeping too many string in it //can kill the program prog_char hello_user_script1[] PROGMEM="What's your name?"; prog_char hello_user_script2[] PROGMEM="Give me a name!"; prog_char hello_user_script3[] PROGMEM="And the country?"; prog_char hello_user_script4[] PROGMEM="The city you're in?"; prog_char hello_user_script5[] PROGMEM=" Plug me to\n\n your computer\n\n and start coding!"; prog_char hello_user_script6[] PROGMEM=" Hello User!\n\n It's me, your robot\n\n I'm alive! <3"; prog_char hello_user_script7[] PROGMEM=" First I need some\n\n input from you!"; prog_char hello_user_script8[] PROGMEM=" Use the knob\n\n to select letters"; prog_char hello_user_script9[] PROGMEM=" Use L/R button\n\n to move the cursor,\n\n middle to confirm"; prog_char hello_user_script10[] PROGMEM=" Press middle key\n to continue..."; prog_char hello_user_script11[] PROGMEM=" Choose \"enter\" to\n\n finish the input"; PROGMEM const char *scripts_Hello_User[]={ hello_user_script1, hello_user_script2, hello_user_script3, hello_user_script4, hello_user_script5, hello_user_script6, hello_user_script7, hello_user_script8, hello_user_script9, hello_user_script10, hello_user_script11, }; /* void getPGMtext(int seq){ //It takes a string from program space, and fill it //in the buffer strcpy_P(buffer,(char*)pgm_read_word(&(scripts[seq]))); } void writeScript(int seq, int line, int col){ //print a string from program space to a specific line, //column on the LCD //first fill the buffer with text from program space getPGMtext(seq); //then print it to the screen textManager.writeText(line,col,buffer); } */