/* Keyboard Test Check how the robot's keyboard works. This example sends the data about the key pressed through the serial port. All the buttons on the Control Board are tied up to a single analog input pin, in this way it is possible to multiplex a whole series of buttons on one single pin. It is possible to recalibrate the thresholds of the buttons using the Robot.keyboardCalibrate() function, that takes a 5 ints long array as parameter Circuit: * Arduino Robot created 1 May 2013 by X. Yang modified 12 May 2013 by D. Cuartielles This example is in the public domain */ #include <ArduinoRobot.h> void setup() { // initialize the serial port Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // print out the keyboard readings Serial.println(Robot.keyboardRead()); delay(100); }