 LCD Write Text
 Use the Robot's library function text() to
 print out text to the robot's screen. Take
 into account that you need to erase the
 information before continuing writing.
 * Arduino Robot
 created 1 May 2013
 by X. Yang
 modified 12 May 2013
 by D. Cuartielles
 This example is in the public domain

#include <ArduinoRobot.h>

void setup() {
  // initialize the robot

  // initialize the screen
void loop() {
  Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);              // choose the color black
  Robot.text("Hello World", 0, 0);  // print the text
  Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);        // choose the color white
  Robot.text("Hello World", 0, 0);  // writing text in the same color as the BG erases the text!
  Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0);              // choose the color black
  Robot.text("I am a robot", 0, 0); // print the text
  Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255);         // choose the color black
  Robot.text("I am a robot", 0, 0);  // print the text