/*** EEPROM Update method Stores values read from analog input 0 into the EEPROM. These values will stay in the EEPROM when the board is turned off and may be retrieved later by another sketch. If a value has not changed in the EEPROM, it is not overwritten which would reduce the life span of the EEPROM unnecessarily. Released using MIT licence. ***/ #include <EEPROM.h> /** the current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte we're going to write to next) **/ int address = 0; void setup(){ /** EMpty setup **/ } void loop() { /*** need to divide by 4 because analog inputs range from 0 to 1023 and each byte of the EEPROM can only hold a value from 0 to 255. ***/ int val = analogRead(0) / 4; /*** Update the particular EEPROM cell. these values will remain there when the board is turned off. ***/ EEPROM.update(address, val); /*** The function EEPROM.update(address, val) is equivalent to the following: if( EEPROM.read(address) != val ){ EEPROM.write(address, val); } ***/ /*** Advance to the next address, when at the end restart at the beginning. Larger AVR processors have larger EEPROM sizes, E.g: - Arduno Duemilanove: 512b EEPROM storage. - Arduino Uno: 1kb EEPROM storage. - Arduino Mega: 4kb EEPROM storage. Rather than hard-coding the length, you should use the pre-provided length function. This will make your code portable to all AVR processors. ***/ address = address + 1; if(address == EEPROM.length()) address = 0; /*** As the EEPROM sizes are powers of two, wrapping (preventing overflow) of an EEPROM address is also doable by a bitwise and of the length - 1. ++address &= EEPROM.length() - 1; ***/ delay(100); }