/* Temperature web interface This example shows how to serve data from an analog input via the Arduino Yún's built-in webserver using the Bridge library. The circuit: * TMP36 temperature sensor on analog pin A1 * SD card attached to SD card slot of the Arduino Yún Prepare your SD card with an empty folder in the SD root named "arduino" and a subfolder of that named "www". This will ensure that the Yún will create a link to the SD to the "/mnt/sd" path. In this sketch folder is a basic webpage and a copy of zepto.js, a minimized version of jQuery. When you upload your sketch, these files will be placed in the /arduino/www/TemperatureWebPanel folder on your SD card. You can then go to http://arduino.local/sd/TemperatureWebPanel to see the output of this sketch. You can remove the SD card while the Linux and the sketch are running but be careful not to remove it while the system is writing to it. created 6 July 2013 by Tom Igoe This example code is in the public domain. */ #include <Bridge.h> #include <YunServer.h> // Listen on default port 5555, the webserver on the Yun // will forward there all the HTTP requests for us. YunServer server; String startString; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Bridge startup pinMode(13,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, LOW); Bridge.begin(); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // using A0 and A2 as vcc and gnd for the TMP36 sensor: pinMode(A0, OUTPUT); pinMode(A2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A0, HIGH); digitalWrite(A2, LOW); // Listen for incoming connection only from localhost // (no one from the external network could connect) server.listenOnLocalhost(); server.begin(); // get the time that this sketch started: Process startTime; startTime.runShellCommand("date"); while(startTime.available()) { char c = startTime.read(); startString += c; } } void loop() { // Get clients coming from server YunClient client = server.accept(); // There is a new client? if (client) { // read the command String command = client.readString(); command.trim(); //kill whitespace Serial.println(command); // is "temperature" command? if (command == "temperature") { // get the time from the server: Process time; time.runShellCommand("date"); String timeString = ""; while(time.available()) { char c = time.read(); timeString += c; } Serial.println(timeString); int sensorValue = analogRead(A1); // convert the reading to millivolts: float voltage = sensorValue * (5000/ 1024); // convert the millivolts to temperature celsius: float temperature = (voltage - 500)/10; // print the temperature: client.print("Current time on the Yún: "); client.println(timeString); client.print("<br>Current temperature: "); client.print(temperature); client.print(" degrees C"); client.print("<br>This sketch has been running since "); client.print(startString); } // Close connection and free resources. client.stop(); } delay(50); // Poll every 50ms }