/* SendATweet Demonstrates sending a tweet via a Twitter account using the Temboo Arduino Yun SDK. Check out the latest Arduino & Temboo examples and support docs at http://www.temboo.com/arduino A Temboo account and application key are necessary to run all Temboo examples. If you don't already have one, you can register for a free Temboo account at http://www.temboo.com In order to run this sketch, you'll need to register an application using the Twitter dev console at https://dev.twitter.com. After creating the app, you'll find OAuth credentials for that application under the "OAuth Tool" tab. Substitute these values for the placeholders below. This example assumes basic familiarity with Arduino sketches, and that your Yun is connected to the Internet. Looking for social APIs? We've got Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr and more. This example code is in the public domain. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TembooAccount.h" // contains Temboo account information // as described in the footer comment below /*** SUBSTITUTE YOUR VALUES BELOW: ***/ const String TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN = "your-twitter-access-token"; const String TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "your-twitter-access-token-secret"; const String TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = "your-twitter-consumer-key"; const String TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = "your-twitter-consumer-secret"; int numRuns = 1; // execution count, so this sketch doesn't run forever int maxRuns = 10; // the max number of times the Twitter HomeTimeline Choreo should run void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // for debugging, wait until a serial console is connected delay(4000); while(!Serial); Bridge.begin(); } void loop() { // only try to send the tweet if we haven't already sent it successfully if (numRuns <= maxRuns) { Serial.println("Running SendATweet - Run #" + String(numRuns++) + "..."); // we need a Process object to send a Choreo request to Temboo Process StatusesUpdateChoreo; // invoke the Temboo client StatusesUpdateChoreo.begin("temboo"); // set Temboo account credentials StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-a"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter(TEMBOO_ACCOUNT); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-u"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter(TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-p"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter(TEMBOO_APP_KEY); // identify the Temboo Library choreo to run (Twitter > Tweets > StatusesUpdate) StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-c"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("/Library/Twitter/Tweets/StatusesUpdate"); // set the required choreo inputs // see https://www.temboo.com/library/Library/Twitter/Tweets/StatusesUpdate/ // for complete details about the inputs for this Choreo // add the Twitter account information StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-i"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("AccessToken:" + TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-i"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("AccessTokenSecret:" + TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-i"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("ConsumerSecret:" + TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-i"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("ConsumerKey:" + TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY); String tweet("My Arduino Yun has been running for " + String(millis()) + " milliseconds."); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("-i"); StatusesUpdateChoreo.addParameter("StatusUpdate:" + tweet); // tell the Process to run and wait for the results. The // return code (rc) will tell us whether the Temboo client // was able to send our request to the Temboo servers unsigned int rc = StatusesUpdateChoreo.run(); // a return code of zero (0) means everything worked if (rc == 0) { Serial.println("Success! Tweet sent!"); } else { // a non-zero return code means there was an error // read and print the error message while (StatusesUpdateChoreo.available()) { Serial.print((char)StatusesUpdateChoreo.read()); } } StatusesUpdateChoreo.close(); // do nothing for the next 90 seconds Serial.println("Sleeping..."); delay(90000); } } /* IMPORTANT NOTE: TembooAccount.h: TembooAccount.h is a file referenced by this sketch that contains your Temboo account information. You need to create this file. To do so, make a new tab in Arduino, call it TembooAccount.h, and include the following variables and constants: #define TEMBOO_ACCOUNT "myTembooAccountName" // your Temboo account name #define TEMBOO_APP_KEY_NAME "myFirstApp" // your Temboo app key name #define TEMBOO_APP_KEY "xxx-xxx-xxx-xx-xxx" // your Temboo app key The same TembooAccount.h file settings can be used for all Temboo SDK sketches. You can find your Temboo App Key information on the Temboo website, under My Account > Application Keys Keeping your account information in a separate file means you can save it once, then just distribute the main .ino file without worrying that you forgot to delete your credentials. */