/* Yahoo Weather Forecast parser http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ This sketch demonstrate how to use the Linux command line tools to parse a simple XML file on the Arduino Yún. First thing download the XML file from the Yahoo Weather service than use "grep" and "cut" to extract the data you want. To find the location ID of your location, browse or search for your city from the Weather home page. The location ID is in the URL for the forecast page for that city. created 21 Jun 2013 by Federico Vanzati */ #include <Bridge.h> String locationID = "725003"; // Turin, Italy // table with keywords to search in the XML file // the third column is the tag to the field String forecast[10][3] = { "location", "2", "city", "condition", "6", "temperature", "condition", "2", "condition", "astronomy", "2", "sunrise", "astronomy", "4", "sunset", "atmosphere", "2", "humidity", "atmosphere", "6", "pressure", "wind", "6", "wind speed", "wind", "4", "wind direction", "wind", "2", "chill temperature" }; void setup() { Bridge.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); Serial.println("Weather Forecast for your location: \n"); } void loop() { for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { // Compose the request // curl is a program that connect to an URL an download the content // is used to get the weather forecast from yahoo in XML format String command = "curl -s "; // -s is the silent option command += "http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss"; // yahoo weather RSS service command += "?w="; // query for the location command += locationID; //command += "\\&u=c"; // ask for celsius degrees // add a new process // grep is used to extract a single line of content containig a search keyword form the XML command += " | "; // pipe a new process command += "grep "; command += forecast[i][0]; // word to search in the XML file // add a new process // cut is a program that split a text in different fields // when encouter the passed character delimiter command += " | "; // pipe a new process command += "cut "; command += "-d \\\" "; // -d parameter split the string every " char command += "-f "; // -f parameter is to return the 6th splitted element command += forecast[i][1]; // the field are already manually calculated and inserted in the forecast table Serial.print(forecast[i][2]); Serial.print("= "); // run the command Process wf; wf.runShellCommand(command); while(wf.available()>0) { Serial.print( (char)wf.read() ); } } //do nothing forevermore while(1); }