/* Console.read() example: read data coming from bridge using the Console.read() function and store it in a string. created 13 Jun 2013 by Angelo Scialabba This example code is in the public domain. */ #include <Console.h> String name; int current_char; void setup() { //Initialize Console and wait for port to open: Bridge.begin(); Console.begin(); while (!Console) { ; // wait for Console port to connect. } Console.println("Hi, who are you?"); } void loop() { current_char = Console.read(); //read the next char received //look for the newline character, this is the last character in the string if (current_char == '\n') { //print text with the name received Console.print("Hi "); Console.print(name); Console.println("! Nice to meet you!"); Console.println(); //Ask again for name and clear the old name Console.println("Hi, who are you?"); name = ""; } else if (current_char != -1) { //if the buffer is empty Cosole.read returns -1 name = name + (char)current_char; //current_char is int, treat him as char and add it to the name string } }