/* Arduino Yun Boot watcher Allows you to use the Yun's 32U4 processor as a serial terminal for the linino processor Upload this to an Arduino Yun via serial (not WiFi) then open the serial monitor at 115200 to see the boot process of the linino processor. You can also use the serial monitor as a basic command line interface for the linino processor using this sketch. The circuit: * Arduino Yun created March 2013 by Massimo Banzi modified 26 May 2013 by Tom Igoe This example code is in the public domain. */ long baud = 115200; // Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards. // give it a name: int led = 13; int ledState = HIGH; // whether the LED is high or low String bootString = ""; int bootLineCount = 0; boolean booting = true; void setup() { Serial.begin(baud); // open serial connection to Linino Serial1.begin(baud); // open serial connection via USB-Serial // initialize the digital pin as an output. pinMode(led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led, ledState); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) while(booting) { listenForBoot(); } delay(500); } void loop() { // After booting, become a serial terminal: if (Serial.available()) { // got anything from USB-Serial? char c = (char)Serial.read(); // read from USB-serial Serial1.write(c); // write to Linino ledState=!ledState; // invert LED state digitalWrite(led, ledState); // toggle the LED } if (Serial1.available()) { // got anything from Linino? char c = (char)Serial1.read(); // read from Linino Serial.write(c); // write to USB-serial } } void listenForBoot() { char c; if (Serial1.available()) { // got anything from Linino? c = (char)Serial1.read(); // read from Linino if (c == '\n') { // clear the bootString every newline bootLineCount++; // increment the boot line counter Serial.println(bootLineCount); // print the count bootString = ""; // clear the boot string } else { // anything other than newline, add to string bootString += c; } } // look for the final boot string message: if (bootString.endsWith("entered forwarding state")) { Serial1.println(); } // look for the command prompt: if (bootString.endsWith(":/#")) { Serial.println("Ready for action."); booting = false; } }