/* Stream.h - base class for character-based streams. Copyright (c) 2010 David A. Mellis. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA parsing functions based on TextFinder library by Michael Margolis */ #ifndef Stream_h #define Stream_h #include <inttypes.h> #include "Print.h" // compatability macros for testing /* #define getInt() parseInt() #define getInt(ignore) parseInt(ignore) #define getFloat() parseFloat() #define getFloat(ignore) parseFloat(ignore) #define getString( pre_string, post_string, buffer, length) readBytesBetween( pre_string, terminator, buffer, length) */ // This enumeration provides the lookahead options for parseInt(), parseFloat() // The rules set out here are used until either the first valid character is found // or a time out occurs due to lack of input. enum LookaheadMode{ SKIP_ALL, // All invalid characters are ignored. SKIP_NONE, // Nothing is skipped, and the stream is not touched unless the first waiting character is valid. SKIP_WHITESPACE // Only tabs, spaces, line feeds & carriage returns are skipped. }; #define NO_IGNORE_CHAR '\x01' // a char not found in a valid ASCII numeric field class Stream : public Print { protected: unsigned long _timeout; // number of milliseconds to wait for the next char before aborting timed read unsigned long _startMillis; // used for timeout measurement int timedRead(); // read stream with timeout int timedPeek(); // peek stream with timeout int peekNextDigit(LookaheadMode lookahead, bool detectDecimal); // returns the next numeric digit in the stream or -1 if timeout public: virtual int available() = 0; virtual int read() = 0; virtual int peek() = 0; Stream() {_timeout=1000;} // parsing methods void setTimeout(unsigned long timeout); // sets maximum milliseconds to wait for stream data, default is 1 second unsigned long getTimeout(void) { return _timeout; } bool find(char *target); // reads data from the stream until the target string is found bool find(uint8_t *target) { return find ((char *)target); } // returns true if target string is found, false if timed out (see setTimeout) bool find(char *target, size_t length); // reads data from the stream until the target string of given length is found bool find(uint8_t *target, size_t length) { return find ((char *)target, length); } // returns true if target string is found, false if timed out bool find(char target) { return find (&target, 1); } bool findUntil(char *target, char *terminator); // as find but search ends if the terminator string is found bool findUntil(uint8_t *target, char *terminator) { return findUntil((char *)target, terminator); } bool findUntil(char *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen); // as above but search ends if the terminate string is found bool findUntil(uint8_t *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen) {return findUntil((char *)target, targetLen, terminate, termLen); } long parseInt(LookaheadMode lookahead = SKIP_ALL, char ignore = NO_IGNORE_CHAR); // returns the first valid (long) integer value from the current position. // lookahead determines how parseInt looks ahead in the stream. // See LookaheadMode enumeration at the top of the file. // Lookahead is terminated by the first character that is not a valid part of an integer. // Once parsing commences, 'ignore' will be skipped in the stream. float parseFloat(LookaheadMode lookahead = SKIP_ALL, char ignore = NO_IGNORE_CHAR); // float version of parseInt size_t readBytes( char *buffer, size_t length); // read chars from stream into buffer size_t readBytes( uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) { return readBytes((char *)buffer, length); } // terminates if length characters have been read or timeout (see setTimeout) // returns the number of characters placed in the buffer (0 means no valid data found) size_t readBytesUntil( char terminator, char *buffer, size_t length); // as readBytes with terminator character size_t readBytesUntil( char terminator, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) { return readBytesUntil(terminator, (char *)buffer, length); } // terminates if length characters have been read, timeout, or if the terminator character detected // returns the number of characters placed in the buffer (0 means no valid data found) // Arduino String functions to be added here String readString(); String readStringUntil(char terminator); protected: long parseInt(char ignore) { return parseInt(SKIP_ALL, ignore); } float parseFloat(char ignore) { return parseFloat(SKIP_ALL, ignore); } // These overload exists for compatibility with any class that has derived // Stream and used parseFloat/Int with a custom ignore character. To keep // the public API simple, these overload remains protected. struct MultiTarget { const char *str; // string you're searching for size_t len; // length of string you're searching for size_t index; // index used by the search routine. }; // This allows you to search for an arbitrary number of strings. // Returns index of the target that is found first or -1 if timeout occurs. int findMulti(struct MultiTarget *targets, int tCount); }; #undef NO_IGNORE_CHAR #endif